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  1. This has nothing to do with the issue.
  2. Seems like ED missed this thread @BIGNEWY
  3. @BIGNEWY@NineLine ping because it seems like this was completely overlooked by accident
  4. It also seemed like the kalman filter/autopilot update got reversed or smth similar as right of now missiles lead as bad as they used to. Also missiles are still quite easily going for other missiles preferred to big aircrafts
  5. @NineLine @BIGNEWYthis seems to have gone under your radar. This is still a huge problem.
  6. Missile position only gets synced on launch and impact in shooter side. Sourly that is changeable
  7. Did you test the missile guides to the head thing yourself? Only heard it as a commondly believed dcs myth so far
  8. First of all this is not a WIFI problem. Fired missiles seem to get only synced on launch and when they impact on shooters perspective afar from that amraams can be hugely desynced hitting the ground on one client and then hitting the target 10 seconds later on the shooters client killing the target which basically got chased by an invisible ghost missile. There really needs something to be done about this no way to defend against a missile that is not existing on my client at all but can still kill me. Surely other people can provide tracks aswell mine will soon follow
  9. Did you even read what I wrote? But again: Even without rwr it is still easily possible. By the way: SARH missiles got developed before fox 3 existed lol and except maybe <profanity>ty russian fox3 and other poor countries nobody uses fox1 anymore when he has the capability to develop actual fox 3. Fox1 are also cheaper thats it. Btw in reality nobody really cares about bfm any more so yeah they are actually that good. You can notch amraams easily in the f14 aswell so thats a proof the rwr is definetly not the deciding factor
  10. I dont think so. The RWR is maybe a small factor but wont change that the missiles are easily notched just with your eyes and looking at 90 degrees or in e.g. the F14 where the RWR has all inaccuracies though amraams are still easily notchable. The RWR is one problem but not as much as you think
  11. @NineLineHobel has it right here thats the problem in case you did not see it. Should clear up the discussions here. This is what everyone means but does not express properly Cheer
  12. I checked it was indeed not a bug but a mishap by me. Just as a headsuo though: The Switch is called IIF IN and IIF AFT in DCS Controls was quite confused while searching for a comms switch
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