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Su-25T' WCS questions ?

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I need some helps for Su-25T :D

Look at the pic:

The weapon control system of Su-25T has 3 buttons and 4 switches


I know the switch on the left controls burst rate of cannon (A & M) so, what are the 3 remain switches (1), can we use them and how ?


And the button named "Released..." - i marked with no 3 (changing ripple quantity ?? ), what's it ?

i don't know how to select PO1 or PO2 modes ?


Finally, what is the function of IRCM and in which cases should we use it ?

Thx !



Edited by Majesco

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IRCM is the infrared countermeasures system. No idea how it works, but if you're flying anywhere near IR Sams it make sense to switch it on. It also works well at spoofing Aim-9s and R60s...

So best just to switch the IRCM on as soon as you're airborne, that way you won't forget!

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Hi Majesco


I don't know enough the 25T to answer your remaining question, but I've some remarks either.


Are you the author of the english cockpit markings ? If so :


"Released" refers to gear handle.

I agree with that, but the term choice seems a bit strange... Why not simply "up" & "down" for the landing gear ?


2) The L-GEAR mark seems a bit strange too : the - is vertical, why ? I prefer the right solution :


| -






3) On the autopilot panel, what means "ANG" ? Isn't that the light for the AP when Engaged (ENG) ?





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IRCM, like Zorrin said, is your IR "jammer". Its the cylindrical thing on the airplane's tail. It creates a heat source behind the plane that attracts IR missiles and (hopefully) will detonate them behind you before they get to you. Ironhand has a good video showing the use of it in an Su-25T campaign mission. You have to have the IR missiles to your rear for it to work. In my experiences against Iglas and such, it works fairly well!

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I found this document decribing all the switches for the Su-25A. Some of the switches are the same as in the "T"..


You can download the whole document from this URL: http://www.imageshack.us/?pickup=80127039868871


Just make sure to use code: 80127039868871



Left Front Panel :

1-6 Weapons Control Panel

1 0 / ФИКС / ПРОГРЗАЛП 0,1 / 0,2 / 0,3 / 0,4 / СЕРИЯКМГУМБД : AdjustableDepression Angle / Fixed / Program

Salvo interval 0.1s / 0.2s / 0.3s / 0.4s / KMGU – preset salvo program

2 ОТСЕЧКА / ОТКЛ : Salvo Cut off On/Off

3 УР-ППУВНЕШНВНУТР : Select interior Cannon or External missiles/gunpods

4 ВОЗДУХЗЕМЛЯ : Sélector Air to Air / Air to Ground

5 ТОРМОЗ : Select lowdrag / retarded bombs


Salvo selector: Left wing Safety on / Safety on All / Right wing Safety on

Salvo selector: no1 / no2 / no4 / All


8 ФАРЫПОСАДКАРУЛЕЖУБРАНЫ : Lights Landing – Taxi - Off

9 МАРКЕР: Warning signal when flying over the IM/OM radiobeakon(cf. 14)

МАНЕВРЦЕЛИ : Target selector operating

10 МЕХКРЫЛАПКМКВПК : Flap setting switch Up – Flight - Landing

11 Position indicator for gear – airbrakes – flaps – Warning


13 УПРКОЛЕСОМ 1ГС / ОТКЛ / 2ГС : Yaw-Trim & roll mixing, small steps / disconnected / large steps

14 ДАЛЬН / АВТ / БЛИЖН : Radio beakon selector : Inner Marker (IM) / Auto / Outer Marker (OM)

15 ПОВТОРЗАХОД : Select "Go-around Mode"

16 ВКЛ:

17 УУАП : Combined Indicator for Angle Of Attack AoA (in °) and G-force factor (in G)

18 α, Пукритич: Alarm ”G-force overload”

19 КОНТРОЛЬУУАП : Combined Warning light for ‘AoA’ and ‘Over-g’

If anyone can fill out the blanks I would be delightet...!:thumbup:

Edited by Triggerhappy69

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IRCM, like Zorrin said, is your IR "jammer". Its the cylindrical thing on the airplane's tail. It creates a heat source behind the plane that attracts IR missiles and (hopefully) will detonate them behind you before they get to you.


Not quite :D


It is a high intensity lamp that blinds the missile's IR seeker and thereby causing it to loose lock. It is meant for defeating short range IR homing SAMs such as manpads :) .

Edited by Alfa


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...Are you the author of the english cockpit markings ?...

No. That would be TekaTeka, though I think there might another mod out there as well.


..On the autopilot panel, what means "ANG" ? Isn't that the light for the AP when Engaged (ENG) ?

That's the button/light for "Attitude Hold". But also that is engaged no matter what submode you are in. So I think, it actually stands for something like: Automatic Navigation Control.



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Are you the author of the english cockpit markings ?


Oh no, not mine. English cockpit mod is an addon made by Tekateka, i think he's very good at making cockpit mod and language translation :D

But now i don't know why the "English cockpit mod v2.51" doesn't work well for me, all lights in Su-27/ Su-33 still in Russian though the mod was installed, i've not got this problem before.


Hey, that´s my cockpi mod, right? (Pucara)


Yep, it's yours - blue panel mod :D


Left Front Panel :

1-6 Weapons Control Panel

1 0 / ФИКС / ПРОГРЗАЛП 0,1 / 0,2 / 0,3 / 0,4 / СЕРИЯКМГУМБД : AdjustableDepression Angle / Fixed / Program

Salvo interval 0.1s / 0.2s / 0.3s / 0.4s / KMGU – preset salvo program

2 ОТСЕЧКА / ОТКЛ : Salvo Cut off On/Off

3 УР-ППУВНЕШНВНУТР : Select interior Cannon or External missiles/gunpods

4 ВОЗДУХЗЕМЛЯ : Sélector Air to Air / Air to Ground

5 ТОРМОЗ : Select lowdrag / retarded bombs


Salvo selector: Left wing Safety on / Safety on All / Right wing Safety on

Salvo selector: no1 / no2 / no4 / All


8 ФАРЫПОСАДКАРУЛЕЖУБРАНЫ : Lights Landing – Taxi - Off



Thank you for a good translation

But i still need to know, can we control all switches marked with yellow circles (like cannon burst rate switch) and "Released/ Сухогруз - Режим" button ?

If possible, which key commands to do that ?


If i'm not mistaken, there're 5 light indicators around ТОРМОЗ switch (ПEB, ПРДB) marked with green squares, right ?

Can i make them work (turn lights on/off) or not ?




Edited by Majesco

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I use a combination of english cockpit mods...TekaTeka's and another one, I'm not sure. At any rate, BOTH are at Lockonfiles. Both cockpits are good, but neither are really complete. With only one, I think its TekaTeka's like Majesco mentioned, the lights are not translated. With both installed on top of each other, more of the cockpit is translated.

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OT: about Su-25A, it has ECM green light at right panel. Does Su-25A have ECM pods like Su-25T or how to activate ECM on Su-25 ?


If there's no way to activate ECM on Su-25A, does the Su-25 have any defence method (jamming enemy's ground radar) ?

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OT: about Su-25A, it has ECM green light at right panel. Does Su-25A have ECM pods like Su-25T or how to activate ECM on Su-25 ?


If there's no way to activate ECM on Su-25A, does the Su-25 have any defence method (jamming enemy's ground radar) ?


Yes - SU-25A has an E.C.M. Pod *SPS-141 Pod* Weapons Pylon 8.

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