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  1. Hello, I applied for a refund through the ticket system, which is my understanding as to how we are supposed to apply. I got a message back from one of your staff saying, yes, they could provide one but I would need to confirm again I wanted one. But then the ticket was locked so I could not confirm. A few observations. I believe ED needs a very clear process for applying for refunds. Currently it appears opaque. I would hope this is not by design. I also think it is bad faith to ask again for me to confirm what i have very clearly asked for only to lock the ticket. Can you please rectify this situation. Thank you.
  2. Hi I’ve heard some are getting refunds. how would I go about asking for one please? I’d like to buy the Kiowa but I’m reluctant given this strike eagle situation. thanks
  3. So. Much going on?
  4. We need the Kiowa quick.
  5. That isn’t dcs. any news folks? The war in the pacific is almost over!
  6. Do i have to bore sight even in the air?
  7. Hi going a bit mental here. whenever I set up an air start in the viper using mavs the mav always misses its target when using pre planned. Usually by a small margin. I’ve gone through all the procedures. I use gmt to plot the target. Slew tgp then lock up and autohandoff. always a miss. what gives?
  8. I would dearly love to see some vid of carrier ops please
  9. Please make an offical module!
  10. Would be nice to get some video rather than just screenshots. At least then we might have an idea that it’s not miles away from release
  11. https://youtu.be/l6jh0-a2ju0?si=DVWdqD27yQn3jzTt
  12. Any news man?
  13. I would so pay for a full module of this. Bridges at Toko ri Baby
  14. Is there any word on whether this will still ship with a carrier or ai zeke?
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