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Nagging Nadja in Hind

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this might be a stupid question, but Nadja is repeating  (i try to type it  how i heard it)   "adgazal genjerate".


It happens only at the "Kodor Storm" mission . I make a perfect start and after a fiew seconds my instruments go off for a while and she starts talking.


What is she saying ?

What am i doing wrong ? (i must do something wrong) 


AMD Ryzen 7 / 3800X 8-Core  /  Nvidia 4080Super / RAM: 64 GB

3440 x 1440   / trackIR 5 / hp reverb G2

VPC Mongoos T-50CM3 Throttle / vkb-Gladiator NXT premium Stick

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When you pull to hard and the main rotor rpm drops to much, the generators will fail.

That is what natasha is telling you! 

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"Muß ich denn jedes Mal, wenn ich sauge oder saugblase den Schlauchstecker in die Schlauchnut schieben?"

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Ok, thanks.

But i wonder why this happens, while i am just flying straight forward to my waypoint, without fooling around.


When i fly extreme maneuvers, my hud and the Instruments come back fo a fiew seconds - but when i stabilize the chopper for normal flight it starts again.... so weird.

AMD Ryzen 7 / 3800X 8-Core  /  Nvidia 4080Super / RAM: 64 GB

3440 x 1440   / trackIR 5 / hp reverb G2

VPC Mongoos T-50CM3 Throttle / vkb-Gladiator NXT premium Stick

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Make sure that your Engine Power levers are in the correct (middle) position and that the twist throttle on the collective is at 100% and leave it there.


I've experienced though, that (other than in the Hip), the generator-power doesn't come back on it's own and you have to restart the entire electrical system.

Don't know if that's simulated correctly or is a flaw.

"Muß ich denn jedes Mal, wenn ich sauge oder saugblase den Schlauchstecker in die Schlauchnut schieben?"

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It also is triggered when you fly too long with full collective I believe. I think it has something to do with EGT temp beeing too high and the govener properly droping power to prevent dmg.
Then the Generator will go off and then on again, as EGT drops.

Don't know if this is correct or a Bug but thats what I have been seeing, if i Monitor EGT in prolonged travel flight and make sure it does not go too high it has stoppt beeing an issue.

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