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Posted (edited)

after over two five years of flying in dcs and posting on these forums, i thought i could do my very own little wishlist.

In no partucular order:

Mission Editor / AI / Logic

- Civilian coalition
- Updated IFF / ROE for redfor/blufor appropriatly
- AI assets (jetliner etc.)
- Ability for mission designer to quickly generate civ air traffic
- Ability to exclude civilian road traffic from zones
- Split auto-generated civilian road traffic from auto-generated military road traffic (f.e. military trucks on caucasus)
- Ability to control autogen military traffic with zones/triggers or have it linked to warehouse-system where available
- EWR, Air controller logic
- "Is EWR" attribute and "relay speed" option for every unit.
(it would allow every unit with "is ewr = 1" to automatically guide CAPs to enemy position (like the awacs and redfor EWR currently does) but only using the units native sensor range.
relay speed would determine how fast and how often the position got updated)
- "Spotted by coalition" trigger
- Mission randomization
- Multiple possible routes per group within the UI, without scripting
(f.e. option to create "dummy-objects" and make a route for them and allow proper units to switch to those routes by advanced "switch waypoint logic" with probability option to have multiple possible paths)
- All editor fields that accept numbers should accept basic syntax for random min-max between two numbers, so that airspeed, altitude, timed conditions, etc. could easily be randomized by typing in a range instead of single value

World, weather, graphics, performance

- Better night lighting
- Much higher and long-range visibility for nav-lights, beacons of aircraft and ships
- Improved weather system
- Easy way to set up weather changes
- Higher resolution effects of weather on aircraft
- Turbulence, buffeting (including sounds)
- HDR / HDR10 support
- canopy glinting
- highly visible reflection/glint on canopy or other reflective parts of assets even over great distance
- maybe serverside option for exagerated glinting to help with spotting (some shooter games do that with sniper scopes f.e.)

Assets / models

- First generation manpads (redeye, strela-2)
- Static gp/aa maschine-gun emplacements (M2 .50, MG3 7.92, Kord 12.7...)
- Assets for realistic sam-sites and other fortifications (these would help with spotting, since static ground units could have a larger visual foodprint)
- Type specific reload vehicles for SAM systems
- Ramparts
- Support trailers/structures
- Camo netting
- Placeable textures with tire-marks etc.
- Variation of tents and small fortifications
- Option to hide driver/pilot from asset for use as targeting drone

General, gameplay, immersive features

- Proper mission planning with mission planner and kneeboard tool
(after role selection, before entering cockpit, planner only availabe on friendly airfields with engine off)
- ME / serverside option to allow/disallow players to make own flightplan on map or change premade flightplan
- Ability to customize kneeboard (copy paste frequencys or other information on custom pages, manually select which maps and charts to include)
- Easy way to copy/save custom pages for later use (f.e. custom checklists, cheatsheets)
- Change loadout and aircraft parameters if allowed by mission / server
- Multiplayer planning with synced doodling/markings while in planner, that can be copied to respective kneeboard page
- Airfields control radar showing up on RWR where applicable
- Auto-generated, animated ground crew on airfields (similar in scale to what's available in a certain GA sim)
- Custom logo and pilot names on aircraft
- Hugely improved ATC
- Voice reckognition / voice commands integrated into dcs
Edited by twistking
  • Like 3
Posted (edited)

added to first post:


-server-client-architecture for sp

-road traffic zones and details

-ME randomization details/examples


Bradader said:
I cant play, but you have there are some pretty good ideas.


well I think so anyway.



Edited by twistking
  • 4 weeks later...

from the latest interviews with wags and chizh i realized that many of my points are either already WIP, planned or at least acknowledged to be "nice to have", so i greyed them out, to make the other points stand out more, as these are points that are not much discussed at all, while in some cases they seem to me as being equally important.

  • 2 months later...
- much higher and long-range visibility for nav-lights, beacons...


I would go even further and put HDR-effects on my wishlist. It would be fantastic, if DCS introduced HDR like in Xplane-11:









I would go even further and put HDR-effects on my wishlist. It would be fantastic, if DCS introduced HDR like in Xplane-11:



Good point. I added it to the list.

I made a whole thread for HDR/HDR10 a while back, because i wanted confirmation if HDR was at least planned for the future, to help me decide wether i should invest in HDR hardware (which at the moment is still too expensive to buy "just in case"): Would be much appreciated if a mod could ask ED, if there is anything in the pipeline, even if it is still far out...

I would go even further and put HDR-effects on my wishlist. It would be fantastic, if DCS introduced HDR like in Xplane-11:










WoW, dcs nights look like shit after your pics :noexpression:

Oculus CV1, Odyssey, Pimax 5k+ (i5 8400, 24gb ddr4 3000mhz, 1080Ti OC )




Posted (edited)

As always with HDR, please remember that you can't see it on a screenshot and that you can't see it without proper hardware.

The screenshots from the other sim look good not because of HDR but because of high draw distance for lights, good tone-mapping and flashy post processing.

Having the sim render in true HDR10 to a compatible monitor would elevate that to eleven!!!



Edited by twistking
Posted (edited)

I agree with the whole ground unit machinegun misc stuff a lot, I think the various types of little stuff hiding in the bushes is the kind of stuff that enriches DCS as a whole, I'd go for more military support and utility, infrastructure buildings and objects that do affect gameplay, where cargo transport would really matter and it could perhaps be eventually linked with airport supply system, thought optional ofcourse, then you could have fuel/ammo/repair parts being transported on roads and you'd also have to defend that while defending the forward airbase/airport it self.


I'm very hungry for more of these military tanker/transport ground vehicles, and also exposing the whole fuel/ammo system in the mission editor so you could see the ranges of influence if those units will get rearmed and refueled, well actually you'd need that in F10 view as well but it should be toggable because it's a cheat ofcourse, well MP servers probably disable F10 view wholly anyway already right?

Edited by Worrazen

Modules: A-10C I/II, F/A-18C, Mig-21Bis, M-2000C, AJS-37, Spitfire LF Mk. IX, P-47, FC3, SC, CA, WW2AP, CE2. Terrains: NTTR, Normandy, Persian Gulf, Syria


  • 3 months later...

A hard +1 for a new weather !!! The weathercas of now is way too simple, clouds look terrible and there is just not enough variety. It's actually that bad (((

  • 3 months later...

I totally agree there are a lot of things that need to be changed in dcs im really slowly losing hope in dcs. I really like some of your ideas in your list like nav lights being seen further. I hope they change these soon becuase dcs is still looking really bad in some cases.:cry:

  • twistking changed the title to my personal wishlist after half a decade with dcs
  • 2 months later...
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