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Trains don't respect destroyed bridges

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Hi ED Development Team,

When building a train mission I realized that a train continued crossing bridges even if they were destroyed. To overcome the issue I've tried the following:

  • a zone which sets the train speed to 0 - didn't work
  • a zone which turns of the AI off the train - didn't work

What ended up working somehow, however it's not feasible, is setting a hold task and stop condition for it, however this would mean that a custom mission framework would have to be added when bridges are destroyed to create zones around them, then push hold tasks to the trains as they enter the zones, etc - quite a lot of work for a workaround, if there's a fix that could be done the same way it's done for vehicles, which re-route if the bridge they were planning on crossing got destroyed.

Would it be possible to address this issue as soon as possible? Trains are really a nice asset in WWII scenarios and would spice the missions a lot if destroying bridges would affect the train supply lines.

Thank you!


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  • ED Team
On 4/2/2024 at 9:05 PM, 334th Raven said:

Hi ED Development Team,

When building a train mission I realized that a train continued crossing bridges even if they were destroyed. To overcome the issue I've tried the following:

  • a zone which sets the train speed to 0 - didn't work
  • a zone which turns of the AI off the train - didn't work

What ended up working somehow, however it's not feasible, is setting a hold task and stop condition for it, however this would mean that a custom mission framework would have to be added when bridges are destroyed to create zones around them, then push hold tasks to the trains as they enter the zones, etc - quite a lot of work for a workaround, if there's a fix that could be done the same way it's done for vehicles, which re-route if the bridge they were planning on crossing got destroyed.

Would it be possible to address this issue as soon as possible? Trains are really a nice asset in WWII scenarios and would spice the missions a lot if destroying bridges would affect the train supply lines.

Thank you!


This issue has been reported to the team already and I have bumped the report. 

On 4/2/2024 at 9:13 PM, razo+r said:

Trains in generall are full of issues and have never properly worked in DCS. It would be great if ED started to finish features before abandoning them. 

We have already fixed some train issues but there is still some more work to do, it is certainly not abandoned so please keep the feedback constructive. 

thank you 


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  • ED Team
On 4/2/2024 at 1:05 PM, 334th Raven said:

Hi ED Development Team,

When building a train mission I realized that a train continued crossing bridges even if they were destroyed. To overcome the issue I've tried the following:

  • a zone which sets the train speed to 0 - didn't work
  • a zone which turns of the AI off the train - didn't work

What ended up working somehow, however it's not feasible, is setting a hold task and stop condition for it, however this would mean that a custom mission framework would have to be added when bridges are destroyed to create zones around them, then push hold tasks to the trains as they enter the zones, etc - quite a lot of work for a workaround, if there's a fix that could be done the same way it's done for vehicles, which re-route if the bridge they were planning on crossing got destroyed.

Would it be possible to address this issue as soon as possible? Trains are really a nice asset in WWII scenarios and would spice the missions a lot if destroying bridges would affect the train supply lines.

Thank you!


Can you include a track, when I tested the train would try stopping or be destroyed if attempting to cross a destroyed bridge, its not very sexy looking at the moment but I did not see the train ignoring a destroyed bridge. Thanks.

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