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Everything posted by John5

  1. Except at the moment the update occurs. The update delay is entirely irrelevant to the point. I don't know how it should behave IRL, but when the HMD is aligned properly in DCS, at the moment the update occurs, the positions are correct. You can clearly see from the video they are not. If I were to take off and have a target locked the HMD would be positioned well above where it should be relative to the target. Same could be demonstrated by an A/G designation. If I knew how to reliably reproduce the bug I'd test it.
  2. Yeaa I'm dumb just tested this again and I must've been ghosting the cage/uncage. Been flying the hornet since release and never thought to play with the cage/uncage AMRAAM behavior. Thread can be closed. But to answer your question, because I forgot to do it on the ground when I first discovered this behavior and this was just recorded as a demonstration.
  3. Except if you watch the video I realign the HMD again after the INS is set to IFA to the same result. Regardless, I do not anticipate this is expected behavior. I do realize the update frequency of SA data. However, in DCS, when it updates it should be accurately placed at the update interval, which you can clearly see from the video it is not. Designating an A/G target would produce the same result. I cannot reliably reproduce this bug - it seems to happen randomly but I haven't yet dedicated time to try to reproduce it. If you compare this video to a normal HMD alignment, the same "jump" occurs, but with a correctly functioning alignment it jumps down and then back to the original location. When this bug occurs, it does not first jump down and simply jumps up and out of alignment (but then can't be corrected).
  4. Video of bug. HMD alignment will "jump" up when aligning, causing the alignment to be incorrect even if fine alignment is used to correct the error. Random occurrence, cannot reliably reproduce. Reslotting does not fix the issue. In the video, even though the cross was spot on after aligning and doing fine alignment, the alignment is evidently incorrect. I'm using TrackIR 5. Unable to provide track file due to file size.
  5. Video of bug. Summary: Aligning the HMD while AMRAAM is selected and L&S in TWS causes AMRAAM to no longer show LAR symbology. Sparrow and sidewinder are not affected. Steps to reproduce: 1. Select AMRAAM (AIM120B used here - unsure if applies to 120C) 2. Lock L&S target in TWS (unsure if this step necessary, or if bug reproduced in other radar modes) 3. Align HMD AMRAAM will no longer show LAR symbology in the HUD or B-scope. This cannot be undone by power cycling the radar, cycling weapons, cycling master mode or master arm. Cannot attach .track file due to file size but this was repeated multiple times on the PVP 90's contention server.
  6. Video of bug. Summary: Aligning the HMD while AMRAAM is selected and L&S in TWS causes AMRAAM to no longer show LAR symbology. Sparrow and sidewinder are not affected. Steps to reproduce: 1. Select AMRAAM (AIM120B used here - unsure if applies to 120C) 2. Lock L&S target in TWS (unsure if this step necessary, or if bug reproduced in other radar modes) 3. Align HMD AMRAAM will no longer show LAR symbology in the HUD or B-scope. This cannot be undone by power cycling the radar, cycling weapons, cycling master mode or master arm. Cannot attach .track file due to file size but this was repeated multiple times on the PVP 90's contention server.
  7. I would really prefer this wasn't added to IC check until the dots are made more visible on higher resolution monitors. Its clear from NineLine's poll and community feedback that the current dots are not sufficient on higher resolution monitors.
  8. Only left side pylons are jettisoned using the emergency jett. To reproduce: load up 10 amraams, hit emergency jett. Only left side rails come off. Track files are too large to upload.
  9. Hello all, I searched for a similar threat to no avail so if there's already one please point me in the right direction. I was just wondering if there is a way (or existing mod) to make the F10 map center on aircraft other than yourself. This would be very helpful for making CGI calls. If not, would a lua wizard be willing to see how hard that would be to do? Thanks. -John
  10. Oh my god. I am an idiot. Thanks. :megalol: Still would be great if there was a way to set default...
  11. @Edlur, that would make more sense, but Matt specifically said the "SET function" was added. I still don't know what this is or if it was actually implemented or how to use it. Saving radar settings between switching weapons (or at least letting you set default preferences) would win me a lot of fights...
  12. Any update on this? I cannot find anything with SET and its almost June...I'd assume the internal build would have been pushed along by now.
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