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Flight Simulators





Found 9 results

  1. Hey folks, I've searched a bit but couldn't find a thread for just entering DCS. ( while I'm certain it's out there, again my apologies ) I'm in the process of building a DCS specific rig and have found EXCELLENT info on that. My intention is to primarily focus on the A10C first, then the FA18C (Thrustmaster rig for both) I've taken advantage of the new year sales and purchased the following. (also searching for manuals for all). Can someone please advise where I can find the modules I've purchased? I read the manuals are there? I've attached an Excel sheet mapping out my plan to go bankrupt (LOL) While the sale is still running I'd be very grateful for any advice on additional purchases while I can use the discount. Even if I may not use the purchase for a bit (I already know the learning curve is steep) Current purchases: A10C II Tank Killer F/A 18C Hornet Super Carrier Persian Gulf Map Nevada Test & Trainings Range Map A10C Iron Flag Part 1 Campaign F/A 18 Rise of the Persian Loin Campaign Again please forgive any frustration - I know this must happen a lot. DCS Build out and product purchases.xlsx
  2. Hello, I am trying to learn DCS right now so I am pretty new, let's say it's my second attempt to get into DCS. What put me off from DCS was the price of the modules in view of available maps (no Korea & Vietnam map) and the lack of a full fidelity Su-25T to learn the ropes, you have to understand that I really hate to fly with keybinds! I am trying it now with the free A-4E module, sad that the community has to do this work, but I am very thankful that it is even possible to get for free a full fidelity plane, thx to the authors of this great module! @ED Please make the Su-25 a free full fidelity plane. I really wish the FC3 content would be seperately released as full fidelity planes, the game lacks alot soviet made full fidelity planes IMHO. The game need IMHO desperately a Korea map in the 50s and a Vietnam map in the 60s/70s, we have aircrafts but not the most iconic maps for these aircrafts, not good! Some aircraft wishes (all full fidelity and clickable cockpits plz): Mi-2 Mi-4 Mi-14PL Mi-17 Mi-24D Mig-17 Su-22 Mig-23 Il-28 Tu-16 Tu-22 An-2 Il-14 L-410 Tu-134 Chinese copys H-13 H-34 CH-53 CH-54 CH-47 SH-3 AH-1 F-84 F-104 A-1 A-6 A-29 A-37 (one of my favourites) C-47 C-130 OV-10 V-22 F-4 A-3 FB-111
  3. Hello ladies and gentlemen, While I'm awaiting my recently purchased H.O.T.A.S. to being delivered I've made a few testflights with mouse and keyboard, just for fun. The trainingsmissions for the SU-33 to be exact. While taking off and arming my plane are all swell. (Mind you, I have not yet actually fired weapons except the guns), landingprocedures are still a "work in progress" to say the least. During my test flights I have stumbled upon some things that made me wonder what happened and why it is what just happened. And I am hoping some of you might have the answers to my questions that are as follows. 1. On occasion I get a black screen from within the cockpit. When I press the outside view of the plane with F2 it's fine but from within I only see blackness. Does this have anything to do with my as a pilot blacking out or is it a hardware issue I need to fix? Unfortunately I don't have any more feeback on this so this is the only info I have for now. 2. On one occasion my wings blew off the plane. I don't remember exactly what I did but it was at high speed and then just all of a sudden my wings fell off the plane. What is this and how do I prevent this? 3. I noticed the autopilot and that you can order the system to follow a route towards a waypoint. I know how to open the map with F10, but I have no idea on how to actually set a waypoint. How does one do that while in flight? (Or do you have to do this before taking off?) 4. On one occasion I was in a trainingserver on multiplayer. Keeping to myself. (Only flying around, no fighting etc.) I browsed through my controls options but I couldn't find any button/binds for radio contact or a chat. How do you activate a chat/radio comms if at all possible? I did notice that with "\" I could insert simple commands and the likes of that, but that is not what I mean to find with this question. I hope you guys can help me with these questions and I look forward to your answers! Have a nice day! Kind regards! Tycor
  4. Hi Pilots, I am new to the DCS flight sim and I wanted to ask a question please. I have managed to acquire the Thrustmaster HOTAS but I am still waiting for my Thrustmaster peddles to arrive. Given this limitation would I still be able to fly modules like the F-16 or F-18 or the JF-17 in the meantime until my peddles arrive? Thank you in advance for your feedback.
  5. Join our Discord for more info: https://discord.gg/tCXm2u4mG2 NEW & VETERAN PLAYERS WELCOME. Everyone that enjoys DCS World is welcome to join, we have over 70 members and we run missions and activities weekly. We welcome new players and we will help you get started in DCS, Veterans players welcome too, we have complex missions every week that will test your skills in all aspects. SImple radio Standalone (SRS) is a must have... NO EXEPTIONS We have a operational Standard Operational Procedures and user friendly intarface. Our community will help you get started.
  6. GHOST SYNDICATE Join the one of Ghost syndicate's squadrons too get a laid back DCS experience. We offer:- Weekly training sessions for the Navy + Airforce Airframes Weekly Mission Night - Fridays 2100z | 22:00 GMT+0 | 17:00 EST Custom Campaign Missions. we have a private server running 24/7 with a Dynamic missions. we have a private Training server running 24/7 with a training mission to suit the groups needs Airforce:- Our Airforce runs the following Airframes. F-16 F-15 A-10C II Euro Fighter (Pending Release) AH-64D UH-60 UH-1H C-130 It is possible to get trained in all of these airframes Navy:- Our Navy runs the following Airframes. F-14 (Super Carrier) F/A-18 (Super Carrier) AV-8B (Tarawa) UH-60 (Tarawa) UH-1H (Tarawa) AH-64D (Tarawa) What to Expect: Our missions will have something for everyone at varing skill levels. Squadron run Events such as ACM / BVR Tournaments, Air Racing Competitions, Landing Events. Liberation Campaigns. Custom made Campaigns and missions. Relaxed and laid back Enviroment for you to chill. We have a relaxed approach to COMs, Naval Air Frames will need to learn the CASE I, II, III paterns as well as good communication skills, (We're not expecting you to go home and revise Full Millitary Berevity). We do have an older players base and it was our Decision to be an Strictly 18+ only group. Our Squadron operates as Strike Packages, Putting a mix of airframes onto a target Area, Playing each one to their strengths and weakness's. What WE Expect: Activity Participation Communication We're looking for players who WANT to be part of a group and work togther, We expect pilots to make at least 2 Fridays a month. If your going to be away for a month just message an Admin and put in an LoA, This will prevent you from getting booted. Suffering from Burn out. Let us know, Maybe a Change of Airframe may get you back into the swing of things. Requirements:- Hotas VR/Head Tracking Super Carrier if flying the F/A-18 Age: 18+ (Strictly) Required DLC: Syria + Persian Gulf To join the squadron apply through our discord: https://discord.gg/ugb25bA9EQ
  7. Hi, I am a USN/USCG veteran who recently got into DCS. I currently have the F-18 and F-14, several maps, and several campaigns. I have a Winwing Orion2 HOTAS, a stream deck XL, a tobii eye tracker 5, 2 Thrustmaster MFDs, Thrustmaster T.Flught rudder pedals. I have spent some time training but it has not been effective enough for me to jump into missions and campaigns. I have DCS world 2.8 single player, would I need to download the multiplayer version? If so, would all of my aircraft, terrains, campaigns, and stats transfer over to multiplayer?
  8. GHOST SYNDICATE Join the one of Ghost syndicate's squadrons too get a laid back DCS experience. We offer:- Weekly training sessions for the Navy + Airforce Airframes Weekly Mission Night - Fridays 2100z | 22:00 GMT+0 | 17:00 EST Custom Campaign Missions. we have a private server running 24/7 with a Dynamic missions. we have a private Training server running 24/7 with a training mission to suit the groups needs Airforce:- Our Airforce runs the following Airframes. F-16 F-15 A-10C II Euro Fighter (Pending Release) AH-64D UH-60 UH-1H C-130 It is possible to get trained in all of these airframes Navy:- Our Navy runs the following Airframes. F-14 (Super Carrier) F/A-18 (Super Carrier) AV-8B (Tarawa) UH-60 (Tarawa) UH-1H (Tarawa) AH-64D (Tarawa) What to Expect: Our missions will have something for everyone at varing skill levels. Squadron run Events such as ACM / BVR Tournaments, Air Racing Competitions, Landing Events. Liberation Campaigns. Custom made Campaigns and missions. Relaxed and laid back Enviroment for you to chill. We have a relaxed approach to COMs, Naval Air Frames will need to learn the CASE I, II, III paterns as well as good communication skills, (We're not expecting you to go home and revise Full Millitary Berevity). We do have an older players base and it was our Decision to be an Strictly 18+ only group. Our Squadron operates as Strike Packages, Putting a mix of airframes onto a target Area, Playing each one to their strengths and weakness's. What WE Expect: Activity Participation Communication We're looking for players who WANT to be part of a group and work togther, We expect pilots to make at least 2 Fridays a month. If your going to be away for a month just message an Admin and put in an LoA, This will prevent you from getting booted. Suffering from Burn out. Let us know, Maybe a Change of Airframe may get you back into the swing of things. Requirements:- Hotas VR/Head Tracking Super Carrier if flying the F/A-18 Age: 18+ (Strictly) Required DLC: Syria + Persian Gulf To join the squadron apply through our discord: https://discord.gg/ugb25bA9EQ
  9. I hope this is the right spot to make a proper post. I recently bought myself an MSI Katana GF76...with 64 gigs of RAM and a 3050ti along with a 1tb SSD it was a bargain and I also like having the portability of a laptop. I also purchased DCS World and a couple of the FC3 planes too. I did sample the F-14 as well since ED allows for a free trial and wow...Heatblur is just phenomenal when it comes to quality. This Youtuber utterly desecrated the F-14 in terms of its capabilities but I feel otherwise with the two weeks I had with the module. The plane handles extremely well and the avionics are still somewhat competitive even with the newer jets. The TF-30s stall but it's not like what the internet claims where if you simply look at them the wrong way, they'll conk out on you...you have to be careful but still pretty capable. The B model just turns the dial up to eleven. It's also very maneuverable for such a large plane...once I had learned the basic controls, I did a few dogfights against SU-27s and while I'm no Growling Sidewinder, I held my own. I always loved the F-14 but had yet to fly it in a proper sim. My only experience with the aircraft were games like Ace Combat bravo, Heatblur. Youtube video in question below...
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