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OT: Movie Blood Diamond

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Off topic but I am curious if you guys have seen the movie, "Blood Diamond". There is a scene where a Hind and another chopper are used to suppress a rebel camp. The other chopper might be a Lynx? Have I got that right?


Anyway, can any of my fellow Russian simmers out here tell me how that might work? Does the studio say, "Hey, we would like to rent/lease one of your military choppers?" or do they convert a civilian one to look like a Hind? Because I am by far no expert but that was one impressive looking chopper if I remember right. By impressive I mean looked accurate.


Unlike in the movie, "The Fourth War" where they took a screaming mimi and dolled it up to look like a Hind.


Just curious

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I'm pretty sure that was a Lynx, though I'm not 100%... so I guess my reply is crap :music_whistling: lol. On another note, the the way the contry Liberia is portayed is completely false. I myself am from Liberia and can say first hand that there are huge Diamond mines there. It's an interesting movie, but I think the acutal idea of what happened and still is happening there parallels Liberia. Both Sierra Leone and Liberia are in the same struggle... off my soap box :thumbup:

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I always take what Hollywood does with a grain of salt. You can only get a basic idea from the movies. The rest you have to research yourself and even then you still question the source motivations, and/or its political agenda. History is written by the victor making even so called historically accurate movies questionable.


On a lighter note, that Hind looked bad ass! Apparently, People on these forums haven't seen the movie or don't care to comment


I tried to start a discussion but failed. I suck at life....

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I haven't seen the movie yet, but there is a South African PMC called Executive Options that has an Mi-24 in their inventory. Maybe it was theirs that was used in the movie. It WAS used in the actual conflict in Sierra Leone.


It was Executive Outcomes, and was disbanded some time ago after such activities were finally outlawed by the South African courts.


. . . but then IIRC, they didn't own the helicopter at the time, they were just leasing it.

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Thanks, Brit. :) I knew the last part of the name began with an O, but didn't remember correctly. Its been a few years since I watched that documentary.


There's a book about some of their exploits - Bloodsong, written by James Hooper with contributions by the guys from EO. Makes for . . . enlightening reading.


From ground combat, to EO operating Angolan MiG-23s at night with iron bombs and NVGs . . . . it's good stuff!



For more background on this sort of thing, I recently picked up a book . . . in Denver airport, actually . . . called Licensed To Kill, by Robert Young Pelton.

Looks into the resurgence of the mercenary in recent years; one chapter goes into more of the internal workings and shady deals involving EO and ex-EO personnel.

Another good read.

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