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  1. 100% bug of last update. I have reverted to previous DCS version in the meantime. Hope it gets fixed in the next update, especially since it was obviously inadvertantly introduced.
  2. Yeah, I hope an urgent fix is in the works.
  3. I see questions about Point Ctrl vs Slugmouse. I own Point Ctrl. I don't have a Slugmouse, but am considering it for MSFS. It seems to me they are somewhat different in how they operate. With PointCtrl you do not have to keep your head still once a control is high-lighted, you can move your head and still interact with the control. Also there is no issue when going to external view in DCS or using menus. Although I already own PointCTrl, I have another on order because if the one I have stops working I would stop playing DCS, it's that important for immersion. Slugmouse is available right now (unlike PointCtrl), as others have suggested I would buy a Slugmouse as well as put my name down for PointCtrl.
  4. Ah that's it! Yes I did have BombRR selected. I wasn't aware of that, been driving me nuts, thanks!
  5. I don't have a short track, but I could prolly make one. It's very repeatable. Is there any particular switch setting you thinking of?
  6. I am having an issue with a mission regarding trying to set the reference altitude in flight. I am unable to change the reference altitude when using the refence button. When the button is held, the pole tracks are jumping to center as expected, but as soon as I release the button they go back to where they were. Doesn't make any difference whether I'm above or below current reference altitude. Doesn't make any difference if I'm in RHM or LD on the HUD. Doesn't make any difference what the baro is set to. The issue does not occur with all missions, it usually works fine. I can't see anything in the mission editor that jumps out as different. Any idea what causes this?
  7. Wow, that looks stunning!!!
  8. Where can I find information on the meaning of: Added Special Option to select how REF codes are generated
  9. I don't really get the obsession with civilian buildings. I'll just jump in MSFS if I want to go sight-seeing.
  10. They might be inaccurate, but boy they sound a lot better after the last update. Thanks ED!
  11. Hi, Just some feedback on my impressions reading thru this forum. I do not own this module, but decided to look through the issues before I pulled the trigger on what looks like a very nice implementation. I own the other dcs trainer modules, am interested in this one in particular as it has waypoint navigation. And the cockpit looks gorgeous It looks like you have a core group of loyal supporters active on this forum, and you have been nicely communicative with them. However I fear everyone's patience is being a little stretched given the period of time it is taking to fix some pretty serious issues. For me (even though I don't own the module), these are wrong Nav bearing, Comms n/w with Tacan, AoA not working, and of course the infamous NWS blow-up. I understand it has been christmas break. But some of these bugs were implied to be somewhat easy to fix (eg AoA). Looking at the recent OB changelogs, it does not provide an impression of good triage and prioritisation of issues. Anyway, all I'm trying to say is before the goodwill you have clearly earned with this great release begins to get lost, which it doesn't look like it has yet, I think it would be good to focus on and communicate a plan to address some of these long standing issues. cheers
  12. Latest 1.0.7 yes, and latest OB. Disabled all other mods, and disconnected all my controls, to test Axis Tune out only on Mouse. Still fails with Quaggles, OK without it. Consistantly. Nevermind, there's nothing you can do without being able to reproduce it. Must be something very quirky with my system. I can live without it fine. At least we have it noted in case someone else encounters it.
  13. Hi, I am finding that the Axis Tune dialog does not work when I have Command Injector enabled. I have tested with no input commands at all in place, it still fails. The only way to fix it is to disable the command injector altogether. I use JSGME for this From the dcs.log: 2023-03-13 03:09:54.765 ALERT LUACOMMON (Main): Error: GUI Error: [string "./dxgui/bind/Widget.lua"]:69: Invalid arguments! GUI debug.traceback: stack traceback: [C]: ? [C]: in function 'WidgetSetVisible' [string "./dxgui/bind/Widget.lua"]:69: in function 'setVisible' [string "./Scripts/Input\AxesTuneDialog.lua"]:151: in function 'setFilterHardwareABDetent' [string "./Scripts/Input\AxesTuneDialog.lua"]:208: in function 'setFilterData_' [string "./Scripts/Input\AxesTuneDialog.lua"]:227: in function 'selectFilter_' [string "./Scripts/Input\AxesTuneDialog.lua"]:527: in function 'show' [string "./Scripts/Input\View.lua"]:1785: in function 'tuneAxes_' [string "./Scripts/Input\View.lua"]:2264: in function 'callback' [string "./dxgui/bind/Widget.lua"]:368: in function <[string "./dxgui/bind/Widget.lua"]:363> Anyone else have this issue? Any ideas? thanks
  14. just an fyi. The final version of VC posted with free licenses does not work on the final 2.7 release. Perhaps because the last 2.7 release also had a network protocol change, I don't really know. Anyway, the community edition does work on the final release of 2.7 This suits me personally because I reverted to 2.7 due from 2.8 due to VR performance issues. I suspect I'm not the only one.
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