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SHKVAL slew question w/ X52


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So I've read this thread top to bottom




Its rather old though, my question is, is there a way to use the mini stick to slew the shkval, even diagonally? and with increased speed the farther I push the stick??


If I have to stick to only up down left and right, and one speed, tell me so but if theres a workaround Id like to know it. Thanks!

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Yes. The best method is using HMS for rapid positioning. But sometimes I need diagonal moving too. Especially for narrow areas


It's wierd that, it can be done with keyboards arrow keys. You can move it diagonally. But I can't do it with joystick's hat.

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yeah, unfortunately the HAT is 8 way. Not sure if you can map the diagonal to do two simultaneous keypresses?


You can set it through SST software. To diagonal axis bind both keys from keyboard, which slew Shkval diagonaly. I hope you understand, it's hard for me to explain it in foreign (English) language :smartass:

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Yeah, I just figured out how the diagonal works from an A-10 profile I downloaded last night, but is there a way to vary the speed with how far you press the mini stick?


It can't have an analogue input :( Only "Press Key" or not to "Press Key"


If I'm not right, please correct me! :smilewink:

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It can't have an analogue input :( Only "Press Key" or not to "Press Key"


If I'm not right, please correct me! :smilewink:


Yeah I think you're right. Im satisfied, in any case... I downloaded SFJackBauer's A10 profile, it only has the mini stick assigned so it works for slewing the shkval perfectly. The rest of the buttons I assigned in game...

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  • 1 month later...

I'm struggling with how to get this working. I have it on my hat switch on the stick.. and it's too hard to deal with while trying to hover, and trim. Am I to understand if I download SFJackBauer's A-10 profile, it will just work? I can leave all my other mapings in game?

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It's worth noting that the reason it won't slew diagonally with the large silver hat on an X52 is that it is an eight position hat.


If you push it to the top right, it does not send a 'right' and a 'top' signal, it sends a 'top right' signal. The game doesn't recognise or respond to this because there isn't a SHKVAL 'top right' command for you to attach the hat 'top right' to.


If you set the SHKVAL to one of the four position hats, it will slew the SHKVAL diagonally.

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