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  1. Мод не брошен Больше инфы в https://discord.gg/codename-flanker-community-839196573228335185
  2. And the rocket is generally capable of capturing such an RCS of 0.02-0.03m2 ?
  3. Its structural limit of 11.25 G will not withstand, at which it will instantly break https://forum.dcs.world/topic/338325-ai-fm/?do=findComment&comment=5333862
  4. https://dzen.ru/a/XCdrPUGkHQCqkYuc MiG-29 against Mirages, article in Russian.The original link is broken A source Ing. JOSEF HLAVA «MIRAGE KONTRA MiG» // Letectvi+Kosmonautika 1-1996, стр.14-17
  5. The driver is not visible because of the curve of the car model. But the tractor is modeled very well
  6. Because the radar switches to a different mode
  7. Wrong. There is a lot that concerns the Flankers is not implemented correctly Because it's not a Cassegrain antenna.TWS is able to MiG-31 if we talk about the planes of the 80s.
  8. On the flanker, the radar is also going to restore the capture and it will last not 4 seconds as you wrote, but much longer
  9. https://dcs.silver.ru/Diagram/Su27
  10. then you should specify the average 0.1-0.2, not the minimum
  11. Su-39MKK?
  12. in a recent update, the SAM S-300 was updated, but the models presented are noticeably worse than the models presented earlier The wheels have triangular shapes.The cockpit of the launchers and the Command Post is poorly modeled. However, the same cabin is modeled very well on tractors and on the illumination and guidance radar
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