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Everything posted by Reccelow

  1. Update to Essex class Airboss: I replaced the A4 as a fake tanker (as it may not launch, bottling up the catapult) Your wingman follows him to Cat 2. Also includes the updated Moose ver 2.99 with both the Essex class and the Enterprise enabled. Events should go like this: You load hot, taxi to Cat 2 and hookup Wait for the Plane Guard to clear the deck and take up station, the tanker will be making his way to Cat 1, folled by your wingman In about 5 minutes or so you'll here the carrier call the turn into the wind Once the ship is on BRC, you'll get the message that air ops are underway Launch and depart per NATOPS. Tanker will depart after you then you wingman When ready to recover , get inside the CCZ (40nm from carrier) hit F10 and select Airboss, request marshal. Full instructions, options, manual and tons of info here: https://flightcontrol-master.github.io/MOOSE_DOCS_DEVELOP/Documentation/Ops.Airboss.html A flight of 4 A-4's will be entering the pattern at some point keep an eye out Just imagine how cool this will be with an A-3 tanker! SCB-125 AIRBOSS Sample.miz
  2. F-14 hooking up easily and first try every time now in this spot. Nice work.
  3. The Superbug tanker is the best example of a great AI tanker mod. I use a method of model re-role to use it in other scenarios I swap out the models and lods by simple filename changes to get a "KA6" fascicle that does work but is insanely difficult to stay connected as the hose and basket doesn't show and of course I cant load the tanks or centerline pylon..... But it looks a little better than tanking off a Super Hornet in 1980's......I believe the S3's were not in service until later either.
  4. This is just too much fun. Praying Mantis 1988 with CVW11 on board the Big E! That isnt the A3 I bought, but I like that one much better. Sent a message to buy it and will donate for the cause
  5. Re the KA3. Understood. Its been a few years now but I think I may have the source files. I seem to remember it was 3ds but other formats were available as I bought it off CG trader, simple model as I'd never done any modding, but royalty free. I'll see if I can dig it up and send it, or try to find the receipt and contact the maker for a replacement. Be great to have a Whale up there.... Also, updated Moose for CVN65 Enterprise Airboss use. Thanks so much for that, been wanting an Enterprise for a long time. I still have the CVN-65 packages for P3D and use them a lot... Sample file with plane guard, tanker and E2 support. No mods req'd CVN65SampleAirboss.miz
  6. If you want here is my entry into modding I tried some years ago but never got past the edm import phase. I was hoping to get a AI KA3 working. I tied it to the Superbug AI tanker to see if it flies around in DCS, it does but badly....feel free to do whatever you like with it KA3B.zip
  7. Not complicated at all. Here is sample mission for SCB125 and Airboss. CQ with the A4 and USS Oriskany. Use H2 as plane guard and another A4 as "tanker" (not functional as tanker, but flies the overhead pattern), include all the various Airboss voice files. If we ever get an E1 and A3 they can be used instead of the S3 and E2 Link to complete Airboss manual, examples and references: https://flightcontrol-master.github.io/MOOSE_DOCS_DEVELOP/Documentation/Ops.Airboss.html SCB-125 AIRBOSS Sample.miz
  8. For all you Moose AIRBOSS users out there, here is my latest mod of Moose 2.9 that includes the ESSEX class (ESSEX="essex_scb125") Looking forward to the Big E !! Moose299.lua
  9. Reccelow

    MFD's are dim

    Yes I did, its not bad when I zoom in. In normal pilot view (day) , not so good.
  10. Reccelow

    MFD's are dim

    Even with brightness turned up max the MFD's are dim. Unless I zoom in, normal view in pilot cockpit very hard to read. I tried the gray MFD mod, same thing. Any way to edit a file to boost up the brightness values?
  11. If anyone wants to add the Chinook to allow transport and logistics , you need to add two lines into the pretense_compiled.lau file. Look for this section: -----------------[[ PlayerLogistics.lua ]]----------------- PlayerLogistics = {} You'll see a list of the allowed transport types. Add in these two lines: PlayerLogistics.allowedTypes['CH-47F'] = { supplies = true, personCapacity = 44 } PlayerLogistics.allowedTypes['CH-47Fbl1'] = { supplies = true, personCapacity = 44 } Happy hookin'
  12. I know this is an old thread, and may of been covered elsewhere, but I recently wanted to do the same. Add a custom argument to your livery description.lua (look in your livery folder for the tomcat skin you want to mod), eg : mine are in \Saved Games\DCS\Liveries\F-14A-135-GR\ The specific custom argument is: [1616] = 1.0, --probe door missing Here is a livery I've added custom arguments to have canopy up, RIO in seat doing a pod check with techs in ramp maint type setting. custom_args = { [0021] = 1.0, --air brake [0022] = 0.0, --probe [0038] = 0.960, --canopy [0091] = 1.0, --ladder [0150] = 0.0, --visor up [0200] = 0.0, --oxy mask off [0472] = 0.420, --RIO [0606] = 1.0, --Lantirn [0607] = -0.540, --lantirn open [0700] = 0.365, --ext tank mounts [1601] = 1.0, --RIO lean in to dash [1616] = 1.0, --probe door missing }
  13. Thanks, you were correct! I missed the "?" on saveMission
  14. Greetings, I'm starting to dabble into the DML environment. Currently trying to create an Afghan carrier based mission and, as the Afghan map has no reachable coastline, I'm using multi map method with a call from an exit zone in the Persian Gulf map to load the second (afghan) mission which has a exit zone to return back the first map to recover on the boat This works well going both ways. My goal now is to use DML persistence module on the Afghan map to create the persistence for the "ongoing" campaign, autoload save on start and autosave on exit. I've watched your videos and referenced the doc and the demo mission, mirroring things as I understand them. Also added in the Radio menu item for save. No errors and all modules with dependencies loading ok. I can see DML has created the folder for the mission saves in the default location, however there is no data being saved. No data being saved using the manual save in radio menu either. I'm sure I've missed a step/module or syntax is wrong some where.....?
  15. Dont forget to put in the boardwalk in KAF... and the pond!
  16. No idea, I never do multiplayer
  17. Thank you, works perfect now!
  18. Ah, gotcha. I'll have a peek at the init to see if I can disable that. I always start from the ME so can place it myself. Thanks
  19. Thanks again for this fantastic mission, pretty much all I'm doing now. Is there a way to add statics to the carrier deck? I have a modified runway&routes file i use with my Airboss to get the proper launch cycle flow and need to strategically place a few blocking statics to make sure the E2 launches first, etc.... When I add them in now, as soon as the mission starts they all instantly port over to a land area on the coast, I assume it has to do with the zone?
  20. This is what I found worked for me. I wanted to use a MODEX number in the ME but not have it appear on the livery which had it painted on the VFA-15 Valions AJ300(2008) skin. Add the "custom args" section at bottom of your description.lua file in the livery folder you want to change. In my example its the VFA-15 Valions AJ300(2008) skin name = "VFA-15 Valions AJ300(2008)" countries = {"USA",} custom_args = { --[509] = 1.0 --Hemet Change 2.9 no longer valid? [0027] = -1.0, --tail [1000] = -1.0, --flaps [1001] = -1.0, --nose [1002] = -1.0, --all rest below here are other types of same bort number locations [1003] = -1.0, [1004] = -1.0, [1005] = -1.0, [1006] = -1.0, }
  21. Another small "trick" I use , once trimmed out and instead of using bomb mode to keep the wings from moving (with the massive trim adjustments needed) I pop up the sweep handle into manual. That keeps them from moving and altering your trim state (and of course most importantly..it looks more pro!)
  22. I agree it has changed some, for me its mostly the burble and much more unforgiving on unstabilized approaches. It takes very little to get away from me now... A good way to "feel" how it behaves in a stabilized approach, disregard the real world Case 1 pattern and go for a longer final. As for tanking, i agree too. I've graduated from having to use bomb mode on the wings to just popping up the sweep handle to manual mode to keep them from moving and I can plug a lot faster now.
  23. I only play in SP, so I add in some basic AI CAP, CAS, Tankers, etc spawns...to help me out as one person is overwhelmed immediately. Here is my current script I'm using under the Moose framework. It provides some basic allied flights, CAP, CAS, AFAC, tankers....it takes a little basic Mission Editor knowledge. Great tutorials on all that on YouTube. Its how I learned. Feel free to use it, be sure to add the "late activated" AI flights in your controlled areas, "start from ramp" and give them proper names and roles/waypoints. For the CAP and CAS I just use one waypoint "Search and Engage in Zone" and make it big enough to cover the whole op area. Lends a good level of uncertainty, which I like. For the AFAC if you dont know how to setup a JTAC in the ME, just delete it. I have it ranging over the whole area and it gives me target spotting and coords to hit. Copy all this into a text file and save as a .lua add it into your mission as a Mission Start trigger along with the Moose file (full info on Moose is at https://flightcontrol-master.github.io/MOOSE/), download the latest Moose.lua file and add it in as a Mission Start trigger at the top. Then your AI spawning file from below second Important: group names of your flight must match the ones in the file ( eg: "Barcap" is the name of the group) and in the Mission Editor. The ones listed here are what I use, keep them or use whatever you want but they MUST match exactly and case sensitive. If youre not comfortable with some basic scripting and the mission editor, dont do it! Your mission likely wont start and you'll get errors trying to load it up. My file uses 2 F-14's as "Barcap" , role is Intercept, 1 KC130 as "Arco91" set as tanker orbiting just offshore, 2 A6A as "VA35" as roving CAS and a GR1 from Akrotiri as the AFAC. All units are set to respawn on RTB (or destroyed...) I do find the F-14's will go to the tanker and top up and continue until all weapons expended most of the time. --Script file begins do Spawn_Barcap = SPAWN:New("Barcap") Spawn_Barcap:InitLimit( 2, 6 ):SpawnScheduled( 120, 0 ) Spawn_Barcap:InitRepeatOnEngineShutDown() end local Arco91 = SPAWN :New( "Arco91" ) :InitLimit( 1, 99 ) :SpawnScheduled( 15, 1 ) :OnSpawnGroup( function( Arco91 ) Arco91:CommandSetCallsign(2,9) end ) local VA35 = SPAWN :New( "VA35" ) :InitLimit( 1, 4 ) :SpawnScheduled( 120, 0 ) :InitRepeatOnEngineShutDown() local AFAC = SPAWN :New( "AFAC" ) :InitLimit( 1, 2 ) :SpawnScheduled( 120, 0 ) :InitRepeatOnEngineShutDown() --Script file ends
  24. Since 2.9 I've noticed the AI dont reverse into parking spots on the deck. Now they drive straight in and instantly flip 180 degrees. Reviewing the taxi/parking section of carrier RunwayandRoutes file I see the last value (representing velocity) used to be a negative (I assume this was causing the object to reverse?) and is now positive. I've tried experimenting with the routes file and different values, but cant get the AI to back into parking slots any longer. This is troublesome as they bang into each other trying to park in the last 2 of 3 positions on the "patio" section and destroy each other. Thanks for your efforts.
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