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Everything posted by OhNoMyHookBroke

  1. 100% agree with you. Personally, if you asked me, it's because the modules with glass cockpits probably sell better, considering the majority of DCS players probably like that. Also, the AH-64D and CH-47F both have glass cockpits, so that could be another reason as to why they want to do a UH-60M. But I'm not a fan of the M, and I'd much rather have a UH-60L or even a UH-60A if an HH-60G is not possible.
  2. Literally what the title says lol. I believe the HH-60G would be such a better fit for DCS than the UH-60M. Radar, touchscreen display with camera, IFR probe, capability of crew chiefs fixing the guns forward and letting the pilot shoot them (there's your DAP), sexy analogue Blackhawk cockpit, with a good mix of gauges and displays, and so much more I understand that the UH-60M could provide more specific purpose to DCS that ED really wants to capitalize on, especially with the dynamic campaign starting to pop up more, but in my opinion, the HH-60G is a better fit for DCS Snapinsta.app_video_AQPpSt04CadaSb8phiHPvAFT_b_EqK5aerk2VvYBuyJrtMT9idzMrvFchXDKQkfVFn82rqwQe1iHXL8tvXCESi5qXeH5q_LcTC1QTBg (1) (1).mp4
  3. Hello. Is this public now?
  4. Zambrano is not real, Zambrano cannot hurt you.
  5. I read the forum, and like, half of your posts are from here lol. Stop fixating on what Discords I've discussed it in. It's not relevant. Also, that example you provided was not RAZBAM. It wasn't someone who worked for them; it was some random users in their Discord. Not sure why you're acting like those messages came from a RAZBAM_(name). Also, blaming people that work for them that are in no way involved with the legal process of the solution is just funny and wrong.
  6. Yes Oban, I completely agree. Thanks for the response, cheers.
  7. Also, I don't understand why this thread is still up. The old thread has been locked, thankfully, but then a new thread is created, so are these threads just meant to be ragebait, or something similar? And with the CMs telling people to not attack each other, or argue, and to keep things civil, I constantly see that breaking. So why not just close the thread for good? All we need is official updates from both ED and RB. The situation is out of our hands. It is pointless. So why does the thread still exist? The CMs are doing nothing but putting stress onto themselves working a job I can already imagine is annoying enough.
  8. Mizzy, it's very clear that you hold this situation too close to your heart for an average consumer. Either you have nothing better to do (all respect), or you are genuinely trying to make a difference because the situation has affected you personally. I have discussed this situation on the forums and on Discords, but I have never seen a person this devoted to the situation. Not even RB or ED talk about it like you do. It's just a bit odd, but I respect the effort. OhNoMyHookBroke
  9. Ability for user to fold and unfold chairs in the cargo bay. Technically, it's already possible, but you need to actually load cargo to get them to fold up.
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  10. Pretty much exactly what the title says. The only way to get people in the cargo bay is by having the door gunner/s selected. There should be a crew chief AND flight engineer modeled that will be in the Chinook by default, and only able to be turned off in the special options or the ME. Also being able to select the amount of personnel we want would be nice. The X-Plane 11 CH-47D developed by XTrident has them move around and even shows them pop their heads over to look at cargo. I'd say that you gather all of your SMEs, ask them where they are and what they do in the aircraft during different stages of flight or mission, like takeoff, cruise, landing, troop pickup, cargo, slingloading, etc., and ask them how long they're there for. (Not to sound rude, just couldn't find a better way to word it ) Also, if you do that, I think it'd also be nice for you to provide default keyboard controls to actually walk around, because we have the use the "cockpit move camera" or have a VR headset to effectively move around. I'd believe this would provide a good foundation if a crew chief/flight engineer AI is planned. Thanks!
  11. The Google Drive link has been taken down. Is the mod owner able to give me a download to the latest version, or anyone on this thread?
  12. And by instrument panel, I mean the "backboard". You can see how it goes downwards and then curves. Sorry if I can't explain it well.
  13. No haha, this You see how it's curved?
  14. After seeing a CH-47F cockpit video, I realized that the instrument panel we have in the DCS CH-47F is incorrectly modeled. The real CH-47F's instrument panel has a curve on it, and is also longer. Here's a picture of the DCS CH-47F vs a real-life CH-47F: null I believe this is because the Chinook that was originally announced was the ICH-47F, the Italian Chinook based off of the Foxtrot, but with more radios and equipment that's dedicated more towards SAR/CSAR. Also, the air vent control lever on the outboard side has nothing to do with whether it's curved or not. Here's a picture of a CH-47F without the air vent control lever, which you can tell is the exact same: (Kind of hard to see, sorry) If more pictures are necessary, I can provide.
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