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Skins, custom and actual.


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I've been working on and off doing A-10 skins at the request of quite a few people. Currently I'm designing roughly 35 different A-10 textures for a few. I thought I would put it out there and mention that as soon as the Mustang is released, I will be making skins for anyone who would like their own personalized Mustang Skin. These can range from a real Mustang scheme, to sending me a picture or idea for a custom made version.


If you are interested, send me a PM now with your email address and that you are interested and and I will get in contact with you. Skins will be made in order of first come first served. Ordering now will ensure a quick release of your skin as I will have time to design it now and send the files upon release (or shortly after depend on the number of requests) of the DCS: Mustang.


Just a side note, for any skins made, a small donation is appreciated but not required. I will still gladly do skins for everyone, but that may take a bit of time away from other things, hence the donation note.


I have also created a new email address for requests. This is only for skin requests as it's getting difficult to track who gets what between the PMs and Emails. Any further requests should be sent here: warthog.mustang@googlemail.com

Edited by hog_driver111th

A-10C - FC3 - CA - L-39 - UH1 - P-51 - Hawk - BS2 - F-86 - Gazelle - F-5E - AV8B - F/A-18C

i5-4590 - GTX 1060 - Oculus CV1 - TM:Warthog


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EC, and Mac, please email me your request at the address in the first post. Be sure to include anything special you want, and your name if you want it on the canopy.


Viper, I've already emailed you, so no need to send one to the new address.

A-10C - FC3 - CA - L-39 - UH1 - P-51 - Hawk - BS2 - F-86 - Gazelle - F-5E - AV8B - F/A-18C

i5-4590 - GTX 1060 - Oculus CV1 - TM:Warthog


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If that's what you want, sure. Shoot me an email at the address in the first post. It helps me keep track of who wants what, and gives me a direct line to send you the skins once I can make them up.

A-10C - FC3 - CA - L-39 - UH1 - P-51 - Hawk - BS2 - F-86 - Gazelle - F-5E - AV8B - F/A-18C

i5-4590 - GTX 1060 - Oculus CV1 - TM:Warthog


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P-51K "Fragile But Agile", my favorite. :) I'll definitely be making this one once the paint kit is released.



i7 7700K | 32GB RAM | GTX 1080Ti | Rift CV1 | TM Warthog | Win 10


"There will always be people with a false sense of entitlement.

You can want it, you can ask for it, but you don't automatically deserve it. "

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Is that the Geraldine from A2A?




That would be the real Geraldine.


Thanks to those sending emails with request. Keep them coming... It gives me something to do, lol.

A-10C - FC3 - CA - L-39 - UH1 - P-51 - Hawk - BS2 - F-86 - Gazelle - F-5E - AV8B - F/A-18C

i5-4590 - GTX 1060 - Oculus CV1 - TM:Warthog


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