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Everything posted by Nuggetz

  1. Update: working with another F16 pilot in the Stoneburner server we have identified a work around. if once aligned and coords have been entered the range remains 55 miles to the WP. Then use the rocker switch to change to the next WP (up or down) even if the WP is empty then return to the home WP the correct distance is displayed in this case 001 miles. Navigation is also restored so the distance varies and the Nav tadpole points correctly. I hope this gives an indication as to where the problem may lay. Regards Nuggetz
  2. Thank you for your reply. No target pod is fitted. This issue occurs with or without any stores loaded at all. Note the distance to WP does not change throughout the flight and the Navigation tadpole also displays a constant error. I noted this morning the WP 001 is 55 miles from Gudauta so I wonder if the Nav system is somehow stuck on that distance and does not pick up either the new WP or the fact the F16 is moving. I mentioned earlier that in conversation with other F16 pilots they are also experiencing issues with the Nav system. Grateful for any help as always Nuggetz
  3. Stored Alignment which I have been doing for about 8 months now with no issues until after the most recent update.. I think I am correct that the full alignment to 06 currently has an issue also???. Additionally, I have Run the ED Update and full/slow repair a couple of times now to hopefully remove any specific errors on my PC. Thanks again, Nuggetz
  4. I have tried again to produce a Trackfile but doing the minimum to align the Nav and allow you to view the STP co-ords and HUD produces a minimum file size of 6.2 MB which I am unable to attach. Perhaps if you try the following: Log In to the GR Stoneburner MP server in the Caucasus Map if you can. Spawn F16 (1) at Gudauta. Perform start and align in Nav stored heading mode Enter WP 33, N43 06 278, E040 34 534, Elevation 69 feet Once Aligned (10) note HUD indicates 55 miles to WP 33 which is actually less than 1 mile to the runway Threshold Runway 33. Once airborne the 55 miles does not change regardless of actual distance to the airfield. Additionally the Nav tadpole displays a constant heading error. If you provide an email address (private message if necessary) I will attach the 6.2 MB Trackfile to allow you to view in more detail. Thanks in advance Nuggetz
  5. Note the co-ord for the wp are directly in front of the aircraft (Runway Threshold), but the HUD indicates that WP 33 is 55 miles away not less than a mile as usual. I have provided this screen shot because the Trackfile may be corrupted I have tried to attach another but it is too large. If you tell me how to attach it I can send again. Please note that at least 2 other F16 drivers have indicated problems to me over voice chat in the Grim Reapers Stoneburner Server. Note this problem does not happen in Single Player Mode. I hope this helps you. Thanks in advance Nuggetz
  6. GR_TTI_v1.80ce_autumn-20210813-154518.trkTrack file attached. Note Nav tadpole constant error also. Thanks
  7. I noted this morning following the recent update that there appears to be a bug with Navigation/waypoints After start and standby alignment in the F16 I entered the coords for the runway threshold to help get me home especially when low on fuel. Usually the HUD reads 1 mile to WP while parked. However today it reads 55 miles/WP. The figure of 55 miles does not change regardless of the distance from the Airfield. I have undertaken this procedure many many times in the past and am confident this is not operator error. Worth investigating please. Many thanks in advance Nuggetz
  8. Hi Cyberaaxcess, You asked in one of your early replies if I could provide some feedback on using VR with the RTX 3070. I have done some testing this morning using the settings below. Note the PD setting in DCS and Oculus is set to 1.0 at 90Hz. However, the PD in the Oculus debug tool is set to 1.2 and Asynchronous Warp set to Disabled, Distortion Curvature set Low, Pixels 3712 and Bitrate 350. Obviously the FPS varies with map, altitude and scenery, but the following figures should provide a fair indication of what you could expect with the RTX 3070. View was looking forward through the HUD, instruments and sky visible in the FOV: NTTR Map Instant Action Free Flight: High Altitude 82 FPS, 77 FPS 6000 feet AGL over open ground, in circuit for Nellis AFB 68-71 @ 2500 feet reducing to 60-45 FPS on approach and on the runway. This Map is probably the least demanding on the GPU. Syria Map Instant Action Free Flight: 40-45 FPS over the coastal Town at 1400 AGL. Open countryside: 40-42 @5000 feet, 48-53 FPS @ 15000 feet 54-57 FPS @ 30000 feet. The maximum FPS in clear sky at High Altitude was 82-83 FPS with 90 FPS for a second or two. Caucasus Map GR Stoneburner Server (Multiplayer): Taxiway 39-41 FPS, 44-45 FPS @ 5000 feet, Solid 45 FPS @ 15000 feet, 45-47 FPS @ 20000 feet, 48-52 FPS @ 25000 feet, 56-60 FPS @ 28000 feet, 60-63 @ 30000 feet, with a highest rate of 68-69 FPS at High Altitude. Data was taken with about 10 players in the server and weather with about 4/8 cloud. Multiplayer does cause a performance hit and I would not like to boost the settings any higher without the risk of FPS dropping off. That said higher settings can be used especially in the NNTR Map in Single Player mode which is more pleasing on the eye. The above were taken using a stock RTX 3070. The figures taken below were captured using a mild overclock of 100MHz on the Core Clock and 200 MHz on the Memory Clock: Caucasus Map GR Stoneburner Server (Multiplayer): Again data was taken with about 10 players in the server and weather with about 4/8 cloud: On the ground and below 5000 foot clouds a solid 45 FPS. Above the clouds mostly 45-55 but periods of higher altitude 50-68 FPS. 25000 feet and above 53-69 FPS was recorded. The settings below allow for a solid 45+ FPS in any Map Single or Multiplayer while retaining a smooth image, decent quality of graphics and smooth head tracking when used with the Quest 2 VR Headset. Although I have not listed any figures for the Marianas Islands from this mornings testing, I would say from memory that in Multiplayer Mode 45 FPS on the taxiway is possible, 33-35 low level over the Islands, but once away from the Islands over the Ocean figures of 65+ FPS are easily obtainable. Ultimately, I would like to upgrade to a RTX 3080 Ti so I can turn up the graphics to please the eye, but that is having to wait pending price reductions and hopefully Vulkan will help in the interim when available. Performance wise the RTX 3070 is very capable in VR and 2D, but not all RTX 3070s are created equal so do your research accordingly. Hope this helps you or others reading along. ATB Nuggetz
  9. No worries, pleased to help. I have only been into DCS/online gaming since Dec 2020, but even in the last 6 months I have seen improvements to FPS with software/driver updates. However, like you I am anticipating Vulkan upgrades with unbridled enthusiasm! ATB Nuggetz
  10. I don’t think you can get away completely from some shimmering edges especially in VR. However the added performance from the 3070 allows me to set MSAA to X2 or X4 which does help a lot. Next time I am in 2D mode I will take a couple of screen shots with the FPS counter switched on as well. ATB Nuggetz PS the 3070 is a much quieter GPU vs the RTX 2070S so that is an added bonus
  11. Just run some tests with the following settings at 2560 x 1440: All views looking forward with HUD and Instruments in view as well as sky. NTTR Map Free Flight instant Action: 8500 feet 107 FPS, 600 feet open ground 96 FPS, Vegas 72 FPS, high alt clear sky 120-140 FPS. Syria free flight instant action: 1100 feet coastal town 74-76 FPS, Open hills 5000 feet 85-89 FPS, high altitude 30000 feet over open hills with very high cloud 105 FPS. obviously quoted FPS varies but these are the approximate averages in each scenario. hope it helps with your choice. ATB Nuggetz
  12. Hello, By coincidence I installed a RTX 3070 today and have been experimenting with settings, Maps with SP and MP versions. I upgraded from a RTX 2070 Super which I liked very much and produced 80-90 FPS in 2D with most settings maxed out. However I got into VR and while the 2070S coped well with SP it was less consistent in MP. It is only day one with the RTX 3070 but so far it has exceeded my expectations with most settings maxed out I have been getting 65-90 FPS VR in SP depending on map altitude etc. I have only done a little MP today on the Marianas Islands where I was getting 45 FPS on the taxiway and 60-70 general flying near the islands. Less FPS low level over the islands but I cannot recall the numbers. More tuning of settings tomorrow and I may be able to give more details after. So far I am pleased I didn’t stretch for another £600 to get a 3080 at this time. If you plan on 2D mainly then the 3070 would get my recommendation as so far it is holding up well in VR so will cope even better with a monitor. ATB Nuggetz PS: The RTX 2070 Super (6 months old only) will be going up for sale (UK) later this week for those who may be interested. 3700XCPU, EVGA RTX 3070 FTW3, 32GB DDR4 @ 3600, 500 GB SSD x 2 Nvme, 1 TB HD
  13. Ok thank you. It sounds like I am doing something pretty similar to you. I was just concerned that the twin image on the monitor was sapping performance thus affecting the headset. thanks again
  14. Thank you Recluse for the link. I have managed to get oculus link and air link working respectively but returned to using a cable when air link started playing up. I have had a solid 45 FPS reducing to 36 FPS with the graphics tweaked to give the best quality and crisp image I can produce so far. so far the graphics are no where no the quality of the monitor, but the 3D immersion is very impressive. I don’t understand how to revert to a single monitor image -is it a Windows setting? Also I am not sure what is meant by “built in virtual desktop”? Grateful for any advice, thanks again
  15. Hi All, I have just purchased a Quest 2 and been tinkering with trying to improve the quality of the graphics and the FPS. I have made some progress but have a question regarding the monitor. The monitor has a twin/ stereo image of the scene seen in the headset and I don’t know if this correct or indeed sapping performance. Should this be the case or should the monitor be a single image? My PC is Win 10. Ryzen 7 3700X, GPU RTX 2700 Super, 0.5 TB SSD, 32GB RAM. Thank you in advance
  16. Upon landing back at base (MP)with external tanks still fitted and subsequently requesting rearm and refuel the external wing tanks do not get refuelled. The only way is to remove the tanks and request a rearm. Is this oddity already known?
  17. The above actions fixed the screen freezes/crashes for a few days and now there appear to be multiple freezes during multiplayer mode and a DCS crash at the end of todays session. I have run the repair tool multiple times this week and the problem keeps happening. I attach the latest log which appears to report register/table information is missing. Being no expert I don't know if this refers to my PC (specs above) or the DCS on my PC or the server missing the information. I have been through my actions above to confirm that nothing has changed due to for example a Windows 10 update. I would be most grateful if someone can offer some advice as the more this happens the more frustrated I am getting. Many thanks in advance, dcs.log
  18. Fingers crossed I hope I have solved the screen freeze/DCS Crashing. I wanted to explore the Windows firewall settings for TCP/UDP port 10308 configurations. All new to me, but Windows 10 informed me that these settings were being controlled by Norton 360. I then explored Norton firewall settings and figured out how to allow protocols for 10308 and 10309. This was in addition to managing/disabling Windows 10 power saving options for USBs and Internet Connections. Running DCS and TRACKIR as Administrator. Setting DCS and TRACKIR to High Priority in The Details Tab within Task Manager, using an Ethernet cable rather than WiFi, setting Norton to run in Silent mode. The result is I have flown 3 sessions this morning without any issues. I am not being premature and this has finally fixed the issues experienced.
  19. Thank you for your reply and suggestions. Sounds like I will need to look into setting up an online mission. I run speed tests daily. We do live in a small village but get 41 mbs downloads and 8 to 12 mbs uploads regardless of whether I use Ethernet or WiFi. Default is Ethernet. I think I need to check the Windows 10 firewall for port 10308 configurations as I have been doing some more research this evening which suggests I should look into this. thanks again for your input
  20. Thank you for your reply. I am new to DCS and online gaming. I have only tried one server with the Grim Reapers Stone Burner which usually has a very low ping rate ie 35. I have no idea how to host a mission so I have not tried that. The failures can happen at any stage but are particularly frustrating half way thru a dogfight especially when winning! Or during landing having had a successful mission.......... I do wonder if a software update has caused a problem or indeed the recent NVIDIA driver update may have caused something to go wrong. in the early days I experienced freezes which having done things mentioned in post 1 disappeared only to start up again in the last week or ten days ago oh yes I should mention I have been getting a number of “DCS is not responding” indications and even the occasional message that the “connection has timed out”.
  21. Yes I have run repair multiple times over many freezes and crashes and it only happens in MP not SP. Here is another log (just!) on finals and then FREEZE followed by AIRCRAFT CRASH dcs.log
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