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Step by step ^^

FAQ DCE (Cef & Miguel'version)

In case of problem with a mission generated by CEF's DCEs, please post as many elements as possible:

  • - the mission + the tacview + a screenshot of the bug window + Give the name of the campaign + version of the scriptsMod

now you have to modify the MissionScripting.lua file


It is located there, in the core of DCS (not in the saved games part):

...\DCS World\Scripts\MissionScripting.lua



Add two minus signs in front of line 16 "sanitizeModule('os')" and line 17 "sanitizeModule('io')". The code block from line 16 to line 20 should then look like this:


require = nil 
loadlib = nil

With notepad++, encod UTF8 or ANSI




FAQ DCE (Cef & Miguel'version)

In case of problem with a mission generated by CEF's DCEs, please post as many elements as possible:

  • - the mission + the tacview + a screenshot of the bug window + Give the name of the campaign + version of the scriptsMod

Hey there. Long time fan of DCE, but have some trouble running the latest with open beta. Hornet TF74.


I think I have set up all things as I should, but I get the following error after missions:



Hey there. Long time fan of DCE, but have some trouble running the latest with open beta. Hornet TF74.


I think I have set up all things as I should, but I get the following error after missions:







Hi Zionid


It seems to me that this is a sanitizeModule reset bp, which comes after every DCS patch.


You have to do what I explain to Sublime in the post just above, by modifying the MissionScripting file

FAQ DCE (Cef & Miguel'version)

In case of problem with a mission generated by CEF's DCEs, please post as many elements as possible:

  • - the mission + the tacview + a screenshot of the bug window + Give the name of the campaign + version of the scriptsMod

I don't think so, it's not related to the mission but only to the MissionScripting file.


You may have confused DCS with DCS.openbeta.


Or you changed the encoding of the file which is no longer ANSI or UTF8 (only)

FAQ DCE (Cef & Miguel'version)

In case of problem with a mission generated by CEF's DCEs, please post as many elements as possible:

  • - the mission + the tacview + a screenshot of the bug window + Give the name of the campaign + version of the scriptsMod
now you have to modify the MissionScripting.lua file


It is located there, in the core of DCS (not in the saved games part):

...\DCS World\Scripts\MissionScripting.lua




With notepad++, encod UTF8 or ANSI






I changed the missionscripting.. i had already done so.

Now to be sure what directory of dcs should I be edditing the missionscripting in? Obc the folder the icon leads to? Second it only.works for release right? How do I confirm Im using release sir?

Its version 2.9.whatever


Hello friend

To double check i rechecked scripting file and made sure it was same file that was in the folder that my desktop dcs icon links to.

The only other issue I could possibly see is somehow the saved games in the J folder arent associated with my program files/eagle dynamics folder

But i dont get how? I didnt deviate from any install directions. Ona anything.



So, before we go off on a wild goose chase, let's focus on the essentials:



1/ I need you to provide me with the printscreen of the DCE installation in DCS as for my image...



2/ Then that you provide me the one where you find the MissionScripting.lua file, with this same file opened.


-on the other hand, I remind you that it is preferable that you make printscreen via the keyboard shortcut "windows key" with "shift" with "s".

Also expands the tree structure on the left

It's much more visible than on the phone.


Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)



FAQ DCE (Cef & Miguel'version)

In case of problem with a mission generated by CEF's DCEs, please post as many elements as possible:

  • - the mission + the tacview + a screenshot of the bug window + Give the name of the campaign + version of the scriptsMod
For screen captures may I suggest, it's free.



Sent from my ANE-LX1 using Tapatalk



Thanks Maxsenna, but ^^


the keyboard shortcut "windows key" with "shift" with "s".
open "Snip & Sketch", it's the same thing :music_whistling:

FAQ DCE (Cef & Miguel'version)

In case of problem with a mission generated by CEF's DCEs, please post as many elements as possible:

  • - the mission + the tacview + a screenshot of the bug window + Give the name of the campaign + version of the scriptsMod

Hi guys. Hey, for the India-Pakistan Sabre campaign...do I install the F-86 and Mig-21 skins in the DCS main folder or in "Saved Games"? Sorry, just a bit confusing what goes in the main folder and what goes in "Saved Games".



Also, you say to disable the missionscripting.lua and whatnot when not playing the campaign. Can I do this midway in the campaign and then re-enable and continue? Or, do I have to play the campaign all the way through. Thanks guys.

Hi guys. Hey, for the India-Pakistan Sabre campaign...do I install the F-86 and Mig-21 skins in the DCS main folder or in "Saved Games"? Sorry, just a bit confusing what goes in the main folder and what goes in "Saved Games".



Also, you say to disable the missionscripting.lua and whatnot when not playing the campaign. Can I do this midway in the campaign and then re-enable and continue? Or, do I have to play the campaign all the way through. Thanks guys.

The best is to install the skins in Saved games :thumbup:

You can disable the missionscripting modification when yu don't play the campaign. You only need to enable it when you play a DCE campaigns mission.:)

[/url]All known Dynamic Campaign Engine Campaigns

Last DCE news : Crisis in PG - Iran-Iraq War - TF-71 - TF80s - War over Beirut ...


Thanks Maxsenna, but ^^


open "Snip & Sketch", it's the same thing :music_whistling:

Yeah, it wasn't actually intended for you.


Sent from my ANE-LX1 using Tapatalk


For the India-Pakistan series, I was just wondering how do you adjust the pruning? Everything is fine until I get close to the target area and my FPS takes a nose dive to single digits.

Intel Core i7 7700, 16GB DDR4 RAM, Intel 660P PCIe NVMe, Zotac 2070 Super Amp, Oculus Rift S


A-10C, FA-18C, F-14B, FC3, F-5E, F-86, AV8B, M-2000, Combined Arms, AJS37, F-16C, C-101, MiG-15Bis, MiG-19P, MiG-21Bis, L-39, P-51D, Spitfire LFMkIX, Bf-109, Fw-190 Dora, Fw-190 Anton, P-47D, I-16, SA342, Mi-8MTV2, UH-1H, Ka-50

For the India-Pakistan series, I was just wondering how do you adjust the pruning? Everything is fine until I get close to the target area and my FPS takes a nose dive to single digits.



Look in the conf_mod.lua file in the Init folder : change the value and you can try to PruneStatic too ... The problem is that frontline is small and not a lot of ground units are pruned because player waypoints are often close to them ...

I tryed to put as static units as possible to reduce that but it can still be difficult ... hope prunescript can help ...

[/url]All known Dynamic Campaign Engine Campaigns

Last DCE news : Crisis in PG - Iran-Iraq War - TF-71 - TF80s - War over Beirut ...


Posted (edited)
Ok here



Okay, thank you.

It looks perfect, except for the missing capital letters on the Mods, Campaigns and Mission and DCE folders, but I don't know yet if it will be important for the future, I'll test that.


If not, there are still a few things we need to change:



FirstMission.bat (you have to activate the file extension, otherwise on your side you only see FirstMission)


Right-click on it with your mouse and choose "edit."

you're gonna see a line like this:

start "Generate First Mission" cmd /k ""D:\DCS World\bin\luae.exe" ..\..\..\Scripts\BAT_FirstMission.lua && exit"

change it to fit your configuration:

start "Generate First Mission" cmd /k ""C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\bin\luae.exe" ..\..\..\scripts\BAT_FirstMission.lua"

- you can take out the "&&exit" part, so we can see if there are any error messages.





- then you have to do the same (C:\Program Files\Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\bin\luae.exe) with the other two .bat files, :

SkipMission.bat (or SkipMission for you)



--> DEBUG_DebriefMission.bat (or DEBUG_DebriefMission for you)


4/ Finally: launch the FirstMission.bat file, it will generate your first mission with your own links of your configuration.

Then launch DCS, then DCE, play the mission etc...


5/ if you have a new error window, explain us when it arrives:

- When you run DCE?

- after the end of the mission?

- etc... try to be precise


Thanks for your patience, the first installation of DCE is never easy.

Edited by Miguel21

FAQ DCE (Cef & Miguel'version)

In case of problem with a mission generated by CEF's DCEs, please post as many elements as possible:

  • - the mission + the tacview + a screenshot of the bug window + Give the name of the campaign + version of the scriptsMod
Posted (edited)

De nada senor - for years I have tried to get this to work I appreciate your help so much. Let me do this now and post back

Editting these files im pointing them at my c:/users/j/etc right

Also when I remove the && exit the " ends after 'lua' of course?

Edited by Sublimearrepentido

Ok I ran first mission

Excuse cell phone photo. But i checked. The files in the bin folder. But it isnt being 'seein'

I believe id we figure this out we have ..

It says "no such file or directory"

I directed it to my c:/program files/ eagle dynamics/dcs world/bin

Bla bla

I checked the relevant lua is there..


c:/program files/ eagle dynamics/dcs world/bin ????



There shouldn't be any space between..."program files/" and "eagle dynamics"


Tests by removing the space

Otherwise post here the entire line of firstmission.bat

FAQ DCE (Cef & Miguel'version)

In case of problem with a mission generated by CEF's DCEs, please post as many elements as possible:

  • - the mission + the tacview + a screenshot of the bug window + Give the name of the campaign + version of the scriptsMod
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