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How to get Grad to move after firing?


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I have a grad moving to a waypoint--let's say 1, with action Fire at point, then moving to another waypoint--let's say 2.

After firing the Grad will not move to waypoint 2.

I tried adding a second waypoint action, go to waypoint 2. Grad still won't move after firing.

How do I get him to move after rounds complete?

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@SUNTSAG Thanks. That's a very convoluted way for a simple ask of the AI. Air units automatically proceed to the next waypoint after executing their advanced waypoint action without fuss. There's no reason why it shouldn't be the same with ground units. This method clutters up trigger zones and triggers in missions already filled with zones and triggers, when all that should be necessary is the singular "fire at point" action assigned to the desired waypoint.

Edited by Nealius
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@Nealius My apologies I read your OP as wanting to move to a specific waypoint after firing. In that case it is possible without the additional items provided in the first example mission as per attached. The unit will simply take it's time in perfroming the assigned options. Cheers.


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