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Everything posted by Andrei

  1. I have rudder pedals, but no toe brakes - using the MCG lever instead, "russian" style. So all good there.
  2. I've been looking forward to this campaign, but have to admit that mission one is complete and utter madness.
  3. I see thanks for the info. I wasn't sure if the ground physics was completed or still subject to change.
  4. I recently got back to the Tomcat following the latest patch (which is great by the way). Doing the carrier qualification on the A version made me wonder about what is the right way to manage throttles when taxiing on the desk. In F/A-18, depending on the load, you need to first bump the throttles to 73-75%, wait for the thrust to overcome the rolling resistance at rest and then dial down the throttles to almost idle to keep it going at pedestrian speed. With the Tomcat I cannot find this sweet spot. It almost feels like the aircraft is glued to the desk too much. You need to have a fairly high power setting to start moving, and then seconds later you are going to pick up quite a bit of speed. If you go near idle, you are going to stop pretty fast - as the rolling resistance is quite high. I can't seem to find the sweet spot of the power setting where I would be able to move straight and turn at low speed without doing 'boom-zoom' on the throttle all the time. Any tips or comments are appreciated
  5. Имеется баг, что если высота цели в ЦУ ракеты больше, чем истинная высота цели, то с ГСН начинают происходить странные вещи.
  6. Две недели на любой модуль - это очень крутое предложение. Здорово, молодцы ЕД.
  7. Congrats! Yeah, for me it was also Huge improvement going from 7700K to 5800X. The funny thing is - I borrowed 3090 to test how would it fare against my 2070S. With same settings the FPS rose by a puny 10%. But when maxing out all graphics settings it has pretty much stayed that way. Which suggested that DCS was still... CPU bound, but on a different level
  8. Скорее всего это связано с тем, что палуба авианосца имеет довольно малые размеры и ЛА могут мешаться друг другу. На данный момент каждое стояночное место имеет свой собственный прописанный "путь" для ЛА на катапульту. Допустим если создатель миссии поставил 2 ЛА на позицию Sixpack с временем старта позднее чем ЛА, которые стоят на Лифте 2 и должны взлетать раньше, то произойдет блокировка. На аэродромах такой проблемы нет. Для того, чтобы создателям миссий не надо было ломать голову над очередностью старта и где надо ставить ЛА, ДКС делает это за нас. Хотя проблемы все равно есть, в особенности это заметно в динамических миссиях где бедные разработчики ломают голову как же запустить с десяток самолетов с палубы, чтобы ничего не застряло Ну и конечно статические маршруты сделать куда легче, чем полноценный поиск пути на палубе.
  9. 1. Нет, не обещали 2. Можно 3. Нет, на всех АВ выбор стоянки автоматический. Ты можешь себе попробовать сделать определенную стоянку путем нетрадиционных любовных манипуляций с редактором миссий. 4. ЕМПНИП если на стоянке есть статик, то там не будут спавнится ИИ или клиенты.
  10. А центральный канал белого цвета чем является? Это тоже топливо или что-то иное?
  11. Если блюрить, то очень осторожно В большинстве гарнитур поле зрения намного ниже чем в реальности. Так что мы и так постоянно "под перегрузкой". Так сказать, вечный блэкаут на периферии.
  12. Да, по большому счету баг.
  13. Вечно хайп поддерживать довольно сложно. Дали пару рендеров, описание и дальше тишина. Я бы не сказал что был холодный приём, потому что принимать пока особо нечего. Народ начинал агриться на рендеры, при этом не прочитав текст о том что это прототипы, которые не соотвествуют финальному продукту, каким бы он там не был.
  14. Без документации и каких-либо фактических данных все это разговоры в пользу бедных. Как с одной, так и с другой стороны. Документацию мы в ближайшие десятки лет не получим. С другой стороны нет резона не верить эксплуатантам, по крайней мере что касается взвешеных мнений. Все-таки в в РФ было достаточно много "сытых" лет и больших вливаний в оборонный комплекс чтобы на выходе было что-то достаточно конкурентноспособное. Очевидно, что в DCS еще довольно много работы предстоит сделать чтобы улучшить моделирование оружия представленного в 90х - начале 2000х, поэтому наверное на этом и стоит сосредоточится
  15. Interesting, thanks for the observation. I think it were guys from Hardware Unboxed who made a study of how different GPUs work with weak CPUs. Radeon had a very notable advantage there. Something related to nVidia drivers if I recall correctly. None of the CPUs you tested can be considered "weak", but DCS being a resource hog that it is... You might have very well seen the same effect.
  16. I can't say for 9600K vs 5600X. I moved from 7700K to 5800X. There was a massive improvement with DCS Liberation. From barely playable it became very playable
  17. I haven't tested this new feature, but i'm running a manually 'NG'd' version of Crisis in PG - Hornet version. So far managed only four missions, but it looks good. No further problems with carrier takeoff order, flights are generated as expected. Weather works as advertised. There were some problems with AI wingmen not being able to attack the static and map objects. However this is not the fault of DCE, rather DCS. The targeting tasks for AI fight were generated properly, it's just that WM are dumb
  18. Yeah, if you are CPU limited, outsourcing stuff to the dedicated server notably helps with the performance. Been doing that as well some time ago for CPU heavy missions. Thankfully Zen3 manages to do pretty well nowadays.
  19. Ah, thank you! I figured changing to NG in scripts, but didn't figure out the re-save mission part Otherwise it throws errors. In the first mission, the deck looked beautiful, but unfortunately the late controlled F-14s didn't start when they were supposed to, which led to a full stop at the deck operations. I checked tasks and triggers - those were OK. No clue why they didn't start there..
  20. Haven't noticed any specific adaptation instructions on page 5, but I'll give the base version a try Thank you.
  21. Just an additional observation a bit away from the original topic. I have the 2070S paired with 5800X and Reverb G2. Last weekend I got my hands on 3090 for couple of days and of course decided to test in DCS. I'm running 80% SteamVR general + 80% DCS specific SS settings. This just works for me. In DCS I also have specific settings, with shadows on low, 2X MSAA and no terrain shadows. It gives me my perfectly playable ~45 FPS with occasional discomfort near the ground. I could live with that. So, having installed the 3090 I immediately went to my test mission to see 90 FPS Right, still slightly above 45 frames. That was expected, the mission is CPU bound, because DCS generally is. No sense in benchmarking in empty mission because you'll never fly those anyway. Next step: bump Steam VR general and DCS supersampling to 100%. Good news, the FPS did not drop. The image clarity notably improved. Next step: bump DCS in-game settings to nearly all max, all shadows on, MSAA 4x. Guess what? Still ~45-ish FPS with awesome picture like you get in those youtube videos. So while I never got a real framerate increase, I managed to crank all graphics settings to High+ values while maintaining flyable framerate. I wish I could get 6800XT / 6900 for a test
  22. Да. В реальности на экраны "подглядывают" из-под ПНВ.
  23. Thank you for the start-up tip Didn't do it as it was previously not required in different situations. Yes, to other questions.
  24. I've been trying Crisis in PG with Supercarrier recently and came across the problem that the AI wingmen will not follow you to the cats and for takeoff following cold start on the carrier. The cats are "hot" i.e. no landing operations going on at that time. Did anyone figure out why/when exactly does it happen? I've been doing some investigations, but without any single reason to blame on. Any good ideas?
  25. I was thinking about delidding 7700K and giving it more run for it's money, but I should have done yet years ago - now it was time to get a new hardware anyway. Your 9900K is a pretty good piece, probably the best thing in the whole *Lake family In terms of tuning I'm trying to play around with undervolting and PBO boots. The latest AMD CPUs are being overclocked the "wrong" way I can get pretty good frequecies - upwards of 5GHz, but stability becomes an issue. Enough to boot and pass all Cinebench tests, but then it will crash on random things, especially when cold starting. So it's a moving objective. I don't care too much about all core loads, so I need to maximize it for DCS. I've got a really bad memory for this build it runs only 3200, while you need 3600 - 4000 for Zen 3 for best results. The new memory is ordered, but due to general stock issues, I've no clue when it will come.
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