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Wingwing Orion 2 throttle movement not showing up as a button

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I just got the new Orion 2 throttle base 10th Anniversary edition and I can't seem to get the throttles to bind in dcs. I have calibrated the throttle in the simapp pro software and everything seems fine. I can see the blue line move up and down and I get the green light when its in idle and the second green light when it is in the off position. The values go to zero at full afterburner or all the way forward and then go to 66535 when all the way aft to the the off poition. When I go to DCS I can bind all the switchs and buttons to the Orion  2 with no problems. Yet when I go the the throttle section in dcs and try to bind my throttle movement nothing shows up as a buttion when I move either of the throttles. I have move the throttle from off to ident and from full after burner to ident and then to the off and nothing shows up as a button. I can click on any of the buttons on the throttle handle and they will show up as a button in the throttle section, just not the throttle movement itself. Am I missing something or is this a hardware issue.  

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I just got the new Orion 2 throttle base 10th Anniversary edition and I can't seem to get the throttles to bind in dcs. I have calibrated the throttle in the simapp pro software and everything seems fine. I can see the blue line move up and down and I get the green light when its in idle and the second green light when it is in the off position. The values go to zero at full afterburner or all the way forward and then go to 66535 when all the way aft to the the off poition. When I go to DCS I can bind all the switchs and buttons to the Orion  2 with no problems. Yet when I go the the throttle section in dcs and try to bind my throttle movement nothing shows up as a buttion when I move either of the throttles. I have move the throttle from off to ident and from full after burner to ident and then to the off and nothing shows up as a button. I can click on any of the buttons on the throttle handle and they will show up as a button in the throttle section, just not the throttle movement itself. Am I missing something or is this a hardware issue.  
The throttle is an axis and not a button, so you need to press axis on the bottom row. Then you can click on thrust, and configure it. Remember to press axis tune after and set it as a slider.


Sent from my MAR-LX1A using Tapatalk

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The other thing you can do is RIGHT click on the appropriate cell and pick the axis in the drop down rather than moving it.  And make sure you do that in the AXIS section, rather than in the buttons part of the bindings.

Edited by rob10
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I have tried going into the AXIS section and I have set the axis for the left and right throttle then went into each one and set it to slider. While I can see the throttle movement in the controls section move as I move the throttle up and down. In the game for the F-18 hornet, the throttles still do not move at all. So it their something else I need to try?


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I have tried going into the AXIS section and I have set the axis for the left and right throttle then went into each one and set it to slider. While I can see the throttle movement in the controls section move as I move the throttle up and down. In the game for the F-18 hornet, the throttles still do not move at all. So it their something else I need to try?
Don't know how the Winwing works, but try to press one of the combinations RAlt/RCtrl/RShft+Home to bring the throttles out of cutoff, which simulates the fingerlifts. I have the Warthog which has this built in.


Sent from my MAR-LX1A using Tapatalk

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