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Everything posted by SUBS17

  1. There is some very high tech circuitry in the R60 it is more complex than people think. The newest missiles for Air to Air have a high off boresight capability. There are plenty of good missiles but even an R60 is capable of hitting a modern jet. Although it is an older missile it can still do the job except for hitting ground vehicles. With the latest Fighter Pilots Helmets such as the SCORPION a pilot can detect an enemy aircraft very quickly literally the second they take off! What people do not know is that the R60 and the R Series of missiles are all designed to help defend Mother Russia.
  2. The Aim 9X has a lot of cool features it should only go after an aircraft. You see in Movies people using Heat seekers against hot targets of many types the Aim 9X uses a combination in order to identify and go after the target that it has locked on to. This type of missile should never miss, it is not about Heat Source but target shape. The AEROSPACE-FIGHTER described as Tic Tac would not be a type of target that an Aim 9X would go after. And what you see in the video is different to its actual shape which is a wedge shape.
  3. F-16 has a missile over ride. If you use a heat seeker without a missile lock then you are wasting your time. It is assumed by your post that the Seeker is like a thermal imager but the rear aspect missiles are not primitive it is a design feature. The seeker is not like a thermal imager although people get that impression because it is called a Heat Seeker. It is modelled as such in simulators such as DCS and Arma but their way of seeing the target is more than heat and the missile can identify the target type including an R60.
  4. A real Fighter Pilot would use the correct ordnance to use against a ground target. A real R60 would not hit a ground target if missile over ride were used. A better weapon is a gun and that is why they are there.
  5. You will not find anything on the internet about a lot of the technical side of the missile. It would unrealistic to model a missile the way being described with it locking onto and killing vehicles or being used without a FIRING SOLUTION.
  6. What you are suggesting has no place in DCS it is quite simply unrealistic. The explosive in missiles has an explosive charge, a booster and a detonator with the R60 it has more than 1. All aircraft modelled in DCS that carry Air to Air weapons have a missile over ride try reading the manual. If you're using that button you are doing something wrong.
  7. You are arguing over an R60 missile being used against tanks, my replies are detailed yours are not. For tanks it requires a particular type of shaped charge, an R60's is not for that purpose. It is just a cannon ball without a firing solution. It looks for aircraft not vehicles with the seeker.
  8. Yes there are Safety Circuits in the missile, it is a problem which I was not aware of until this was brought up about the fuses and the missile over ride which is not yet modelled correctly in DCS it would be good if they added it. Safety fuses are a technical subject which I have some knowledge of. You're not debunking anyone since you do not have a clue about the missile. I mentioned in this thread that the missile requires a firing solution in order to go after a target. The rocket motor would ignite so long as the over ride is used but it is an unguided rocket and is not accurate. You need to be extremely accurate to hit targets from the air as you would find in DCS with any aircraft. The missile behaviour is as I described which makes hitting vehicles nearly impossible in real life and it is a cannon ball since the warhead requires a firing solution in order to arm. The Aim 9 described is an early model not available here, it is not an Aim 9 but an Air to Ground Missile that is the same shape. There are many missiles that are developed that are not manufactured because people chose a different type for the role.
  9. The fuse requires a FIRING SOLUTION in order to arm and if it does not all that the OVERIDE would do is fire the rocket motor. The fuse requires a missile lock in order to know the target distance and explode. There are SAFETY CIRCUITS inside the missile to prevent the warhead exploding by accident and that is what stops you the person with an R60 getting the rocket to explode if it hits a tank. There are versions of the missile that have an Air to Ground fuse like you see on some movies. It is like an Aim 9 for Air to Ground those use Laser guidance in order to hit targets and have a different shaped charge. So it is not a heat seeker but looks the same as an Aim 9 and has a different warhead. But you will not see those here.
  10. The SEEKER only looks for Air targets, there are some Anti Tank missiles that can hit air targets but not the other way around with Air to Air missiles. The SEEKER looks for the aircraft shape, it would not actually spot a tank. It would not fly accurately enough to hit a ground target. The explosive in an R60 would damage or destroy a soft skinned vehicle but it would not hit one as it needs MISSILE LOCK TO ARM THE FUSE or else it becomes a CANNON BALL and not EXPLODE! You need to IN REAL LIFE to use MISSILE OVERIDE unlike DCS WITH ALL AIR TO AIR MISSILES in order for your MISSILE in a real aircraft including AIM 9 to LAUNCH WITHOUT MISSILE LOCK! I hope that clears it up, are you going to go to the range and try it with a real Mi24?
  11. Ground Switch is that a WEIGHT ON WHEELS OVERIDE to Launch the R60?
  12. The only difference is the motor, it is not designed for Ground Targets. I do not think that the SEEKER would lock onto a ground target. The R60 and the Stinger are very good missiles but it would not hit a ground target because of the SEEKER. UNLOCKED it would go up and then down and not accurately hit anything.
  13. The latest one uses REPLUSOR and separates from the aircraft without any G-Forces by use of GRAVITY SHADOW. It will be safer for Airliners with this technology although technology is at a level now that it is known if there is going to be a problem prior to take off.
  14. It is more complex than people know, they can eject inverted and move upwards before deploying a parachute at low level. With AUTO-EJECT, the EJECTION SEAT informs the pilot/crew that they are about to eject. The latest escape system is for Airliners involves the entire crew and passenger compartment ejecting. Another thing about the EJECTION SEAT, if a missile or projectile were to be on a course to impact the pilot or crew then the Seat fires AUTOMATICALLY before impact. And if the pilot were to be unable to eject from a DEPARTURE like the flat spin in Topgun the EJECTION SEATS would fire AUTOMATICALLY. So it is more complex than what it appears to be and it has something that protects the pilot and crew from the wind at high speed.
  15. These are custom made for the Pilot and Crew only.
  16. The SCORPION HELMET is in fact manufactured for free. They can also use it to fly DCS although the graphics in the helmet are upgraded and more life like it would be better than VR. It has a lot of features which make it more capable in IFR conditions than any other system. Each HELMET is CUSTOM made for the Pilot. No one else can fit them except the Pilot.
  17. JHCMs is different to the SCORPION HELMET. The SCORPION HELMET is more recent 2021 and has a long list of features and capabilities. With a SCORPION you can hit targets in fog and land in thick fog because you can see the runway and targets clearly. There is no wires on the SCORPION HELMET. The visor has AUTO-TINT and it is adjusted with a wheel on the side of the helmet. An F-16's canopy tint can also be adjusted, there is something that adjusts it that is similar.
  18. Awesome flying of the SU57.
  19. In the video he states that Germany had Ejection Seats but they did not. They did not research Ejection Seats at all. Also someone has put a tool box on the seat in one of the pictures. No Seat releases CHAFF at all ever. No one does that! That F8 Ejection was AUTO EJECT not manual. No Seat fires DOWNWARDS, at all not even a B1B. In the F104 picture they are installing an ejection seat and someone decided to get a picture. The most Ejections from a single aircraft is the Delta Dagger, that is the most highest number of Ejections. 212 Ejections from just 1 test pilot! And everyone else is 439 Ejections total. Those are not sensors on the top of the seat on either side, those are thrusters for maneuvering the seat to an upright position for the parachute to deploy and to clear obstructions such as at low altitude while inverted. The Seat will fire automatically if it detects a crash is going to happen they also all including the first one have a USB port but it is inside the seat. The USB port is for the Computers and electronics involved during installation of the components for pre-manufacture testing including FLY BY WIRE. It is an interesting video but there are some myths there. For downwards the forces are negative and it is unsafe, it is easier to fire upwards and safer. The ACES II is a very good Seat, the Russian Seat is the same as the ACES II. And the Mig29 has always had it and they are both ZERO-ZERO EJECTION SEATS. Some Pilots have ejected from aircraft at high altitude and still survived as they remained with the Seat even though they did not have a parachute.
  20. All Future Ejection Seats will have the ability to return the Pilot to their Base under the Seats Propulsion Safely. With such capability you can pick your landing spot and go there and the next generation radios are built into the Helmet such as the SCORPION HELMET. The Pilot still has communications with their base anywhere so for SAR and E&E the pilot would keep their Helmet with them. They also have a built in heater/cooler which is called TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED. With this the pilot can maintain warmth or cooling in the environment even in extreme weather. Next Generation flight suits are Pressure Suits which are AEROSPACE CAPABLE. These flight suits are also TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED and can keep a pilot or crewmember warm in any environment. In the Ocean you would still be warm in the Arctic. The TEMPERATURE CONTROLLED SUITS use a new type of Battery which does not ever go flat. A similar Suit is going to be the uniform for Crew onboard ships.
  21. With Ejection Seats there is an AUTOMATIC-EJECTION SETTING BY DEFAULT and it cannot be turned off. The Ejection Seat uses FLY BY WIRE and has an advanced Navigation System in order to know its Orientation prior to firing. The latest Seats have a field which protects the pilot/crewman upon ejection from wind. They also can right themselves if inverted and know if a Ship is near in the event of a Carrier or Ship being nearby. The Seat will fire in a safe direction away from a Ship. The seat can be used in Supersonic and Hypersonic speed and can eject a crew prior to hitting the ground even if the pilot refuses to eject him or herself. If a pilot does not have a parachute then they remain with the seat and the seat has enough to cushion the landing safely. Some examples of automatic firing include 4 seats firing after an aircraft crashed into the sea . The seat fired because a ship was approaching and the seat travelled out of the way of the Ship. The seat also talks to the person being ejected and helps inform them of what is happening. Other times are at Air shows where aircraft have crashed. The seats have fired before the crash it is always automatic. Ejection Seats do not require maintenance except cleaning normally. AEROSPACE EJECTION The future EJECTION SYSTEMS for Space Ships, Rockets and AEROSPACE-CRAFT will involve escape pods/capsules. The pilots and crew can travel safely to a Planet nearby that is survivable under its own propulsion. So there is the capability for people to travel to space safely and if things did go wrong there is a chance of survivability.
  22. The latest guns Automatically level and adjust when on uneven terrain. They would calculate lead and auto aim automatically and fire bursts. It would not miss and the ammunition the latest type would detonate precisely for maximum damage. 1 gun 1 round 1 kill if the aircraft is within its WEZ!(WEAPON EFFECTIVENESS ZONE) Tungaska and Shika have this. The guns mentioned in the title all have the same computer for that purpose as the Shilka and Tungaska and have the same capability. If it is manual mode then you would have error but that would be against how such weapon systems normally operate. On the move they all have the same capability 1 round 1 kill.(NO ESCAPE ZONE)
  23. Interesting take off in this video.
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