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Everything posted by Prophet_169th

  1. And sorry you feel this way, I have no intention of appearing childish. But there was almost 2 full pages of nothing but good things, until a few decided to try and bring in some discord. There is no way I will change my opinion, that it is rediculuous to give anything to UBI once they dropped the game. We wouldnt even have 1.1 in the US had it not been for some creative thinking by ED. The UBI LOMAC forums are the #2 forum they have. After seeing the support, they should have continued to support. So I say, like they have done to LOMAC and ED, they should be dropped.
  2. Hawg, drop it. I didnt grab the stats, because I didnt feel like it. Instead of just trying to insult, why didnt you go grab them? And like you love to say, thats your opinion....
  3. Well for 1, you must be getting online at the wrong time. Most of the time when I fly, there is ~12 people in the 504, ~12 people in 169th, and even more in other servers. And the whole deal with UbiSoft is directly related to the community. Why would you show any form of support for a company that has dumped the product. Fact is, LOMAC has no chance to grow at UBI. Only here. Sorry you have had a bad experience with HL.
  4. It is obvious there is no use it discussing this with you. You will use whatever logic you can to keep yourself from being wrong, in your head. ALL HAIL UBI!
  5. Having a forum, is not support. That only provides a place for other people to support them. Fact, you provided the support, not UBI. Fact, we get support from ED here as often as from the community. The link to UBI's forum should just be a redirect here.
  6. UBI being crap, and that software being crap, is not an opinion. Its fact. Fact, UBI dumped LOMAC and so they are crap. Thats a fact. What part of THAT dont YOU understand. Fact, the only thing UBI software allows you to do is start a game. No chat, no room description, no version #. Crap. You know why they disabled the chat? Probably because people were talking about FC....... and BS......... No offense Hawg, but you should focus your energy on a place that still supports the game. What will you do with all your newbs when UBI no longer supports LOMAC? Where if you had been helping everyone get to HL, then when UBI dumps you, no one would notice. Also, for the same reason you have no wish to host a game in HL, is the same reason no one else wants to host a labels on spam vest. Waste of time. No one has suggested an conspiracy theories or anything. So quit playing it off with the stupid devil message like they have. Fact is, people should support the community. UBI does NOT do this, and that IS a fact. Prove me otherwise.....
  7. The UBI software sucks. I couldnt even get the chat interface to work, if there was any. The version # column showed undetected for all servers, there were 3. (just logged in again, got a message that the chat is permanently disabled) <- Well that sure helps the experience! Not even 1 minute in the lobby, and I had a private chat with a guy asking about the game. He couldnt get into the servers, he needed the 1.02 patch. I also talked with him at length about 1.1 and this site. He never even knew. I hope to see him here, and in HL. And I have no idea what you are talking about WR. I only speak english, so I have no idea what other people have said, but I have found everyone who asks a question 90% of the time answered. I answer questions usually at great detail when needed. Maybe the UBI community is nicer since there is no chat..... ;) Hawg and WR, if you were so concerned about new players and how attractive the server is, then you fork out the money to put one up, go and put up a veterans server/easy server, whatever. I have helped pay for our server, and I would like competition. I sure would hate to get my butt wooped more than I do, because people are taking advantage of the situation. It hard enough dealing with Su33/27 loaded with R77. Having externals on, so you can police those loads, only for people to spy with F2. There is more than enough help online to get training. Heck I have never even read the LOMAC manual or docs, and I have learned everything from being online, in HL. I may not be able to dodge a missile, but I can effectively use every weapon system in the game, I know how to IFF, all from the help of HL. UBI will get no support from me. All the posts are deleted, but they care nothing for the customer.
  8. Oh good. I dont mind if 1.2 is compatible with 1.1 just without Su25T, and vice versa. I wouldnt think so, as it makes no sense to include 1.1 in 1.2, but to me it does make sense to make these add-ons like I think MSFS has them. Plane add-ons. And then patches apply to the core game, and include patches to the add-on only if you have it.
  9. Sorry if this has been asked. I keep seeing people say this. I tried searching, but got nothing. Is this true?
  10. HL is currently friendly with all version of LO. You even see a 1.02 server once in a while. How many 1.12 servers do you see in UBI? When is UBI gonna become friendly period?
  11. I would agree with you if UBI had decided to continue publishing the product. UBI is the devil.
  12. Not sure what its all about, but its out. http://downloads.guru3d.com/download.php?det=1321 http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=2DA43D38-DB71-4C1B-BC6A-9B6652CD92A3&displaylang=en&Hash=7TWDPGD
  13. What does the thin line and thick line indicate? And what is the black curve? Also, looking at the thick lines, Su vs MiG, they follow each other pretty close. Yet Su has a higher baseline. Does this indicate it has more thrust? And you mention using the verticle against a heavy Su. This is just because of weight correct? The MiG being lighter, should be able to handle verticle better? And are these numbers for a clean AC? What fuel %? If its for a clean AC, I wonder what the numbers look like for both being fully loaded.
  14. Well I am not sure what you are asking if you have read the docs. The manuals, and the training missions have 99% of the info needed. For finding targets: For the F15C you need to use the radar. If you have a spike on the TEWS and you dont see it on the 'scope', then try slewing the radar in elevation/azimuth. Russian birds radar works a bit diff. In ILV mode, the range is cut down, but will be able to see both approaching and retreating planes. In HI mode, you will only be able to see approaching planes. In MED mode you will only be able to see retreating planes. In both HI and MED, you have greater range. The MiG has a drastically shorter range than the Su. You also have EOS, which only picks up heat sources, but has a pretty short range. Retreating targets are easier to see. You will also pick up missles in EOS, I have once locked a missile when trying to lock target, and fired on it. I dont believe the missiles collided, so be careful. By identifying, do you mean IFF? Because that should be in the docs. For F15, rectangle enemy, dot friendly. For Russian, 1 horizontal dash enemy 2 horizontal dashes friendly (On HUD). On Scope if in radar TWS mode or getting data link from AWACS/GCI, circle is friendly, triangle is enemy. For russian planes, using EOS, everything shows as enemy. Only radar will IFF. Now if you mean to identify type of AC. F15 will ID if you have the target locked, and are close enough. For Russian, it is not possible with radar/eos. And you can always ID visually, but you need to get close.
  15. SWEET! Thanks. Also a comment. MonnieRock, you say that you are too ignorant to use Procaff, but ask for a command line switch. Have you actually read the instructions for the procaff setup? Because its just a command line edit/switch once the program is put in /windows
  16. Yes, you will notice a drastic increase in speed and flight performance. This is my favorite fix!
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