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Wouldn't it be great to be able to see that MiG-15 at your 2 O'Clock low and 3 miles in your Sabre because the glint of sun reflecting off the whole aircraft caught your eye!?? You bet it would! What do you say ED? :smilewink:





Certified Airplane Nut

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THIS +1000


I have brought up a glint effect in the past, a starburst reflection flash would add to spotting and a general another real life detail brought into the game. Glints can be done, just not sure if they could figure out how to do it in DCS. Would be very nice though.

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yes, yes, yes +1


THIS +1000


I have brought up a glint effect in the past, a starburst reflection flash would add to spotting and a general another real life detail brought into the game. Glints can be done, just not sure if they could figure out how to do it in DCS. Would be very nice though.


i think the proper PBR shaded glint would be mandatory for the post-processing flare/starburst, because the renderer would need to know where to place the pp effect.

the way it is now, PBR shading does not really work for objects that are not very close to the camera apparently, so the renderer would not know, where/when/how intense the sun/moon reflects from the object and therefore could not place the pp flare/starburst correctly.


i propose that the PBR shading should be improved to work better/more reliably with distant objects, which should already result in improved spotting because of the glinting/reflections. then there should be a post processing flare/starburst effect added on top. this effect should be very subtle to give an realistic impression of the scene, but should be user tweakeble so that it could also be bumped up and used as a spotting aid (like some arcade shooters do with rifle optics of enemys). this should be a serverside option of course...

this pp flare/starburst should of course be added to the whole scene, not just aircraft. if it's not overdone it looks very natural and realistic, seemingly enhancing the scenes contrast by suggesting extra highlight intensity. it's very common in professional CGI and games and if done right, you would not even notice it. we're not talking j.j.abrams lens-flare-extravaganza here...


i have done some tests in blender (which renders completely different than dcs does but should still be viable for a proof of concept), and found that this could improve spotting immensly on all distances, because you not only get the reflection/glint and post-processing highlight-effects, but because everything is moving, the reflections and pp sunglare flicker and/or pulsate realisticially, which improves spotting even more.

i don't know how the impact on performance will be. the post-processing flare/starburst should be minimal, but shading materials with full PBR on higher view distances, might be more problematic.

but with vulcan - our holy grale - in the works, everything is possible, right? ...right?

Edited by twistking
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