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DCS World Changelog and Updates of Open Beta


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DCS World


  • J-11A. Fixed cockpit view movement.
  • KG600 SPJ pod. Fixed model front/rear direction.
  • 052C. Fixed collision (caused explosion when launching YJ-62).
  • Server log error updateLocalUserOptions - fixed.
  • Warehouse on airfields in the old missions are corrupted after game update - fixed.
  • Sound. With some sound parameters, when external sounds enter the cockpit, sound vibrations occur - fixed.
  • Sound. Fixed sound glitches and distortions on the F4 view.
  • Ground AI. Crash when a ground unit moves around static objects - fixed.
  • Input. The 'Framerate counter', Pause, Time accelerate / decelerate / normal commands are moved to the UI layer and can be reassigned to other keys / buttons.
  • MP. On the F10 map, information about airfield warehouses will not be available to players of the opposite coalition.
  • Mission Generator. Fixed sporadic crashes associated with loading maps.
  • ME. Add aircraft group distance aсtivation param.
  • Aircraft AI. The distance between aircraft when taxiing at an aerodrome will be depended by the size of the aircraft. The distance between large planes is greater.
  • Input. Fixed crash on sorting input device names.
  • ME. A mission made in a newer version of the ME, where there are countries missing in older versions of the ME, will not cause the hang of the old version of the game.
  • AIM-120. Slightly decreased missile miss standard deviation.
  • GUI Fix for insufficient space for mission name in debriefing.
  • ME. GUI Error when use clone button in mission goals window in some cases - fixed.
  • MP. Dedicated server. After the restart, not the first mission from the list will start, but the last one played.
  • MP. Possible fix for Storm of War MP server stability issues.

DCS AV-8B N/A by RAZBAM Simulations

  • Fixed: Velocity Vector and Horizon Line still visible in DMT page after a target has been locked.
  • Fixed: Corrected nozzle angle for in-air start
  • Fixed: Minor adjustment to verbage in auto-start sequence
  • Improvement: UFC Mode timer disabled when CS/T  is selected
  • Improvement: TDC Action/No Action enabled for DMT/ARBS. DMT Snowplow mode enabled.
  • Improvement: UFC/ODU keybinds so cockpit buttons animations work.
  • Improvement: Various FM performance adjustments
  • Improvement: Improved pull-up cue to avoid nuisance alerts during landing
  • Added: When using Guns or Rockets, the system will designate the aiming point after trigger/pickle release as a target.

DCS M-2000C by RAZBAM Simulations

  • Fixed: Radar not ON in hot start
  • Fixed: Can edit read-only PCN fields
  • Fixed: PCN unable to enter DLDG South or West offsets
  • Fixed: potential crash when capturing ILS on AP APP
  • Fixed: wrong ILS window when approaching from the right of the runway axis
  • Fixed: ILS open box symbol constraints to HUD FOV
  • Fixed: proper synthetic runway dimensions
  • Fixed: Inverted DETOT switch
  • Fixed: UHF channel 18 default freq
  • Fixed: Autostart alignment (still requires ALCM ready enabled)
  • Fixed: CCIP HUD line brightness not dimmed with HUD brightness
  • Added: Message every 500kgs of air refuel
  • Added: AP ALT Hold possible in AP APP mode while glide not captured
  • Added: Trim hat Up/Down in AP APP mode disables AP GLIDE
  • Added: Trim hat Left/Right in AP APP mode disables AP LOC
  • Improvement: Aligned virtual runway entrance to glide plane
  • Improvement: Leading zeros in kneeboard initial position
  • Improvement: INS model (gyro-position loopback & Schuler oscillations)

DCS MiG-19P by RAZBAM Simulations

  • Fixed: Oxygen flows with O2 SOV Closed.
  • Fixed: Flare Key binds

DCS JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations

  • Added: special option "T6 Opposite Dir" - to allow T6 axis has opposite direction between radar ant and camera zoom operation
  • Fixed: much slower TDC movement on radar/HUD
  • Fixed: T6 axis behavior (used to behave like slide, now control moving speed. T6 axis slide is a separated binding)
  • Fixed: PL-5E drag for wingtip and underwing
  • Updated: JF-17 collision model (solve fps issue when park in syria map)

DCS MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3

  • Fixed crash in avionics.dll
  • Removed iCommandGraphicsFrameRate from inputs.
  • Corrected invalid syntax in the Syria RSBN file that causes the module to crash.
  • Increased SPO-10 volume by 50%
  • Fixed afterburner from showing exhaust trail.
  • Fixed SPS landing system causing the afterburner to ignite.
    • Attempting to engage the afterburner with the SPS on, will cause significant thrust decrease due to the open engine nozzle.
  • Adjusted suspension values and associated collision file.
    • Some front wheel shimmy will occur while braking with excessive weight.
  • Adjusted day-mode indicator T-base lights.

DCS Christen Eagle II by Magnitude 3

  • Fixed rudder inputs when the autopilot is engaged.
  • Fixed audio for the canopy, and radio switches.
  • Fixed unassignable controls for the cockpit light switches.
  • Fixed delayed animation of the aerobatic sight gauge.
  • Fixed key binding for Fuse On/Off.
  • Fixed radio frequency preset changes in the mission editor.

DCS F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations

  • Fixed crash when pulling map marker using JESTER
  • Removed Framerate counter from Aircraft specific input layer
  • Fixed JESTER not reporting correct wire on trap (SC)
  • Fixed AI aircraft wing and slats wobble/flicker

DCS AJS37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations

  • Fixed map marker crash.
  • Fixed assert crash when inputting a waypoint with identical coordinates as what was already stored.
  • Fixed texture label for EP-13 missing
  • Reduced intensity of coating / blue tint on cockpit gauge glass

DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev

  • Multicrew WIP continuation:
    • Fixed idle cutoff.
    • Correct synchronization of landing gear handle and idle cutoff, disregarding local restrictions (like throttle position for idle cutoff).
    • Fixed synchronization of “fuel pump”, “fuel valve” and “fus qty” korry buttons.
    • Fixed synchronization of “VHF”, “UHF”, “NAV” and “VOR/TAC” korry buttons.
    • Fixed synchronization of GPU power control korry button.
    • Now the forward seat canopy is correctly initialized, when its position is different from the default position for this type of start - hot/cold/air.
    • Fixed GPU state initialization, when the rear cockpit is entered after the GPU was started.
    • Fixed flickering of the GPU external 3D model at the rear seat, if the GPU was enabled before joining the rear seat.
    • Added synchronization of Master Caution and Master Warning lights reset.
    • Hydraulic and oil pressure warning lights are now correctly synchronized, when the other seat is joined with a non-standard init conditions (like, for example, engine off).
    • Master failure/caution warning lights status is now correctly initialized when joining the other seat.
    • Battery voltage and status is now correctly synchronized between seats.
    • Fixed Master Caution light status synchronization when the cockpit is entered with some specific cautions being active.
    • The throttle will not be anymore at idle cutoff in the rear cockpit, when entering the rear seat after the engine has been stopped from the front seat, without setting the throttle to idle cutoff (for example using the fuel cutoff korry button).
    • Fixed ADI/DG synchronization when entering the rear seat after the engine has been stopped at ramp hot start.
    • Fixed initial state of the stand-by attitude indicator in the rear seat, if it was entered after the engine had been stopped at ramp hot start.
    • Fixed inoperative rate-of-turn indicator when the aircraft is controlled from the other seat.
    • Trim tone sounds now on both cockpits.
    • Despite the stick/throttle control being available in multiplayer at one seat only at one time (except the just added Combined Controls Mode), it is now possible to trim the aircraft from another seat. Note that trim signals will be summed algebraically from two seats, except roll trim in which the “left” signal has priority. Emergency trim is operative now as well in multicrew from both seats.
    • Implemented Combined Controls mode: it sends the algebraic sum of flight controls positions from both seats to the Flight Model, with a limit of full travel. The way that front and rear throttle synchronization works is that the last throttle which was moved for more than 10% of full range will take control.
    • Added new command to activate (toggle) Combined Controls mode.
    • Controls Indicator has got additional symbols displayed when the Combined Controls mode is enabled. This will help to see what is going on with flight controls on both cockpits.
    • Controls Indicator has got a “Priority Seat” indication (“F” or “R” letters).
    • All circuit breakers are correctly synchronized now.
    • Now wheel brakes always work for both seats in multicrew.
  • Altimeter indication is now affected by atmospheric temperature (there’s still an initialization issue that we are working on).
  • Added get_current_seat() function for lua export. It should be called by means of GetDevice(0):get_current_seat()
  • Fixed blurred labels in the left console (English C-101EB cockpit).
  • Fixed initialization at cold start for heading and attitude reference systems.
  • Fixed inoperative rear seat 'fast erect' switch in C-101CC.
  • Trim indication is shown now on the Controls Indicator.
  • Fixed IFF and ADC circuit breakers animation in C-101CC.

DCS: MiG-15 by Belsimtek

  • Corrected canopy reflections

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics

  • ATFLIR in some cases laser turns off to early with AGM-65  - Fixed
  • Major update of the german Early Access Hornet Manual
  • Various updates of the english Early Access Hornet Manual

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

  • Wingtip AIM -120 causes damage on Launch - Fixed
  • Viper Early Access Manual EN: Checklists reworked, new styling

DCS: Mi-8MTV2 by Belsimtek

  • Mi-8 Spring Tension campaign - adjusted clouds.

DCS: Supercarrier by Eagle Dynamics

  • Multiple IFLOLS indicator helper - Fixed
  • 4th CAT blocks 3rd CAT after player visited 4 and wants to use 3 - Fixed

UH-1H Worlds Apart - Spring 2025 Campaign by Low-Level-Heaven Mission Development

  • M1. Adopted to DCS World 2.7. More units added
  • M2. Adopted to DCS World 2.7. More units added
  • M3. Adopted to DCS World 2.7. More units added
  • M4. Adopted to DCS World 2.7. More units added. Mission skip possibility added
  • M5-1. Adopted to DCS World 2.7. More units added. Mission skip possibility added
  • M5-2. Adopted to DCS World 2.7.

Combined Arms: Frontlines Georgia

  • Reinstated chinese localization

DCS: F/A-18C Rising Squall Campaign by INVERTED

  • Added Rising Squall skin package
  • Various quality of life improvements to couple with DCS 2.7
  • Like 25
  • Thanks 9


Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

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  • ED Team

DCS: World

  • Type 052B: fixed SA-N-12 not intercepting AShM
  • Type 052B: fixed SA-N-12 interception range for AShM
  • C802AK: adjusted autopilot params
  • HQ-7 STR: fixed potential CTD in MP
  • Missiles. Minor adjustments to the RСS of some missiles.
  • Rockets. Sound corrected.
  • AIM-120. Chaff bug - changed chaff/slow moving targets filtering logic, introduced ground clutter model, missile notching now depends on target/clutter signals ratio, range of blind velocities depends on geometry of intersection of seeker beam and ground.
  • AIM-120 fixed ECM blinking issue
  • AIM-120 fixed missing / improper RWR indication if missile launched in visual mode (maddog launch)
  • AIM-7. New ground clutter model also applied to all AIM-7 family missiles.
  • AIM-7F/M. Loft trajectory is disabled by default (F-15C).
  • Several fixes on A2A missiles desync in multiplayer
  • R-27R, R-27ER will not go for the chaff if radar lock is lost.
  • JDAM - fixed error in bomb onboard pathfinding algorithm, which may lead to strange maneuvers at terminal phase of flight and miss.
  • DCS Manual Updates - Options.
  • ME. If an uncontrolled group gets a 'follow' command before starting, they will never obey the 'start' command later, and just get deactivated - fixed.
  • Aircraft AI. Aircraft sent to AAR will continue to fill up even if re-join is called during AAR - fixed.
  • Aircraft AI. AI Calls Bandits, then refuses to engage - fixed.
  • Effects. Updated smoke presets.
  • Fixed WRADIO error during landing of DDR, Argentina and Lebanon aircraft.
  • Time from mission start instead of absolute time in debriefing - fixed.
  • Ships AI. Ships unable to reach max speed - fixed.
  • AGM-65. CIWS can not destroy Mavericks because AGM-65 lacks DM - fixed.
  • Log book not recording day time / night time correctly - fixed.
  • ME. Player controlled 'civil plane' can be armed in-game - fixed.
  • Aircraft AI. If a player sets an attacking aircraft to intercept an aircraft parked on the ramp, and the attacker is heavy enough, it will dive at a rate it cannot pull out of - fixed.
  • BetAB-500ShP and BetAB-500 anti-runway bombs. Reduced chute drag and dispersing by wind, adjusted rocket plume position. Damage effect against concrete structures has been increased.
  • ME. Yak-52 preview for solo/non-solo flight is wrong - fixed.
  • Bunkers get destroyed without smoke - fixed
  • Su-34 payload presets. Replaced Kh-25 missiles with Kh-29L/T and Kh-31P missiles.
  • Aircraft AI. Canopy visibility geometry corrected. Now MiG-15 doesn't see the enemy on his six, allowing for silent attack.
  • L-39C. Added DDR skins.
  • SAM AI. SAMs do not engage fast aircraft weapons - fixed.
  • Triggers. OnEventEject event no longer works for Warbirds but does for jets - fixed.
  • MP. DCS version number added in servers window.
  • BLACK Screen early morning flights, seem to be around 05:13 - 05:15 - fixed.
  • The button End mission doesn't work if a map object was destroyed - fixed.
  • SH-60B. Added to the list of Australian units.
  • ME. Corrected some new weapon icons into the payload panel.
  • Aircraft AI. In the case when an active missile is launched in the TWS mode, AI aircraft will begin evasive maneuver only after the missile seeker is turned active.
  • Fixed CTD on the Tomahawk launch.

DCS AV-8B N/A by RAZBAM Simulations

  • Fixed: DMT slew using keys not stopping.
  • Fixed: DMT camera drift after recovering from gimbal lock
  • Fixed: Pilot falling through carrier deck after ejection
  • Added: Bullseye Position can be modified using the EHSD/DATA page.

DCS M-2000C by RAZBAM Simulations

  • Fixed: VTB Waypoints wrong placement
  • Added: SA2 and SA3 RWR symbols
  • Added: RWR codes kneeboard sheet

DCS MiG-19P by RAZBAM Simulations

  • Fixed: Corrected incorrect lift coefficient with respect to angle of attack
  • Fixed: Minor correction to reference CG to align with correct static margin from documentation
  • Fixed: Minor correction to better match expected turn performance

DCS JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations

  • Fixed: broken FCS Autopilot ATT
  • Fixed: WMD7 level was reset when switching between CCD/IR (WH and BH)
  • Fixed: HSD top left should display waypoint bearing information
  • Fixed: collision damage when immortal
  • Updated: CM802AKG seeker with IR image only
  • Adjusted: take-off landing roll pitching moment
  • Adjusted: DEEC control law

DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev

  • Multicrew WIP continuation:
    • Fuel used display is now correctly synchronized when entering the second seat after a time delay.
    • Removed delays in ARC-164 frequency and mode knobs synchronization.
    • Finished ARC-164 synchronization (C-101EB).
    • Implemented ARN-127 synchronization (C-101EB).
    • Flight controls are correctly animated now in the aircraft external 3D model when the Combined Controls mode is enabled.
    • Implemented TACAN AN/ARN-118 synchronization (C-101EB).
    • Fixed accuracy of HSI course deviation numerical display shown on the other seat.
    • Fixed minor problems in the lighting system synchronization.
    • Removed delay for several switches animation synchronization.
    • Made canopy ejection lever animation synchronized in multicrew. It can now be seen from another cockpit.
    • Implemented Weapons Control System synchronization (C-101CC).
    • Fixed V/UHF radio V/TVU-740 synchronization (C-101CC).
    • Fixed decision height synchronization (C-101CC).
    • Finished VHF-20B and VIR-31A/DME-40 synchronization (C-101CC).
    • Added synchronization of generator test switch.
    • Implemented synchronization of C-101CC Flight Director.
    • Added ADF (ADF-60) synchronization.
    • C-101EB Flight Director transfers now commanded altitude correctly.
    • C-101EB Flight Director panel lights test function works now in the rear cockpit.
    • Added C-101CC radar altimeter switch synchronization.
    • Gyro platform control panel is now synchronized (C-101CC).
    • AHRS control panel switches in C-101EB are transferred now as clickable switches (not just as flags).
  • Fixed FD and IFF circuit breakers animation in C-101CC. They were interfering with trim position indicator animation.
  • Updated ES localization.
  • Fixed round shapes of several C-101EB and C-101CC instruments.
  • Fix to avoid the altimeter needle spinning at mission start (WIP).
  • Added Throttle Idle Detent - Idle/Stop (2 pos switch) to C-101EB and C-101CC joystick inputs. This makes it possible to bind off-idle throttle detent in HOTAS Warthog and similar peripherals or to bind it to any two positions switch.
  • Fixed Glide Slope index animation in rear cockpit ADI of the C-101CC.
  • Fixed texture of B (for bombs) amber indication in the Mode Selected Indicator (CANCEL) of the SCAR Display Unit of C-101CC rear cockpit.
  • Added grey texture to control stick base when it is hidden.
  • Fixed C-101EB marks of vertical speed indicator.
  • Fuel flow reset is a pull and release knob, therefore fixed C-101EB input, so that now key or joystick binding will pull the knob when pressing the corresponding key or button (front and rear cockpit).
  • Adjusted initial position of C-101CC gyro platform control panel switches: magnetic variation and hemisphere selection switches.
  • Fixed ADI DH and GA lights in the C-101CC rear cockpit.
  • Radar altimeter is now ON by default at hot start (C-101CC).

DCS P-47D by Eagle Dynamics

  • Main fuel tank capacity increased to 270 US gal
  • Fixes to in-cockpit animations

DCS Bf 109K-4 by Eagle Dynamics

  • minor tune to the oxygen gauge

DCS Spitfire LF Mk.IX by Eagle Dynamics

  • new ammunition belt variants

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added AGM-84 H SLAM-ER
  • Added Raid assessment (RAID)
    • Situation awareness mode (SAM)
    • One-look RAID
  • Added New smaller flares
  • Added Offset waypoints
  • Added Control Stick Steering (CSS) Mode
  • Added Remaining options for HOTAS
    • A/A Radar
      • Surface
      • TWS EXP
      • Mode
      • Azimuth Scan Centering
      • Change azimuth using cursor on tactical regions left and right
      • Mode
    • A/G Radar
      • Mode
      • Freeze
      • EXP1, EXP2, EXP3
      • Pen/Fan
      • Silent
      • Range
      • Air
      • Active
    • A/G EXP
      • FAST
    • RDR Data
      • Age
    • TDC
      • Azimuth on Radar Attack
      • Range on SA
      • Auto/man TWS option
      • PRF and Reset
    • Event Marker
      • On/Off SA EXP
    • Sensor control switch depress then right
      • CIT manual interrogation
  • TDC cursor added for AG EXP mode
  • Changed logic lock/shoot lines on SA page
    • Segmented and solid line logic between flight members and donors should be the same.
    • If a flight member of donor has a sensor lock (radar or TGP) on a target, the line should be segmented.
    • If a flight member or donor has launched a weapon at a locked target, the line becomes solid.
  • Cursor stow position after option selection - Fixed
  • FPS Hit in Syria when switching to AA / FLIR - Fixed
  • TDC not slewing and Stuck top left - Fixed
  • Can not cage the velocity vector in AUTO bombing - Fixed
  • Autopilot HDG mode does not maintain pitch attitude - Fixed
  • BALT hold does not hold altitude during bank angle changes - Fixed
  • Engaging BALT in dive will break wings - Fixed
  • Current waypoint on FPAS page doesn't change when it changes on SA page - Fixed
  • Unless ILS is turned on, the ILS push button option should not appear on the HSI - Fixed
  • Incorrect weight calculation in CHECKLIST page - Fixed
  • Off-Board contacts should show Mach and Altitude on hover - Fixed
  • HUD L&S friend cue: update position - Fixed
  • ACM page active options - Fixed
  • SA TACAN heading/range showing incorrect data - Fixed
  • CCIP Line moves on fall line when changing between feet and meters - Fixed
  • Inner wing damage shows flame in mid air and wingtip missiles remain - Fixed
  • TDC should not be displayed on any page (RDR/SA/etc) if TDC priority is not assigned to it - Fixed
  • Check pilot face and helmet for older liveries - Fixed
  • HSI scale and the DMS - Fixed
  • Radar is capable of locking small missiles - Fixed
  • Segmented diamond symbol in HUD/JHMCS always has TDC assignment dot inside it - Fixed
  • After HUD or JHMCS designation, AGR is not enabled until SCS up is re-commanded - Fixed
  • EXP should not be usable below 5nm - Fixed
  • B-sweep line in EXP mode - Fixed
  • Bar/azimuth selection via cursor in TWS - Fixed
  • Scan RAID Mode recentres scan area in certain circumstances - Fixed
  • Line in mirror depending on light angle - Fixed
  • Laser not counting down in JHMCS - Fixed
  • CBU-99 are bursting 1.2s after falling below 1,500' AGL - Fixed
  • When switching to HACQ/LHACQ, radar track files are never deleted - Fixed
  • Acq point cue is displayed when L&S exists or when there's a TUC - Fixed
  • GMT RADAR seems to lock static ground targets when used with FLIR - Fixed
  • HAFU Height should be rounded with no decimal - Fixed
  • TDC continues to control radar azimuth and elevation after uncaged WACQ has been exited - Fixed
  • VACQ does not detect target head on - Fixed
  • AA radar: tuned ECM behavior
  • Jammering tracks on SA has target speed and altitude indication - Fixed
  • SA sensor sublevel FRIEND option doesn't work anymore - Fixed
  • DL16 donor target disappears if the target jams you:SURV tracks showing when jamming - Fixed
  • AA Radar: with large memory time value after jam target burn in "brick" will stay on jammer line on radar page in preset time - Fixed
  • SEA RADAR not seeing Handy wind ship - Fixed
  • SEA radar can detect submerge units - Fixed
  • GBU-24 has different mass - Fixed
  • Flame rotation seems unnatural - Fixed
  • TACAN table: MVAR input not working on Syria - Fixed
  • Changing scan azimuth while in SPOT breaks radar limits after exiting - Fixed
  • When try set AACQ on contact under TDC with L&S contact AACQ switch on L&S contact - Fixed
  • A2A RADAR - Select SIL - JAM and AUTO are in conflict - Fixed
  • Loud distant sound from behind on the runway in high wind weather - Fixed
  • Error after Spotlight exiting - Fixed
  • Radar and az/el pages show L&S true heading instead of magnetic heading - Fixed
  • Amphibious vehicles can not be seen on SEA RADAR - Fixed
  • Rearming JSOW is already aligned - Fixed
  • HARM PLBK indication not shown on JHMCS - Fixed
  • HARM and MAV can be fired at the same time - Fixed
  • VFR Training covered with clouds - Fixed
  • Undesignate selects TWS AUTO from TWS MAN - Fixed
  • Some hornet missions have Chinese text - Fixed
  • Pylon 5 x2 bombs create overlap on safe text - Fixed
  • Complete AIM-7 with LAR symbols, HOJ mode, FLOOD mode, and LOFT option
  • TDC jumps to DDI center in TWS mode when SIL turned ON and OFF - Fixed
  • Coordinates on UFC stuck together when doing PP
  • The weapon release blink for CCIP and ASL should be longer duration and include the release cue and CCIP aiming cross - Fixed
  • Flashlight battery off unable to adjust brightness - Fixed
  • Target Diamond should occlude the fall line - Fixed
  • HSI Sequence line behaves strange sometimes - Fixed
  • Currently the GBU-24 for the Hornet is using the payload image for the GBU-10 - Fixed
  • HARM Seeking Target After Jettison - Fixed
  • The description is M151-HE, but the actual ammunition fired is MK5-HEAT - Fixed
  • Typo in input commands - Fixed
  • CPL TCN + SLAM create conflict in HUD - Fixed
  • GMT reverts to 90 degree sweep when cycled away - Fixed
  • GMT with INTL boxed unable to adjust GAIN - Fixed
  • JDAM TOF - Fixed
  • Litening
    • TDC Diamond not showing on second try with TDC Depress - Fixed
    • Maximum zoom - corrected to 3.5x
    • AA mode can not slew diagonally - Fixed
    • Ground designation by HMD or WPDSG results in unslewable INR mode - Fixed
    • Waypoint markers - added
    • AA mode cross on autotrack indication - Fixed
    • North arrow symbology - added new compass symbol
    • Pressing OSBs in SETUP sub-menu the corresponding main page option - Fixed
    • Grey scale when switching modes - Fixed
    • Position stabilized symbology can shift when view is not aligned with symbol - Fixed
    • Default A/A mode - fixed
  • Coupled mode
    • When switching from WPT to TCN or SEQ# in coupled A/P mode, indication still WYPT - Fixed
    • CPL bank limits - NAV 30-degree limit, TAC 60-degree limit - Roll 10 - 30 degrees per second - Fixed
    • Changing coupled steering mode (Changing coupled steering mode - suggested change, first uncouple, then change steering mode)
    • Coupled autopilot symbiology doesn't disappear after A/P overriding - Fixed
    • Autopilot makes unexpected roll after disengage coupled mode - Fixed
    • Missing SEQ number - Fixed
    • OVFLY when using AUTO / CPL - Fixed
    • AUTO in CPLD mode should not change selected waypoint - Fixed
    • After enabling coupled autopilot SEQ# mode, symbology is WYPT - Fixed

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

  • Sometimes Hang when strange A2A weapons load and dogfight switch -Fixed
  • Countermeasures quantity do not match - Fixed
  • Bullseye, showing on the HUD, is true north not magnetic north - Fixed
  • CCRP HUD symbols doesn't move at times on Cold Start - Fixed
  • Releases A2A missile while in A2G mode - Fixed
  • CCIP Time delay CUE in HUD does not work first time - Fixed
  • Missile sounds louder from outer pylons - Fixed
  • No English text in CCRP training mission - Fixed
  • Steerpoint distance issue in EOM or PB mode - Fixed
  • Typo in loadout menu - Fixed
  • AI and Player aircraft sound different on the ground - Fixed
  • Problem with cougar mfds losing inputs - Fixed

DCS: Supercarrier by Eagle Dynamics

  • LSO give EG grade when pilot does not pull back throttle

DCS: Black Shark 2 by Eagle Dynamics

  • Corrected 3D model of B-8V20 rockets block.
  • Operation Medvedev II Campaign. Corrected unit positions and set new clouds presets. Mission 2: the flight trajectory of the Mi-8 has been improved.

Flaming Cliffs 3 by Eagle Dynamics

  • J-11A default warning sound changed to Chinese voiceover.

DCS: Combined Arms by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added PT-76
  • Added АА-7,2-60 FireFighter - Ural 4332
  • Added ATZ-5 - Ural 4320
  • Added Diesel power station 5i57A
  • Added VAB Mephisto
  • Added Chieftain Mk.3
  • Added naval La Combattante II (with Harpoon missile)
  • Added Leopard 2A5
  • Added Leopard 2A6M (replaced Leopard-2)
  • Added Leopard 2A4
  • Added Leopard 2A4TR (Turkey)
  • Added ship Seawise Giant
  • Added SPH T-155 Fırtına
  • Replaced MLRS BM-21 Grad (replaced old model)


DCS: F-16C Red Flag 21-1 Campaign by Bunyap Campaigns:

  • Updated weather to use new cloud presets.

The Museum Relic Campaign by Apache600:

  • Mission 1 and 16. Bugfix.

The Border Campaign by Armen Murazyan:

  • Mission 13. Fixed wingman behavior.

DCS: A-10C Operation Persian Freedom Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims:

  • Campaign weather updated to new presets.
  • Player readme updated with missing credit.
  • Mission 2: Updated wingman behaviour to prevent wrong target being attacked.
  • Mission 3: Updated trigger to prevent a bug due to vehicle pathfinding changes.
  • Mission 6: Modified trigger to stop event on RTB activating early.
  • Mission 11: Removed floodlight causing issue with Chinook landing at Lavan.
  • Mission 16: Added missing frequency to kneeboard.

DCS: A-10C II The Enemy Within 3.0 Campaign by Baltic Dragon:

  • Mission 03: Updated cloud layers and altitude for better experience
  • Mission 06: Updated cloud layers and altitude for better experience
  • Mission 14: Updated weather and fog for better FPS. Fixed issue with mission stuck after main target was destroyed.
  • Mission 18: Fixed issue with Colt not engaging targets when called via F10 menu.

DCS: A-10C The Enemy Within 3.0 Campaign by Baltic Dragon:

  • Mission 03 - updated cloud layers and altitude for better experience
  • Mission 06 - updated cloud layers and altitude for better experience
  • Mission 14 - updated weather and fog for better FPS - fixed issue with mission stuck after main target was destroyed.
  • Mission 18 - fixed issue with Colt not engaging targets when called via F10 menu.

M2000C Red Flag Campaign by Baltic Dragon:

  • Mission 6 - Fixed issue with Reaper 02 refusing to taxi

DCS: F/A-18C Campaign by Baltic Dragon:

  • Mission 2: Fixed problem with Smoke never stops refuelling. Smoke moves to Marshal earlier instead of following player to the boat. Updated skin for Texaco
  • Mission 4: Updated wrong freq for Al Dhafra.
  • Mission 9: Added extra instructions about taxi order at mission start.
  • Mission 0: Updated AAA barrage effects.

Combined Arms: Frontlines Georgia Campaign:

  • Added CN localization.

UH-1H Worlds Apart - Spring 2025 Campaign by Low-Level-Heaven Mission Development:

  • Mission 6: Adopted to DCS World 2.7. Skip Mission function added. F-10 Map in time Marker added. New Voiceovers for better Mission guidance.
  • Mission 7: Adopted to DCS World 2.7.
  • Mission 8: Adopted to DCS World 2.7, Skip Mission function added. F-10 Map in time Marker added.⁠
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Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

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DCS Open Beta

DCS World

  • DCS log with many errors regarding score - fixed.
  • MP. Score not being recorded - fixed.
  • AGM-84H SLAM-ER suddenly climbs after launch at high speed and hits launcher-aircraft - fixed.
  • Fixed constant lead-angle guidance at high LOS angles for old API missiles.
  • Old API missiles sometimes can guide on client’s side without launcher radar illumination - fixed.
  • Crash when destroying a group leader while refuelling wingmen - fixed.
  • Crash on RenderAPI - possibly fixed.
  • ME. Fixed historical mode for Leopards, VAB, Chieftain.
  • Added T155 Firtina SPG.
  • Crash caused by a static object (Single Helipad) gets destroyed via script - fixed.
  • AI aircraft. Fixed the crash of the game when an AI crash landed outside the airfield.
  • Crash in video driver after changing water quality between two mission launches - fixed.
  • ME. Fixed wrong RU КАБ-1500 names in the payloads window.
  • Fixed one of the reasons for the crash when restarting the mission.

DCS MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3

  • Adjusted Cockpit IBL and Ellipsoid Reflection settings.
  • Moved 'Special Features' SPO-10 to core code.
    • Users will no longer need to select the corrected functioning RWR.
  • Improved RSBN dialing precision.

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics

  • Сrash on pressing CPL Mode - Fixed
  • Fixed a crash when carrying a weapon that is not provided for this station.
  • SLAM-ER Climbs after launch and hits aircraft - Fixed


F-15C 16-2 Red Flag Campaign be ED. Overhauled.

- Complete re-build of AI flights to ensure they execute their assigned mission and manage fuel in a more reasonable manner.

- Added ‘air start’ option for players who would rather not fly the full departure.  Select ‘Skip to Push Time’ from F10 comms menu to use.

- Reduced radar usage by friendly AI flights.  RWR activity should be more relevant and easier to follow.

- Added several new radio calls to help build situational awareness

- Added ‘kill removal and regeneration’ for player based on Red Flag procedures.  Details are included in the new Campaign Guide.

- Removed ‘mission success’ criteria from missions.  Campaign will now advance automatically when ‘end mission’ is selected at debriefing screen.  If you wish to re-fly the mission, select ‘close’ instead.

- Updated unit visibility options and routes to allow better use of the Mission Planner

- Added new lineup card to kneeboard [RSHIFT+K]

- Moved start time back 5-10 minutes on some missions to allow reasonably fuel-efficient departure while still making push time

- Moved SAM and AAA threats to actual NTTR threat site locations

- Replaced targets with actual NTTR target sites and layouts

- Adjusted AI and player departure/recovery routes to match those used in 2016

- Adjusted AI ‘Allied Flight’ radio calls to ensure only relevant information is provided.  This requires ‘Allied Flight Reports’ to be enabled in DCS: World options.

- Updated mission briefings to match mission plan and timing more closely.  Also added illustrations where required.

- Added new 50-page Campaign Guide

- Updated weather to use new presets

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Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

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DCS Open Beta

DCS World

  • VR. Reduced clouds jitter.
  • CTD on mission restart - possibly fixed.
  • MP. Fixed crash when called to AI wingmen when attacking a ground target.
  • MiG-29. Correction of training missions.



DCS: F-15C Red Flag 16-2 Campaign

  • Added new campaign guide and briefing documents to the revamped F-15C Red Flag 16-2 Campaign


Known issues:

SSAA 1.5 creates problems with clouds, please use SSAA 2.0 or disable for now. Thank you

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Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

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DCS World

  • Fixed crash on simulation re-run after changing SSAA option
  • Fixed issues with clouds with SSAA x1.5
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Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

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DCS Open Beta 

DCS: Mi-24P Hind by Eagle Dynamics

  • "CommandDialogsPanel" error in multiplayer fixed
  • Crash when pilot engages jettison cover fixed
  • Player on commander place loses control after firing ATGM from operator place - fixed
  • AI reporting targets crash fixed
  • Quick Start mission "Syria: H-4 Take Down" fixed
  • Quick Start RU Manual Early Access version added

DCS: A-10C Warthog by Eagle Dynamics

  • A-10C-Training-Navigation.miz fixed

DCS: Spitfire LF Mk IX by Eagle Dynamics

  • Historically more accurate belt mixes

Known Issues

  • Mi-24P ‘Readjust Free Turbine RPM Switch - Decrease' command {RAlt+NUM-} doesn’t work
  • ‘Mi24P-Training-2-ATGM Employment’ lesson without voiceover
  • Mi-24P {LAlt+F1} view is not ready yet and may contain artefacts
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Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

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Introducing new free map - DCS: Marianas

DCS World

  • AI refuelling. AI Dropping basket often and sometimes gets stuck - fixed.
  • AI refuelling. JF-17 refuelling procedure corrected.

DCS: Mi-24P by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed several crashes
  • Added RU and EN voiceovers to ATGM training mission
  • Fixed: No control from front seat in multicrew
  • Petrovich AI: added commands, subtitles and delay.
  • Petrovich AI: added subtitles for RoE state change
  • Petrovich AI: added ASO-2 automatic SET switch for countermeasures cassettes 
  • Fixed:  IA "Syria: H-4 Take Down" spawn point
  • Fixed: Player on commander place loses control after firing ATGM from operator place
  • Fixed: adjusted engines throttle and correction sync in multicrew
  • ASO-2 default state changed to - Interval:2, Series:4, Both SIdes ON, SET I
  • Default weapons presets were adjusted and updated
  • Fixed: If ATGM launch button used out of LA zone, Pilot's LA sound disappear
  • Fixed: RI-65 does not warn about generator failure
  • Fixed: ZPU-24 AP route azimuth rotary 40 increment block
  • Fixed: emergency stores release logic
  • Fixed: Multi monitor setup Petrovich AI interface placement
  • Fixed: FWD cockpit ARC-15 channel switch inverted
  • Ammo counter panel implemented
  • Fixed: sight doors and headlight sync for multicrew
  • Separate commands for OBSERVE ON and OFF added
  • Fixed: launch permission sound stays after missile was launch
  • Fixed: Fuel Delimiter Valve indication inverted
  • Fixed: incorrect KMGU indication
  • Fixed: Indicator "APU ON" not operational on electrical panel
  • Russia liveries added to USSR
  • Petrovich AI: added maximum altitude limit
  • Petrovich AI: added distance check for ATGM launch. Dynamic error +/- 300m. When in range subtitle will appear. (WIP)
  • Fixed: Countermeasures used by Operator in multicrew desync
  • Fixed: ATGM sight renders at the centre of multi monitor setup
  • Adjusted textures for lighting
  • Petrovich AI: added subtitle about "Simplified AI" active state
  • Fixed: countermeasures not working after rearming
  • Fixed: 2UT-6K Gas Temperature gauge scale adjusted
  • Fixed: second row of signal flares order inverted
  • Fixed: AFT cockpit PO-750 Inverter Switch, Flips FWD cockpit Explosion on Jettison Cover
  • Adjusted several keybinds duplicates
  • Fixed: RPM decrease command not working if mapped
  • Fixed: Hover and low-speed indicator not showing vertical speed
  • KMGU-2: adjusted circuits logic and drop interval
  • Fixed: While in ATGM sight activating Petrovich AI is blocking mouse controls
  • Course set rotary speed adjusted
  • Fixed: Spinning fan is present on ALT+F1 view
  • ASP-17 Test function adjusted (WIP)

Known issues:

  • Engines are not starting up for Operator at Cold start if operator joined before engines start.
  • If Operator in cockpit and rearming of ATGMs is done then Operator losing launch authorization tone.
  • To avoid these issues second player as Operator should join Mi-24P after its engines are running and weapons are rearmed.

DCS AV-8B N/A by RAZBAM Simulations

  • Fixed: Flare Salvo release is too fast.
  • Fixed: TPOD Laser safes itself when slewing with the TDC.
  • Fixed: TPOD Laser keeps firing indefinitely. Now it safes itself after 2 minutes.
  • Fixed: TOO target cannot be selected for JDAM.
  • Fixed: JPT Limiter not operating correctly in some cases.
  • Fixed: MFS fuel flow metering not being limited correctly in some cases.
  • Fixed: KC-130 crew are visible when not used or as static AI.
  • Fixed: Invisible SEL buttons under clouds.
  • WIP: MPCDs text visibility.

DCS M-2000C by RAZBAM Simulations

  • Fixed: Fixed CAD AR waypoint display on VTB
  • Fixed: Smoke trigger
  • Fixed: VTB loadout display for pylons 6&7
  • Fixed: DEC locked on the ground
  • Fixed: Fuse Switching
  • Fixed: GBU Laser code not updating in kneeboard.
  • Fixed: smoke generators accounting as charges.
  • Added: Show pilot body at startup if DCS MISC option is set.

DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev

  • Added a fix that prevents from reaching other seat clickable elements with any position of the camera set in the cockpit.
  • Extended 6DOF head movement limits in the cockpit.
  • Fixed DF/test tone aerial transmission in multicrew for ARC-164, V/TVU-740, and VHF-20B. It will start working in a forthcoming DCS version.
  • Fixed “autotrim due to airbrake movement” function, which was broken in previous update.
  • Engine anti-ice is now synchronized in multicrew.
  • Stall test is now synchronized in multicrew.
  • Mirror position is now synchronized in multicrew.
  • Fuel used digital counter reset is correctly initialized when entering the second seat, and is not synchronized with the forward seat counter anymore.

DCS: JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations

  • Fixed incorrect DTT hpt/spt switch after missile launch

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: Radar issue when low priority (5th) target locked in TWS 
  • Fixed: Locking/unlocking jamming target resets radar to 160nm 
  • Fixed: A2A Radar elevation moves up and down without input while trying to move the azimuth 
  • Fixed: Attack page bullseye to L&S BRA changes with range scale 
  • Fixed: Check FPAS Behaviour above M 0.9 - should not show range at current mach and altitude
  • Fixed: Clouds: In F/A-18 CASE II Training missions carrier fully is covered by clouds
  • HUD NIRD circle readability improvement
  • Updated: FA18C Hornet QS Missions - clouds update
  • Added: DCS: F/A-18C Normandy FA-18C-Armed Recce mission
  • Added: 3 Marianas Instant Action Missions

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: TWS showing two ranges on top of each other in MFD
  • Fixed: RADAR Cone in HSD extends to infinity
  • Fixed: Dogfight Mode not in NO RAD 
  • Fixed: EXP Mode shouldn't have Azimuth Lines
  • Added: Marianas Instant action missions

DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight

  • Fixed: Mi-8MTV2 can raise a heavy cargo without increasing collective

DCS: Combined Arms by Eagle Dynamics

  • Replaced engine sound for MLRS "Uragan"
  • Fixed: desync tracks if the player used an isometric view.
  • Fixed: indication of readiness for launch on VAB Mephisto
  • Added: inertia after critical damage - Moving vehicles will gradually roll to a stop after critical damage received

DCS: F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations

  • Ranges and range rate gates are now displayed on the DDD in STT modes
  • Adjusted Altitude Hold PID controllers
  • Fixed radio guard modulation - now AM is in the 225-400 range
  • JESTER will no longer report its own missiles
  • Fixed JESTER menu showing incorrect selected destination waypoint
  • Changed emergency hydraulics handpump - handpump is now automatic when clicked and held
  • Handpump pressure contribution adjusted - you now need to pump much more for the same amount of pressure
  • Removed unused options when displaying Jester BVR menu in STT modes
  • Fixed TWS PH TID targets not blinking on multicrew pilot side when approaching launch zone
  • Fixed Datalink waypoints not showing information on TID when hooked
  • Added JESTER option to set aspect switch, defaults to nose
  • Tweaked ACLS to better handle the carrier burble (further tweaking required)
  • Tuned down the intensity of the turbulence in the carrier burble
  • Reduced burble vertical reach
  • Own lat and lon from CAINS is displayed also before the INS switch is moved into INS
  • Added two new liveries from livery competition by Shmoo


DCS: F/A-18C Rising Squall Campaign by INVERTED

  • M02. Reset pre-recorded control for AAR.
  • M05. Fixed a bug causing the mission to finish at start.
  • M08. Reset pre-recorded control for AAR.


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Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

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Open beta


Introduced new campaign DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion Campaign by Badger 633

DCS World

  • AIM-120 missile. Reduced the missile guidance error to the target performing a barrel roll maneuver.
  • AIM-120 missile. Disabled loft for AIM-120s when it is launched against jamming targets.
  • Added ZTZ-96B jungle camo skin.
  • Fixed 052C collision model.
  • LD-10 missile. Adjusted RCS to 0.07.
  • Fixed YJ-83/84/62 jitter/crash during cruise.
  • BR Gerät 21 rocket. Fuse time is changed to 5.5 seconds.
  • Ground AI. Added NASAMS SAM system.
  • Optimized loading terrain surface textures. Fixed FPS drop after switching camera position.
  • MP. DS. Added Mariana Islands map to dedicated server.
  • MP. DS. Wingman refuses to taxi or takeoff - fixed.
  • MP. Favorites filter option doesn't show servers after refresh command - fixed.
  • S-5 rockets. UB-32A rocket launcher is empty on 3D-models - fixed.
  • Ships. La Combattante 2 fast attack craft added for Georgia
  • Encyclopedia. SA-8 9Т217 reloading vehicle model is not shown in encyclopedia - fixed.
  • ME. When adding more vehicles to a group using + or > livery should remain as per vehicle before - fixed.
  • GUI. Debriefing list scroll bar disappears if list is too long - fixed.
  • Ship CIWS. Phalanx will reload in 5 minutes. AK-630, Kashtan/kortik - 10 minutes.
  • Ground AI. Added shield as customization for Flak36 and Flak37.
  • Ground AI. Added desert textures and liveries to SA-6 Kub models (2P25,1S91,3M9M).
  • Scripting. The scripting function Unit.getLife() returns a value that is 1 higher than what the units actual health is - fixed.
  • Rail launched missiles jump during launch procedure - fixed.
  • Ground AI. Added Russian ATZ-5 tanker to FARP tankers list.
  • Aircraft AI. Ju-88 can not attack ground groups - fixed. CAS task added.
  • GUI. Add tool-tips for Game Graphic options.
  • Aircraft AI. The "Radio Usage When Contact" option does not have any effect on AI wingmen - fixed.
  • RWR system. Added 19ZH6 (ST-68U) “Tin Shield” radar as "TS". Changed AZOV ship symbol to "AZ". Updated HARM lists.
  • ME. When copying and pasting an aircraft and helicopter group that has points set to AGL, the displayed altitude for each point when pasted will shift to the altitude of that point on the ground provided the altitude of that point in MSL is a higher number - fixed.
  • Aircraft AI. An-26B and An-30M sound update.
  • Fixed a bug in the inventory of 7.62mm rounds. It previously used a 12.7mm warehouse.
  • Aircraft AI. Wingmen can fail to wait for the player to take-off and collide with the player on the runway - fixed.
  • Kneeboard: cannot show Chinese - fixed.
  • Added a new advanced setting for multiplayer servers - “Allow trial only clients” This can be used to prevent accounts with only trial modules registered from joining a server. Can be used to prevent ban evasion. Please note - this is disabled by default.

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics

  • Crash when you use Walleye with datalink - Fixed
  • Corrected antenna elevation changes in TWS AUTO mode.
  • Unable to remove advisory and warning blanking window - Fixed
  • Added JHMCS Align - JHMCS must be aligned as part of cold start procedure
  • Added HMD BIT display status.
  • SLAM eject strangely when launched - Fixed
  • JSOW A Ditch into the ground sometimes - Fixed
  • Wingman should appear in the true location relative to ownship on D/L- Fixed
  • Adjusted SLAM-ER terminal behavior for easier control.
  • Now possible to slew SLAM-ER cursor without TDC depression.
  • Fixed GMT locking static objects instead of moving ones.
  • Corrected precise coordinate overlap on DDIs.
  • Corrected lack of UFC option until all SLAM-ER are launched.
  • GBU Laser code sometimes removed on takeoff - Fixed
  • Corrected possibility of double course lines
  • Corrected ATFLIR waypoint flags when changing field of view.
  • Adjusted Leading Edge Flap (LEF) logic for AI
  • User unable to adjust waypoint one in UFC - Not accepting 10 digits - Fixed
  • Moving from TWS SPOT to RWS - SPOT remains active - Fixed
  • Corrected HARM pull back mode according to range.
  • TWS Auto Breaks Antenna Elevation sometimes - fixed
  • Air flow over canopy sound has been improved.
  • CN station name remains in HSI with TCN and Data link turned off - Fixed
  • Updated english Early Access Manual.
  • Updated german Early Access Manual.
  • Updated Task Force Challenger campaign
  • Corrected lack of ZTOD on HUD.

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added AGM-154A JSOW.
  • IAM VIS mode with targeting pod tracking is corrected.
  • Harms explode after you jettison a pair of them - Fixed
  • Dogfight Target dropped when switching to Missile Override - Fixed
  • NWS indicator and AOA indexer are invisible in nighttime - Fixed
  • JDAM in VIS mode falls short - Fixed
  • Restrict Launch of AGM-88 From Stations 4 and 6 - can be carried but not launched
  • Search altitude is now displayed in FCR RWS mode.
  • FCR SAM mode target elevation and azimuth carets were added.
  • RWS search target symbols on the MFD now have the history option.
  • Added HUD declutter options.
  • VV/VAH hud mode switch position should enable a VVI indicator tape and change the bank angle indicator:
    • Added bank indicator with VV/VAH HUD mode selected.
    • Added vertical velocity scale with landing gear down.
    • RAD alt and Alt low windows are now hidden with the switch set to OFF.
    • Vertical velocity scale position adjusted
  • Fixed jumping vertical velocity
  • TMS-AFT in ACM will now reject target NO RAD.
  • Steerpoints deleted while cycling through - Fixed
  • MRM mode no longer always switches to 40 nm.
  • Pull Up HUD indication and sound perform in 3-4 seconds later then indication on MFDs - Fixed
  • Can rearm from empty warehouse but sms not updated - Fixed
  • Switching IFF off now affects the CNI page.
  • Rolling will move ccrp target point - Fixed
  • USAF aggressor has default livery and not the aggressor livery - Fixed
  • SAM Mode Incorrect Azimuth - Fixed
  • Corrected the FCR TWS range change Increase.
  • Corrected the FCR display of L16 and radar contacts using different concepts of range.
  • All waypoints at ground level not at assigned height in HUD - Fixed
  • Incorrect date set in DED in some circumstances was corrected.
  • Gaps between pylons and wing - Fixed
  • Fixed FCR page incorrect display of display aspect angle.
  • CCRP target heading now uses magnetic heading.
  • Update RWR and HARM lists
  • Central dot of VIS Hud mode not responding to brightness - Fixed
  • Bullseye now longer displays negative values on the HUD.
  • Rearmed JDAM is already aligned - Fixed
  • Course value in DED can overrun 360 degrees - Fixed
  • RDY status still on JDAM page after all weapon have been depleted - Fixed
  • RDY status still on JDAM page when some launch conditions aren't met - Fixed
  • Add REL indication to all IAMs.
  • SMS page time unit is corrected.
  • Corrected the throttle pushing through the canopy latch.
  • Alignment status is corrected - Fixed
  • Polish tiger meet skins, fuel tanks not showing correctly - Fixed
  • Canopy can look strange at some angles - Fixed
  • JDAM: BIT mnemonic should be removed from OSB 8 when Master Arm is ON - Fixed
  • HMCS brightness has been adjusted.
  • Updated english Early Access Manual.
  • Updated chinese Early Access Manual
  • Additional fix for 'A-10C radio presets overwriting the F-16C preset'.
  • Manual waypoint creating coordinates rounding down is fixed.
  • Collision of an AI-controlled aircraft with ground personnel Chocks draw removed on damaged aircraft

DCS: Mi-24P by Eagle Dynamics

known issues: first page of Mi-24 (and Mi-8MTV2) kneeboard is empty

  • Controls menu change. Cockpit layers are separated to “MI-24P PIlot” and “Mi-24P Copilot-Gunner” (Controls rebinding is needed).
  • Fixed: launch authorization desync in multicrew
  • Added Training Mission. Rockets and Gun (30-mm) employment
  • Fixed: Operator cockpit door desync in multicrew
  • Fixed: AI-9V engine pressure gauge showing low pressure
  • Fixed: IR suppressing device preventing engines from start in high temperature and altitude conditions
  • Fixed: 9K113. Wrong usage of “DIAFR open” service feature allowing to launch ATGM at any angle. Exploit can’t be used anymore. Feature adjusted to realistic service operation (right “service side” of 9K113 panel working only in CHECK mode).
  • Fixed: External cargo has no weight (whole cargo feature implementation is still WIP)
  • Fixed: Engine start desync at cold start when both multicrew clients are present in cockpits from cold.
  • Fixed: Fatal damage desync upon Pilot-Operator joining multicrew cockpit
  • Fixed: Engines and Main Rotor RPM goes down at HOT START in the air or on the ground
  • Added IR signature suppression device 3D model (WIP not synced with MP clients)
  • Added Flame effect during APU start
  • Fixed: WIndshield wiper doesn't turn on in operator cockpit
  • Fixed: Cabin lights are not synced in Multiplayer
  • Fixed: Fuel delimiter valve and light operation corrected. (Now, UP position means “open” and the annunciating light is not active).
  • Fixed: Separate “Gear lever - UP” command not working.
  • Fixed: Camera Transpose mode
  • Fixed: Engine cutoff/stop lever - missing keybinding
  • Added heat blur from exhausts
  • Fixed: Trim thumb button procedure is not-correct. (Now. While the trim button is pressed it will disengage SAU/Autopilot stabilization).
  • Fixed: ASP-17. Does not allow you to set the angle in manual mode under certain conditions
  • Fixed: Signal flares are ejected from wrong location
  • Fixed: Signal flare cartridges have wrong texture
  • Added template for Mi-24 skins. Link: dcs.world/en/downloads/texture_templates/mi-24p_template/
  • Fixed: Petrovich AI can use targeting periscope even if main cannon/gun is selected
  • Added Countermeasures (ASO-2V) control panel to Petrovich AI interface (in Pilot cockpit). Short Left to toggle panel. Short up/right/down for interval/series/side and long down for type.
  • Fixed: Multiplayer. AI landing gear does not raise on takeoff.
  • Added Trimmer sound
  • Fixed: Instant Action missions loadout
  • Fixed: Trimmer double press reset removed
  • Fixed: improved MP sync. initialization
  • Fixed: OBSERVE OFF and ON/OFF can't be bound to joystick
  • Fixed: ASO-2V (countermeasures) desync in multicrew
  • Fixed: KMGU-2 desync and instant release after rearming in Multiplayer
  • Fixed: Fire system logic and implementation improvement
  • Fixed: AI Mi-24P wheels castoring and movement fixed
  • Adjusted Operator lean to ATGM sight animation
  • Fixed: 9K113. The READINESS signal disappears during a short-term power outage of the helicopter.
  • Fixed: Petrovich tracking illumination flares
  • Fixed: ATGM weight in ME (and sim) is incorrect
  • Fixed: Operator can use weapons selected by the switch in the Pilot cockpit without assuming control for weapons.
  • Fixed: Show hints at mission start - special setting inverted
  • Fixed: No binding for Tactical Cargo Release
  • Fixed: Windshield wiper resets to opposite side

DCS: Supercarrier by Eagle Dynamics

  • CVN_75 RWR symbol: added to RWR and HARM lists

DCS JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations

  • Fixed C802AK disappearing issue.
  • Fixed MFCD APR page altitude unit.
  • Added “NS” for NASAMS in the EWS database.
  • Updated LS6/GB6/C701 params according to scheme update.

DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev

  • Fixed animation of VHF NAV frequency selector switch (C-101EB) and of "VHF". circuit breaker (C-101CC). Both were broken after a recent change.
  • The cockpit view will get black screen now when the corresponding pilot is dead.
  • Gunfire stops now if fire conditions become invalid while the trigger is pulled, for example when setting the master arm to OFF (C-101CC).
  • Fixed overlapping labels in English cockpit panel.
  • Fixed C-101EB 1st Navaids training mission (EN, ES and CN).
  • Fixed C-101EB 2nd IFR training mission (EN, CN and ES).
  • Fixed C-101EB Flight Director training mission (EN, CN and ES).
  • Fixed C-101CC bombs training mission (ES).
  • Fixed the inability to communicate with ATC after ARC-164 T-Tone was transmitted. It also affects V/TVU-740 and VHF-20B tones.

DCS AV-8B N/A by RAZBAM Simulations

  • Added: AGM-65E2.
  • Updated: AGM-65 restrictions and limitations.
  • Updated: MPCD brightness, video gain and contrast control. Note: MPCD brightness, gain, symb and contrast keybinds must be done again.
  • Updated: ROUTE Navigation.
  • Updated: NASSAM SAM system added to RWR library.
  • Improved: Sensor Select Switch (SSS) logic and keybinds. Note: SSS keybinds must be done again.

DCS: M-2000C by RAZBAM Simulations

  • Fixed Rocket Count should not appear on HUD.
  • Fixed HUD S symbol should appear in 530D+TOT modes.
  • Fixed HUD S symbol should not appear in RK mode.
  • Fixed CCM scan mode overlayed with radalt in MAG.
  • Fixed Wrong GBU code displayed on kneeboard.
  • Fixed Bingo sound too loud.
  • Fixed Unlimited weapons.
  • Fixed Rocket burst per pod & 1800CPM fire rate.
  • Fixed Radalt display when off.
  • Fixed RAP selected with CNM Canon select.
  • Fixed 3 salvo rocket mode not selectable.
  • Fixed Releasing AP Test triggers the “gong” sound.
  • Added: NASAMS symbol H in RWR.
  • Improved AP Gong sound.

DCS: F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations

  • Fixed game freezing on load.
  • Fixed game freezing on respawn in Multiplayer and/or mission re-start.
  • Fixed game crashing on mission restart and/or Multiplayer respawn.
  • New: Added VF-32 Swordsmen AB200 (1976) from Yae Sakura. (Thank you!).
  • New: Added “Fear the Bones” and “Zone 5” Teaser Quickstart Missions by Reflected Simulations. (Thank you!).
  • Adjusted Marianas Quickstart Missions and instant action menu naming.
  • Fix for AIM-54 not going active on held tracks.
  • Fix for showing multiple TID tracks in STT modes.
  • Updated threat library to version RB71. Added: CVN-7, NASAMS, Kuznetsov and La Combattante II.
  • Slightly tweaked ACLS reliability and autothrottle gain (WIP).
  • Fixed STBY ADI behavior and controls:
    • white arrow is not hiding when pressing the cage button anymore.
    • caging now works during flight and resets the STBY ADI to the zero position.
    • uncaging during flight will now set the aircraft's current attitude as the new zero position.
    • inputs and controls now work for STBY ADI front cockpit controls, too.
    • STBY ADI now works for both Pilot and RIO correctly.
  • Fixed Mach and Airspeed Indicator behavior and controls: airspeed bug is no longer tied to mach number and will now stay set.
  • Removed incorrect leading plus signs from positive pitch lines on the HUD.
  • Fixed COMP -> COMB typo on hydraulics gauge.
  • Added night illumination to control surface flags on the controls indicator.
  • Added black albedo to helmet slider knob hole.

DCS AJS-37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations

  • Added Imperial Sticker cockpit livery option; available in Special Options.
  • Added Marianas Quickstart missions.
  • Corrected countermeasure switch position logic.
  • Updates to sidewinder pylon drag coefficients.
  • Replaced label for KB countermeasure switch.

DCS: Spitfire LF Mk. IX by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added slider input type to mixture toggle.

DCS: Bf 109K-4 by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixes to the damage visualisation
  • Fixed training mission “battery on” trigger

DCS: P-51 Mustang by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixes to the visualisation of LODs
  • Fixes in the English training for landing

DCS: FW 190D-9 by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixes to the damage visualisation

DCS: F-5E Tiger II by Eagle Dynamics

  • F-5 Cockpit Engine sounds update.

DCS: F-86 Sabre by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: Some switches are not clickable

DCS: Combined Arms by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: M939 truck driver point of view is too low, shows nothing but black
  • Fixed: Tactical Commander role / Control Vehicles as Pilot - Vehicles stop for no reason
  • Fixed: BMP-3 "STBL ON" on LR display

DCS: The Channel map by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added static template for German Freya and Würzburg radar sites.

DCS: Marianas by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added missions for the UH-1 helicopter
  • Added unique scenes for US Naval Hospital and Guam Museum
  • Updates to Andersen AFB taxiways and runways marking and lights
  • Updates to all civilian airport lightings
  • Units can fall through bridges - fixed
  • Improvements to the seabed

DCS: Syria map by Ugra Media

  • Improved city neighborhoods in Cyprus, Syria, Turkey, and Israel.
  • Updated scenes: San Rafael Hotel, Luna Park in Aya Napa.
  • Scenes of military facilities and UN bases have been finalized.
  • Added heliports: Bank of Cyprus, Sky Gate Beirut, Sheraton Grand Adana Hotel.
  • Added a flag to the Turkish hangars at Incirlik.
  • Bug fixes.

DCS: Normandy map by Ugra Media

  • Updated textures of fields - color, splatmap and normal.
  • Updated airfield textures - color, splatmap and normal.
  • Trees AmurOak, BlackAsh, Pine, Riverbirch, SugarMaple improved.
  • Improved bridges.
  • Improved airfield scenes.
  • Fixed switch tree lods.
  • Increased FPS over the forest.
  • Fixed bugs in scenes of airfields: Evreux, Funtington, Maupertus, Saint-Laurent-sur-Mer, St. Pierre du Mont.
  • Fixed bugs in taxiways of Azeville, Barville, Evreux, Lantheuil.


The Museum Relic Campaign by Apache600:

  • Units obstructing new Nalchik taxiway layout - fixed.
  • Mission 10 (both campaigns) Enemy interceptor aircraft still engaging player after player is at home airport - fixed.

DCS: F/A-18C Operation Pontus Campaign by 373vFS Greg, 373vFS_Petritis, Baltic Dragon:

  • Added new strike targets.
  • Edited SEAD operations concept.
  • Tweaked AI packages.
  • Added instructions - tips through "Picture to All" triggers.
  • Tweaked the scoring display system.

DCS: F-14A Fear the Bones Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

  • Deconflicted voice overs in mission 1.
  • Fixed radio frequencies in mission 4.
  • Corrected Hornet loadout in mission 8.

A-10C Tactical Training Qualification Campaign by Maple Flag Missions:

  • Added Campaign for A-10C II module.
  • Updated the goals for the original A-10C TTQ missions.

F-86F Hunters over the Yalu Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

  • AI orbit bug workaround.

Bf 109 K-4 Jagdflieger Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

  • AI orbit bug workaround.

P-51D: The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

  • AI orbit bug workaround.

Spitfire IX The Big Show Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

  • AI orbit bug workaround.

The Enemy Within 3.0 Campaign by Baltic Dragon:

  • Mission 4: Updated the cloud layer so that it does not cover the target.
  • Mission 05: Fixed the issue with Mi-8 (first target) disappearing before player gets there.
  • Mission 10 (Tank Killer only): Updated loadout to reflect the original mission and the briefing.

DCS: F/A-18C Raven One Сampaign by Baltic Dragon:

  • Mission 02: Fixed issue with Texaco landing too early or not responding to player.
  • Mission 03: Fixed issue when F10 option to skip first part of the mission sent player directly to M04. Fixed issue with Exxon (Arco) not being on radio menu during RTB. Added note for player to make sure that Smoke perform show of force correctly (player needs to be at assigned altitude). Fixed issue with Smoke not engaging the escaping vehicle. Updated loadout to ATFLIR for M03A.
  • Mission 11: Fixed issue with AI zig-zag after start.

DCS: F-14A Zone 5 Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

  • Updated ground AI.
  • Practice missions now start fenced in.

DCS: A-10C Operation Persian Freedom Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims:

  • Mission 7: Updated failsafe's on AI SEAD for more reliable behaviour.
  • Mission 10: Fixed AI bug with Iranian aircraft preventing task completion.

DCS: UH-1H Worlds Apart - Spring 2025 Campaign by Low-Level-Heaven Mission Development

  • Mission 10.
    • -> Adopted to 2.7.
    • -> Skip Mission function added.
    • -> F-10 Map in time Marker added.
    • -> New Voice overs.
    • -> More enemy units.

DCS: F/A-18C Rising Squall Campaign by INVERTED

  • Mission 11. Minor update.
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Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

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DCS Open Beta hot fix


DCS: Mi-24P Hind

  • Fixed: USR switch desync for Multicrew
  • Fixed: Petrovich AI interface HSI placement shift
  • Fixed: IR Suppressors 3D model not synced in Multiplayer
  • Fixed: Correction (throttle) desync in Multicrew

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

  • English Viper Early Access Manual - translators input corrections
  • SAM mode RWS dropping locks and HUD symbology missing - Fixed
    • Known issues SAM - Radar azimuth resets on TMS aft, or loss of track

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics

  • Hornet Early Access Manual: JHMCS alignment instruction added
  • Caucasus case 2 recovery mission for cloud setting. Overcast set to Overcast 4 preset

DCS: AV-8B Night Attack V/STOL by RAZBAM

  • Fixed: MPCD Right Night/Day button not working
  • Fixed: Feed video LASMAV E2 and TPOD at the same time
  • Fixed: DMT Not slaved to sidewinder feed in A/A
  • Fixed: TPOD Zoom reversed
  • Fixed: TOO: unable to change record number.
  • Fixed: ROUTE overlay still showing after ROUTE disconnect.
  • Fixed: EHSD MAP buttons nor responding
  • Fixed: Course Line not showing when clicking DESG.- Added: Chinese PLAN ships radars to the RWR library


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Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

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  • BIGNEWY changed the title to DCS World Changelog and Updates of Open Beta
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DCS Open Beta

DCS World

  • AIM-7F does not track target on launch - fixed.
  • AIM-120. Desync in multiplayer with the AIM-120's loft on targets that have ECM on - fixed.
  • MLRS. Rockets missing in flight have been fixed. Open Beta only.
  • Mi-24 AI. Radio command 'Jettison weapons' doesn't work for AI in some cases - fixed.
  • MP. When rearming in game, tracers are not synced between clients - fixed.
  • Kh-59M. Added initial, new flight dynamics.
  • ME. Introducing the Auto Backup function with adjustable interval.
  • ME. Map targets can be blocked for editing by larger objects - fixed.
  • Aircraft AI. Reduced the jamming probability while taxiing.
  • Aircraft AI. Uncontrolled UAV on ramp prevents AI from taxiing to runway - fixed.
  • F-14A/B statics. Fixed wing folding animation.
  • ME. The wingmen onboard numbers will be automatically incremented from the leader number.
  • Mirrors not rendering trees and buildings - fixed.
  • Scripting. SSE: coalition.getRefPoints returns coordinates associated with bullseye and not each IP - fixed.
  • Add network ping/latency value in dcs.log output.
  • VR hangar Su-27 model is missing parts - fixed.
  • Single helipad and invisible FARP callsigns are wrong in the ATC menu - fixed.
  • Surface AI. Group Dead trigger not functioning for naval units. Fixed for ground and naval units. The unit is considered dead in agony starts.
  • Aircraft AI. MiG-29 flight cannot always land at Nalchik - fixed.
  • Aircraft weapons. Fixed weights of some weapons and bomb racks.
  • Su-34 AI. Added Kh-58U missile to inventory.
  • CA. The Chinese characters are not displayed in the cockpit cars - fixed.
  • VR. trees and some objects render in the left eye before the right and it creates a shimmering effect - fixed.
  • Ground units. Embarking troops are very slow - fixed.
  • Mission briefing. Added meteo wind to the nav wind text line.
  • Scripting. Added trigger "Set ATC Silent Mode" to the scripting engine.
  • Aircraft AI. Planes refuel indefinitely in some circumstances - fixed.
  • F10 map. Mark shapes do not render correctly in public builds - fixed.
  • Negative bomb weight of J-11A dual RBK-500 loadout - fixed.
  • 071 render issue - fixed
  • Su-33. Added J-15 skin in ChinaAssetPack.

DCS: MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3

  • Added one Croatian, two Cuban, two Indian, and one Polish liveries by Jack.
  • Corrected spelling of “ПЕРЕЗАРЯДКА” in the cockpit.

DCS: Christen Eagle II by Magnitude 3

  • Fixed missing harness textures.
  • Fixed livery folder structure.
  • Adjusted real-time canopy reflections.

DCS: AV-8B N/A by RAZBAM Simulations

  • Fixed: VREST - water incorrectly being part of BAW and GWT now updating correctly with water quantity
  • Fixed: VREST - some VREST elements not currently inhibited when less than -5C OAT
  • Fixed engine continuing to motor even if GTS went offline during motoring phase
  • Fixed missing spool down of GTS required if used as APU prior to allowing GTS to be used for engine start
  • Fixed: Incorrect JPT offset when water being utilized
  • Fixed: Incorrect VREST F+W calculation not accounting for stores (GWT setting)
  • Fixed: VL and VTO pages on VREST should be different and not boxed at the same time
  • Fixed: TPOD WH/BH button bugfix.
  • Changed: Increased nozzle lever hover stop dead-zone area
  • Changed: Adjustment to ground roll under idle power
  • Changed: Increased flaps drag coefficient at high flaps deflections
  • Added: AFC will disengage when more than 60 knots and more than 15 degree angle of attack
  • Added: AFC will disengage when less than 50 knots and more than +20 degrees pitch or less than -15 degrees pitch
  • Added: AFC will disengage when less than 50 knots and more than 20 degrees roll
  • Added: Implemented AFC WCA logic, if AFC goes fully off, requires momentary RESET to allow it to go back on
  • Added: AFC Advisory will trigger when AFC Alt Hold forced or commanded off, will clear on master caution reset command
  • Added: AFC Advisory will trigger when AFC forced off or commanded off, will clear when AFC reset is commanded
  • Added: AFC Advisory will not trigger when AFC turned off due to weight on wheels
  • Fixed: Corrected AFC Alt Hold to lock in reference altitude when within 500 FPM after being engaged
  • Fixed: Corrected AFC Alt Hold to disengage when leaving reference altitude by more than 250 ft
  • Fixed: AFC will now not operate (but not disengage) when outside of 60 degrees roll and 30 degrees pitch until pilot returns within 60 degrees roll and 30 degrees pitch
  • Improved: Adjustments to Yaw SAS feedback based on SME testing
  • Improved: 30% stick pitch tolerance before disengaged AFC Alt Hold
  • Improved: Adjusted for more representative pitch and roll response during AFC
  • Improved: Adjusted stick behavior while AFC engaged to allow for more representative maneuvering flight during AFC based on SME feedback and testing

DCS: M-2000C by RAZBAM Simulations

  • Fixed PCA Display dividing lines.
  • Fixed : Limited bingo thousands to 3
  • Fixed : PCA, PPA, Fuel flow, COM panel brightness controllable by main indicator light ("caution/warning")
  • Fixed : Magics fired with rockets
  • Added : PCA display test with PPA test switch
  • Improved : Realistic PCA, PPA, Fuel flow, COM panel fonts
  • Improved : Made indicator light ("caution/warning") pot clicking/locking on "day" position
  • Improved : Detot drums animation & speed

DCS: F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations

  • Added new F-14A Quickstart missions:
    • 3 missions in Normandy.
    • 10 missions for Nevada/NTTR.
    • 1 Channel Map Free Flight mission.
  • Fixed Marianas Quickstart mission spawn locations.
  • Updated Quickstart “Fear the Bones” mission by Reflected.
  • Added default trim bindings for keyboard.
  • Added threshold value for flaps axis so flaps on/off are now binary.
  • Ejection seat safety levers will now animate properly in exterior view and mirrors
  • Fixed hole in rear of canopy frame when canopy open or jettisoned
  • Fixed broken/artifacted normal maps on RIO front panel base
  • Updated AIM-7 parameters to synchronize with DCS changes.
  • Set AIM-7 and AIM-54 RCS to new values.
  • JESTER will now call the MiG-28 callout properly.
  • Fixed Autopilot altitude hold fluctuation after several re-engagements.
  • Emergency gear handle now returns to initial position on repair; (only if general damage is present to trigger a repair - WIP).
  • NWS now only turns off on the ground at catapult hookup after cycling the hook at idle power. (WIP)
  • Nose strut now properly consumes hydraulic pressure.
  • Fixed no weight on wheels when spawning on a catapult and kneeling.
  • Fixed spoiler indicators displaying incorrect spoiler position.
  • Corrected some lag in the turn indicator at the maximum extent of its movement.
  • Fixed the RIO airspeed needle and mach dial jumping around 250 knots.
  • Added multicrew synchronization for the flap lever and indicators.
  • Added multicrew synchronization for the turn indicator needles.
  • Adjusted TID, TID Repeater and HSD display brightness for better visibility in direct light / above OVC.
  • Adjusted AIM-54 flame position and direction, now centered and spawning from the correct location.
  • Tearing off a horizontal stabilizer should now spawn the object properly.
  • Added black hole to pilot helmets for all liveries.
  • Fixed model gap between airbrake and fuselage visible in F-14A.
  • Widened gap between front gear tires for better accuracy.
  • Fixed unlatched tow latches in LoD 1 & 2.
  • Added tow latch stowage holes to fuselages in all LoDs.
  • Added missing tow latch stowage holes to F-14A.

DCS: AJS-37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations

  • Added SF37 F-21 Akktu Stakki livery by Wolfthrower (Livery challenge winner).
  • Fixed negative weight on Rb75 family.
  • Added Chinese localisation to Mjolnir Response and Wrath of Thunder campaigns. (Thank you!)

DCS: JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations

  • Tiny bugs in the JF-17 collision model - fixed.
  • Radar contact in velocity mode showed exact position in HSD - temporarily fixed.
  • Baro Alt/QFE setting not considered QNS - fixed.
  • Added special option: allow players to set AAR probe installation.
  • Known issue: C802AK cannot acquire targets.

DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev

  • Adjusted pilot's eyes position in the cockpit view settings.
  • Fixed C-101EB 2nd IFR training mission (EN, CN and ES).
  • Fixed C-101EB Flight Director training mission (EN, CN and ES).
  • Fixed C-101CC bombs training mission (ES).
  • Updated start-up training mission (EN, CN and ES).
  • Updated B-250 bomb texture.
  • Applied changes to DEFA553 cannon and AM/M3 machinegun pods provided by ED.
  • Added existing liveries to several countries and factions.

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics

  • AI F/A-18C FM tune:
    • Tune AI FM to fit human one.
    • Added the same auto flaps control as the player.
    • AI stalls when turning heavy and slow - Fixed.
  • Update the airflow cockpit sounds.
  • Task Force Challenger Campaign mission 2 is a CAS mission but the weather settings make it impossible as the cloud base is very low - Fixed.
  • Radar freezes if turned off with an STT track - Fixed.
  • Static helicopter placed in the water in the Mariana Islands in the F/A-18C quickstart mission - Fixed.
  • The steering dot in the HUD seems to stick in place sometimes. On the radar page it looks correct, but on the HUD it barely moves - Fixed.
  • SLAM page. ACPT is overlapped with WEP - Fixed.
  • SLAM ER. CENT indication issues - Fixed.
  • Kneeboard page doesn't support Chinese - Fixed.
  • AACQ mode from SIL - Fixed.
  • Emergency jettison shows remaining AIM-7 as zero on HUD until cycled - Fixed.
  • SLAM erase is not functioning - Fixed.
  • Yellow STEP box should be centered on the contact - Fixed.
  • HARM doesn't launch in SP PB mode - Fixed.
  • RAID mode sets elevation above locked target - Fixed.
  • JHMCS fine alignment mode toggle - Fixed.
  • JHMCS ALIGNING should flash - Fixed.
  • Canopy sound can be tricked into playing without the canopy moving - Fixed.

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added WCMD CBU-105
  • Dogfight switch settings are now saved.
  • TTI/TTA is removed when the last AIM-120 leaves the aircraft - Fixed.
  • AA radar RWS-SAM mode not guiding AIM-120 - Fixed.
  • IAM VIS Mode with Targeting Pod Tracking:
    • Fixed second pressed TMS UP logic.
    • Fixed JSOW's TD BOX moving after designating.
  • Improving damage effects of the external model.
  • Jettisoned canopy model is wrong - Fixed.
  • Incorrect Radar Designation Action (Spotlight) - Fixed.
  • Taxi/landing lights too bright during day time - Fixed.
  • Improve brightness levels on F-16 HUD and external lights.
  • FCR state not respected when changing master modes - Fixed.
  • SAM mode RWS dropping locks and HUD symbology missing - Fixed.
  • AA radar vertical scan bug - Fixed.
  • JSOW Ripple Symbology is backwards - Fixed.
  • Added Missing Viper RWS Radar Elements:
    • Target steering dot and Azimuth Steering Error (ASE) circle to match the HUD.
    • Cursor values color (red when at negative elevation).
    • Contacts and system tracks are changed (size and text).
  • Canopy actuator not connected - Fixed.
  • Pilot visor outside canopy - Fixed.
  • F2 view HUD was too green - Fixed.
  • ALN status in JSOW must be from A08 TXA - Fixed.
  • Azimuth setting not updated in EXP - Fixed.
  • Kneeboard page doesn't support Chinese - Fixed.
  • Selective jettison resets radar to 40nm - Fixed.
  • External model draw args removed or changed -Fixed.
  • Cannot enter west coordinates into INS - Fixed.
  • Added RWS Raero Indication for AIM-120.
  • HARM - A/G Guns mixed HUD symbology - Fixed.
  • ASL not providing steering to the target in the PRE and VIS submodes - Fixed.
  • HSI distance to INS destination shows slant range - Fixed.
  • AUTOSTART activates not applicable systems - Fixed.
  • After takeoff and braking of the landing gear, the right wheel continues to rotate and the left wheel stops rotating - Fixed.
  • Landing light has a little z fighting when on - Fixed.
  • Unlimited stored target tracks - Fixed.
  • Manual Trim Panel needles not moving without power - Fixed.
  • Bugged contact double drawn text under contact - Fixed.

DCS: Mi-24P by Eagle Dynamics

  • Improvement: Pilot-Operator ATGM aiming sight periscope view was fully reworked with new camera and scale textures, including changes for VR.
  • Improvement: FFB axis inversion settings were changed to correspond with other modules:
    • Note for users: Normally, most of existing FFB joysticks do not require any additional FFB adjustments, except MS Sidewinder FFB2, which require Swap Axis option to be set.
  • Improvement: More switch positions added for mapping in controls for different functions.
  • Added: Mi-8 type NVG. Bear in mind that the cockpit IS NOT NVG friendly. NVG friendly cockpit option is reviewed by the team for possibility of later addition. (options added for the ME Mi-24P slot as well for Pilot and CPG).
  • Fixed: Wind-shield wiper not moving on outside view.
  • Fixed: Inability to set takeoff from ship in the mission editor.
  • Fixed: No key bind for USR Power switch (was added).
  • Fixed: Inclinometer (Slip ball) behaviour tuned.
  • Fixed: Removed several rudimentary control bindings, cleaned up the "Weapons" section.
  • Fixed: ASP-17 test procedure adjusted.
  • Fixed: SAU-V24 incorrect behaviour during trim procedure was fixed.
  • Fixed: DISS-15 fails after aircraft repair.
  • Fixed: Auto-start sequence was tuned.
  • Fixed: Incorrect marking on the ammo counter panel.
  • Fixed: ASP-17 After rearming for rockets of different types, the sight stops responding to the automatic mode for those rockets where it should give a solution.
  • Fixed: SAU-V24 No disconnection of the autopilot altitude channel when moving the collective lever.
  • Fixed: Landing light collective buttons up/down inverted animation.
  • Fixed: Kneeboard load error fix.
  • Fixed: SPO sound desync in multicrew.
  • Fixed: Moving reticle not displayed in some cases.
  • Fixed: Trimmer button animation and sound.
  • Fixed: Weapon panel mappings for joysticks.
  • Possible fix for Petrovich AI target acquisition obstructed by the invisible zones of some static objects.

DCS: Supercarrier by Eagle Dynamics

  • AI SU-33 does not spool engines to full power before hold-back release - fixed.
  • F-14s for clients don't want to spawn together at 5 and 6 positions - fixed.
  • Disabling FLOLS overlay doesn't work when restarting the game - fixed.

DCS: A-10C II Tank Killer by Eagle Dynamics

  • CCIP PBIL becomes horizontal on the HUD after some flight time - fixed

DCS: Black Shark 2 by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added the option to render the Ka-50 HMS in the left eye in the VR.
  • Added Instant Action missions on Marianas.

DCS: MiG-15bis by Belsimtek

  • Multiple jettisoned canopies shown on ejection - fixed.

Flaming Cliffs 3 by Eagle Dynamics

  • Su-25. Decreased the canopy reflections.

DCS: Marianas by Eagle Dynamics

  • Seabed in the Apra harbor is improved
  • Unique buildings of Summer towers and Beach garden hotel are added
  • Rota airport texture looks different from area around - fixed
  • Trans World Radio Guam LOD issue - fixed
  • Many fixes with bad looking terrains close to roads
  • Tree at the end of Orote Field is removed
  • Some sport fields are not flat - fixed
  • Improvements to underwater textures close to the shore
  • New quick start missions for the UH-1 added


DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion Campaign by Badger 633:

  • Generally updated.

DCS: Fw 190 A-8 Horrido! Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

  • Mission 3: revised time of day.
  • Mission 3: updated AAA.
  • Mission 7: revised time of day.
  • Mission 11: updated AAA.
  • Mission 12: updated AAA.
  • Workaround for the stuck infantry bug.

Bf 109 K-4 Jagdflieger Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

  • Mission 5: updated AAA.
  • Mission 8: workaround for ship flak being too deadly.
  • Mission 11: updated AAA.
  • Workaround for the stuck infantry bug.

P-51D: The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

  • Workaround for the stuck infantry bug.
  • Flak lethality workarounds.

DCS: P-47D Wolfpack Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

  • Workaround for the stuck infantry bug.
  • Flak lethality workarounds.

F-86F Hunters over the Yalu Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

  • Workaround for the stuck infantry bug.

Spitfire IX The Big Show Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

  • Workaround for the stuck infantry bug.
  • Flak lethality workarounds.

DCS: F-14A Zone 5 Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

  • Workaround for the stuck infantry bug.

DCS: F-14A Fear the Bones Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

  • Mission 5: workaround for the Hornets crashing on takeoff bug.

DCS: UH-1H “Worlds Apart - Spring 2025” Campaign by Low-Level-Heaven

  • Unit labels enabled in all missions

The Museum Relic Campaign by Apache600:

  • Mission 7 (for both campaigns): fixed issue in where infantry units didn't move.

MiG-29 Over the hump Campaign by ED:

  • Fixed objects blocking taxiways on Nal´chik AFB.


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Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

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DCS Open Beta


Introducing DCS: Mosquito FB VI in the Early Access now!.

Read FAQ here.

Added a new feature into the payloads panel in the mission editor: Loadout per pylon restriction. The main goal for this feature is to give mission designers more tools to control their mission environment in multiplayer. It will allow the ability to restrict any weapon or other store for a specific pylon on the MP aircraft slot. Feature is WIP and we will adjust and add more functionality to it.

Added a new feature into the campaign window: Skip and refly options.

Overview here.

Full log in link


Thank you
The Eagle Dynamics Team

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Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

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DCS Open Beta


DCS World

  • Fixed crash on invisible FARP.
  • Fixed crash on SceneObject.
  • Fixed crash when occupying the parking lot assigned to the AI.
  • Removed cockpit Lua files from Integrity Check.

DCS: Mosquito FB VI by Eagle Dynamics

  • Negative G fuel starvation tuned.
  • Engine cut-outs fixed.
  • Fixed incorrectly positioned resin light on the right wing.
  • Fixed generator lamp flickering from the camera’s angle.
  • Improvements to Cold & Dark, Start-up training and Operation Jericho missions.
  • New missions added to Caucasus, Marianas and The Channel maps.

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics

  • HMD alignment crash - Fixed.

DCS F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

  • JHMCS - added RWR symbology.
  • Added launch for 4 and 6 stations for HARM.
  • A/G Gun pipper no longer shows range indications - Fixed.
  • WP switching can be broken DED twitch only - Fixed.
  • MAN-AUTO changing on STPT - Fixed.
  • Can't remove target tracking in STT mode, when range less than ~3nm - Fixed.
  • Auto Range Scale Select Errors - Fixed
  • Dropped locks breaks data link updates (ghost contacts)- Fixed.
  • TWS antenna elevation is always manual. Auto elevation not functioning when cursor is attached to target - Fixed

DCS Mi-24P Hind by Eagle Dynamics

  • Lamps transparent material shaders partial fix (flickering lights).
  • Petrovich AI, Target list logic addition, Petrovich will put a aiming device moving mark on the target that is currently highlighted in the list for more convenient target choice logic.
  • Petrovich AI, Target acquisition improvement. Now the target can be partially closed by obstruction but if Petrovich sees a considerable part of the target chassis it will be detected.
  • Petrovich AI, fix for incorrect prioritization of targets in target list order in some cases.
  • Petrovich AI, Added ability to track air targets and guide ATGM for attacking them. (Mi-24 ATGM aiming device abilities against air targets is limited to certain speeds, do not expect good results against fast movers and even helicopters can evade this attack with evasive maneuvering). In the next update we are planning to tune it more and add customization options for mission editor to allow restriction of this ability.
  • Petrovich AI, Fixed tracking of moving ships/boats for ATGM attack.


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Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

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DCS Open Beta


DCS World

  • Fixed PICTURE TO ALL Action scale options.
  • Made optimization for loading missions with piston AI aircraft.
  • Fixed crash caused by spawn train via coalition.addGroup.
  • Helicopters are allowed to receive AWACS messages.
  • Fixed crash on RenderAPI::DX11FrameBuffer::setWallNumMRTs.
  • Fixed crash on switching external cameras in some cases.

DCS: Mosquito FB VI by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed crash if players slot is set with late activation.

DCS Mi-24P Hind by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed crash on Petrovich missile firing.

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics

  • Static and AI units aren’t visible on AG radar - fixed.

Mariana Islands

  • Fixed crash on Northwest Field.
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Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

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Open Beta

DCS World

  • Overcast & rain 3 seems to have no rain or rain effects in it - fixed.
  • F10 map Icons could disappear - fixed.
  • ME. GUI controls disappear when polygon line width = 1 - fixed.
  • ME. Add Thickness 0 for polygons without border.
  • AI Ka-50 flying in a crosswind is unable to shoot - fixed.
  • ME. MLRS in Zone Trigger causes script error - fixed.
  • AI F-14 crashes the game - fixed.
  • Piston engined aircraft - fix crash in cases where aircraft is removed before control is taken
  • ME warehouse. Unable to find '9M120' or 'AT-9' in the list of available AGMs or AAMs - fixed.
  • WCMD CBUs ballistic data upgrade (bomblets chute).
  • Dedicated server. Fixed "ban forever" function.

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics

  • JSOW training mission correction.
  • JDAM training mission correction - JDAM hitting tree.
  • Carrier Taxi and Takeoff mission correction.

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

  • Bullseye corrections:
    • When the FCR cursor is hovered over a bugged target, the bearing and range is now correct.
    • When a contact is in a full, single target track, the bearing could be backwards. This is now corrected.
    • HSD cursor bullseye information could be incorrect.
    • Text overlays Bullseye symbol in A/G Radar.
  • Air-to-Ground Radar corrections:
    • Twitching with a frozen image in GM EXP/DBS mode.
    • MAN and AUTO scale mode selection.
    • Radar DSB2 images in FRZ could disappear.
    • Radar scan volume will now move with the cursor in azimuth.
    • Removed A-G Radar scaled to 160NM with cursor.
  • Remove the PRF effect.
  • Added STT tracked targets to the HSD.
  • Fixed: Rudder authority when the rudder is damaged/removed.
  • Fixed: HMD default settings are not applied.

DCS: Mi-24P Hind by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: Petrovich AI moving aiming reticle of ATGM guidance unit sporadically away from marked point.
  • Fixed: Petrovich AI targets list menu blocked by ASO-2 panel interface menu, now they can’t be called at the same time.
  • Fixed: PKI aiming sight keyboard controls are too sensitive.
  • Fixed: DISS Drift indicator memory light does not work in english cockpit.
  • Aiming sights glass visuals refactoring

DCS: P-51D Mustang by Eagle Dynamics

  • Tail falls off too easily on landing without the tail wheel - fixed.

DCS: FW190D-9 by Eagle Dynamics

  • WGr. 21 can be fired with release solenoid unpowered - fixed.

DCS: FW190A-8 by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fix to electrical breaker setup that allows to fire inner and cowling guns independently.

DCS: Mosquito FB VI by Eagle Dynamics

  • TO assistance option is added.

DCS: SA-342 Gazelle by Polychop Simulations

  • Fixed: Sand filter mechanics caused engine shutdown.
  • Fixed: Laser rangefinder beam was visible using NVG’s.
  • Fixed: Old pilot models showed when further away.
  • Fixed: IR sight of Mistral version could track through terrain.

DCS: JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations

  • Fixed: C802AK/AKG disappeared after launch.
  • Known issue: C802AK seeker is still under fix with ED.

DCS: F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations

  • Fixed CV-59 Forrestal LSO position after x axis offset.
  • Jester LANTIRN: Fixed crashes on landing gear down in LDG mode.
  • Jester LANTIRN: Don't show the QDES option when QDES is not available.
  • Jester LANTIRN: Static aircraft are no longer dead to Jester.
  • Rearming with LANTIRN within 4 minutes from hot spawn will result in the pod being installed as pre-aligned.
  • Jester will monitor the LANTIRN pod switch when idle on the ground.
  • Fixed Jester "Set active" not working after disabling Jester from the menu.
  • Taught Jester that you do not need an ejection to climb up in life, even when spawning low.
  • Adjusted longitudinal handling.
  • Removed pitch up effect in the early stage of flaps deployment.
  • Adjusted flaps pitching moment at lower AOAs.
  • Boosted TF30 thrust at very low altitudes and airspeeds.
  • Increased F110 subsonic core thrust at low altitudes.
  • Adjusted landing gear drag.
  • Partial fix to AP altitude hold not engaging and holding properly (WIP).
  • Partial adjustment of AP gains and handling (WIP).
  • Fixed TACAN for Caucasus and PG CV-59 Case1 Quickstart Missions.
  • Updated Fear the Bones Teaser Mission by Reflected Simulations.
  • Updated Zone 5 Teaser Mission by Reflected Simulations.


DCS: MiG-21 Battle of Krasnodar Campaign by SorelRo:

  • Mission 1, 6, 9 and 10. Triggers and zones adjustments.

DCS: MiG-21bis Constant Peg Campaign by Bunyap Campaigns:

  • Updated player radio frequency presets.

DCS: F/A-18C Rising Squall Campaign by INVERTED

  • Mission 3 - Due to the AI traffic logic error of Liwa AFB, Aegis-4 is temporarily moved to Apron 01, and Aegis-4 will be activated after the player takes off. Please don't stay on the runway for too long to avoid AI traffic conflict.

DCS: UH-1H Worlds Apart 2025 Campaign by Low Level Heaven

  • Prevent mission from breaking due to pathfinding issues with Ground forces (Hans).

DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion campaign by Badger633

  • Missions 4,6,8 and 9 remove any red units left visible on map.
  • Missions 13. Correct fail a message.
  • Missions 10. Reduce size of ABE fail zone to account for pilots drifting south.


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Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

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Open beta

DCS World

  • AIM-120 AMRAAM seeker fixes and adjustments to be less susceptible to break lock conditions.
  • Added: H-6J/Wingloong preset payload.
  • Adjusted: PL-5EII performance and warhead.
  • Automatic white balance disabled due to incorrect colors.
  • AI aircraft make wild maneuvers to reform - fixed.
  • AI aircraft will be better at detecting targets against a bright sky, in contrast.
  • WWII AI aircraft take off faster in groups now.
  • 9M120 missing from warehouse stores - fixed.
  • Ground AI. Broken vehicle formations fixed.
  • M270 MLRS Strange behaviour, firing at random locations - fixed.
  • VR. Missing now is a synchronous rotation animation of the Hind rotor - fixed.
  • ME. Fixed GUI error when trying to save (or start) the mission with Oval drawing in some cases.
  • Weapons. Added S-25-O HE aircraft rocket and payload variants.
  • Weapons. Added FAB-250-M62 GP bomb to various Russian/Soviet airframes's inventories.
  • Weapons. Eliminated the bombs collision when releasing from the Mosquito bombay.
  • GUI. Wrong MISSION window instead of REPLAY after getting message about version incompatibility - fixed.
  • GUI. Some GUI controls unavailable at 768 and 800 screen height. Fixed sizes and properties of widgets.
  • ME. Cannot click on trigger zones or initial points inside an airbase zone when airbase was selected - fixed.
  • Steam. User unable to launch DCS due to binary issue in steam - fixed.
  • GUI. Required Modules/Mods no longer listed before opening mission - fixed.
  • SA-5 (S-200). Adjusted launcher vertical angle, horizontal rotation speed, acquisition and target lock time, reloading time.
  • ATGM 9K120 Tandem HEAT model animation adjusted.
  • ME. Improve Figure table in DRAW panel. Adding tooltips and changing localization keys.
  • NTTR map. Creech. Collision during take-off and crossing by group of the runway - fixed.
  • NTTR map. Some planes collide when taking off from Echo Bay - fixed.
  • Syria map. Ercan. Traffic jam during takeoff - fixed.
  • AI helicopters. Helicopters have issues attacking ground targets with missiles - fixed.
  • AI helicopters. Collision of helicopters while passing the waypoint - fixed.
  • AI helicopters. The helicopter rolls out of the runway after landing - fixed.
  • AI helicopters. Helicopters collision during landing on an airfield.
  • AI helicopters. Part of the helicopter group remains at the airfield after landing for refueling - fixed.
  • AI aircraft. AI doesn't climb at optimum climb speed - fixed.
  • Weapons. SLAM (AGM-84E) launch cause CTD - fixed.
  • F10 map. Map drawn objects not cleared from memory after exiting mission - fixed.
  • MP. Changed the network protocol version. Old clients will not see new servers.

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics


  • Mark Point. This includes A-G radar, targeting pod, HUD, and fly over Mark Point creation. Mark Points are also indicated on the HSD that can be selected with the HSD cursor. HMCS Mark Point creation and datalink Mark Point sharing between team members will come later. Video.
  • GMT Mode. The Ground Moving Target (GMT) mode allows the detection and tracking of surface targets between 8 and 75 knots in Ground Moving Target Track (GMTT). Video.
  • AGR Mode. When in a visual attack mode through the HUD, the Air to Ground Ranging (AGR) mode is enabled to provide target ranging.
  • HTS/HAD Mode. The HARM Targeting System (HTS) and HARM Attack Display (HAD) allow the detection, classification, and targeting of surface radars without already known target locations.Remaining items such as the Expand mode,SEAD, MAN DED pages and HTS data link will come later in HTS development. Video.
  • HSD Cardinal Direction Markers.
  • Air-to-Air radar Intercept Cue.
  • Steerpoint Selection HOTAS 


  • CMDS dispenser status lights brightness now controlled by MAL/IND switch
  • HMCS - when choosing DGFT, MSL, etc via HOTAS.
  • Range scale with cursor in TWS mode not working. 
  • A/G radar DBS scans past gimbal limits.
  • A/G Radar still operates with WoW.
  • A/G Radar Bearing/Range indicator shows values >360° and <0°.
  • MGRS Conversion and edit.
  • Removal of LCD post effect on MPDs. Note that the displays can, in the meantime, be washed out and require gain, brightness, and contrast adjustment for a clear video picture. This will be adjusted for automatic video image adjustment.
  • Unable to exit standby if used in CRM
  • AG radar. Scan in blind zone

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics

  • Adjusted overload limit to 10G
  • Fixed: Bomb Interval setting influences DL channel selection

DCS AV-8B N/A by RAZBAM Simulations


  • Right MPCD SYM switch not working
  • Reversed MPCD day/night button animation
  • Missing keybindings.
  • TPOD IR polarity change forces video to wide FOV without change in symbology
  • Countermeasures release command input is "stored" if release was inhibited, and executed later when possible.
  • EHSD Map Ground track button not working 
  • BORT Numbers.
  • Turn rate performance (was previously overperforming in some conditions)


  • TPOD on station 2 and 6
  • Fuel dump graphical effect


  • Route selection is not cleared when deselecting ROUTE.
  • Engine MPCD displays missing elements.
  • M02 of the campaign (AWACS blocking the taxiway)
  • M01 of the Coup d'Etat campaign (unable to create a markpoint)
  • LAR calculation for GBU-32.

DCS M-2000C by RAZBAM Simulations


  • Emergency landing gear not reset after landing
  • Possibility to lower landing gear on belly


  • ALCM option in mission editor independent of enforce drift option
  • Added: TAF (GCI Datalink)


  • Default marker and missile volumes
  • MAJOR UPDATE: Full RDI Radar rework
    • New Modes and Features
    • Improved Interface
    • Detection and behavior are more realistic
    • Fully multi-threaded radar search
    • Improved IFF characteristics


  • VTH (HUD)
  • VTB (HDD)
  • A/A Master Mode functionality

More details at this forum thread: M-2000C Update Presentation

IMPORTANT: A lot of bindings have changed with this update (landing gear, trigger, antenna elevation commands, etc.), check everything before committing to a merge without the trigger command bound.

DCS JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations


  • AA radar consistent detection range with HI/MED/ILV prf setting
  • AA radar look down condition check
  • Remove alt info of contact in AA radar VS mode
  • AG radar designated SPI point should not be reset if out of antenna physical limitation
  • GMTI/SEA1 mode can have rbm render overlap on/off by MFCD U2 button
  • Enter AG EXP/DBS modes by enlarging the area around TDC, no longer need to designate a point in MAP mode first.


  • HSD shows AA hpt target and attack line
  • A dynamic RCS calculation based on swerling IV model
  • Rainy day or atom density at low alt could reduce radar detection range
  • More bindable inputs


  • AA radar detection performance
  • AG GMTI speed gate: L - 6 knots; H - 15 knots

DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev

  • Altimeter initializes correctly now at mission start, without having to move from 0 altitude to present altitude after mission unpause.
  • Adjusted VR stick sensitivity.
  • Adjusted the following sounds: map case open/close, mirror bump when reached one of its animation ends. Both sounds are now variable depending on movement speed.
  • Made the stick 'stop' sound volume dependent on stick movement speed.
  • Fixed the secondary DC bus logic: it will be turned off now when there is no GPU connected, engine is not started (generator is unavailable), and the “bus tie” switch is set to OFF.
  • Adjusted the volume of the DC bus noise at the external view (it is heard when a canopy is open).
  • AI and multiplayer client’s aircraft now have correct canopy sound.
  • The following sounds will now be heard in external view on a human-controlled multiplayer client’s aircraft: canopy, GPU and electric noise (the latter is heard when any of the two canopies is open).
  • Fixed rear canopy jitter in multiplayer.
  • Canopy position is correctly updated now on the multiplayer client’s aircraft after the second crew member left it.
  • Ladders are correctly synchronized now on the multiplayer client’s aircraft after the second crew member left it.
  • Fixed ladders jitter when the canopy is being opened/closed.
  • GPU multicrew status is correctly synchronized now, when its control is attempted from the rear cockpit.
  • IFR hood and NS430 display correctly now on external views, when the rear seat is left and then reoccupied again.
  • Eliminated IFR animation jitter on multiplayer client aircraft.
  • Rear multicrew pilot head animation updates now over the network.
  • Corrected excessive precession on the gyroscopes.
  • Fixed the bug where, on occasions, the gyroscope would invert itself when going through 90° of pitch.
  • Fixed the hardcoded error that made the gyros roll with the aircraft.

DCS: Black Shark 2 by Eagle Dynamics

  • AChS-1 seconds scale (small) moving too fast (2x) - fixed.
  • Corrected description for Rotor RPM warning push-light function (EN/RU PDF).
  • Low RPM push-button naming fixed.
  • "Patrol" single mission. Change to Scattered clouds preset 5 to make the mission playable.

DCS: Mi-24P Hind by Eagle Dynamics


  • 9K113 ATGM guidance control unit gyroscopic stabilization modeling improved after new analysis and comments from SME. Leads to more stable operation within gyroscopic system limitations.
  • Petrovich AI flight routines improved including:
    • Nap of the earth flight
    • Vertical takeoff and landing (command by setting altitude to zero for landing and adding any altitude above zero for takeoff, in the interface. Note that Petrovich will put gear down/up automatically and hold brakes automatically after landing)
    • Hovering – Petrovich will hover more like human now
  • Petrovich AI ATGM align maneuver during hover was reworked and with new gyroscopic stabilization changes short time alignment is possible to stay in hover after launch. If ATGM align maneuver is ordered while in hover (HVR mode) Petrovich will shortly pitch down to align with target for ATGM launch, operator task is to hold the launch button after alignment was ordered as launch authorization will be short (1-3 sec). After a short pitch down and alignment Petrovich will return to hover. It is advised to order ATGM align in hover after the course was adjusted to suit direction to target. Also, it is advised to order hover ATGM align to distant targets as angle to close targets may be too steep. (Known issue: after first ATGM alignment order Petrovich stops reacting to short UP command to change course, will still react to ATGM align order. Temporary workaround: after setting course for Petrovich interface HSI with short UP, switch mode with short LEFT from CBTM to HVR and Petrovich will react and adjust course, then switch back to CBTM).
  • English localization of pilot’s cockpit input commands (WIP).
  • Main rotor pitch indicator needle movement smoothened


  • Forward cockpit windshield aiming reference marker that can be toggled in special menu settings. (It corresponds to 0 degrees of depression for PKI)


DCS Flaming Cliffs by Eagle Dynamics

  • F-15C. Convergent exhaust nozzle controller algo and sounds updated.
  • F-15C. External stores do not seem to generate a drag penalty - fixed.

DCS: Mosquito FB VI by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added wing flex feature
  • Implemented side door and armor headrest sounds

DCS: P-51D Mustang by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed duplicated input commands

DCS: FW 190A-8 by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added booster pumps failures
  • Fixed duplicated input commands

DCS: FW 190D-9 by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed duplicated input commands

DCS: WWII Assets Pack by Eagle Dynamics

  • Missions that were made with units from the Asset pack grouped separately in the interface
  • Removed "captured" WW2 units for some allies countries.
  • Removed fire and smoke for destroyed field howitzers.
  • B-17G can take-off with tail low now
  • A-20G Soviet skin is added to USSR
  • Flak units behavior 
    • Added Min/Max engagement altitude
    • Altitude Engagement Restrictions - partially solved the problem with engaging fast moving close targets by heavy AA guns
    • Fire at point with altitude - fixed shot spread
    • Multirole heavy gun: Distance limit fixed for ground targets
    • Dispersion in loading time as source of additional error in fuze setting 
    • Flak 18 8,8 cm HE round explosive filler has been adjusted 

DCS: Combined Arms by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added the ability to hide hints for JTAC by pressing LCtrl + B.
  • Added 2 skins for russian soldiers with AK.
  • Added Min/Max altitude restriction for AAA in ME.

DCS: Marianas by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added unique objects
    • Fiesta Resort Guam
    • Dusit Thani Guam Resort
  • Secondary runways at Tinian North Field are smoother now
  • Aircraft can cross runway while driving via taxiways at Antonio airport
  • Improved visibility of radio towers


F-15C The Georgian War Сampaign by Baltic Dragon:

  • M8, M9, M11, M12, M13, M14, M15. Adjusted wind direction and speed to ensure ATC gives correct runway for departure.


  • Missions 01, 07, 09, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 2. Adjusted wind direction and speed to ensure ATC gives correct runway for departure / landing. Also adjusted wind at high altitudes to allow wingmen to better follow player.
  • Mission 20. Updated weather conditions to make it easier to fly.

DCS: F/A-18C Raven One Сampaign by Baltic Dragon:

  • M01. Added information to the briefing about possible problems with Saint during dogfight / not using BACKSPACE which apparently can break the mission. Other small tweaks and updates.
  • M11. Corrected loadout (swapped Litening with ATFLIR).
  • M12. Updated Iranian Tomcat liveries. Moved static crewmen so the wingman won't run them over anymore. Other small tweaks and updates.
  • M13. Corrected loadout (swapped Litening with ATFLIR).
  • M14. Fixed bug with mission score (below 50). Reduced skill of enemy SA-2. Corrected loadout (swapped Litening with ATFLIR).

DCS: F-14A Zone 5 Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

  • F-14 skin updates
  • Skin file size reduced
  • AI won't dispense flares when approaching guns
  • AI skill update
  • Jester will be silenced automatically while Bio talks

DCS: F-14A Fear the Bones Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

  • F-14 skin updates
  • Skins added for the Ranger's squadrons
  • Skin file size reduced

DCS: F-5E Black Sea Resolve '79 Campaign by SorelRo:

  • Mission 7. Wind direction and parking spot changed. Trigger zones adjusted.

DCS: MiG-21bis Battle of Krasnodar Campaign by SorelRo:

  • Mission 5: Weather, victory conditions and wingman behavior tweaked.
  • Documentation updated.

UH-1H Worlds Apart - Spring 2025 Campaign by Low-Level-Heaven Mission Development:

  • Mission 11. Adopted to 2.7. F10 Map Marker added. Improved Voice overs. Trigger at target fixed. Mission failed option added (exit mission or fly back to HQ). Mission finished after Landing at HQ via ESC / or after engine shutdown and Battery OFF.

DCS: F/A-18C Rising Squall Campaign by INVERTED:

Added two new Missions.

  • Add a new multiplayer mission to test the feasibility of multiplayer campaign. The mission will start after M06 of the main story. Players can use this Missions in the Campaigns / Multiplayer folder.
  • Complete rebuild of Mission M10. The new mission will begin on the carrier deck.
  • Minor bug fixes.

DCS: F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion Campaign by Badger 633:

  • Missions 4,6,10,13 and 14 (all variants) increase flares to Std 60.
  • Missions 8. (all variants) add no RTB on bingo, add AI override, add 60 flares, Adjust Adriana timings, change lifter to CH53E for better stability.
  • Missions 9. (all variants) adjust AI safety net. 

F/A-18C Hornet - The Serpent's Head 2 Campaign by Badger 633

  • All Missions except 2 (all variants) add Kneeboards increase flares to Std 60.
  • Missions 5. (all variants) Correct Typo in brief.  Updated PDF Brief.
  • Missions 6. (all variants) Update references to runway heading in line with DCS update.


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Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

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DCS World

  • Fix Returned net.* API to Mission Scripting environment.
  • F-15E, JSOW start fixed.
  • F-16C. Crash due to changes in cockpit local files fixed.
  • Su-25. Crash during repair fixed.
  • Screen flickers black in some case - fixed.

DCS: L-39 Albatros by Eagle Dynamics

  • Training missions: wrong takeoff direction fixed.

DCS: MiG-19P Farmer by RAZBAM

  • Communication menu fixed.

DCS: AJS-37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations

  • Incorrect waypoints fixed.


L-39 Albatros: Kursant Campaign by Eagle Dynamics:

  • Mission 10: Wind tuning.
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Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

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DCS Open beta 


DCS World

  • Ingame UI. Added Messages History function for radio messages and texts.
  • Fixed 052C HHQ-9 behaviors
  • Fixed 052C HHQ-9 ammo capacity
  • Fixed C701 range
  • Updated C802AK scheme
  • Screen flickers black in some cases - fixed
  • Fixed crash that appeared on the air tanker in some cases.
  • Fixed crash that appeared on ATC in some cases.
  • Aircraft AI hangs and slides on high AoA - fixed.
  • JDAM will override unacceptable terminal heading.
  • Aircraft AI. Escort task. Escorts punctually pitch up or down during their task - fixed.
  • Engage distance with search then engage task ignores the distance from waypoint task was assigned on
  • ME. Scripting. Added Trigger Effect Smoke Stop.
  • A-10C, F-16C LMFCD + Camera + RMFCD - Displays freeze if not in F1 view - fixed.
  • Aircraft AI now only pop flares when threatened by planes able to carry missiles.
  • Aircraft AI. Added C-47 cargo plane.
  • AFAC task. AI aircraft with an AFAK mission will now be able to attack targets with combat weapons, not only markers.
  • Added CAS task for MQ-1 Predator.
  • MP. P-51, TF-51. Added animation of cowls of coolant system on the clients.
  • AI wingmen don't copy flight leader Formation lights status (planes only) - fixed.
  • Helicopter AI. Fixed some bugs leads to helicopter AIs hitting the ground during maneuvering and colliding during flight.
  • Aircraft AI. Heavy aircraft can now be set in one flight up to 4.
  • Aircraft AI. B-17 in WW2 formation - warping and losing formation positions - fixed.
  • Aircraft AI. Aircraft Won't Dive Bomb when direction set - fixed.
  • Aircraft AI. F-16 cannot refuel whenever the tanker is turning - fixed.
  • Helicopter AIs are unable to lift cargos from ships - fixed.
  • Sound update for sonic boom (medium distant added).
  • Kh-31 missile. Added realistic ramjet model and flight data.
  • AI aircraft. AI does not use AGM-62 at max range - fixed.
  • AI aircraft. AI aircraft with CAS task do not follow the desired ammo quantity release - fixed.
  • AI A-20G added Anti-ship strike task.
  • AI aircraft. JSOW gets stuck when launched from F-16 - fixed.
  • AI aircraft. AV-8B Harrier AI takeoff issues - heavy harrier tuned, short take off procedure implemented.
  • VR. Added free cam mode.
  • Resource manager. More meaningful warehouse transfer messages added.
  • Voice chat. Radio. Correctly reset radio options when changing the cockpit with HOT MIC is On.
  • Voice chat. Radio. Added setting to allow using extra radios on a server

DCS F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added DTOS Bombing Mode
  • Added ALQ-184 Long Pod
  • Fixed: Crash on cockpit:
  • Fixed: Markpoint FCR Mode
  • Fixed: AG radar scale arrows disappear after switching from A-G to DGFT override and back
  • Fixed: Wing tanks contain fuel even with wings ripped off
  • Fixed: A-A targets bugged in RWS SAM don't appear on the HSD
  • Added input, corrected clickable hints for ECM Pod control panel
  • Fixed: TDC in Mark point mode can be broken
  • Fixed: MAV Keyhole remains on target after last MAV has been fired
  • Fixed: Markpoint TGP Mode
  • Fixed: HMCS markpoint indication missed in NAV
  • Fixed: SEAD DED page closes when TMS right to cycle HAD targets
  • Fixed: ACM Slew Mode Elevation Error
  • Fixed: CMDS SEMI/AUTO inhibits manual dispensing (incl. slap switch) when expendable is in bingo quantity
  • Fixed: Radar pointer keeps moving on SOI switch

DCS F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added a separate function for the switch of Launch Bar
  • Fixed: Mav undesignate
  • Fixed: No autostart possible with NVGs
  • Fixed: GRID Entry changes data link channel
  • Fixed: 3D Wing fold Beercans Missing
  • Fixed: HARMs in PB mode have their TGT numerical value applied to the selected DL channel
  • Fixed:Changing laser code for GBU also changes D/L frequency
  • Fixed: GPS Weapons delivery data entry training mission
  • Fixed: User mission creates flight model error for no apparent reason
  • Fixed: Manual page 279 - On the TAC page, the “HARM DSPLY” legend is displayed below pushbutton X

DCS Mi-24P Hind by Eagle Dynamics

DCS: AJS-37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations

  • FR24 transmit power changed to 3W in VoIP.
  • Fixed FR22 frequency display when set at x99 frequency.
  • Ground crew is now heard with a closed canopy.
  • Fixed no sound when disengaging the parking brake via toe brake.
  • Mission data will be cleared before loading new data.
  • Fixed countermeasure bindings.
  • Canopy state is now updated in the cockpit after being jettisoned.
  • Improved AKAN gunsight accuracy.
  • Allowed kneeboard settings to be used on cold start and changed their hotkeys slightly to avoid conflict with weapon selection knob hotkeys.
  • Fixed LS points not repopulating on cartridge change.

DCS: F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations

  • Adjusted AIM-54 FM data to more closely correlate with CFD research.
  • Fixed lofting definitions for AIM-54, AI should now loft AIM-54’s.
  • USS Forrestal: Added collision box to LSO platform, allowing placement of crew and objects.
  • Fixed JESTER menu typo in Ripple Quantity in the A2G submenu.
  • JESTER now sets waypoint altitude for waypoints added from map markers.
  • Fixed F-14B RPM Gauge flickering.
  • Improved instances of MP spawn on carriers causing wing damage to neighboring spawns. Some cases persist.
  • Fixed Mic Button UHF1/2 presses not being recognized as PTT for VOIP if the radio menu is open.
  • Fixed VF-41 livery folder structure.
  • Updated VF-32 Swordsmen AB200 livery by Yae Sakura (thank you!).
  • Added VF-14 Tophatters liveries AB100, AJ200 and AJ201 by Ben_Der (thank you!).

DCS: JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations

  • New: require engine cold crank before another start after an engine shutdown, otherwise the engine start could fail
  • Added: HSD shows SPJ jam coverage (RWR symbols of being jammed objects will have an underline)
  • Added: inlet cover and lander in cold ramp condition (contact ground crew to remove them before flight!)
  • Added: WinWing F-16 HOTAS devices binding
  • Fixed: AG radar TDC drifts when aircraft has bank angle
  • Fixed: AA radar jamming target render bug
  • Fixed: C701 WHOT/BHOT gain/level cannot be remembered
  • Updated: EWS database

DCS: MiG-21bis by Magnitude 3

  • Adjusted hydraulic pressure bleed off rate with an inoperative engine.
  • Fixed sound crackling heard inside the cockpit.

DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev

  • Fixed corrupted CoG computations after the airplane crashes and then the mission is restarted.
  • Minor fix in startup macro sequence lua.
  • Minor fix in Russian localization.

DCS AV-8B N/A by RAZBAM Simulations


  • WPT Offset using true bearing all the time.
  • EHSD DATA page: slewing with the TDC is relative to AC heading.
  • EHSD COURSE Delta error is miscalculated.
  • Cannot fire a second IRMV after the first launch.
  • CAS Pager: Pressing “ENT” key does not move to the next line when editing a CAS brief.
  • CAS Page: L/L coordinates are displayed when using UTM.


  • CAS Page: Now it is possible to “USE” T0 for targeting. Note: T0 is not available for “Absolute” JDAM targeting.
  • Campaign:
    • FIXED: bort numbers in all campaign missions
    • FIXED: problem with AI taxiing in M05


  • EHSD DATA page: Display PP UTM coordinate when in AC mode.

DCS M-2000C by RAZBAM Simulations


  • AP Flight path hold issues (blocked star)
  • Canopy model not breaking from outside
  • Issue with kneeboard binds
  • TACAN X/Y bind
  • crash at game start with non ASCII saved games path
  • Replay issue
  • Engine RPM stuck for 5 seconds after touchdown (preventing quick go around)


  • Small delay for reconnecting with neutral stick after releasing AP standby
  • AP ALT mode (gains, lights, gong, reengage logic)
  • Clock needle movement
  • VTH and VTB accuracy during cold start
  • S530D low range behavior


  • Autopilot (gains and logic)
  • AP Autotrim reworked and more reliable
  • AP Realistic roll law in course rejoin mode
  • AP ALT AFF mode standbys until capture
  • AP ALT AFF mode has no condition on flight path angle
  • AP ALT AFF mode cannot be engaged with 0 set altitude
  • AP ALT AFF mode more aggressive to capture altitude
  • Rework of IDN(HSI) look and mechanics
  • INS alignment sequence impacts instruments
  • Cockpit Model:
    • Added symbols to NDI Flags
    • Changed the NDI needle texture pattern
    • Changed the rotational axis of the Flags
    • Changed the VAD Knobs orientation 180 degrees
    • Changed the Mode Selector Knob rotation axis to the correct direction and alignment.
  • Campaign:
    • ADDED: Mission 07, additional prompt with coordinates
    • FIXED: Mission 08, AWACS blocking the taxiway


  • AP Roll angle can be overriden during an AP course rejoin
  • AP Course mode can make more than 180 degrees turns
  • AP Course change will not reverse turn if done from turn hold mode
  • AP APP LOC mode can compensate small CP errors
  • AP APP mode more efficient for capturing LOC and GLIDE
  • More aggressive autopilot turns
  • Gong when crossing selected altitude +1000ft and -300ft even with AP off
  • TPC/TPL tests move the control surfaces
  • AP test light sequence
  • Encoder style binds for interior lights
  • Sel Jet guard/toggle combo bind
  • Thumbwheels selectors can be changed with mouse wheel
  • INS alignment waypoint read happens 36s after pressing VAL

DCS MiG-19P by RAZBAM Simulations


  • Pump Tanks 1, 2, 3 & 4 Switches
  • Cockpit Heating Switch
  • Anti-Skid Brake System switch
  • Engine Starter System switch
  • Fire Extinguisher Power switch
  • Left and Right Oil Cutoff Switches
  • Left and Right Afterburner Cuttoff Switches
  • Fuel Tank 2, 3, 4 Light Test Button
  • Engine Fire Lamp Test Button
  • Left and Right Engine Fuel Cutoff Covers and Buttons
  • Fire Extinguisher Activation Cover and Button
  • TP-19 Braking Parachute Jettison Cover and Button
  • Left and Right Engine Start Covers and Buttons
  • Left and Right Engine Air Start Covers and Buttons
  • ARU-2V Auto/Manual Mode Selector
  • Long and Short Arm Manual Mode Selector
  • Warning Button (Just nosewards of the parachute jettison cover)
  • Rocket Counter Night/Day Switch
  • TP-156 Pitot Tube Selector
  • Canopy Front Anti-Freeze Button
  • Canopy Pressurization Switch
  • Canopy Lock Lever Left or Right
  • Right Side Flood Light
  • Canopy Emergency Jettison
  • RUFO-45 Left and Right Side Control Knobs
  • Cockpit Pressurization Lever
  • SRO-2 IFF Self Destruct Cover and Button
  • SRO-2 IFF Power Switch Cover and Switch
  • Cockpit Ventilation Open/Close Switch

DCS A-10C II Tank Killer by Eagle Dynamics

Missing Key Bind - Scorpion HMCS Power' Added the following commands:

  • Joystick
    • ON/OFF toggle command
    • ON, OFF, BAT positions commands
    • ON<>OFF and BAT<>OFF switching commands
  • Keyboard
    • ON/OFF toggle command

DCS Black Shark by Eagle Dynamics

  • Laser designator can't be repaired / checked and maintained by ground crew - fixed.

DCS Mosquito FB VI by Eagle Dynamics

  • Improvements to the Mosquito 3D model
    • Fixed paint leak in nacelle.
    • Added safety vents for cooling system.
    • Exhaust stacks are modified
  • Improvements to input
    • Reworked keyboard-driven brake handle movement to match that of the Spitfire
    • Reduced tail trim wheel button-driven sensitivity threefold

DCS The Channel Map

  • Fixed issue with Mission Generator, "create fast mission" - working now


DCS: F-5E Black Sea Resolve '79 Campaign by SorelRo:

  • Mission 8. AI flights tweaked.

P-51D: The Blue Nosed Bastards of Bodney Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

  • C-47 Added.

Spitfire IX The Big Show Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

  • C-47 Added.

DCS: Fw 190 A-8 Horrido! Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

  • Bomber formation fixes.
  • C-47 Added.

Bf 109 K-4 Jagdflieger Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

  • Bomber formation fixes.
  • C-47 Added.

DCS: UH-1H Paradise Lost Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

  • Typos fixed in mission 1 & documentation.
  • Yellow bus removed from near the flight line.
  • Added an in flight guide pdf.
  • FM homing should work during the entire long count in Mission 6.

DCS: F-14A Zone 5 Campaign by Reflected Simulations:

  • Added a brand new Exposure mission with PDF.
  • Stock ATC disabled to avoid bugs.
  • f-4e Skin folder name fixed.

DCS: F-16C Red Flag 21-1 Campaign by Bunyap:

  • Added new ECM and HTS pods to player loadouts.

F-15C The Georgian War Сampaign by Baltic Dragon:

  • Mission 2: Fixed false ROE violation
  • Mission 9, 11: Updated position of ground units blocking AI taxi routes

The Enemy Within 3.0 Campaign by Baltic Dragon:

  • Mission 13: fixed issue with Uzi orbiting and shooting at the hangar instead of landing.

M-2000C Red Flag Campaign by Baltic Dragon:

  • Mission 05: fixed issue with wingman not taxiing behind the player.

DCS: A-10C Iron Flag Part I Campaign by Baltic Dragon:

  • Horizontal changes: Set Nellis ATC to "silent" in all the missions which should fix the issue with AI failing to take off behind the player. Added UHF radio presets to mission 2-10.
  • Mission 01: Made startup instructions optional. Moved using radio presets from M06 to M01. Fixed the issue with players not getting the shut down part.
  • Mission 02: Startup messages made more clear for the player. Updated ATC VOs. Updated wrong Biff's VO (HSI is "Horizontal Situation Indicator" and not "Horizontal Selection Indicator").
  • Mission 03: Updated messages for landing at Tonopah to make things more clear for the player.
  • Mission 05: Updated trigger checking player's formation during fly-over (should be easier to get 100 points now).
  • Mission 06: Added Mormon Mesa Departure to the kneeboard.
  • Mission 07: Added location of MOAPA to the kneeboard. Added additional checklists / references to the kneeboard.
  • Mission 08: Added additional checklists / references to the kneeboard.
  • Mission 09: Updated voiceovers about Mask Zone question. Fixed possible bug where mission gets stuck after TGP discussion. Added additional checklists / references to the kneeboard.
  • Mission 10: Added additional checklists / references to the kneeboard.

F/A-18C Serpent’s Head 2 Campaign by Badger633:

  • Mission 3. Winds updated, Kneeboard for Arco frequency corrected to 318, Tanker now in Racecourse pattern in case of slow plug.

F/A-18C Rise of the Persian Lion campaign by Badger633:

  • Mission 1. Kneeboard updated to make the requirement for low fly past clearer.
  • Mission 11. Ref to 410 corrected to 420
  • Mission 13. Mission fail added if enemy Helos not stopped.

DCS: A-10C Operation Persian Freedom Campaign by Ground Pounder Sims:

  • Mission 12. Fixed bug where Davy fails to stop attacking targets near mission end.
  • Mission 14. Altered engagement on task 1 to compensate for AI ground troops accuracy improvement, Fixed rare bug that allowed third JTAC task to enter a continual loop.
  • Mission 15. Fixed bug that allowed Davy to get shot down, Removed exploding tree from Archangel LZ, Tweaked JTAC cleared hot condition.

DCS: UH-1H Worlds Apart - Spring 2025 Campaign by Low-Level-Heaven Mission Development

  • Mission 5-1 Problem with convoy at the beginning of the mission solved  
  • Mission 7 A-10 AI is doing their job now. 


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Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

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DCS: Open Beta - Hot fix


DCS World

  • Voice Chat. Extra radios added to the integrated radio box.
  • Fixed issue with crash reporting in some cases.
  • Corrected a mistake in the Russian translation of the name of R-60M on APU-60-1M.
  • Fixed CTDs when using Damascus VOR-ILS.

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics

  • Updated Ru localization of inputs (FA-18C, overall improvement for consistency)
  • Updated Ru localization of inputs (FA-18C, overall improvement for consistency, second pass; +cockpit)

DCS: Combined Arms by Eagle Dynamics

  • Tactical commander can't assign the target for AI aircraft - fixed.

DCS: F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations

  • Adjusted AIM-54 terminal guidance, significantly improving AIM-54 overall performance.

DCS: UH-1H Huey by Belsimtek

  • UH-1H 'Weapons Employment' training mission messages don't go away - fixed.
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Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

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DCS Open Beta hotfix 


DCS World

  • Network protocol version increased to avoid crashes connected to weapons in flight during joining of clients.
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Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

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Introduced new campaigns:

  • DCS: AV-8B Hormuz Freedom Campaign by SorelRo
  • DCS: F/A-18C Operation Cerberus North by Ground Pounder Sims
  • DCS: MAD Campaign by Stone Sky

DCS World

  • MP. Wingmen do not take off after the client in some cases - fixed.
  • Cockpit shake in multiple modules - removed.
  • Voice chat. Fixed changing to zero level of the master volume setting
  • Fixed problem with not working human-AI radio communications for many aircraft
  • WWII unit templates available for use in the Mission Editor again
  • No sounds for CV Kuznetsov - Fixed
  • Dust at night glows - fixed.
  • Weapons. Anti ship missile scheme update, Kh-35 missile issues fixed.
  • MP. Crash when going into cockpit after mission change - fixed.
  • Cockpit mirrors inoperable when flying over sea at extreme low altitude, less than 5m - fixed.
  • Helicopters. Rotor wash effect over water adjusted.
  • Restored the runway lighting.
  • AI. AI Aircraft will not take off after the player - fixed.
  • AGM-88. Missile not aiming at radiating target. - fixed
  • ME. Weather presets disappear if no cloud preset is selected - fixed.
  • In A-10C, F-18 and F-16 the WHOT and BHOT modes appear to be inverted. - fixed

DCS: AH-64D by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added Input command "Trimmer - Reset" , use LCtrl+T to reset trimmer position of cyclic stick and pedals to center
  • Added SCAS status indication
  • Fixed: TADS desync from CPG LMC use/Hellfires missing targets in TRAJ other than DIR in multicrew
  • Fixed crashes in avionics, weapons and AI
  • Fixed: TADS desync in multicrew
  • Fixed: Lasing desync in multicrew
  • Fixed: Hellfire can't detect laser in MP
  • Fixed: AI George not taking LOAL shots
  • Fixed: Repair procedure
  • Fixed: CPG could WAS but not seeing Hellfires loaded on the weapons page
  • Fixed: Rotors missing on FLIR and TV TADS display
  • Fixed: Gun missing recoil animation
  • Fixed: Laser is disabled on UTIL page when hotstart in multicrew
  • Fixed: AI George does not track target and drifts
  • Fixed: Cold start unable to activate RLWR on ASE UTIL page
  • Fixed: Pilot engaging PNVS disables CPG TADS control in multicrew
  • Fixed: Searchlight isn't synchronized in multicrew (Pilot enables searchlight, operator see only moving but doesn't see light itself).
  • Fixed: Wheel brake state isn't synchronized in multicrew
  • Fixed: Radio interference is heard when connecting CPG after cold start in multicrew
  • Fixed: George as CPG - George stuck in loop WAS'ing missiles
  • Fixed: Park Brake Stow & Park brake pull binds do not work
  • Fixed: EUFD. Can't swap radio freq in some case
  • Fixed: AI misuses anti-collision lights and landing light
  • Fixed: AI CPG sometimes forgot target position when slaving
  • Fixed: Sometimes AI CPG TADS follows the PLT HMD reticle
  • Fixed: Wheel rotation stops on the opposite side from the brake being used
  • Fixed: Unable to set auto-range on guns during engagement
  • Fixed: Backup artificial horizon doesn't uncage when cold and dark
  • Fixed: Rope length is an option in the editor but not needed for AH-64D
  • Fixed: Weight remains on Helo when fuel tanks removed
  • Fixed: Symbology select switch depress
  • Fixed: Players don't see NVG on other players' helicopters in MP
  • Fixed: CMWS audio volume & lamp knobs axis do not work
  • Fixed: Multi monitor users and george AI menu location
  • Fixed: Symbology select switch depress for pilot changes CPG screen also

DCS: F-16C Viper by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: FCR OVRD and change master mode
  • Fixed: Ripple 6 - 12 snake eye with 10 ft spacing explode behind the aircraft

DCS: F/A-18C Hornet by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: AIM-9X and the WACQ radar mode can lock onto targets beyond 10nm
    Fixed: Concatenated RU text in Hornet SC missions

DCS: Supercarrier by Eagle Dynamics

  • Marshall stack works incorrect

DCS: P-47 Thunderbolt by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed bug with the light cone from the landing light
  • Gunsight on the P-47-30 (early) model is updated for the external view

DCS: F-5E Tiger II by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed: Damage on destroyed inner wing not spread to other wing sections

DCS: Marianas map by Eagle Dynamics

  • Improvements to the visualization of map in the FLIR mode
  • Fixed possibility to use kneeboard images on the map
  • Fixed too dark shadows on the banyan tree

DCS: JF-17 by Deka Ironwork Simulations

  • Fixed: a temp solution to improve MFCD readability when moving map is on (Thanks, J20Stronk, for the idea)
  • Fixed: should fix battery switch random malfunction issue in MP
  • Fixed: c701 seeker now needs SMS power on to start BIT and turns on camera after alignment is done. If born in air, c701 is ready to use, and no need BIT as before.
  • Fixed: LSS cannot detect laser spots in MP.

DCS: SA-342 Gazelle by Polychop Simulations

  • Fixed: Remove doors option through ground crew now only available to the SA342L
  • Fixed: Typo in Portuguese Community Livery

DCS: C-101 Aviojet by AvioDev

  • Fixed bombs arming logic. If fuze is not armed bombs can be dropped and they do not explode
  • IR missiles are now functional again after in-game rearming
  • Magic II and AIM-9M seekers work now correctly as they should for all-aspect missiles

DCS: Black Shark by Eagle Dynamics

  • Added high speed vibration effect in the cockpit.

DCS: Combined Arms

  • Player controllable unit dynamics - adjusted.

DCS: F-14 Tomcat by Heatblur Simulations

  • Fixed Multiplayer Seat Switching not working.
  • Added new DCS FLIR mechanics.
  • Autopilot
    • Improved heading hold.
    • Fixed trim-lock when disengaging during CSS.
    • Fixed trim-lock on spawn.
    • Fixed AP engaged on ground start, resulting in trim-lock.
    • Fixed AP not working with FFB.
  • Fixed Maneuver Flaps not working outside of standard altimeter pressure.
  • Fixed several issues with Iceman.
  • Fixed typo on VDI labels for trim and brightness: VSDI->VDI.
  • Fixed JESTER camera near clipping issue.
  • Updated several IA Missions to the latest version.
  • Updated CN localization.

DCS: AJS-37 Viggen by Heatblur Simulations

  • Fixed engine oscillations at ground idle below 0°C.

DCS: AV-8B N/A by RAZBAM Simulations

  • Fixed:
    • DMT designation
    • AG gun pipper too low
    • Data slew not fixed for keyboard slew
    • ODU bomb interval input
  • Updated:
    • FLIR video for all displays

DCS: M-2000C by RAZBAM Simulations

  • Updated : MIP list refreshes during rearm
  • Added DTC text file format for MIPs (BETA)
  • Fixed MIP next/previous bind and mouse
  • Updated : Auto decoy release only upon launch threat
  • Disabled decoy release on the ground
  • Disabled TPC/TPL test in flight

DCS: MiG-19P by RAZBAM Simulations

  • Updated: roll inertia rules
  • Updated: R-3S launch limitations
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Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

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DCS World

  • In some cases, when trying to select an audio file in the file-browser, the OK button did not work, the file was not selected. Fixed.
  • Weapons. Fixed a crash that occurs when a munition impacts certain map objects.
  • All ME "In Mission" Picture Options - Unable to select Images. Fixed file extension checking.
  • Crash that has been caused by the SCUD destruction during the alignment to the horizon - fixed.

DCS: AH-64D by Eagle Dynamics

  • Fixed:Laser designation by JTAC and using NVG goggles can create artifact.
  • Fixed: Cold start Boost Pump Failure.
  • Fixed: At high temperatures (29℃), engine does not start.

DCS: AV-8B N/A by RAZBAM Simulations

  • Fixed: Crash with Maverick launch.
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Forum rules - DCS Crashing? Try this first - Cleanup and Repair - Discord BIGNEWY#8703 - Youtube - Patch Status

Windows 11, NVIDIA MSI RTX 3090, Intel® i9-10900K 3.70GHz, 5.30GHz Turbo, Corsair Hydro Series H150i Pro, 64GB DDR @3200, ASUS ROG Strix Z490-F Gaming, PIMAX Crystal

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