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hardly readable text in cockpit - textures

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Strang thing, some of my cockpit textures are barely readable, although I use full AA and Full Antisiopic Filter and everything else maxxed out via CCC (radeon4870).


So what can be the issue causing this blurry textures?! Others seem to be very well readable.


Please compare "Master Arm" versus "TV-Black" Cockpit Labels in my screenshot. Any advice how to overcome this issue?


Windows 10, I7 8700k@5,15GHz, 32GB Ram, GTX1080, HOTAS Warthog, Oculus Rift CV1, Obutto R3volution, Buttkicker

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC] ЯБоГ32_Принз

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Cockpit texture depend of General texture option, you propably select Low textures in Options-Graphics.


No confuse Cockpit res with general texture, last option of graphic menu only affect Shkval and ABRIS, no rest of cockpit, texture of cockpit depend of General Texture Quality option, is not the good way but only have this, i hope in next patches ED separate textures quality.


And diferences of labes and rest is normal, is for the same reason.



Cavallers del Cel - Comunintat Catalana de Simulació http://www.cavallersdelcel.cat

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Maybe a patch can take care of that in the future as that looks horrible lol. Cockpit should have its own texture detail option - if at all possible.


Alex "Snuffer" D.

AMD FX8350 (8 core) 4.1GHZ ::: 8GB Dominator 1600mhz ::: GTX660 2GB ::: 2xHD ::: 24" ASUS

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Maybe a patch can take care of that in the future as that looks horrible lol. Cockpit should have its own texture detail option - if at all possible.

The first button in video settings is textures. I turn that to high for great cockpit textures. It does not effect my framerate. I use the same mission for my benchmarking. Scene textures I turn to low that hits my framerate.


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Aren't you guys missing the GFX option for Cockpit...where you can choose 512, or 1024 per frame etc. Have you tried messing with those settings?


I have 1024 per frame selected and my pit is crystal clear.


Or is it just that ONE texture and the rest of the pit is fine? If just that one texture that would indicate a corrupt texture maybe?


487th Helicopter Attack Regiment, of the

VVS504 Red Hammers

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The 512 and 1024 every other frame / every frame only affect ABRIS and Shkval, like the poster said. It's a shame that to get good cockpit textures you need high everything textures, but that is what you must do.


Thankfully large textures usually just make it take a long time to load and don't hurt FPS too much.

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"every other frame / every frame"


I was wondering what this meant? Or what advantage/disadvantage of using either? might be a better way to ask.

Specs: GA-Z87X-UD3H, i7-4770k, 16GB, RTX2060, SB AE-5, 750watt Corsair PSU, X52, Track IR4, Win10x64.


Sim Settings: Textures: ? | Scenes: ? |Water: ? | Visibility Range: ? | Heat Blur: ? | Shadows: ? | Res: 1680x1050 | Aspect: 16:10 | Monitors: 1 Screen | MSAA: ? | Tree Visibility: ? | Vsync: On | Mirrors: ? | Civ Traffic: High | Res Of Cockpit Disp: 512 | Clutter: ? | Fullscreen: On

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There are just settings for resolution and frame rate for the ABRIS and Shkval displays. If you have them update "every other frame" then they will update at half the FPS that the sim is updating. If the sim is running at 50 FPS then the Shkval will run at 25. The bigger the resolution, the nicer these two rendered gauges look and the badder a computer you will need to run them.

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