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Everything posted by simo-dj

  1. @Platypus if it works it's really a life-saving hack!!! Yesterday i tried to lower the max fps down to 60 (was 120). There were some micro-stutterings (1 sec or so) but the improvement was huge. They are countless all the times i hit my head to the wall trying to fìgure out what was wrong! I think this could be the solution. Tomorrow i'll give a try and i'll keep you upedated. Thanks!
  2. Thanks for the info @RTS354. I bought in november 2023 tobii but i got a really heavy stuttering, heavier than that shown in the yt video posted above by @Jamie_G. Video freezes and it's keeping frozen for 10+ seconds. Do you think that limiting FPS under 120 on dcs/nvidia settings (can't remeber where) will solve/improve situation? Thanks a lot
  3. This is indeed a very good topic! I had a similar experience but with tanks and laser. I was well behind cover at roughly 9 ft from ground but laser warning receiver was warning continuosly that i was tracked by a tank. The explosion against the tree in front of me marked that the gunner in the tank took the chance to hit me...
  4. Hello everybody after the update i get this error from SRS. I have win11 and srs is allowed to use my mic. My earphones have a built-in mic enabled when the mic staff is lowered near my mouth. Before update everything went fine. Even tried to unistall+re-install but i got the same issue. Can anybody help me in resolving this issue? Thanks a lot!
  5. I have a totally different controller configuration, but my best advice is try-redo-try again-redo it again until you find a suitable config. I have a T16000 joystick+winwing f18 throttle and rudder pedals as well. My platforms are F16, F18, A-10CII and Apache. As long as i learn something new i'll try to adapt to my keybinds and observe carefully what's more suitable for my needs/skills. I know this is quite useless (if not useless at all) but i had many issues and much more help from this forum users that i didn't want to leave this subject unattended. Bye!
  6. I never served in any branch of any Army, so i can't really tell which mission is more close to real life than another. I played this and found it "very realistic" (for what i think real mission is...) https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/files/3325649/ I am not the author. Just downloaded and found funny, challenging and immersive.
  7. Thanks a lot! I completely missed that part. It seems i am not aging well...
  8. I am starting to save money for both Iraq and Afghanistan. @NineLine do you have any update for Kola? It completely disappeared from radar... Thanks!!
  9. Didn't both Wags and Bignewy mentioned that the FCR, at the moment, is implemented only for ground moving targets? As you i did some testings with fcr , as cp/g, at day1 of the patch in South Atlantic (more precisely took off from Goose Green). I put a SAM site (2 launchers, an atc, a C2 and some supporting unarmed trucks) 18 km away and flew to them, but FCR didn't spot anything. Re-did the same test with all the units moving and FCR spotted the 2 more dangerous units that were wipe away with 2 precise shot of radar hellfires. "Problem" is that when 2 sams were taken away all the remaing units stopped and the radar dome wasn't able to spot them. To be completely honest fcr spotted only and only this 2 launchers. Forgive me if this not helping. I thought that that was the problem. I did this very quickly and didn't fly in quite a while so i haven't a track to show this behaviour. Thanks everybody and have a great Christmas!
  10. simo-dj

    DCS Olympus

    Non mi lamento affatto! Anzi! Eterna gloria a ED
  11. Hi @Immune have you tried it yet? Is for single player as well or it's only MP oriented? Thanks a lot!
  12. simo-dj

    DCS Olympus

    l'ho visto e mi ha incuriosito subito. Non ho ancora provato a installarlo ma certo che una documentazione non sarebbe stata male.. In più dal video sembra che sia orientato al multiplayer, ma aspetto le vostre impressioni e i vostri commenti... @fabio.dangelo che bei tempi quelli della Jane's!!!
  13. Hello everybody, I finally managed to get a new pc so, in addition to the rest, i'm going down deep into weather system. What's not clear to me is that if one system exclude the other or they're working together. Do the parameters set in static mode affect the weather outcome when i press "GENERATE" button? I mean, is static mode a way to create a base from which dynamic generate the weather? Another question: i flew a mission in thuderstorm and lightings occurred. I tried but i wasn't able to reproduce this effect in my mission. Can anyone help me? I hope this above wasn't discussed before. I tried the search function but maybe i used wrong keywords. Thanks a lot and have a good flight and a Merry Christmas as well!!!
  14. I found you pack very useful and entertaining. In my opinion YT videos would be a real boost to this mission pack. Plus, if you say that you'll get a lot of fun in doing these videos, then... why not? Thanks for your superb work!
  15. Hello everybody, I just got Tobii (2 days) and i'd like to share my experience. I created multiple profiles even for the same vehicle (i.e a profile for Apache pilot ramp start and for Flight, and same for F16/F18) and fully disabled eye tracking, using tobii just as a head tracker. In this way i can get wide movements for switching all the switches and somehow "limited" movement when in flight. Just to clarify Apache pilot has Z axis disabled while for CPG is enabled in order to take a better look at mfd's partially obscured by TEDAC. So far i have discovered warm water... But.. I have still quite some problems during ramp start. How do you deal with looking in game at far left-far right consoles and still being able to look at what's happening on screen? With Apache, since both left and right consoles have a quite forward poistion i can barely see the main lighting knob and still rotate it. MY only problem is to properly boresighting the aimpoint. I mean, i can put the cross on the yellow ball but how press the "b/s now" button? I haven't tried yet with F18 but in the 16 is very difficult enable all the avionics switches on the right and test instruments on the left... How do you do that?? Thanks a lot!!!
  16. Thanks @Theodore42 and @Aquorys I knew this forum is full of kind people willing to help. I chose Mig21 as opponent because, as you said, it's from a different era and, to my thoughts, quite easier to beat than a, say, Su27 or Mig29. I read and watched a lot of very interesting stuff. My problem is still how to perform both these defensive and (one day) offensive maneuvers. With many of them i still haven't a clue how to perform them. I guess timing is an essential part but if i can't do them i could be a swiss chrono but i'd still be shot down. I watched both of 2 part tutorials from Grim Reapers (here's a link to one of them ) and it's good that they explain how to make the maneuver. Of course i tried but the result was far from good, that's why i asked if pictures of hot to move stick existed. I knew it was a weird question but i wanted to give it a try. And, as for every other thing, practice is the key. Thanks a lot guys. You were incredible. ...maybe, when i'll be able to get decent headphones and mic we'll meet in the skies... You'll recognize me very easily. I'll be the sitting duck!
  17. Hello everyone and apologies for this request that, i think, may cross the boundaries of absurd. I am trying to get deeper in dogfight so i watched tons of very good video tutorials and found some interesting readings about these maneuvers but very often i am shot down by an average skilled AI mig21 pilot. I saw a lot of pictures like this (font:wikipedia) and a lot of very good video on yt but what i am missing is HOW to achieve these maneuvers. It's my fault i know, i am not a good skilled pilot in dogfights, tbh maybe i am not even a good skilled pilot at all but i think pictures or schematics depicting what position stick throttle and rudder have to keep in order to achieve this and all the others offensive and defensive maneuvers would be very helpful. Do you know if something like this exist? If so where i can get it? Thanks a lot to all the pilots here. Their questions, their explanations are a very precious resource. DISCLAIMER: pls don't get me wrong. All the material in this forum and all the videos on yt are priceless. This post is not for criticism and i hope no one here, especially content creators are offended by this request
  18. Founding these posts it relieves me. I seriously thought my already poor skills were getting worse. So let's wait and hope!
  19. Thanks a lot @NeedzWD40!! You are such a great source of infos for Apache. Thanks a again!
  20. Hello everybody, I read all the posts above and found very useful and interesting, but i wasn't able to understand if DL, at this state, it's working between an AI Apache and a "human" one. If so, i guess i should configure the AI-Apache DL in ME right? Thanks a lot and apologies if this is a dumb question.
  21. Thanks a lot @funkyfranky there is always something new to learn in this forum. Have a nice day!
  22. Hello everyone, I created a mission where some surface vessels fire cruise missiles at a certain point on land. I give them a, say, 500 ft radius from impact point. What i always see (F6 key) is that the whole bunch of tomahawks land on the same almost exact point. No spread at all. For sure i am doing something wrong but i cannot understand what i am missing. Can someone help? I chose "FIRE AT POINT" because when i select "ATTACK GROUP" those ships don't fire at all at the selected group. Thanks a lot!
  23. I guess it’s not only the warthog involved with age… thanks @jaylw314
  24. That's what happened @TheGhostOfDefi. I haven't tried yet but i'm pretty sure that what @MoppleTheWhale42 suggested is right. I have A-10CII, F-16,F-18 and AH64D but, to me, it's the 1st time that happens. I mean, for mapping my stick and throttle i always pointed cursor and serached what was showed in controls menu. Anyway, thanks a lot everybody
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