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Gentili membri del forum, Intanto e un piacere conoscervi; Mi presento, sono Kevin, un appassionato di simulazione di volo con un particolare interesse per Digital Combat Simulator (DCS). Recentemente iscritto a questa community, desidero offrire un servizio che potrebbe risultare di grande interesse per molti di voi, in particolare per i gruppi di volo italiani. La mia specializzazione è la creazione di livree personalizzate per i vari veicoli all'interno del simulatore, con un focus specifico sui gruppi di volo italiani. Credo fermamente che livree personalizzate possano contribuire a rafforzare l'identità del gruppo, migliorare l'immersione nel gioco e consolidare lo spirito di squadra. Ecco ciò che offro: Creazione di livree personalizzate per aerei e altri veicoli in DCS, rispettando le vostre specifiche e preferenze. Consulenza per ideare design che rappresentino al meglio l'identità del vostro gruppo di volo. Aggiornamenti e modifiche alle livree per adattarle a nuove esigenze o preferenze. Il mio obiettivo è contribuire alla formazione di un gruppo di volo coeso, ben strutturato e organizzato, capace di rappresentare con orgoglio l'Italia e di distinguersi nel simulatore. Per dimostrare il mio impegno e la mia dedizione, ho deciso di offrire una livrea gratuita per l'F/A-18C Hornet, ispirata ai colori e ai simboli italiani, ai gruppi di volo Italiani già coesi come paga al loro impegno per essere uno dei purtroppo ad oggi ancora pochi squadroni di volo con bandiera Tricolore. Questo aereo, caratterizzato da un vivace colore rosso, sarà perfetto per attività di allenamento e acrobazie. Se desiderate ricevere questa livrea, vi invito a contattarmi e a condividere dettagli sul vostro gruppo di volo e le ragioni per cui dovrei essere interessato a creare livree personalizzate per voi. Il prezzo per questo servizio sarà sempre zero. L'unica richiesta è una motivazione sincera e convincente che giustifichi il mio aiuto. Cerco gruppi che operino attivamente nel mondo di DCS e che siano fortemente propositivi nella loro crescita. In cambio del mio dono, chiedo soltanto che mi inviate e pubblichiate foto e video degli aerei con la livrea ricevuta , con il proposito di alimentare la nostra causa Se siete interessati, vi invito a rispondere a questa discussione o a contattarmi direttamente. Sarò lieto di discutere le vostre idee e di lavorare su progetti unici e speciali per il vostro gruppo. Grazie per l'attenzione e spero di poter collaborare con molti di voi per creare qualcosa di unico e distintivo, oltre ciò spero bene apprezziate altrettanto la mia iniziativa. Cordiali saluti, KSTM_ECHO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IL DOWNLOAD COMPRENDERA 3 FILE PHOTOSHOP IMAGE.20 , DATA LA DIMENSIONE DEI FILE SARO COSTRETTO AD INVIARVI IL RESTANTE TRAMITE MAIL DOPO CHE MI AVRETE CONTATTATO. QUESTE ULTIME ANDRANNO SOSTITUITE ALL'INTERNO DELLA CARTELLA PER LE LIVREE DEL CORRETTO MODELLO DI AEREOMOBILE CON I GIA PRESENTI FILE ORIGINALI , AIUTATI CON I TUTORIAL , LA PROCEDURA SARA SEMPLICISSIMA. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F18C_1_DIFF.psd
I was curious to where I could find details on creating skins for ground objects/equipment? For example, I grabbed a copy of the "". And made some new skins for it, i.e. Kuwaiti, Armenian and some fictional camos. Just to break up the mundane look a little bit. And, if I can do it, I plan on making skins for a lot of other ground units that only have a default paint job. But, I need to learn the requirements to create the new description.lua and point it toward the textures location.........I think that's what I mean. Anyway, does anyone know of a forum post or tut on linking new asset skins to DCS so they'll be available in-game? Thanks
Does anyone know if the author of this mod has any intention on fixing the skin issues with the missing / broken files so that the skins will work correctly? Currently the skins for the following do not work: C-17 Globe master C-2A Greyhound V-22 Osprey P-3 Orion I know everything is installed properly, as everything else works fine and other planes skins are working as intended.
Hi guys, How can I remove board number on plane? Do i have to do some changes in description.lua? I made userskin but can't remove the board number as in the photo. Which part of the lua file below should I change? name = "MiG-21JP" --[[ countries = { "USA", "RUS", "FRA", "UKR", "SPN", "NETH", "TUR", "BEL", "GER", "NOR", "CAN", "DEN", "UK", "GRG", "ISR", "ABH", "RSO" } ]]-- custom_args = { [1000] = 0, -- Change to 0.1 when using Set 2 Nose Numbers } livery = { -- Separate Textures {"MIG21BIS_FUSE_F", 0, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_F", false}; {"MIG21BIS_FUSE_F", 1, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_F_NMp", true}; {"MIG21BIS_FUSE_F", 13, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_F_RoughMet", false}; {"MIG21BIS_FUSE_M", 0, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_M", false}; {"MIG21BIS_FUSE_M", 1, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_M_NMp", true}; {"MIG21BIS_FUSE_M", 13, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_M_RoughMet", false}; {"MIG21BIS_FUSE_R", 0, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_R", false}; {"MIG21BIS_FUSE_R", 1, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_R_NMp", true}; {"MIG21BIS_FUSE_R", 13, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_R_RoughMet", false}; {"MIG21BIS_FUSE_T", 0, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_T", false}; {"MIG21BIS_FUSE_T", 1, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_T_NMp", true}; {"MIG21BIS_FUSE_T", 13, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_T_RoughMet", false}; {"MIG21BIS_WING_L", 0, "MiG21Bis_Wing_L", false}; {"MIG21BIS_WING_L", 1, "MiG21Bis_Wing_L_NMp", true}; {"MIG21BIS_WING_L", 13, "MiG21Bis_Wing_L_RoughMet", false}; {"MIG21BIS_WING_R", 0, "MiG21Bis_Wing_R", false}; {"MIG21BIS_WING_R", 1, "MiG21Bis_Wing_R_NMp", true}; {"MIG21BIS_WING_R", 13, "MiG21Bis_Wing_R_RoughMet", false}; {"MIG21BIS_GEAR_01", 0, "MiG21Bis_Gear_01", false}; {"MIG21BIS_GEAR_01", 1, "MiG21Bis_Gear_01_NMp", true}; {"MIG21BIS_GEAR_01", 13, "MiG21Bis_Gear_01_RoughMet", false}; {"MIG21BIS_MISC", 0, "MiG21Bis_Misc", false}; {"MIG21BIS_MISC", 1, "MiG21Bis_Misc_NMp", true}; {"MIG21BIS_MISC", 13, "MiG21Bis_Misc_RoughMet", false}; -- Tac Number Nose Set 1 {"MIG21BIS_SER_NOSE_0001", 0, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_F", false}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_NOSE_0001", 1, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_F_NMp", true}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_NOSE_0001", 13, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_F_RoughMet", false}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_NOSE_0001", 3, "empty_ser", true}; --{"MIG21BIS_SER_NOSE_0001", 3, "MiG21Bis_Ser_Nose", true}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_NOSE_0010", 0, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_F", false}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_NOSE_0010", 1, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_F_NMp", true}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_NOSE_0010", 13, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_F_RoughMet", false}; --{"MIG21BIS_SER_NOSE_0010", 3, "empty_ser", true}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_NOSE_0010", 3, "MiG21Bis_Ser_Red-Stencil", true}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_NOSE_0100", 0, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_F", false}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_NOSE_0100", 1, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_F_NMp", true}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_NOSE_0100", 13, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_F_RoughMet", false}; --{"MIG21BIS_SER_NOSE_0100", 3, "empty_ser", true}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_NOSE_0100", 3, "MiG21Bis_Ser_Red-Stencil", true}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_NOSE_1000", 0, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_F", false}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_NOSE_1000", 1, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_F_NMp", true}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_NOSE_1000", 13, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_F_RoughMet", false}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_NOSE_1000", 3, "empty_ser", true}; --{"MIG21BIS_SER_NOSE_1000", 3, "MiG21Bis_Ser_Nose", true}; -- Tac Number Nose Set 2 {"MIG21BIS_SER_NOSE2_0001", 0, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_F", false}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_NOSE2_0001", 1, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_F_NMp", true}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_NOSE2_0001", 13, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_F_RoughMet", false}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_NOSE2_0001", 3, "empty_ser", true}; --{"MIG21BIS_SER_NOSE2_0001", 3, "MiG21Bis_Ser_Nose", true}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_NOSE2_0010", 0, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_F", false}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_NOSE2_0010", 1, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_F_NMp", true}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_NOSE2_0010", 13, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_F_RoughMet", false}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_NOSE2_0010", 3, "empty_ser", true}; --{"MIG21BIS_SER_NOSE2_0010", 3, "MiG21Bis_Ser_Nose", true}; -- Tac Number Fuselage {"MIG21BIS_SER_FUSE_001", 0, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_M", false}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_FUSE_001", 1, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_M_NMp", true}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_FUSE_001", 13, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_M_RoughMet", false}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_FUSE_001", 3, "empty_ser", true}; --{"MIG21BIS_SER_FUSE_001", 3, "MiG21Bis_Ser_Fuse", true}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_FUSE_010", 0, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_M", false}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_FUSE_010", 1, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_M_NMp", true}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_FUSE_010", 13, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_M_RoughMet", false}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_FUSE_010", 3, "empty_ser", true}; --{"MIG21BIS_SER_FUSE_010", 3, "MiG21Bis_Ser_Fuse", true}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_FUSE_100", 0, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_M", false}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_FUSE_100", 1, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_M_NMp", true}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_FUSE_100", 13, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_M_RoughMet", false}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_FUSE_100", 3, "empty_ser", true}; --{"MIG21BIS_SER_FUSE_100", 3, "MiG21Bis_Ser_Fuse", true}; -- Tac Number Tail {"MIG21BIS_SER_TAIL_000001", 0, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_T", false}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_TAIL_000001", 1, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_T_NMp", true}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_TAIL_000001", 13, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_T_RoughMet", false}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_TAIL_000001", 3, "empty_ser", true}; --{"MIG21BIS_SER_TAIL_000001", 3, "MiG21Bis_Ser_Tail", true}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_TAIL_000010", 0, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_T", false}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_TAIL_000010", 1, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_T_NMp", true}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_TAIL_000010", 13, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_T_RoughMet", false}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_TAIL_000010", 3, "empty_ser", true}; --{"MIG21BIS_SER_TAIL_000010", 3, "MiG21Bis_Ser_Tail", true}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_TAIL_000100", 0, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_T", false}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_TAIL_000100", 1, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_T_NMp", true}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_TAIL_000100", 13, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_T_RoughMet", false}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_TAIL_000100", 3, "empty_ser", true}; --{"MIG21BIS_SER_TAIL_000100", 3, "MiG21Bis_Ser_Tail", true}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_TAIL_001000", 0, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_T", false}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_TAIL_001000", 1, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_T_NMp", true}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_TAIL_001000", 13, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_T_RoughMet", false}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_TAIL_001000", 3, "empty_ser", true}; --{"MIG21BIS_SER_TAIL_001000", 3, "MiG21Bis_Ser_Tail", true}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_TAIL_010000", 0, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_T", false}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_TAIL_010000", 1, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_T_NMp", true}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_TAIL_010000", 13, "MiG21Bis_Fuse_T_RoughMet", false}; {"MIG21BIS_SER_TAIL_010000", 3, "empty_ser", true}; --{"MIG21BIS_SER_TAIL_010000", 3, "MiG21Bis_Ser_Tail", true}; }
Hey, I wanted to download a flanker skin but couldn't find a folder with its name, unlike for the hornet. I searched on google but couldn't find any relevant informations. The folders I am talking about are located in Saved Games\DCS World OpenBeta\CoreMods\aircraft The skins I put in the FA-18C folder work fine so I assume it is the right place...
Hi there ! I have DCS 2.7 installed on my Windows 10 E: drive. So its not on C. My question is where to put the downloaded Su-25A skins or liveries ? I tried to load them from DemoMods, but the liveries wont appear in DCS. Thanks.
Hi ED ! When do you plan to make liveries for Black Shark 3 available on your site? We are all impatient to create our personalized skins ^^ Thanks for your feedback
- 2 replies
- liveries
- black shark 3
(and 1 more)
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Hi, We are working on a skin for the F-14 and we are hitting a issue with the directX11 Backend. In F2 mode, we can see the skin perfectly fine, but in F3 mode there are missing texture comes instead. 2021-03-12 17:24:56.838 ERROR_ONCE DX11BACKEND: texture '/textures//liveries/f-14b/gypsy (test)/HB_F14_LOD1_3in1' not found. Asked from 'GRAPHICSCORE' 2021-03-12 17:24:56.853 ERROR_ONCE DX11BACKEND: texture '/textures//liveries/f-14b/gypsy (test)/HB_F14_EXT_EXT_TCS' not found. Asked from 'GRAPHICSCORE' Is there any max size for the texture on the F-14, we are pretty much stuck at this moment. Any tips or fixes for this issues?
The old template, and how all of my current skins are formatted, consisted of two files labeled diff. The current downloadable texture template has 8 or so main files, which are not oriented in a similar fashion to the old files. Additionally, attempting to paste the new partsover the old template, the vertical stab for example, the lines do not line up, resulting in a skewed model. So, my question is is there a layered template still floating around with the two file format? Or is there a new lua that incorporates the stack of new template files? Thanks
Look. There are a bunch of great artists out there. Could there be a possibility to crowdsource some liveries for our beloved DCS sim? All work has been done, just ask permission from the creator and do a quick standards check etc and push it out on next release. It may not be that easy, but would be nice. Just look at these beautiful works of art: To those of you whom created this, great job, all of you! Many more could be mentioned for sure! What I like here are complete suits of liveries. Developers should take notice and lend out a hand here.
hey pilots, i need your help. i finally finished my apache skin but in comparison to the others helicopter moduls, the ah64 took me much longer (mi24 for example were done way easier and faster) i did everything in photoshop with the dds-plugin. my question is, how ED do the liveries, what programs they use for it? i tried adobe substance painter (time trail version) but could not load the 3d model. does anybody know what to do?
Hi I notice, in default L-39 liveries, a majority have a .dds for the numbers and I wanna make a .dds for the numbers so how do I add .dds
Hello there :), I recently had the opportunity to visit the Orange BA 115 air base (main base of the mirage 2000C and B in France) during the air meeting of FOSA (End of May of this year). Visit during which I was able to climb in the cockpit of the real plane (operational one). So I wonder if the future cockpit we will get will look like the one that is currently operational in Orange or more like the grey/light blue we used to see before.I don't know if you scanned one during your trip to France, so that is why I ask. Here are pictures of the mirage 2000C 115-YD N107 : As we can see the dashboard is very dark gray, the rwr is deep turquoise surrounded by a chrome plate, The radio frequency display is deep flashy green and we have other turquoise button/lights (when off). The caution/warning advisory panel at the bottom right of the dashboard (not visible on the picture) was also turquoise (when off). We can also notice the HUD pedestal being very worn. It suggests to us that they used parts from the retired mirage 2000N that had these turquoise lights/panel everywhere. Here are some 2000N pics for example (not mine) : Here is a picture of the cockpit of a mirage 2000B (two-seater version of the C) from the same air base. Mirage 2000B 115-OL N530 (not mine): One last shot of a 2000C cockpit but this time in action at 2:53 min of this video : After this little photo album another question arises : Are we going to have a registration system that is close to the real ones? Like 115-YD etc... Or to have liveries of the originals without having this system of self generated number? Thank you in advance for a possible answer from the team. I am really impressed by the work done on this module. Eager to see what's coming. Kind regards