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Io parlavo di modelli di volo in generale; se ti riferisci ai mezzi militari sono d'accordo con te, di là ci sono solo moduli piuttosto "arcade". D'altra parte in quell'ambiente i sistemi d'arme credo non possano proprio essere simulati.

16 ore fa, Otto pallen ha scritto:

Ciao Tigre 🤗, in effetti hai ragione sono poco online ma cerco di rimanere informato qui sul forum anche se commento poco o nulla. Non voleva essere assolutamente un post polemico, era solo un mio punto di vista, poi oltretutto lo sai a me gli elicotteri non piacciono particolarmente 😅. Ecco ero un po' perplesso di tutti questi requiem per dcs ma, almeno dal mio punto di vista, non c'è ancora nulla di alternativo. 

Ciao, ma figurati non hai alcuna necessità di fornire spiegazioni sul tuo contributo al forum, ognuno giustamente partecipa come vuole, per il resto, premesso che come già detto io parlo sempre in generale e mai con riferimento al singolo, anche qui ognuno di noi ha le proprie opinioni ed è giusto che sia così altrimenti sai che noia 😉

Ma no nessun requiem, semplicemente si discuteva sul, chiamiamolo così, nuovo corso dell'evoluzione di questo ambiente simulativo che pare, sottolineo pare, essere per il momento più aderente a una politica del "dico che cambio tutto per poi non cambiare niente" che oggettivamente collide con quanto dichiarato in occasione dell'unificazione delle versioni, poi che nel settore combat a parte la WWII non ci sia una alternativa siamo tutti d'accordo, almeno per ora....

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17 ore fa, chromium ha scritto:

+1, condivido pienamente. Saranno tediosi, ma torno a preferire personalmente i vecchi tempi del "when it's ready (TM)"

Assolutamente d'accordo, è decisamente meglio il vecchio "lo rilasciamo quando è pronto" piuttosto che non quello nuovo con data prefissata che, come abbiamo visto, genera la conseguente e ovvia aspettativa che poi non viene rispettata generando del malcontento oltre a far fare alla casa madre una figura non proprio edificante e commercialmente deleteria....


  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/13/2024 at 5:38 PM, fabio.dangelo said:

Si comincia a vedere qualcosa…..



Ho letto (anche sotto il video) che alcuni piloti reali, nonostante sia uno startup veloce/provvisorio, avrebbero riscontrato alcune mancanze di base importanti, come l'avvio dell'idraulica, insomma, sapevamo uscisse incompleto ma forse qui siamo ancora alla fase d'embrione 😄 Non metto in dubbio che sarà un ottimo modulo ma credo in un futuro ancora lontano



DCS 2.9.6 Update and CH-47F Status

The DCS: CH-47F is almost ready for early access release. We have been using the additional time to fix issues and provide additional functionality, create more content, and test. With the “Hook” nearing early access release, we are in the process of creating instructional videos, the first of which is an introduction and a simple start procedure CH-47F Introduction and Cold Start tutorial.

The comprehensive DCS update introduced significant new content and changes across the platform. Based on the feedback and bug reports, we have been able to identify some key issues that we are working diligently to resolve in a hot fix and before launching the DCS: CH-47F. This includes, but is not limited to issues that some of you may have encountered with the new Launcher, multiplayer dynamic spawn, VR quad view support, controllers, and the module manager.




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  • 2 weeks later...


CH-47F Development Progress

The DCS: CH-47F is nearing early access release with development focus on flight model and flight control system issues, avionics system development, missions and training, and as always testing and bug fixing. We are nearly there and once again please accept our sincere apologies for the delay. Please read the details below.

Over the last few weeks, we have made significant enhancements to the DCS: CH-47F module, focusing on visual and functional improvements as well as mission updates. Below is a concise summary of the recent progress.

Visual and Functional Enhancements

  • Overhead panels visual improvements and fixes
  • Improved rotor blade rendering and improvements to their damage model.
  • The internal views have been improved by hiding unnecessary panels, adding gunner radio panels, improved radio control heads, and enhanced animations for buttons, levers, and switches.
  • Lighting and Animation: Improved cockpit lighting, added 4th Level of Detail ( LOD), adjusted heater start button connector, and changed mainboard lighting from white to green. Enhanced back-lit text, throttle handle connectors, FLIR maps, Power Distribution Panel (PDP) lamps animation, Multi-Function Display (MFD) rockers animation, and transparency of the stick position indicator glass.
  • Night Vision Goggles have been added.
  • The Countermeasures and Warning System (CMWS) has been moved from post Early Access release to Early Access release.
  • The load and unload cargo system has also seen further refinements and additional functionality.

Mission Updates

  • Added numerous instant action missions across multiple maps.
  • Additional training missions that cover primary mission procedures.

Flight Model and Flight Control System

  • Refined Automatic Flight Control System scheduling for authentic take off behaviour.
  • Adjusted flight modelling in conjunction with flight control system for correct forward flight behaviour without Longitudinal Cyclic Trim (LCT) scheduling. Note: at early access release, manual pedal input will be required for coordinated turns. Further refinements to the LCT and Digital
  • Advanced Flight Control System (DAFCS) will come during the early access period.


  • Pilot and Copilot Multi Crew have been further refined, particularly with synchronisation of controls and displays.




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posso dire "che storia" questa della singola ruota posteriore sterzante........
Un aneddoto e ritrovato tecnologico particolare, però carino!
Non vedo l'ora di mettere le mani sopra a questo giocattolino, soprattutto considerando il nuovo sistema logistico....che spero poi venga gradualmente esteso anche ai restanti moduli più vecchi ma che potrebbero beneficiare di questo sistema, come ad esempio il Mi-8 o UH-1H.

Inutile dire beh...quando arriverà poi il C-130.....non vedo l'ora ragazzi, speriamo in bene!

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FlighRIG => CPU: RyZen 5900x | RAM: 64GB Corsair 3000Mhz | GPU: nVIDIA RTX 4090 FE | OS Storage: SSD NVMe Samsung 850 Pro 512GB, DCS Storage: SSD NVMe Sabrent 1TB | Device: Multipurpose-UFC, VirPil T-50, TM WARTHOG Throttle, TrackHat, MFD Cougar with screen.

Our Servers => [ITA] Banshee | Krasnodar - PvE | PersianConquest PvE Live Map&Stats | Syria Liberation PvE Conquest

Support us on twitch subscribing with amazon prime account linked, it's free!

Posted (edited)


CH-47F Out Now

We are thrilled to finally bring you the all new twin rotor DCS: CH-47F in early access. Download now and enjoy this amazing aircraft. During Early Access, you can benefit from a 20% discount. Watch the launch trailer now!

The all new CH-47F is an icon of modern air mobility. Known for its heavy lifting capabilities, the “Hook” has been vital in operations across the globe since the 1960s, from the jungles of Southeast Asia, to the deserts of the Middle East.

The CH-47 has been a cornerstone of U.S. and allied military aviation logistics since its introduction. Its ability to handle multiple mission profiles with speed and agility has made it a valuable asset in modern warfare. The CH-47F’s design reflects a perfect blend of technological advancements and practical battlefield experience, proving its worth time and time again under the most demanding conditions.

Airframe and Design
The CH-47F features a fully integrated digital cockpit management system, which is a significant upgrade over its predecessors. This modern cockpit enhances operational efficiency by allowing pilots to manage onboard systems more effectively. It is equipped with the Common Avionics Architecture System (CAAS), which improves navigation and battlefield survivability too. The damage resistant structure itself is designed to withstand small arms fire and shell fragments.

Powered by two Honeywell T55-GA-714A engines, the CH-47F can reach speeds of over 175 miles per hour (282 km/h), which makes it one of the fastest helicopters in the U.S. Army. The maximum payload capacity is around 21,000 pounds with an external load, meaning it can carry artillery and vehicles, underslung. The range and fuel efficiency allow the CH-47F to fly missions over 400 nautical miles (460 mi, 741 km) and operate with a fuel efficient cruise speed.

Missions Versatility
The CH-47F is capable of multitasking roles including troop movement, artillery emplacement and battlefield resupply. The triple hook cargo system can also be used for evacuation missions. It also has an impressive set of advanced countermeasures and armour protection for operating in high threat environments.

Early Access features

  • 3D models
    • Highly detailed external and internal modelling, including cockpit and cargo hold.
    • Fully interactive, VR-ready cockpit.
    • Highly detailed pilots and animations (3rd person view).
    • U.S. Army Paint Schemes.
  • Avionics and other features
    • Unmatched helicopter flight dynamics that only DCS can provide.
    • Basic trim system and AI helper.
    • High-level Multi-Function Displays (MFD)
      • VSD page
      • HSD full/half pages with digital map support
      • Engine and Power Train full/half pages
      • Fuel full/half pages
      • Flight plan summary page
      • WCA
    • Radar Warning Receiver (RWR) and pilot-controlled Countermeasures Dispenser System with chaff and flares.
    • Common Missile Warning System (CMWS)
    • Integrated ARC-186 radio with Voice Chat.
    • Base Night Vision Goggles.
  • Multi-crew
    • AI-side gunners equipped with M60D machine guns.
    • Base multi-crew for online games including pilot, co-pilot and two side gunners stations
  • Cargo
    • Ability to load and unload cargo from the internal bay based on weight and volume.
    • Single-point sling loading.
    • Supporting the new DCS warehouse to warehouse cargo transfering feature
  • Early Access Manual.
  • Quick action missions
  • Training missions

Features to do during Early Access

  • 3D models
    • Pilot and co-pilot models for first person view
    • More Paint Schemes.
  • Avionics and other features
    • DAFCS trim system and force trim.
    • Autopilot Hold Modes.
    • Completed MFD pages.
    • Full support of the Night Vision Goggles.
    • Heads Up Display System.
    • Engine fire extinguishers and EAPS system.
  • Multi-crew
    • A second crew member can be another player or the AI.
    • Flight engineer functionality on different stations.
    • Gunner on the ramp.
    • Different machine gun models for side and ramp gunners.
  • Cargo
    • Multi-point sling loading.
    • Extended range fuel system (ERFS II).
  • Full manual.
  • Extra training Missions.
  • Additional Missions.

During the past few weeks, we have spent our time improving visuals and functionality for early access launch. We have also been able to provide training and instant actions aimed to help get you in the air in record time!




Edited by phant
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Sono fuori città e quindi non ho modo di provarlo ma mi sembra che le caratteristiche pronte al primo rilascio siano decisamente di più di quelle dichiarate inizialmente, evidentemente hanno ascoltato le lamentele della comunità e questo mese e mezzo lo hanno impiegato per aggiungere un po’ di carne al fuoco. Ora tocca solo capire quanto sia valido quanto fatto.


Mi sorprende che Polychop non abbia rilasciato nessuna fix per il Kiowa 

Sono fuori città e quindi non ho modo di provarlo ma mi sembra che le caratteristiche pronte al primo rilascio siano decisamente di più di quelle dichiarate inizialmente, evidentemente hanno ascoltato le lamentele della comunità e questo mese e mezzo lo hanno impiegato per aggiungere un po’ di carne al fuoco. Ora tocca solo capire quanto sia valido quanto fatto.
Mi sorprende che Polychop non abbia rilasciato nessuna fix per il Kiowa 
In VR è pesantino, più dell Apache

Inviato dal mio Redmi Note 9 Pro utilizzando Tapatalk

Posted (edited)
On 8/10/2024 at 9:42 AM, fabio.dangelo said:

Sono fuori città e quindi non ho modo di provarlo ma mi sembra che le caratteristiche pronte al primo rilascio siano decisamente di più di quelle dichiarate inizialmente, evidentemente hanno ascoltato le lamentele della comunità e questo mese e mezzo lo hanno impiegato per aggiungere un po’ di carne al fuoco. Ora tocca solo capire quanto sia valido quanto fatto.


Mi sorprende che Polychop non abbia rilasciato nessuna fix per il Kiowa 

Confermo che è uscito con più di quanto si era inizialmente ipotizzato, ma la lista iniziale era veramente, veramente scarna, e soprattutto molti dei sistemi principali come la stabilizzazione di volo, che è ancora più essenziale su questo tipo di macchina, è ancora molto molto acerba.

Però è un modulo che ha portato con se il nuovo sistema di logistica, sia in termini di dinamicità dei contenuti, sia in termini di immersione nel poter effettivamente caricare le casse nella stiva interna.

È solo l'inizio,vediamo se riescono a tenere un ritmo di rilascio serrato per poterlo portare a buoni standard. Di sicuro non siamo ai livelli del rilascio del 16 senza luci e danni ecco, è già qualcosa 😄

Edited by Maverick87Shaka
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FlighRIG => CPU: RyZen 5900x | RAM: 64GB Corsair 3000Mhz | GPU: nVIDIA RTX 4090 FE | OS Storage: SSD NVMe Samsung 850 Pro 512GB, DCS Storage: SSD NVMe Sabrent 1TB | Device: Multipurpose-UFC, VirPil T-50, TM WARTHOG Throttle, TrackHat, MFD Cougar with screen.

Our Servers => [ITA] Banshee | Krasnodar - PvE | PersianConquest PvE Live Map&Stats | Syria Liberation PvE Conquest

Support us on twitch subscribing with amazon prime account linked, it's free!


Tutta la settimana che ci volo, che dire, e bello, esteticamente e tutto.... Anche trimmando va un po dove vuole e se non lo anticipi lui va.....  😄 Rolla sale scende punt il muso tt cosa. Con un amico abbiamo fatto un po di Multi crew ma non MFD non sono sincronizzati.

La cosa che mi scoccia di piu e di non poter usare AI gunners, perche menu e buggato credo... CMQ potente e veloce....

Aspettiamo anche le livree ita......

On 8/17/2024 at 10:36 AM, joso said:

Buongiorno, mi dite come avete configurato le curve degli assi?



Le curve sugli assi sono una cosa molto soggettiva e soprattutto dipendono direttamente dal tipo di hardware che viene utilizzato.
Personalmente le sconsiglio vivamente su hardware di medio-alto livello, e anche sul medio basso, onestamente non ne sono un grande "promoter", ma capisco che aiutano a mitigare la magari poco sensibilità di un dispositivo di fascia bassa.

Quindi che dire, io con manetta del thrustmaster warthog (che uso come collettivo) e Virpil Warbrd come ciclico, non ho nessuna curva o zona morta impostata, praticamente per nessun modulo, ch-47 compreso.

  • Thanks 1

FlighRIG => CPU: RyZen 5900x | RAM: 64GB Corsair 3000Mhz | GPU: nVIDIA RTX 4090 FE | OS Storage: SSD NVMe Samsung 850 Pro 512GB, DCS Storage: SSD NVMe Sabrent 1TB | Device: Multipurpose-UFC, VirPil T-50, TM WARTHOG Throttle, TrackHat, MFD Cougar with screen.

Our Servers => [ITA] Banshee | Krasnodar - PvE | PersianConquest PvE Live Map&Stats | Syria Liberation PvE Conquest

Support us on twitch subscribing with amazon prime account linked, it's free!

Il 17/08/2024 at 02:36, joso ha scritto:

Buongiorno, mi dite come avete configurato le curve degli assi?



Anche io non uso curve sugli heli, ho manetta e stick warthog.

  • Thanks 1


Dynamic Cargo New Functionality

The launch of the DCS: CH-47F introduced our new cargo and logistics functionality. This Dynamic Cargo feature is still work in progress and is therefore not enabled by default but can be activated on the ‘full info page’ in the warehouse interface. If you are having issues with the system please check out the Cargo System Guide.

We are working towards enabling the feature for other transport capable helicopters, including DCS: UH-1H Huey, DCS: Mi-8MTV2 Magnificent Eight and DCS: Mi-24P Hind. We are in the process of creating many additional cargo loads, so don’t hesitate to inform us if you have good ideas to enhance the logistics game play!

Troop movements and animations in and around your helicopter are some of the biggest requests we have received. This is in progress but does require some major re-work to infantry models and animations.

‘Fat Cow’ and dynamic FARP operations will certainly make the DCS: CH-47F a more capable asset on the battlefield. We are currently working to ensure this feature is available soon and will update you as things progress.

Finally, dynamic cargo mass accounting, weight/balance and operational restrictions are being worked on too.




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  • 2 weeks later...


CH-47F Pilots Development Progress

The DCS: CH-47F module will soon be receiving first person view pilot models. These models are being crafted to ensure every aspect of the pilot's appearance reflects real-world standards. The flight suits, helmets, and accessories such as body armour and communication gear have all been modelled. This will be a particularly important improvement for those of you flying in virtual reality.

These new models will be fully integrated into the cockpit and animated to correspond with crew actions, control operation, interaction with instruments and more!

In parallel, we are adding new elements and functionality to LCT (Longitudinal Cyclic Trim), AFCS (Automated/Advanced Flight Control System), DAFCS (Digital Advanced Flight Control System), DASH (Digital Air Speed Hold), DCP (Differential Collective Pitch), as well as new display pages and associated functions, new aircraft skins, more advanced sling functions, improvements to the cargo system, new crew-served weapons, and more.

Immagine Immagine Immagine



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  • 3 weeks later...


CH-47F Updates

Since the Early Access release of the DCS: CH-47F, our team has been working diligently on adding new features and addressing known issues. We look forward to releasing the next version of DCS that will include the following improvements:

The external model will be improved with new skins for Japan and Turkey and improved pilot models. In the flight deck, Cyclic and Thrust Control Lever animations have been improved, the addition of 1st person view pilots, and fixed mirror and glass reflections. The gunners will also see improvements with the addition of the ramp gunner, optional M240H machine guns, the addition of a gunner’s control window, and corrected AI gunner behavior by player-controlled aircraft.

A great deal of work has also gone into the avionics systems, some of the more notable changes will include the addition of the ARC-164 radio, detailed MFD start up pages, new COMM page via the SYST menu, fuel display on the HSD page, radio frequencies and Caution/Advisory Field on MFD pages, separate HSD zoom for each MFD, HSD DME, VOR, TACAN, VORTAC, and VOR/DME symbols, Reference Bug, Speed Fields, and Wind Arrow/Speed Indicator on the HSD, Heading Angle and Track Angle Indicators, and more HSD orientation options. Some of the improvements encompass a more accurate Flight Plan Line, size of VSD systems, and color of fuel bar based on total fuel quantity. We’ve also addressed several bugs like total fuel bar quantity value and other fuel indications, simple radio use, and more.

Rounding out our upcoming CH-47F changes is support for Force Feedback joysticks, Night Vision Goggle option for gunners, an improved steering animation, and multiplayer freezing.

In parallel for a later update, a great deal of work continues on Digital Advanced Flight Control System (DAFCS) and Longitudinal Cyclic Trim (LCT).




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  • 4 months later...


CH-47F Development Progress

We are refining both flight systems and overall immersion for the DCS: CH-47F. Below are some of the key developments currently in the works:

Low Speed Regime Modes for DAFCS
We are introducing refined low-speed control logic for the Digital Automatic Flight Control System (DAFCS), including Transitional Rate Command, and Position Hold. These features aim to enhance control authority and stability when operating in tight confines or during hover transitions.

More Accurate Damage Model
Ongoing improvements to the damage model will better reflect real-world vulnerabilities and structural limitations of the CH-47F, adding an extra layer of realism to combat and challenging operational scenarios.

CDU & MFD Enhancements
Continuous upgrades to the Cockpit Display Unit (CDU) and Multi-Function Displays (MFD) will provide more accurate data presentation and system interactions. A proper Standby Flight Display (SFD) is also slated for a future update.

Advanced Rope Physics
We’re working on a new rope physics model that offers improved behaviour, supporting multiple ropes simultaneously. This will significantly enhance sling loading operations and troop insertion/extraction scenarios.

New Skins
You may also expect a variety of new liveries in an upcoming DCS update.





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