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Everything posted by airdog

  1. The manual explicitly states that mounting screws are to not exceed 8mm in length.
  2. I've installed the hotfix drivers and have noticed a huge improvement on my G2.
  3. It already works in intercom on the UH1 in MP.
  4. One of the highlights of my life was meeting Chuck Yeager. I was working at Edwards AF base on the C-17 flight test program in 1991 and was outside the hangar having a smoke with 2 other guys....up rolls a gold AF Ford Tempo that parks right in front of us....I look at the driver and I say to the dudes with me...thats Chuck Yeager..."ya right" is the response....out steps Chuck Yeager...think it was the only time in my life I was star struck. He hung out with us for almost 15 minutes bullshitting about the C-17 and other airplane stuff....totally down to earth nice guy. I asked him what brought him down here...and he said he just wanted to see the latest and greatest cargo plane. Whats amazing was he just cruised down to see it...didnt tell anyone he was coming....just wanted to check it out.
  5. Did your's ask to do a firmware update after the Oculus software update?
  6. I went from a 980Ti to a 2080Ti and there was a huge difference in performance in VR. It was something that could not be measured though...things were just so much smoother...it just felt better and more realistic. Best I can explain it...its one of those things you'll know it when you see it.
  7. I had to turn off the touch contollers to get my cursor back.
  8. Just did this with the same USB adapter you used. Works perfect with everything plugged into it. Nice to have a few USB port back! Thxs!
  9. I dont change anything really other than I just remove the files that cause a Integrity check failure. Thankfully it does not seem to have any huge effect on its function. Its simple really, most of you could do it yourselves. When i installed the full version, i then went to the multiplayer lobby clicked on the red shield at the top, it will then list the files that cause the integrity check failure. I then removed those files from Kegetys zip file. Then I put it out there for all of you to use.
  10. Here's a shot in the dark....Go into the Helios editor open up your profile. Select the switches you are having issues with and then highlight the binding...in the right window you should see "Bypass cascading Triggers" Check that box save it then go see if it fixes the problem for you. I've attached a pic showing it.
  11. Not really sure what I can do to help you here other than offer the obvious since it works fine for me and a few others here. But heres a few ideas I'd start mkaing sure you are on the version of DCS I listed above. Then do a clean and repair of whatever version DCS you plan to mod with this file. Skatezillas DCS app is great for this! Make sure you are following kegetys instructions to the letter. Other than that there are so many possibilities its tough to troubleshoot if I'm not looking right at it really. I usually stumble onto fixes by accident myself anyways ;)
  12. Ok....since you are making me feel guilty. Attached is a OVGME/Multiplayer compliant file that works in the current build Follow the exact instructions in the first post then use OVGME to installl the attached file. If you do not use ovgme just open up the zip file and paste the contents of the Bazar folder into your game install Bazar folder after following the appropriate deletions of files and folders as instructed by Kegetys first post instructions. DCS VR Shaders.zip
  13. I installed the newest version in the latest OB and do not get a Integrity check fail....my shield stays green in the MP lobby. If you have a red shield can you click on it then screen shot the menu that pops up that lists the files that fail the integrity check.
  14. Instead of using keyboard commands to move forward an aft in the cockpit I do this. I double click my mouse wheel which makes my mouse cursor disappear but it then allows me to scroll the mouse wheel to move my view in the pit forward and and aft. Then i double click my mouse wheel again and now that is my new default position and the mouse cursor reappears.
  15. Sim crashes everytime a Harrier lands on the FFG-7 Oliver Hazzard Perry class ship landing pad. Crashes in single player and brings down our squadron server in multiplayer. dcs.log-20180819-230134.zip
  16. Check out this post below. I took out the files that cause you to not pass integrity check. You still get the benefits that Keygetys coded for us. https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3590525&postcount=348
  17. For those looking for a multiplayer compliant shader file. Check out my post here https://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=3590525&postcount=348
  18. With just a couple of files removed it can work in MP and you still see significant improvement. Click the red shield in the MP menu...all the files listed will need to be replaced with the originals or you can remove them from the zip all together and then install it. Or here is a OVGME complient version I made DCS VR Shaders.zip
  19. When I was in the Navy back in the mid to late 80's we loaded what we called Blivets onto the hornets. As was said above they have doors that opened on the side that the pilot could put his gear into. Some of these blivets were actually converted drop tanks others were purpose built. Some of our pilots would do what they called a cross country training mission over the weekend that always seemed to overnight in their hometown. They would fly out on Friday and show back up on Sunday evening.
  20. Supposedly this is the final proof stick before the production run. My buddy that was holding it said it feels great and pure quality. Word on the street is this will be a Christmas time buy.
  21. Well you can in a hacker kind of way. There are 6 files that cause you to fail the integrity check. Clicking the red shield on the MP screen will tell you which ones. If you replace those files with the originals you will now pass the IC. I did this myself and still have much better frames thank without this mod. Though I have no idea what any of these files do, at this point I dont really care because I'm happy with the FPS improvement.
  22. I worked on the F-18 A and C models back in the mid to late 80's....we called them DDI's then. But if memory serves me right we did call the lower center one a MFD.
  23. Ah...China Lake....I was stationed there in the mid to late 80's in VX-5.....which is now VX-9.
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