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Lord Vader

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About Lord Vader

  • Birthday 01/01/1980

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    DCS World, Falcon BMS, MS FS, P3DV5
  • Location
  • Interests
    Flight Simulation
  • Occupation
    Part-time dreamer, full-time creator.

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  1. Hi again @Maxxox After analysing the current version and comparing the available public documentation, we've decided the MGC function is working correctly in DCS World It is only supposed to be used while in FLIR mode, becoming inoperable in the TV mode. If you feel this requires a revision, please send documented, publicly available evidence to @BIGNEWY and we'll gladly look into it in the future.
  2. Again, if you guys can get us tracks, as short and as concise as possible, it would help us trace the issue.
  3. I've added your findings to the previous report. We're still working on these modes and expect a future correction. Thanks for understanding.
  4. This seems a bit unrelated to the original post. In any case, I looked at your track and could see what you mention. However, when I took control of the aircraft, I couldn't reproduce this alleged drift, either in area track, point track, pressing Cursor Zero or cycling steerpoints. I am unsure what could be causing your drifting, perhaps your TDC axis requires some tuning, calibration or sensitivity adjustment.
  5. Hi @DCSMADDOG Can you please supply a track replay with an example of your claim? It would help us understand what may be wrong. Thanks.
  6. I can't say much about third party aircraft, as you may realise. Regarding the Viper and Hornet, multiple bomb release logic may be inconsistent at this point. We are looking into that already. But thanks for bringing that up.
  7. Not too high, just enough to clearly see the center point and aim correctly at about 45º or so. If I aim sideways as you did, I will always be at risk of missing. I think it's a matter of practice, really. As the acronym implies, the CCIP piper is showing a constantly computed impact point, until you press the button. When you do, it will hit what is aiming at that precise point. Note that as you reach the target zone it's constantly calculating range, altitude, speed, etc, hence you see it "jump" around. Of course it's prone to parallax. If you want a fixed point to drop the bombs with precision, it's better to choose CCRP or DTOS
  8. The DCS: Viper Early Access Manual will be revised in the near future to include a lot of items that have been refined over time. This is a very extensive work to do, that's why it's taking a bit longer than expected. It's also more logical to wait until all major changes are done. Until then, please visit the Viper Mini Updates section linked above for the latest and most accurate procedures.
  9. Hey @spidierox and repliers. So, with the INS update, you are not required to have GPS right away, so I am not sure where you read you needed GPS Time to be available for that, but now you know. INS can perfectly align itself on it's own if GPS isn't available right away or at all. Now, concerning the GPS initialization, It now takes only 1 minute to perform. When it is available it is then used by the Kalman filter for the proper corrections in aircraft positioning. But one system is independent from the other. Concerning MIDS, the correct procedure is still to turn it on after, and only after, you the "GPS" symbology on the TIME DED page. If you do it before that, the system will not be able to update Datalink information, since it's using incorrect data. I think you are mixing this procedure with INS alignment. Please consider that now we also have a GPS satellite and antenna obscuring simulation. So, if you are, for example, inside an hangar, it is perfectly possible to not have "GPS" on the TIME DED page right away. It's even possible you have no satellites over the horizon, even with the hangar door open, so you'll not be able to get proper GPS Time. That is why it is advisable to only turn on the GPS switch (and later MIDS) when you exit the hangar. Finally, regarding the IFA item, that was a small velocity error being introduced when it was performed, the SPI position was rapidly degrading after it was done. Now it is fixed. In the near future, we plan to release some more information regarding the new INS procedure that will make this all a bit more "interactive". For now, the correct procedures can be found here:
  10. Hi @Leichtester Unfortunately, servers that rely heavily on scripts often create issues we cannot replay correctly. It could be the case here. Given that your shared track is unusable, we ask that you try to reproduce it in a simple mission, trying to create the same situation and record a proper track (please try to share just the trk file). Thanks.
  11. Hi @jubuttib I checked your tracks and can somehow observe what you are describing. One one side, we are reviewing the CCIP/CCRP distribution in ripple settings on the Viper, but I think your issue is mostly related to a parallax error. I tested a couple of times and noticed you aim your pipper in quite a low angle, you'd need a bit higher angle to correctly point closer to the diamond (SPI) and avoid that parallax error. I took over and did just that, slightly higher in altitude, and was quite successful in hitting the targets, having the painted circle as center.
  12. Hi @Shrike88 I've not seen this myself in my tests. If you can reproduce it, please create a new thread and supply a track for our analysis. In any case, please remember that all steerpoints and markpoints are registered with the coordinates AND aircraft drift. This can cause offsets when comparing positions, which is expected since each aircraft has its own alignment drift. Thanks.
  13. This was reported internally previously. Thanks anyway.
  14. We have reported this internally for further improvement. We believe that a power cycle is indeed required to all pods, including TPOD, Jamming Pod and HTS pod. This will occur for all stations since our rearming logic involves all stations. And if a power cycle is performed, it seems logical that the power up self tests (BIT) and associated alignment procedures need to be performed again. Stay tuned for future updates.
  15. Hello @vishkar I've deleted your email address in hopes to protect you from possible spam. What button are you talking about in the left panel?
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