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Everything posted by BenBenBeartrax

  1. Please consider the findings in this video as well: It investigates and speculates on the effects of multithreading, heavy parallel IO and the number of cores available.
  2. I can basically confirm this, also from the Grayflag servers. Petrovic seems to find air targets quite well, on the ground it is very much hit or miss. Infantry seems to be basically impossible, ground targets are sometimes picked up fairly well, sometimes the ground unit *already engages me* with its gun and he can't lock it up. Unfortunately the Hind crewed with the AI gunner has lost much of its effectiveness. I understand that there should be a difference to George (from the AH-64), who has much better sensors, but when I as a pilot without a zoomable periscope can spot targets then Petrovic should be able to find them easily. And in particular if these units are already firing their weapons. If tracers or missile smoke is coming from a unit it should be trivial to find for the gunner, in my opinion. I really hope this mechanic get's properly adjusted. I find it to be very much overdone in its current iteration.
  3. Pleeeeeeeeeease. It would add a lot of depth to long-running, persistent campaigns.
  4. Had the same problem in the bombing training mission, this was the solution. For whatever reason the radar (although off/stdby) had the piper in DG/DM mode. Return Search reset the piper.
  5. If "IC" means some kind of installation check like Steam's "verify installation" then I assume the answer is No.
  6. I came across a patch or mod to put the AWACS and JTAC options into the KA-50. After closely looking at the files included in the little mod I made out only two lines of code that actually include the menu items. By adding them to my Huey's config I got both AWACS and JTAC to work. You need to do the following: 1. Find the file called "comm.lua" in your Huey's config. It is located inside DCS here: "\DCSWorld\Mods\aircraft\Uh-1H\comm.lua". 2. Make a copy of the file for backup. It is ok to make a copy right in the same location. 3. Open "comm.lua" with a text editor. 4. Scroll to the very bottom of the file where you find bunch of lines starting with "utils.verifyChunk(utils.loadfileIn( ...". 5. Add the following two line to the end of the file: utils.verifyChunk(utils.loadfileIn('Scripts/UI/RadioCommandDialogPanel/Config/Common/JTAC.lua', getfenv()))(9) utils.verifyChunk(utils.loadfileIn('Scripts/UI/RadioCommandDialogPanel/Config/Common/AWACS.lua', getfenv()))(10, {tanker = true, radar = true}) This will add the JTAC menu as F9 and AWACS as F10 items. 6. Save and close the file. Done. As with all other radios in the Huey you have to make sure to be on the right frequencies on the right radios to get a response. AWACS works as usual, for JTAC to show up in the menu make sure you have weapons loaded (took me a while to figure that out :lol: ). I attached a little mission to test this out. I assume this "mod" would work on all aircraft in this manner. My understanding is that the two lines of code simply chain load two other config snippets that implement the JTAC and AWACS menus. Have fun! :joystick: Fast Mission AWACS Test.miz
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