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Everything posted by lee1hy

  1. i will upload next weeks, it was stopped for f15
  2. https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3333176/
  3. Cool !!! send me !!
  4. You can think that all DCS projects do not exist until you pre-order.
  5. lee1hy


  6. I will fix it in the next version
  7. https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3332630/
  8. I am reducing the rivet size now
  9. 1. The detail of the intake ring is very interesting it is not even in the official textures I will add this 2. Font will be fix !!! 3. color part is later. 4. engine nozzle is not enough picture resolution, need a bigger resolution
  10. https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3332560/ If there is any error please report to me
  11. Awaiting approval becuase ED inspect the Nazi emblem ED userfiles are manually checked by real humans,They are not working on weekends This MIRAGE F1 is crazy Normal map and ROUGHMET are all made in 8K ridiculous My phothop is keep fuking crash ( i have 64gb but keep crashing)
  12. I will upload the French version this weekend Cool Picture !!! If the left side is the same tail, the N642AX will also be uploaded. A total of 3 Mirages
  13. lee1hy


    WIP SOON camo from real vmfa pics
  14. This is a very easy livery WIP soon Adding more details now and number chnage Supports dynamic numbers https://www.dvidshub.net/news/82430/f-15e-reaches-10000-flying-hour-milestone
  15. https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3332358/ check user file !!
  16. There are 3 types and 4 types of nose number decals Among 3 digit and 4 digit, there is a decal texture in which the first number does not match. Number position is different in decal texture Even the official livery has skins with incorrect nose numbers.
  17. I am looking for a unit patch right now. I will upload it as soon as the unit is confirmed.
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