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About Rogue.

  • Birthday 08/12/1967

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World, IL-2 Sturmovik
  • Location
    Shropshire, UK
  • Interests
    Rugby, Fishing, Scale Aircraft Modelling, Building PC's, Online Gaming
  • Occupation
    Licensed Aircraft Engineer (Helicopters)

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  1. Same here, lined up on the centreline, stopped and got rear ended by my wingman.
  2. Whilst the current map mode can be difficult to see overlays etc, the maps themselves are accurate to RL. Inbuilt digital moving map systems such as DMAP do not just zoom in and out of one map, they use layers of different scales and different map types for topographic and data information. Up to 17 different maps is not uncommon.
  3. Silicon bumps on the centre of each row of soft keys helps.
  4. Enjoy. I have used VR for DCS since the day I started. I tried 2D with head tracking recently and couldn’t get on with it. I use Cougar MFD’s with a buddy fox UFC alongside a Warthog HOTAS. Once you start reaching for those buttons instinctively it brings another layer of immersion to VR.
  5. Worked a treat, thank you. Still can't understand how this happened though.
  6. Thanks Sliverdevil, I’ve tried the forced update, but not the forced specific version update. I will give it a try tomorrow as I’ve had enough of it for one night
  7. Having updated open beta to earlier today and downloading the Marianas map and recently purchased P-51D the game will now only load stable version I have tried a cleanup, repair, slow repair and forced update without success dcs.log
  8. .
  9. Rogue.


    Awesome update, visually stunning in VR. I was that impressed I dropped another $100 in the sale for Spitfire, Anton, Normandy, WW2 assets (my first warbird purchases) and A10C campaigns.
  10. Rogue.

    USB hubs

    I have 2 of these: USB interface cable is only 1m though, but longer are available separately. Powered USB 3.0 Hub RSHTECH Aluminum 10 Port USB 3.0 Data Hub with 12V/3A (36W) Power Adapter and Individual On/Off Switches & LED (RSH-A10) by Rosonway-EU Learn more: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B081GZ1N1Z/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_9S8ACR3HP70NB3Z2KZ4R
  11. Serial #: 101695 Shropshire, UK.
  12. A bit of useful information gained today, it took a bit of searching so if you don't already know this I hope it helps. So, yesterday I died during BFT-09 'Emergencies', and so logged off in frustration. Logged back in today to find all my campaign progress lost So, spent a while trying to find my logbook to check if all my hard work was still there and it was.... I'm confused? Then realised that it was because my pilot was dead on my logbook and had to create another profile. Simple fix, edit the logbook.lua as follows: ["deaths"] = 0, ["dead"] = false, ["invulnerable"] = true,
      • 3
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      • Thanks
  13. Ha! One step ahead of you , that fixed it. Thanks for your help
  14. Hi Hornblower, thanks for the quick reply. Yes, changing the slider from release/openbeta has no effect. Log attached. VAICOMPRO.log Anything to do with this, highlighted in red? DCS World installation found: version 2.5 Using Registry entry for 2.5 Install path = C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World Saved Games folder = C:\Users\pcglo\Saved Games\DCS Unchanged: Export.lua Reset: VAICOMPRO.export.lua Reset: RadioCommandDialogsPanel.lua Reset: speech.lua Reset: common.lua Reset: TabSheetBar.lua Reset: gameMessages.lua 6/7 DCS-side files were updated. DCS World installation found: version 2.5 OpenBeta Using Registry entry for 2.5 OpenBeta Install path = C:\Users\pcglo\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta\Scripts Saved Games folder = C:\Users\pcglo\Saved Games\DCS.openbeta
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