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About Gianlc

  • Birthday 09/21/1990

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  • Flight Simulators
    Falcon BMS
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  1. I know, but I’ve seen them deployed a few times, that’s why I wanted to know the parameters and criteria for using them.
  2. I understand that, but The F-5 doesn’t have as much power as the F-18 for example. I know that using SB on final in the T-38 is forbidden, because of the power restriction, I wanted to know if there is some kind of criteria for using SB or not, something like config, temperature, weight. Also if there is some kind of correction on the final approach speed calculation considering when they are deployed. I know that will keep the RPM higher, but the F-5 approaches deep inside the reverse command area, don’t know about other jets. Thanks for the help so far.
  3. I don’t think that is that simple. First of all, you don’t go idle on final approach with jet engines. Second, the SB will change flight characteristics and will have impact on AOA and scheduled speed. I wanted to know the real procedures, not just plain out guessing.
  4. I haven’t found anything on the F-5 flight manual about approach and landing with speed brakes open, but have seen a few photos of real Navy F-5 approaching with them down. Anyone knows if it’s a normal procedure, and when do they do this? Thanks!
  5. What is the logic that the missile uses on pitbull to choose a contact? If you shoot and don’t maintain Rdr lock until pitbull and don’t have the target on DL, what will tell the missile which contact it should lock on to? How will it choose it’s target?
  6. Maybe a stupid question, but, is this a consistent bug? Could it be the bandit using Chaff? The first two videos look like the radar is locking chaffs. Don't know if DCS correctly simulates this.
  7. https://drive.google.com/file/d/11tiMTmTTid1aJ_o9RHSK8qabvhnSbmE-/view?usp=sharing This is the video of the Bug. You can see it at 00:40 at the Chaff page. The cursor was in SQ but editing BI.
  8. There is a bug, when you cycle the CMDS page and change between progs. It happens to me when I do the following: Open CMDS. Cycle to Chaff page, change SQ. Cycle to Flares page, change SQ then BQ, rocker up to Prog 2, change BQ then SQ. Cycle to Bingo page. The cursor will be at Chaff, but will appear to be at “01” until you move it or make an input via ufcp.
  9. This also happens with me randomly. It’s almost like the wheels sound bug and don’t stop when you take off. The faster you go, louder it gets.
  10. I'm having the same issue. Had to reinstall the Module and exclude this file from the real time scanning.
  11. Found out that my Anti-virus is removing the F14-HeatblurCommon.dll file
  12. Tried to play yesterday and had the same error showing in the integrity check. Does anyone know what it could be?
  13. Reinstalled the module and it worked again. Thanks for the help!
  14. Actually tried playing MP now, and got an integrity check failure with this message: "mods/aircraft/f14/bin/f14-heatblurcommon.dll" Do I have to reinstall the module?
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