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Baltic Dude

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Everything posted by Baltic Dude

  1. No, they do not care to let us know if they are working on anything at all.
  2. I would much rather have Korea map with more Korean war aircraft such as F9F Panther than Vietnam. We need theatres, not incomplete parts.
  3. Way to go insulting people giving constructive suggestions on this forum without providing any for yourself.
  4. Also, last thing I will say is focusing on return of investment doesn't make sense in the short-run. If they want WWII to grow, they need to invest in the short-run in order for long-term grown and profits. One assets pack going free, JUST for multiplayer, would allow for more people to try, purchase and expand their purchases in DCS' larger ecosystem. Healthy player base grows the "community." There is a reason why countries all over the world invest in public transportation when they don't make their money back in ticket sales. They make their money back from the increased flow of people putting more money in other companies and the larger economy. I think it's a good analogy. WWII Assets being not required for multiplayer servers would act as a tranzit which allows more people to flow into DCS' larger community.
  5. Will I be not allowed to play multiplayer if I use ReShade to help my game look better with minimal impact? Will I be banned for violating game's files? Some games ban you for modifying files. If I use ReShade am I only limited to offline singleplayer? Thanks.
  6. I agree. There are many Soviet planes they could do in the meantime but refuse to do. Only NATO stuff is favored anymore.
  7. Now with Sinai, Kola and the Super Sabre maybe we can have RAZBAM finally give us that MiG-19S as a paid module for historical settings. Just about everyone used the 19S! We can even have Chinese MiG-19S (J-6) vs Taiwanese F-100(A) over the Taiwan strait (Saipan to Guam in Marianas is very similar distance and Rota island can act as Penghu or we can get Iwo Jima expansion to take off from). The F-100 can also be used in Syria for the Turkish invasion of Cyprus.
  8. I'm still more than patiently waiting for Mi-8 multicrew...
  9. I don't really know why the I-16 is in DCS. I hope they do eventually update the I-16 with cannon option but, even if they don't maybe I'll fly it in Kola. Not sure since even then there isn't anything to fight in it. No Bf-109E and no Finnish Buffalo. As for the La-7 no one knows where it will be. Only news about it was on their own website. It might go towards a late eastern-front theatre in another game or to DCS to be used on Caucasus? It might just be an AI fighter for DCS.
  10. It's incredible that you created and gave us Chinese Asset Pack for free without charging. I hope that you guys are working on something big for us to make the investment worth it, but even if you're not and just have JF-17 module it was very nice to do so. Su-33 with a J-15 skin is very fun on Marianas. Thank you.
  11. I don't mind where it goes, as long as it's flyable and not an AI asset.
  12. Isn't Deka's Chinese Assets pack completely free...?
  13. This is true for their jet modules but not for WWII. There is not enough content or scope for WWII to be worth the price of entry when (other similar games) for example is so cheap on sale without being so limited. I am not trying to bash the game, but give a real suggestion to improve the experience and grow the player base which is to make WWII Assets F2P, it would make people especially on Steam want to fly the TF-51 and purchase WWII modules as well as server owners spending more time developing experiences that EVERYONE can enjoy. This way, more people can get into DCS - WWII and players purchasing first and *multiple* WWII modules would offset the cost of making Assets free. The maps can remain paid however I am unsure what ED will do about The Channel with Normandy existing, being so similar for WWII servers.
  14. I agree it would be nice to have more modules that are able to carry Chinese missiles and weapons.
  15. You know Su-33 exists right? Lol. But I understand, "it's not full-fidelity." It doesn't stop me.
  16. I don't think a naval variant of the J-10 ever really saw any use. I think it would sell well personally but everyone's different. J-15 would also sell well if one day China could replace them
  17. I wouldn't mind either of those two, but I feel like J-7G is as Chinese as you can get. Su-30MKK and J-10 would sell like no tomorrow though.
  18. >Where did they all go? With the price to entry (WWII Assets) and little players online? Hmm, I wonder...
  19. I'm just hoping they aren't saying anything because they or ED are working on Iwo Jima for our Marianas. Currently there is enough water for the islands to fit into the existing map.
  20. Well I hope we get more Japanese modules than just the Zero. IMO the Zero is quite boring and will easily be countered by American planes in multiplayer (almost no reason to use it)
  21. I would pay for a MiG-19S variant for Sinai and Syria historical missions. Actually, most real world usage of the MiG-19 was the S-variant.
  22. I hope so too. I would pay money for the -S variant so I can fly the historical version of many MiG-19's in Sinai and Syria settings. It's also a better dogfighter than the MiG-19P currently in DCS so, since MiG-23MLA has had little work on it as of late, spending a small amount of rime (relatively) on the MiG-19S before we get the MiG-23MLA would be very much welcome and I hope RAZBAM sees this.
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