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About FrostLaufeyson

  • Birthday 02/28/2000

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    Find out the endless bugs of F18

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  1. I happen to have a mission today that requires EMCON Can't believe that after so many years, such a small feature has not been implemented
  2. It's 2025, and this bug still exits
  3. Sadly, no. And the gain doesn't work well actually. So I just turned the colored map off.
  4. Really? We are playing a difficult mode F18 now
  5. I have been waiting for this feature for several years. I still don’t know what it can do specifically, but people often say that MSI is very powerful. So what can we get in DCS?
  6. It even disappeared from the roadmap.
  7. Excuse me, is there still no fuze explanation document for DCS? The Bf109 fuze took me a lot of time to search for information before I could understand the role of each parameter.
  8. I recently played around with all the features of F4E, and now I'm curious about what the DMAS version will have. I heard there will be CCIP, is this true?
  9. I'll try it later, I think they should put those codes in kneeboard to let us check
  10. I edited the bomb's code in mission editor, and spawn in the air. I did it in the same way for F18, and works fine.
  11. I've set the laser code of GBU-12 to 1677 in the mission editor, but it still only can be guided by 1688 In trk file, I used 1688 first and hit the target. Then I changed the code to 1677, the bomb wasn't been guided I checked this in F18, it's fine. So it‘s a F4E problem GBU12 laser code 1677.trk
  12. Perhaps your mV didn't arm due to the short flying time, so the Vz worked, then you got a long fuze.
  13. I recently went to play BOS's 109K4, and I accidentally found that the C101 switches in both games don't do the same thing. The C101 switch in the DCS causes the dash to glow green. And the dash in BOS is already glowing green at night, and with the C101 switch on, the two UV lamps next to it will hit very brightly. I tried turning the knob of the UV lamp in the DCS, but it didn't change at all. C101 turned on in DCS C101 turned off in BOS C101 turned on in BOS
  14. The last time I encountered this problem, I adjusted a setting option and the problem was solved. The rendering distance will have a great impact on SLAMER's image, but I forgot which setting option it is. When the rendering distance is too close, SLAMER just can't see anything.
  15. He can count 113 targets in several seconds Although you may not encounter this training scenario in actual combat, this is indeed an area that needs improvement.
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