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Operation "Blue Flag" - 24/7 PvP Campaign - ROUND 7


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I'd just like to say that if I reported every Blue player I noticed having desync issues, a considerable portion of the team would be banned, pending their own reinstalls.


It's not like F-15s doing the timewarp is particularly uncommon, hell, a couple nights ago, I even had one lag out while I was tailing him and reappear directly on my six. I just chalked that up to a netcode problem, I don't think the guy was necessarily nefariously messing around with his connection, though I was sure as hell aggravated about it.


It still baffles me that people think it's just one side doing this;




Blue fighters lag for RedFor, Red fighters lag for BlueFor, it is not one team's fault, and it's unfair on those playing legitimately on both sides to imply that they are cheating.

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I'd just like to say that if I reported every Blue player I noticed having desync issues, a considerable portion of the team would be banned, pending their own reinstalls.


It's not like F-15s doing the timewarp is particularly uncommon, hell, a couple nights ago, I even had one lag out while I was tailing him and reappear directly on my six. I just chalked that up to a netcode problem, I don't think the guy was necessarily nefariously messing around with his connection, though I was sure as hell aggravated about it.


Things happen. Anyone who's played DCS' multiplayer for more than 5 minutes should recognize that the net code is far from being perfect, which compounds further with issues from players' local network/internet setups.


I don't think banning Arcus for something that's very likely not entirely in his control is anything short of ridiculous.


I agree lag is a thing happening frequently in DCS. But for whatever reason Arcus33 becomes invincible in many engagements. Even if it is not a cheat, the issue is gamebreaking. I have made a video of the issue which I will only make public with the permission of Arcus33.

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Back in the days you had to make a speedtest to the server in front of an admin to be able to prove that you can play without causing problems to other people.


Now every second person is playing on wi-fi, on a very slow connection or on a bad PC and then causes problems for everyone else. Some even abuse this. It doesn't help that the netcode is bad as it is.


A more organized/controlled approach in Blue Flag probably wouldn't hurt but the community is beyond saving at this point as they could not adapt.

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Integrity check and export control cant come soon enough.


Btw the mirage is really annoying. Its a waste of resources (missiles/position/time/wingmans attention etc) having to continously pound it with missiles and WAIT for it to crash before you can be assured of a gk.


Yeah I share this opinion, three AIM-9s and several 20mm snapshots before it goes down is pretty ridiculous. I love the module, but it's just not ready for a campaign like this, where efficient use of weaponry is so important to CAP on both sides.


I think you guys are exaggerating at this point. I exclusively fly the Mirage and rarely tank out hits. If I'm hit by a missile I'm going down 8/10 times if I'm lucky. If you're going to complain about damage modules and propose to remove an aircraft because of it, then you might as well just remove most DCS modules seeing as they're tougher than what they should be. Seriously, this thread has become a forum for complaining.

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I think you guys are exaggerating at this point. I exclusively fly the Mirage and rarely tank out hits. If I'm hit by a missile I'm going down 8/10 times if I'm lucky. If you're going to complain about damage modules and propose to remove an aircraft because of it, then you might as well just remove most DCS modules seeing as they're tougher than what they should be. Seriously, this thread has become a forum for complaining.


I still think it's a valid complaint. Sure many of the damage models are off (F-15 hydraulics system is stupidly weak for example, I'm sure the Flanker has issues as well) but none quite so obviously and critically as the Mirage.

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I still think it's a valid complaint. Sure many of the damage models are off (F-15 hydraulics system is stupidly weak for example, I'm sure the Flanker has issues as well) but none quite so obviously and critically as the Mirage.


I won't take your word for it unless you post some footage highlighting what you say is true. Like I said, I only fly the Mirage and would be fine admitting to any of it's fault, but saying it's a critical issue and that it's so obvious is an exaggeration to me, especially when I'm able to take out other Mirages with ease.




On an Arcus related note, let's not pretend this server isn't a mess in terms of lag. There's not a minute where I see an aircraft warping or dsyncing all over the place, come on... During Round 6, I've had my run-ins against Arcus and his boy BAPR, and haven't spotted anything out of the ordinary, while some in the BLUFOR TS were nothing but complaining to the point I had to quit because it was getting obnoxious. I believe Arcus was dsyncing. Don't be so quick to judge, give him a chance.


Je suis arcus

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I won't take your word for it unless you post some footage highlighting what you say is true. Like I said, I only fly the Mirage and would be fine admitting to any of it's fault, but saying it's a critical issue and that it's so obvious is an exaggeration to me, especially when I'm able to take out other Mirages with ease.


If you want proof the Mirage can tank missiles, Look at 5min 18 sec onward



/да бойз/


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Wasn't it just a few days ago that BLUFOR was trying to get Manzanita banned for accidental teamkills, thinking that, obviously, he had to be doing that on purpose?


Given that incident and the sheer amount of complaining seems to be going on on Blue's TS, going by testimony given here, I think the issue may have a bit to do with sportsmanship and maturity so much as it does the server's huge amount of scripting and different clients/connections to handle and ED's netcode problems and inattention to multiplayer.


You can't bring out the pitchforks every time something doesn't go your way. If we all did that, no one would be left to play on the server.


I think a lot of you are getting far too worked up over this Kazakh submarine simulator.

Edited by Shively
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First round airburst and didn't impact. Second hit you directly. I guarantee you would have been unflyable 10 minutes after the first missile hit had you only taken that one.


Sent from my SM-G900W8 using Tapatalk

Know and use all the capabilities in your airplane. If you don't, sooner or later, some guy who does use them all will kick your ass.


— Dave 'Preacher' Pace, USN.

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Hey, only I can make forced memes happen on this forum.


Manzanita, I dont have footage because I dont record my flights, but this isn't exactly an isolated incident or an uncommon complaint. Plenty of people on both sides have had issues with it.


Shively, Red do their fair share of complaining too (just read the round 6 thread) so stop trying to paint Blue as a bunch of crybabies. Both sides have their whingers.

Edited by Monkey21
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Hey, only I can make forced memes happen on this forum.


Manzanita, I dont have footage because I dont record my flights, but this isn't exactly an isolated incident or an uncommon complaint. Plenty of people on both sides have had issues with it.


Shively, Red do their fair share of complaining too (just read the round 6 thread) so stop trying to paint Blue as a bunch of crybabies. Both sides have their whingers.

Je suis arcus


FTFY fam

/да бойз/


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Hey, only I can make forced memes happen on this forum.


Manzanita, I dont have footage because I dont record my flights, but this isn't exactly an isolated incident or an uncommon complaint. Plenty of people on both sides have had issues with it.


Shively, Red do their fair share of complaining too (just read the round 6 thread) so stop trying to paint Blue as a bunch of crybabies. Both sides have their whingers.


I just looked through that thread and the overwhelming majority of REDFOR's complaints are about the event/mission's organization, mostly to do with server/team balance, and one (count 'em) instance during testing where it looked like some idiots were spamming the screenshot function which inadvertently crashed the server.


I think that's a little bit different than the current situation, which is now the third time a BLUEFOR player has broken ED's rules, bringing multiplayer disputes to the forums, and sought the offending player's head on a silver platter - just that I've seen, in this thread alone. It doesn't appear that REDFOR is as prone to participating in witch hunts.

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Arcus I know for a long time. He's not a cheater and a very skilled pilot and well versed in the theater of operations. Study the map, study the A-10 and you will be as cool pilots. And without wings and I have many times turned to fly.



c5c76e21678c.jpg' alt='c5c76e21678c.jpg'

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Hey, only I can make forced memes happen on this forum.


Manzanita, I dont have footage because I dont record my flights, but this isn't exactly an isolated incident or an uncommon complaint. Plenty of people on both sides have had issues with it.


Shively, Red do their fair share of complaining too (just read the round 6 thread) so stop trying to paint Blue as a bunch of crybabies. Both sides have their whingers.


Maybe you should so you could back up your claims. :thumbup:

Also there's as much people saying there isn't an issue as to there is one.


If you want proof the Mirage can tank missiles, Look at 5min 18 sec onward


Really? A what looked like to be an igla shot that either missed or splashed besides him is your proof? Also thanks for proving the Mirage can fly with one wing rumor wrong.


Here, have a short compilation of Mirages being splashed by missiles and cannons. Stop crying now.




Edited by Manzanita
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Maybe you should so you could back up your claims. :thumbup:

Also there's as much people saying there isn't an issue as to there is one.




Really? A what looked like to be an igla shot that either missed or splashed besides him is your proof? Also thanks for proving the Mirage can fly with one wing rumor wrong.


Here, have a short compilation of Mirages being splashed by missiles and cannons. Stop crying now.




The damage model is fine he says.:megalol:




We should also find out who this mirage pilot is so we can ban him for cheating. If you get hit by a missile you should die like the pleb you are and you should crash. If you remain flying because the game is broken then you should be banned for cheating. :pilotfly:

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Seeing a static AI MiG-29 on the ground after it got hit by a ground attack is different to seeing AIM-9 after AIM-9 after gun after gun blow piece after piece off of him and watch him continue to fly.


Then after dogfighting the F-15 and the Mirage, gun running the AAA on the ground and flying home straight and level with no problems for 10 minutes, then he suddenly "loses all control" and ejects.


To have recorded proof of this happening at least 3 times.


To say it isn't hacking is naivé or willfully ignorant.


If he'd like to provide the track that defies all our tracks and shows that through the grace of lag that he's magically okay, then I'll reconsider my accusation.


Says Mr. Missile MOD.... :megalol::megalol::lol:

#I've been dreaming about an unlicensed version of the MIG-31...



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The damage model is fine he says.:megalol:


We should also find out who this mirage pilot is so we can ban him for cheating. If you get hit by a missile you should die like the pleb you are and you should crash. If you remain flying because the game is broken then you should be banned for cheating. :pilotfly:


Nothing wrong here besides the obnoxious music. If we're going to cry over damage models and start banning people for surviving a hit, then we might as well just stop playing DCS altogether. I mean BMS seems to at least get it right. BMS ops when right?

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Also there's as much people saying there isn't an issue as to there is one.


Common sense would tell you something about this statement.

No smoke without fire.


The first time I flew the Mirage in the air to air quick start against 4 AI, I got hit 3 times but still splashed all the bandits.

I've flown everything and been shotdown by everything in FC/DCS for over 10 years and something is definately not right with the Mirage damage model.

Some complain about the MiG-29 but that is not a patch on this tank.

"[51☭] FROSTIE" #55


Fastest MiG pilot in the world - TCR'10


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Deflecting the issue to the Mirage is pathetic , the guy was caught cheating several times, he was giving the benefit of the doubt by having him fix his DCS install which we all know is irrelevant since he IS cheating , i don`t get why red is so adamant about defending a cheater like that.



Mirage is available to both sides if you feel its so overpowered , right now all i see is SU27 packing like 11 missiles each vs the 2 almost useless 530D and 2 barely useful Magic 2`s.

Edited by T_A


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