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About Hammer3246

  • Birthday 02/13/1970

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  • Flight Simulators
    this one
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  1. @Vinc_VegaThanks, I did declare the two displays, and added some other lines similar to those. I get a not declared error when I try to compile it (don't recall which exactly). I'm gone to work for a couple weeks. So I'll try again when I get home. Thanks Ron
  2. @Vinc_Vega Well I'm beat, I thought I could edit it to work on a second display but I can't.
  3. Thank you Vinc, very much appreciated! I have the Channel on a separate display but this should get me started to where I need. Cheers Ron
  4. @Vinc_VegaSorry for bringing up an old thread, but I'm trying to butcher your code to get the Channel display to work on my UHF for the F-16. I was able to edit it to work with the Frequency but I'm at a loss for the Channel.
  5. Try this, DIY F16 DED Screen Instructions - Tekcreations, I used it, works great. Check the resistor and make sure its as pictured.
  6. Set your refresh rates to 60Hz.
  7. Try just ACES, I'm a member there but can't recall what i answered.
  8. Second that of Flightsimpro. Excellent quality in everyway. Looking great!
  9. I did it with mine, gutted a jetseat and installed the motors, it was no problem.
  10. Thank you for this, but what do you mean by updated? I loaded it with the current Bios and it works as far as I can tell?
  11. I guess not.
  12. Any interest in selling the files and a how to? I'd love to get my gauges working, but I'm pretty clueless.
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