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Everything posted by PB0_CEF

  1. https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/fr/files/3342900/ https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/fr/files/3342899/ https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/fr/files/3342879/
  2. Sorry I don't really understand what you want to do. With my option I press a button that opens a new profile where I can map completely different keys that can be used as long as I hold down my modifier. I use the same modifier as in DCS (button 4 on my Thrustmaster Joystick) Sequence is an other process but I'm not sure that's what you want : use a lonely button press to launch automated buttons press sequences ?
  3. Simply use a joystick button to change profile when button is pressed and make a shifted profile with the new fonctions you want and on the same button in this shifted profile assign the main profile when button released !!! Ask me if you want more details but I'm sure you can find it on this forum
  4. I think it's really better to use DCE_Manager rather than any other bat files. DCE_Manager adjusts automatically the campaign's paths and uses the last updated scriptmod files to generate the first mission and if necessary the next one (generally I generate the next mission in the dos window tight after the last flight mission in solo)
  5. What is the global state of those bases on the general target listing ? Example : You used the DCE_Manager to generate this second mission ?
  6. Generally speaking range parameters are not always optimized for each module. It's sometime really limiting the missions generations and air refuelling is not included... If you experiment and optimize yourself some module for one or all campaign you can post it here : we will study it and maybe include it later
  7. I'm afraid you will have to modify this file : x:\Users\username\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Mods\tech\DCE\ScriptsMod.NG\UTIL_db_loadouts.lua and change each Kiowa loadout type range : Be careful : too short range may make target selection more difficult Caution this file is a core DCE file so if you accept an update in the Manager you should save the Kiowa range mission parameters somewhere to inject in this file again
  8. It seems that you downloaded the campaign on the ED file ... did you install it with the DCE_Manager on the dedicated server ?
  9. Because mission was generated with my DCE_Manager (so with my own installation path) It needs to be generated by your own DCE_Manager to adjust the good paths
  10. Nice
  11. So you can now select Start campaign and make your choices for your multiplayer flight... Miguel21 is working on an update that force a little SEAD missions in MP
  12. It seems good ! You should have those campaign in the Campaign :
  13. Hum no : use DCE_Manager to be sure : You can select "Configuration" if you want to change few campaign settings (no night missions, silence ATC, optionsview, etc...) Then select "Start Campaign" when you begin a brand new campaign. it will open the DOS windows with all the missions selection option ... At the end of the mission you should be asked if you want to generate a new mission ... you can select no if you want to wait what kind of mission you want to fly and with how many players ... then you must select "SkipMission" on DCE Manager to generate the next mission...
  14. I generated this mission with my DCE_Manager. After installing this campaign you will need to generate a mission yourself to have the good paths ! Can you show me your DCE_Manager install paths ? here is mine : null I added the "DCS_Missionscript_mod" file enabled in the DCS server not to forget it
  15. Ok it seems that your first mission is not usable so I think there's a problem with your Campaign version or installation... Can you please try to install this campaign on your dedicated server : https://we.tl/t-CktrX73DAk It's a ready to play campaign with Hornet in Crisis in PG ... the first mission is a 2 Hornet strike flight that can be easily transformed in SEAD support to an other IA Strike Flight on a Bandar e jask airbase strike ... Please look if it works for you
  16. I think you must install maps you need when you install your dedicated server !? Not sure but I think I can remember system asked me which I wanted to use .... Later you will have to install needed skins and mods too on this dedicated server ...
  17. To create a new dedicated server on the DCE manager select the Expert Mod : Then write a new name for this configuration and select dedicated server and saved games folders and select new it will create this new configuration for DCE Manager : You will then be able to select the campaign zip file and install it with the manager ... Use it to generate missions now (it's a good idea to clone the original campaign to restart with the original one )
  18. Well, I tryed to generate the same type of mission 2 Hornets in SEAD : no mission generated but it can be a problem with SEAD missions taken by an other squadron (F-16) or targets with no SAM site detected ... Instead of that you can try to take a strike mission and load Harms to protect your package if there's an other striker flight sheduled ... I often do it myself. Or try to desactivate SEAD mission for other squadrons if you really want to do all SEAD dedicated missions. When you play the FIRST campaign mission you will need to play the "Crisis in PG-Blue-FA-18C_hornet-VFA-106_first.miz" mission (I always play with a campaigns copy that I rename ) When you stop your server It will generate a Dos like window and a .txt window . This is your debriefing and the dos window will ask you if you want to keep the mission result and then generate a new mission ... After that you will select the "Crisis in PG-Blue-FA-18C_hornet-VFA-106_ongoing.miz" to play on the server and it will be always this mission file then... Ask me if this help is not sufficient and if you want a Step by step illustred example
  19. Can you please tell me which campaign you are trying to use ? I will give it a try to see what's wrong with it and may be explain how to use it in MP on dedicated server (If I'm able to do it myself ? ) oops sorry I found this information in your question
  20. Well ... it's a long internal debate between Miguel21 and me In fact I didn't want to transform DCE into a mission generator like it exists elsewhere and I was afraid that this possibility of only choosing what you want to do could harm certain campaigns that are more scripted than others like those of Cyprus or Beirut. On the other hand, it is true that the DCE system does not always offer logical missions as we would like with the classic SEAD, EWR, bases, other targets scheme and this MP type option can make it possible to compensate for these system errors if the player use correctly. Miguel21 will therefore work on this while leaving the option of following the progress of the missions chosen by DCE which sometimes (well I hope most often ) are a reflection of what the creator of the campaign wants... I don't know at all what this could cause in certain campaigns but it could perhaps unblock certain situations
  21. I will take a look at your base_mission tasksCoef was set up to try to influence the types of missions of multi-purpose aircraft, thus avoiding specializing them too much so as not to annoy players choosing these squadrons... This factor enters into the mission choice equation but only Miguel21 knows a little how. Depending on the versions of DCE I was able to observe a more or less effective influence and I admit to having sometimes neglected it a little. There would be a little updating to be done in all the OOBs I think...
  22. Well, I'm working on a NAM-like campaign on Kola ...
  23. https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/fr/files/3341095/
  24. It was a way to make difference between the old DCE campaigns not supported anymore (and surely not compatible with DCE_Manager) and the new ones which should (!?!) be compatible with it.
  25. With this campaign I tryed to follow a kind of "scenario" : OTAN tryed to suppress/destroy Syrian coast SAMs to be able to sypply Beyrouth with C-130. This should enable US air defenses near the airport. Syrian Air Force starts with only few squadrons active but it will change quickly. If syrian losses are too high, Russians decide to intervene
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