PB0_corse66 Posted August 28, 2018 Posted August 28, 2018 Hi :) Not sure to understand the Dryad part.. From the doc : B) ENCRYPTION The second mode is used to encrypt short numeric information. The coder arbitrarily selects two letters at random. The first letter designates a row in the current active page. The second one is used similarly to the authentication mode, except that the letter immediately to the right is selected. This selected letter is called the "SET LETTER.” Example: Challenging station: Set letter Mixe Foxtrot. Reply: Delta. Numbers are enciphered one digit at a time. A ciphertext letter is chosen from the selected row (the row designated by the SET LETTER) in the column under the plain text digit. If the digit occurs more than once in the number, the coder is instructed to choose a different letter in the same column. All the digits in a single plaintext number are encoded from the same row. Example (for Set Letter Mike Foxtrot): Challenging station: Set number Golf Mike Sierra Tango Hotel Deciphered number: 2 4 6 6 2 This is here I don't get it ;) So as far I've understood the first part, we select D as the selected Letter. But if I look at the D row the : Set number Golf Mike Sierra Tango Hotel Rather deciphered into : 7 0 3 2 8 2 4 6 6 2 come directly from the first row (without any selected letter) ... Not sure how it works ;)
baltic_dragon Posted September 14, 2018 Posted September 14, 2018 Hey! Sorry for my late reply, I've been away for some time. So: the first part indeed is easier, Mike is the letter in the vertical column (so first horizontal letters would be CLUR). Then you look for letter F in that row (for Foxtrot). It is in the MN column, and says FD. You choose the letter immediately next to Foxtrot, so you have Delta. Now the second part. If you are told Set Letter Mike Foxtrot for numbers, you do the same as above, but then use the first row with numbers directly BELOW the chosen Set Letter row. So in this case you will use the row between R and S. You read the letters from that red row, so you will get: Golf = 2 Mike = 4 Sierra = 6 Tango = 6 (same field as Sierra) Hotel = 2 Hope this helps! For more information, please visit my website. If you want to reach me with a bug report, feedback or a question, it is best to do this via my Discord channel. Details about the WinWing draw can be found here. Also, please consider following my channel on Facebook.
PB0_corse66 Posted October 9, 2018 Author Posted October 9, 2018 Hi :) Been away for a while as well ;) Thanks for the answer :) but as being a little bit stubborn ^^ I'm going to raise 2 points which are puzzling me.. If you are told Set Letter Mike Foxtrot for numbers, you do the same as above, but then use the first row with numbers directly BELOW the chosen Set Letter row. So in this case you will use the row between R and S. I'm told to set letter Mike Foxtrot, and answer being Delta, should not I choose the row BELOW line D so between F and G? Which leads me to my second point : I'm looking at the Dryad documentation and we have 4 lines with digit : Above A (red), below F (black?), below L (red), below R (red). I compare them and except for a slight version on the line below R on the digit 3 and 7 (which may be a typo), they are exactly the same...!! Which seems a little bit odd to me to do some encoding / decoding if ABC always = 0 and DEF = 1, etc.. Is the documentation correct ? Thanks again for the great campaign!
PB0_corse66 Posted October 10, 2018 Author Posted October 10, 2018 I'll try to make my point clearer :) What are we using a complex method if all conversion between letters and digits are the same :) (and pretty obvious) ?
baltic_dragon Posted October 10, 2018 Posted October 10, 2018 I'll get back to you ASAP :) I don't think it is that obvious - but I'll try to explain better as soon as I have a moment! For more information, please visit my website. If you want to reach me with a bug report, feedback or a question, it is best to do this via my Discord channel. Details about the WinWing draw can be found here. Also, please consider following my channel on Facebook.
baltic_dragon Posted October 10, 2018 Posted October 10, 2018 OK, I see your point now regarding the SET LETTER. I could have made the instructions clearer as it really sounds confusing now. As for the decipher rows for numbers, I used the real life DRYAD example and for some reason it looks like this for this particular sheet. Perhaps by chance. Probably it wouldn't matter anyway, as the sheets would be changed quite often. I'll see how I can make the instructions clearer & thanks for looking deeper into this. For more information, please visit my website. If you want to reach me with a bug report, feedback or a question, it is best to do this via my Discord channel. Details about the WinWing draw can be found here. Also, please consider following my channel on Facebook.
PB0_corse66 Posted October 12, 2018 Author Posted October 12, 2018 Thanks a lot for your answer and for the superb campaign :) :) I'm going to try mission 11 this week end :p Damn choppers ;)
baltic_dragon Posted October 12, 2018 Posted October 12, 2018 I think it is the toughest one in the campaign. A few pointers in this thread. Let me know how it went! For more information, please visit my website. If you want to reach me with a bug report, feedback or a question, it is best to do this via my Discord channel. Details about the WinWing draw can be found here. Also, please consider following my channel on Facebook.
Xxx Posted October 19, 2018 Posted October 19, 2018 Hey guys, I think there may be some conflicting information here? Or at least, I am a little confused? Re the Dryad cypher; "Numbers are enciphered one digit at a time. A ciphertext letter is chosen from the selected row (the row designated by the SET LETTER) in the column under the plain text digit. If the digit occurs more than once in the number, the coder is instructed to choose a different letter in the same column. All the digits in a single plaintext number are encoded from the same row." I read that to mean, using the example in the instructions, the set letter Mike + Foxtrot is Delta. Therefore the D, Delta row depicts the number Golf, Mike, Sierra, Tango, Hotel as; G=7, M=0, S=3, T=2, H=8. Not 2, 4, 6, 6, 2, as on the instruction card. That depicts what's on the top most line in red text. GHJ=2, MN=4, ST=6, ST=6, GHJ=2. Hence, 2, 4, 6, 6, 2. This is not how I understand the Dryad works, or the "Set Letter" cypher is meaningless, since we are always using the very top red letter row and ignoring the cyphers G to L, M to R and S to X. If that's how we are to interpret the Dryad then its different from how I understand it. Let me use the missions examples; In mission 12, there are two Set Letter cyphers given, namely Set Letter RU and Set Letter GC. Set Letter RU cypher is N. Set Letter cypher GC is W. Given the cypher N for the first set of coordinates, then we read as follows from the N row; K=5, I=7, G=7, U=0, S=8, W=3 H=1. Thus 5770831. Given the cypher W for the second set of coordinates, then we read the following from the W row; D=2, E=2, S=7, F=5, T=8, M=7, W=1. Thus 2275871. These are the correct Dryad cypher numbers. But they are not Lat/long for our DCS map and incorrect for INS entry. If we use just the top row of red letters, (cyphers A to F) then the above codes become; K=3, I=3, G=2, U=7,S=6,W=8,H=2. Thus 3327682. D=1, E=1, S=6, F=1, T=6, M=4,W=8. Thus 1161648. These are closer to the Bullseye coordinates given as 242 for 24? Hope that clarifies things. For this mission if you just use the very top block of cyphers from A to F then the cords approximate to Max's position. Regards David [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]i7 Haswell @ 4.6Ghz, Z97p, GTX1080, 32GB DDR3, x3SSD, Win7/64, professional. 32" BenQ, TIR 5, Saitek x55 HOTAS. Search User Files for "herky" for my uploaded missions. My flight sim videos on You Tube. https://www.youtube.com/user/David Herky
baltic_dragon Posted October 19, 2018 Posted October 19, 2018 Yeah I think the description I used (from Wiki) is unclear, I plan to adjust the description so that there is no doubt on how to read that. Or maybe I misunderstood the whole thing when writing the script but at this stage the only option is to modify the docs and not the coordinates :) For more information, please visit my website. If you want to reach me with a bug report, feedback or a question, it is best to do this via my Discord channel. Details about the WinWing draw can be found here. Also, please consider following my channel on Facebook.
Xxx Posted October 20, 2018 Posted October 20, 2018 Roger that. It's cool that in asking the wingman to confirm coords, he gives a range+bearing from Bullseye. Then you can set the rho and theta on the HSI and go right over Max! So you don't need to enter the coords in your INS. Bit of a character that Max. I recall an RAF pilot who did an exchange with the French air Force and flew the Mirage with them for a while. He described the French fighter pilots as being just like Max. Praised them for being very aggressive and even a bit "gung ho"! But he loved the c. Bit different from the F3. Regards David [sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]i7 Haswell @ 4.6Ghz, Z97p, GTX1080, 32GB DDR3, x3SSD, Win7/64, professional. 32" BenQ, TIR 5, Saitek x55 HOTAS. Search User Files for "herky" for my uploaded missions. My flight sim videos on You Tube. https://www.youtube.com/user/David Herky
swiss_lipo Posted January 3, 2019 Posted January 3, 2019 (edited) Hi everyone, I tried to understand the DRYAD encryption and I believe there is a mistake in the example provided in the kneepad. Or it is me who is wrong, also very plausible! The example tells us to go "Mike Foxtrot" and it gives us a SET LETTER of "Delta", which is correct to this point. (see picture) But then, from what I understand from the DRYAD, we should STAY ON THE SAME ROW as the SET LETTER to choose our letters that will then point to the reference digits that are always the same. Otherwise, this SET LETTER has no real influence. So, to obtain the code "2 4 6 6 2" we should actually provide the cypher text : "Victor Foxtrot Bravo Oscar Uniform", taken from the row where the SET LETTER was found. This is my understanding but it would probably require the confirmation or correction from someone more qualified, an active or veteran pilot perhaps ? Very interesting system anyway and quite a challenge to deal with while piloting. Edited January 3, 2019 by swiss_lipo
baltic_dragon Posted January 3, 2019 Posted January 3, 2019 Yes I think there is a mistake - which I forgot to correct but will do in the next few days. As Accipiter says, you can also ask wingman to give you bullseye coords to confirm you are in right position. And as for Max - the guy doing the VOs added a lot of character his own extra lines. And he does have the AdA background :) For more information, please visit my website. If you want to reach me with a bug report, feedback or a question, it is best to do this via my Discord channel. Details about the WinWing draw can be found here. Also, please consider following my channel on Facebook.
baltic_dragon Posted March 15, 2019 Posted March 15, 2019 Hey guys, bringing back this old thread - I've checked it and I don't think there is a bug, although I agree that the instructions are not that clear. To make it clearer: you are told set letter Mike Foxtrot, and it points you to DELTA. You then look at the "D" (for Delta) Row and read the numbers using the first row containing them, so one between F and G. In this Dryad all rows with numbers are almost the same, which is a coincidence. But for decyphering numbers, you don't look at DELTA row - but at the first row containing numbers that is below it. And then the numbers are right. Hope it helps! For more information, please visit my website. If you want to reach me with a bug report, feedback or a question, it is best to do this via my Discord channel. Details about the WinWing draw can be found here. Also, please consider following my channel on Facebook.
alboon2000 Posted March 16, 2019 Posted March 16, 2019 In this Dryad all rows with numbers are almost the same, which is a coincidence. Hi Baltic, Once again, congratulations for this amazing campaign, it's simply awsome. Regarding Mission 12, I think you really could have another look at it as, I think, it's not playable without using the wingman's help. First, it would be more interesting to use a DRYAD grid with different numbers (I mean : on the one provided, every red line is exactly the same, which seems to confuse a lot of people, as it becomes then pointless to have a SET LETTER. Then, there is a problem within the mission : SET LETTER N : KIGUSWH => 3327682, which are clearly not coordinates inside Bastille area, and there are 7 numbers instead of 6 so we can't put them in the INS... SET LETTER W : DESFTMW => 1161648, this time it could be correct but i "think" it's still not within Bastille boundaries. Thank you for reading me, I hope I was clear anough !
blackactionedwin Posted March 16, 2019 Posted March 16, 2019 (edited) Finally passed previous mission and I am now challenged with this quest. First I thought I was wrong with the DRYAD but I also got N3327682 and W1161648, which is more thann 200nm away from MAX. Lucky I am my wingman gave me distance and bearing from bullseye. Unfortunately my wingman crashed and burned without any external force, just saying good-bye "I am out" or something like that (edit: Tacview showed that buddy crashed into mountains due to low level flight). So I had to go all by myself against the 2 bandits. The rest of the story is not very heroic. Have to fly it all over again :-/ but i like the raindrops at the beginning anyway. Edited March 17, 2019 by blackactionedwin
blackactionedwin Posted March 18, 2019 Posted March 18, 2019 Finally passed previous mission and I am now challenged with this quest. First I thought I was wrong with the DRYAD but I also got N3327682 and W1161648, which is more thann 200nm away from MAX. Lucky I am my wingman gave me distance and bearing from bullseye. Unfortunately my wingman crashed and burned without any external force, just saying good-bye "I am out" or something like that (edit: Tacview showed that buddy crashed into mountains due to low level flight). So I had to go all by myself against the 2 bandits. The rest of the story is not very heroic. Have to fly it all over again :-/ but i like the raindrops at the beginning anyway. edit: Mistake as so often on the user side. There is no typo in the number lines. First coordinate is N 372... not 332 "I=7" not 3 in this case!! Then the coordinates point you correctly towards MAX. Unfortunately I still don´t manage to overcome those two bandits. Keep on trying :joystick:
baltic_dragon Posted March 18, 2019 Posted March 18, 2019 Cool! If you hold long enough the cavalry should come to your help... :) oh, and make sure to tell Max that there is no helo picking him up ;) For more information, please visit my website. If you want to reach me with a bug report, feedback or a question, it is best to do this via my Discord channel. Details about the WinWing draw can be found here. Also, please consider following my channel on Facebook.
alboon2000 Posted March 22, 2019 Posted March 22, 2019 edit: "I=7" not 3 in this case!! Then the coordinates point you correctly towards MAX. Thank you !
SharpeXB Posted April 5, 2020 Posted April 5, 2020 (edited) Wow this is just impossible to understand! I’m going to just try to use the F10 map to show me where the pilot is :huh: PS it’s possible to complete the mission without using DRYAD, just look for the flare Max shoots up. Ask your wingman for the offset from Bullseye but it’s not very far from WP4 Edited April 5, 2020 by SharpeXB i9-14900KS | ASUS ROG MAXIMUS Z790 HERO | 64GB DDR5 5600MHz | iCUE H150i Liquid CPU Cooler | ASUS TUF GeForce RTX 4090 OC | Windows 11 Home | 2TB Samsung 980 PRO NVMe | Corsair RM1000x | LG 48GQ900-B 4K OLED Monitor | CH Fighterstick | Ch Pro Throttle | CH Pro Pedals | TrackIR 5
Gabi_tro Posted April 29, 2020 Posted April 29, 2020 Like everything else ..this is buged right now. If I input those coordinates...it shows me I have to go in other direction for 120nm.
baltic_dragon Posted April 30, 2020 Posted April 30, 2020 Wow this is just impossible to understand! I’m going to just try to use the F10 map to show me where the pilot is :huh: PS it’s possible to complete the mission without using DRYAD, just look for the flare Max shoots up. Ask your wingman for the offset from Bullseye but it’s not very far from WP4 Yes, I built bullseye from wingman in just to help if Dryad was too difficult :) I don’t tkphink coordinates input is bugged, maybe problem with INS alignment? For more information, please visit my website. If you want to reach me with a bug report, feedback or a question, it is best to do this via my Discord channel. Details about the WinWing draw can be found here. Also, please consider following my channel on Facebook.
o-Tomcat-o Posted October 13, 2020 Posted October 13, 2020 edit: Mistake as so often on the user side. There is no typo in the number lines. First coordinate is N 372... not 332 "I=7" not 3 in this case!! Then the coordinates point you correctly towards MAX. Unfortunately I still don´t manage to overcome those two bandits. Keep on trying :joystick: You still have 7 number instead of 6 for latitude coordonate ... there is something i really don't understand here.
DimSim Posted November 7, 2020 Posted November 7, 2020 Just completed this mission, and enjoyed it. Did do the decode rather than just google the solution or radio wing man. There is definitely a bug in this mission, as suggested above, the 1st coordinate cypher should be K,V,G,U,S,W,H (V, not I for 2nd number). This turns the 3 into 7 which makes the coordinates accurate. The current documentation is understandable, though the 'Set number' was confusing. Another sentence describing that all letters in a 'set' such as 'G through L' use the same decoding top-of-set-row, might have helped. But once you follow the example and get the same result, it makes sense. (In fact the set is irrelevant as the code sheet has the same values for all sets, which BD noted.) @VdK The fact there are 7 numbers instead of 6 for latitude is not important because the Mirage enters numbers in decimal minutes, so it simply ignores precision beyond the first 2 decimal places. It's not Minutes and Seconds.
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