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Everything posted by F4ttyRider

  1. A question about the flight model and the stick extension. I know this is pretty much a personal preferences thing, but how stick curves and saturations should be adjusted to get the most realistic stick behavier for the Hornet? Let's say you have a TM gimbal with 10cm extension and TM Hornet handle attached. With those angle limits that the gimbal have, should you use a modified curve or not. And if so, what kind of curve is recommended to use? And how about saturation settings? I'm asking this question just a stick movement, not a needed controll force, in mind.
  2. Su-30MK_SFM v2.08 Mod was the cause of my fleet disappering problem. I don't use that plane/mod in the mission. But it was installed in Mods folder. Removed it, and ships came back.
  3. In the mission editor all ships are in place, but when the mission is running, all ships are lost. Just that UH-60 flies all by himself. It doesn't matter if I choose a spawning slot for a helo on the ship or a slot on the field. No ships....
  4. Even if the spawning slot 2 is selected for the helicopter in the Mission Editor, it will spawn in slot number 1. And if there is two helos on the ship, first spawn in slot 1 and second spawn on top of the first one---> A big crash. In sp slots seems to work ok.
  5. A breakthrough!! It works, no errors. Thank you!
  6. When I tried this, I got this error message during loading the mission. DCS version is the newist Open Beta.
  7. Silicon cabin door stopppers. https://www.ebay.com/itm/224686996251?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=SggdiJVnQVu&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  8. Solved, kind of. This happens only in VR. If there is no any keyboard key binded for the re-centering vr view, the num 5 is allways active key bind for re-centering. I use the joystick button for the re-centering vr view. I have to bind some random key from the keyboard for that action. After that the num5 key is available for any other functions.
  9. After latest update (OB) my Hornet UFC binds are broken. When I push my UFC button 5 (which is binded as LCtrl+Num5) at my UFC keyboard, only thing what happen is the view get re-centered. No matter what key I try to bind for the "Recenter view", it is allways num5. Even when there's no key binded. If I bind an another key paraller with the num5, that other key won't work.
  10. Here's a couple pics of my new DIY collective. I used my old TM Cougar's handle electronics, gvl224 sensor and Micro Pro board for this.
  11. Thank you both for these answers. Habu_69: I have those schematics from Cougar World, but those don't excatly match to my Cougars wiring... Hempstead: Your answer is way out of my league... But I'm gonna still try to understand it. So,I have a problem with TG1 and TG2, how to separate those and connect individually. Now as it is, TG1 has to be pressed simultanous with TG2 to get the signal from TG2.
  12. Does anyone know what are pins in those white connectors. I'm "recycling" old Cougar system and building a collective with electronics from a donator stick.
  13. I'm trying to learn how to do script things in DCS. I wanna try to modify the single player UH-60L mission to the multiplayer version. The original mission lua isn't originally mine. The mission is a rescue mission, where one (Enfield 1) UH-60L do the pick up of group of troops behind the enemy lines. Lua file starts like this: Mission.pilot='Enfield1' MissionTroops=GROUP.FindByName("Troops") Mission.TroopCargo= CARGO_GROUP.New(Mission.Troops,"Troops","Troops",14) And so on... How can I add an another player in the mission? So the wingman, for example Enfield 2, can pick up troops instead of Enfield 1? My goal is that either one can do it, depending the situation. Can 'Mission.Pilot=' have multiple players?
  14. Here's my Youtube video about situation. Rain droplets bug in 2.9
  15. This happend today to me. Switched to SteamVR and DCS worked ok.
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