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About RG2021

  • Birthday November 13

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    North Carolina, United States of America
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    Flight Simulation & Woodworking

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  1. Will the other radar modes be coming at some point? Like the terrain avoidance and air-to-ground ranging? I see the BZ mode on the roadmap. I ask because I assume the roadmap is just the updates in the relatively near-future, not all of the updates. Also, forgive me if this has since been changed, but when the F1EE released, the trim felt much slower than the CE’s trim. Is it supposed to be like that? Or is it a bug? Again, forgive me if it’s already been changed. Thanks. I love your rendition of the F1! A truly excellent module. Looking forward to all that is in store. It was a good choice of aircraft to model because of its diverse history. Hopefully some more variants will come eventually. I think the community can universally agree on the worthiness of the South African F1AZ.
  2. Actually funny you say that! Since writing my original piece in this thread, I actually emailed Aerges and let them know there was an EQ-6 in that museum and also that the EQ would be the absolute best, most significant, and most useful variant they could develop for DCS. They responded and said that they “will probably do that in the future.”
  3. I’ve heard conflicting statements regarding weapons on Aerges’ Mirage F1 and I’d like to hear a solid answer from those from Aerges, or those who know Aerges’ intent. Spanish F1s never used Exocets, but I’ve heard that they were wired to fire Exocets. However, Spain was never a user of the Exocet. So, will the F1 be getting the Exocet on the basis that it COULD carry it? If so, the F1EE especially would be a great stand-in for the F1EQ, which is more-or-less completely off limits for DCS. While the F1EQ is a bit far-fetched for DCS, I suppose it is possible, albeit with a large headache for Aerges. Would Aerges be willing to sustain such a headache if the DCS community wants an F1EQ? It is the most appropriate variant for DCS, but on the other hand, the Aerges team would have to go to Iran. Plus, the Iranians are quite likely to refuse to allow some guys to come over and model their plane for a simulator. I know those in-the-know regarding the Mirage F1 in the DCS community would kill for an F1EQ, so if someone from Aerges sees this, I’d like you to know. I love your product! Would love to see more variants in the future. The F1AZ is a unique variant, with loads of information available online, several examples on display in museums, and a proven combat record.
  4. The S530F is planned already, and will be on all variants. All (or nearly all) documentation regarding the F1EQ was destroyed by Dassault. Plus, going to Iran to scan and model a real F1EQ will be unfeasible and unrealistic. I doubt Iran would want westerners coming in and simulating their plane, regardless of how old it is. Also, I doubt they’re original. I’m sure Iran has made some changes to their F1EQs. I would love an F1EQ, no doubt, since it’s by far the most appropriate variant for DCS, but it’s just not feasible. There’s no information available, and all the F1EQs are still in Iranian service. On the other hand, the South African F1AZ has plenty of information available online, there are various examples on display in museums, and they have a respectable combat record, much like the F1EQs. While it’s not multirole like the EQ, it is a dedicated ground attack variant with the radar removed, replaced by extra fuel, weapon computers, and a rangefinder. The AZ could carry fourteen 500lbs bombs, and deliver them very precisely, which could make for very fun missions in multiplayer. But I would love an F1EQ, with its highly advanced systems, wide array of weapons from various nations, external pods to perform quite literally any mission, and just for historical significance. Exocet, AS30L, AJ168 Martel, KH-29 Kedge (Russian missile), S530F, free fall bombs, etc. The F1EQ even had an aerial refueling pod, so they could refuel other F1EQs! It could do anything well. That is my number one wishlist aircraft, but it’s just not feasible.
  5. Yes, but that’s not too outrageous to expect, at least I don’t think so. But it uses the same weapons, and is referred to as being multirole, whereas the F1CE isn’t. It surely has something special that makes it better at ground attack than the CE. And if if has the same weapons, I would imagine that the special feature must be increased precision.
  6. I’d love an EQ variant. Aerges said that they would be willing to make more variants after the F1M is complete, so I would love to see an F1EQ and the South African F1AZ ground attack variant.
  7. ABSOLUTELY. I have a VirPil throttle, and there are four switches on the base. The problem is, they only have a control for one way. So if you have it set to an “on/off” control, you would have to flip the switch to turn it on, flip it back, then flip it forward again to turn it off, which is immensely stupid. “On else Off” is SO much better, and, I agree, should be standard.
  8. Nope. The F1M still had the Cyrano IV M radar, and thus it can’t use the 530D. The “D” in “530D” stands for “doppler”. The Cyrano IV M isn’t a doppler radar. However, the Super 530F WILL be available, even on the F1CE. One thing different on the F1M’s radar is a sea mode, which leads me to believe that it may get an Exocet! I hope the F1EE gets an Exocet as well, though. I’d like to fly an older feeling aircraft and use the Exocet, as the Iraqis did in the Iran-Iraq War and the Gulf War. Considering that the CE and EE will, more-or-less, carry the same weapons, but the EE is considered multirole, I would be led to believe that the EE may be equipped with CCIP and/or CCRP. So the F1M will surely be equipped with CCIP and CCRP abilities.
  9. You all make great points, and I thank you for bringing them up. Sure, the P-61 didn’t make a bit impact, didn’t get many kills, and sure as hell wasn’t a “war winner” like the P-47, P-51, or Mosquito, but what makes it interesting is that it’s different. Many pioneering innovations in modern aircraft came from the P-61, and gameplay would be completely different from anything any of us have experienced in DCS. Of course more famous and effective aircraft should be welcomed, such as the F6F, P-38, A-26 (I would LOVE an A-26), etc., I think there should also be the addition of less effective, but more unique aircraft, such as the Black Widow. But as one of you hinted at, a German night fighter would be a great addition. Since DCS WW2 is currently inclined to the end of the war, a German, radar-equipped night fighter such as a BF-110 or Ju-88 would be wonderful. They (it) would be unique, like the P-61, but it would also be an aircraft that was effective and noteworthy. Really any radar-equipped night fighter would be a wonderful addition. A Mosquito, Beaufighter, BF-110, Ju-88, or, of course, a P-61 would be fantastic and brand new to DCS, and flight simulation as a whole. What other sim has fully simulated, clickable-cockpit WW2 nightfighters with fully-functional early radar with all the quirks? None! This is a great point. A BF-110 or Ju-88 night fighter would be much better suited. They were effective, while also bringing the unique WW2 night fighter experience to DCS, as I so crave. But on the other hand, the P-61 was just so damn gorgeous! But yes, a BF-110 would be fantastic, as it’s probably one of if not the most (in)famous WW2 night fighters.
  10. Yep! The precedent of a divided, heavy workload was set by HeatBlur’s brilliant F-14, so I think a P-61 would be perfectly feasible. The biggest problem would be getting real-life flight data and SMEs. However, the longer we wait, the less SMEs there will be. The sad reality is that people who have experience with the P-61 are getting older and are passing. To my knowledge, the P-61 restoration project isn’t yet complete, but it will provide the best shot at getting a Black Widow.
  11. So does the Pave Spike tell the pilot when to release an LGB? Or does the pilot have to guesstimate like with a dumb bomb, then guide it in with the TPod?
  12. I can’t wait to use the Pave Spike…
  13. Highly doubt that. They’re also making the South Atlantic Map, which is the Falklands. I guarantee that their Sea King will be the British license-built Westland Sea King. Plus, the Westland version is much more advanced and capable than the American version. As for the real American helo, I recall Razbam hosting a vote asking if the community wanted “Large helicopters”, to which the community overwhelmingly voted “yes”. So the American helicopter would likely be a Stallion or Chinook. As for the 2nd European helicopter, who knows? But a Westland Sea King + Stallion/Chinook would be an awesome helicopter lineup to have!
  14. Magnitude 3 has teased an Su-17/20/22 for the past 2 years. First in their 2020 Merry Christmas post, and then their 2022 New Years’ post.
  15. If we were to get both, it would be quite interesting. Similar to the F-18 + F-16. Similar capabilities but different at the same time. Maybe a modern CH-53 and a Vietnam CH-47?
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