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Everything posted by HiJack

  1. That was before I fixed the last setting. I believe it works as intended now. :)
  2. I have done some changes and the server restart should work now. Restart should appear just right after the crash.
  3. Thanks for reporting. Server is up now.
  4. Added server tool to autorestart if crash. Check back if server comes up again after a couple of minutes when crashing. This may need some more testing and tweaking to work properly. :)
  5. DCS dose not have a dedicated server of the game and generally needs a powerfull cpu, a lot of memory and ssd drives to run the same as on your own desktop. It even requires a GPU on the server, try to got that for under §1044 a year. I have also hosted Counterstrike and battlefield on a lot of hosts and the situation is completely different when the game have a dedicated server and the map area is tiny. Even with a dedicated server I believe DCS will require a much more powerful server than a first person shooter as we are simulating objects on a wast area. I have asked ED for a dedicated server since 2006! Nothing. Try host a data center hosted server your own and see all the frustrations my friend. :music_whistling:
  6. This may surprise you but the majority of servers in your server browser is hosted on home networks. I just restarted the server to have it fresh for the evening. There is not enough monthly donations to pay for a data center hosted server and I’m not sponsoring one server now as I did last time. The cost last time we hosted KO was $1044 annually but KO needs e separate MySQL and webserver to host statistics, that will be additional cost.for about $120.
  7. Yes of course it is important to report all you think is a bug. There may be many reasons why things don’t get fixed but I think one huge one is game engine limitations. As you know ED is working on the new 2.5 version now so it is natural that it can take some time to sort things out.
  8. Yes, it is not optimal to run from this server but that is what is available.
  9. No, i’m Close to finish the other work so any time now. Soonish... :music_whistling:
  10. You misunderstand the reason why ko is down. Will be down a bit longer. No change what so ever to KO.
  11. WOW! Congratulations on the new position Cato. I wish you luck. Will you be creating/reworking training videos also? :)
  12. Ok, hopefully will be up tomorrow afternoon.
  13. ED is working on multicore/multithread support so I would expect you in fact will gain some frames. :music_whistling:
  14. Yes you are right, nttr is the exception as that map is for training only. So maybe we should ask for a selection of lighting all over. Towns, streets, airports and towers light settings selection in mission editor. Then ED could add all the lighting they wish and it would all be up to the mission designer to select lighting.
  15. If you fly in a NON war environement then yes the tower lighting could be a feature in the sim but in a war zone? I don’t think so. Please remember this is a combat simulator, lighting should be very restricted.
  16. Go for The 1.5 release versjon. Less frustration and low on bugs.
  17. Force enable random failures in mission options. The box should be set.
  18. Amazing improvements! Happy to be waiting for 2.5 until ED is satisfied with the product.:thumbup:
  19. To launche missile you must hold the key combination down for a fev seconds until the missile launches.
  20. Fire and flashes are there but toned down. You need a slow motion video of the blast area close up to really see all effects. I like it! :thumbup:
  21. KO campaign will be down the rest of this week.
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