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Su-27's from 171 GvIAP - Gudauta AFB (1989-1993)

John Cool

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While looking for some informations about various russian planes based near Caucasus, I found thiese rare and interesting photos.


The few pictures below shows the Su-27S and Su-27UB's fighter-interceptors from 171 GvIAP based in Gudauta AFB (deployed in years 1989-1993) and their crews at oridinary day of flights. Shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union unit was withdrawed from Abkhazia and later disbanded.


It would be good to mention that 171 GvIAP took part in war between Georgia and Abkhazia. One Su-27P, flown by maj. pil. Vaclav Alexandrowich Shipko (Вацлав Александрович Шипко) was shot down on 19 march 1993 by missile launched by Georgian S-75M Dwina SAM system during attempt to intercept the Georgian Su-25's performing their CAS mission against the Abkhazian rebels.


A pair of Su-27 fighters performing low-pass over the Black Sea coast.






Su-27 in flight over the Caucasus.




Su-27S (board no. '32') at final approach at Gudauta AFB.






Su-27UB landing...




Fighter pilot Misha Krysin (Миша Крысин).




Map of air space near Gudauta AFB.




Su-27's in Gudauta AFB, Caucasus mountains in the background.








Gudauta - march 1991.




Pilot maj. Siergiej Kapralov (Сергей Капралов) sitting in the cockpit of his Su-27S board no. '44'.




Another "sparka":




More flight personnel...








Russian pilots during debriefing...





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МАССАНДРА: "Микоян Артём Славный Сын Армянского Народа Дарит Радость Авиаторам".

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I'm glad you enjoy photos that I've posted above :) As far as I know most of thiese pictures came from various private collections, gathered from the flight personell of the combat unit.


Coming back to other links and pictures ... I can't promise anything but I'll do my best to share some interesting stuff :)


So far I'm looking for photos of MiG-29's from 176 IAP. In late 80's this unit was based in Georgia, in Mikha-Tskhakaya AFB (As I've noticed, we got this AB in DCS :)). What's more interesting, cpt. Alexander Zuyev, former VVS pilot who escaped to Tabzon AFB in Turkey with his MiG-29 Fulcrum in late 80's, served in 176 IAP. Later, after the collapse of the Soviet Union and Georgian restoration of independence unit was transfered to the Far East and merged with the 120 IAP. Later, the MiG-23MLD's flown by the 120's was withdrawed from service and unit continued to fly 29's taken from former 176 IAP until nowadays.


The point is, that while it's quite easy to get some photos showing 120 IAP and it's equipment, then finding sth. regarding to the former 176 IAP in Georgia is a tough job. Anyway, I personally believe that maybe one of the former personel member will share some interesting photos somewhere on the Russian internet :)

МАССАНДРА: "Микоян Артём Славный Сын Армянского Народа Дарит Радость Авиаторам".

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Thanks John!

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