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About Gascan39

  • Birthday 05/10/1965

Personal Information

  • Flight Simulators
    SF2 merged, ArmA3, DCS modules (to save time, the ones I DO NOT have - Yak, Christen Eagle....if yer gonna gimme an unarmed bipe, make it a Pitts!)
  • Location
    A flat
  • Interests
    DCSing, military history, travel
  • Occupation
    Fire Captain

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  1. YES!!! I lost my dad late last year, and he flew the F-4 for about fourteen of his twenty years in the USAF. Take my money, flying this would be a tribute to him!
  2. Loved the "D" episode. I laughed when Jungle talked about beating a NFWS student (in a Tomcat) whilst flying a T-45 of all things. I had read stories about those engagements, 1 v 1 could be against almost anything.
  3. I do love my donkey! Much needed love splashed on her. Thank you
  4. Oh man, DCS M35 would be a day one purchase, no, pre purchase. Keeping my fingers crossed for a gun truck add on, multi crew so every gun is human controlled
  5. Guess I'll run my TM Warthog and behind it to my left the T16000M TWCS. Should be interesting. looking forward to flying around in this one.
  6. Bought the GAZ day one (2016?} and have enjoyed it always. Never flown a real one, so what the hell do I know about it. I love the sounds, radios, weapons available. Sometimes I just enjoy a map in this thing One of my three favorite helos (talking real here) along with the Huey and Hughes (MD Heli now) series. Oh, there is one complaint, the zombie like pilot faces, lol. Left seat guy looks like a Kosovoan I worked with in Kuwait, right seat dude looks like a zombie Khal Drogo
  7. I found (Rotorcraft Pro) a post - " Posted September 10, 2018 //Rotor brake starts are accepted practice in the AH-64, though pretty rare for various reasons. Supposed to be a valid technique for shipboard or dusty area starts. Never heard that it was a maintenance problem as it is in ATM and therefore a normal/accepted startup procedure.///
  8. Thanks for this, trying to find time to tame this beast.
  9. pulled the trigger. Could not resist.
  10. Show us on the doll where Jester touched you....
  11. Of the WWII birds, Jug is my fave. Appreciate the skins, they are awesome
  12. I have been flying it alot lately. I am a bit of a module slut, moving from one to the other, and I love most of them. I have had the A-10C since it was standalone, but with the A-10C II, I have delved into it and am much better than I was years ago. Yet, I gravitate back to the Harrier. I love the V/STOL aspect, it seems fast, and I live with just some basic weapons capabilities. This was the first jet I was able to refuel from a tanker in. I am using VR, so I have a hang up due to no pilot in cockpit view. They are working it, and if it is anywhere near the Mirage work they did in that regard, I probably won't fly anything else (fixed wing anyway). I sometimes dwell on the "I bought this, and it is FUBAR" thoughts, but man, I do love zipping around in it. Gun kills on helos are thrilling to me, lightly loading up at a FARP and struggling to do a VTOL take off, AAR, SEAD with the Sidearm, all keep me flying it. If you dig USMC skins, the VMA-211 with red tail in the files sections is superb.
  13. Loving it, flown in the Hawg more in the last few days than I ever had previously. (And bought the A-10C when it was new and stand alone.) So much fun to be had. I had never tried AAR until yesterday, boom refuelling seems easier when the receptacle is up front. Great job team, wonderful work
  14. nice! Watching closely
  15. I am new to it myself. Total game changer. I highly recommend SRS, I had a few small issues at first, but that was just my old brain struggling. The SRS and flying with real people has got me addicted. The only single player stuff I have done is for checking the new patch. (Instant Action for the Viggen off a road in Syria) Only issue I have had in multi is shooting down a friendly. Have not had any backlash from it, don't even remember the server. Most of my time has been in helis on ROTORHEADS and Aerobatics Syria. Have fun
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