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Everything posted by walmis

  1. Hello guys, some updates on my FFB journey. I've been busy testing and finalizing my FOC motor driver, specialized for FFB application. It's usable on any 3 phase PMSM motor, but I've specifically designed it for 57BLF0x series NEMA case style brushless motors. It fits on the motor end and is attached to to motor case directly, with some thermal paste, mosfets have a good thermal path to the motor casing. These motors have quite a bit of cogging out of the box, but when this cogging torque is mapped and cancelled out by software, It's almost non-existent, as if the shaft spins only on bearings, though some faint "digital" noise is felt due to encoder noise and pwm quantization. I've attached a motor cogging map, on the Y axis it shows the required holding current, and on the X axis the encoder position. Encoder is AS5600 which is a 12bit magnetic absolute angle encoder. On the project I use FDMS8018 mosfets (which can handle quite a lot of current when heatsinked) coupled with very fast mosfet drivers provides a quite high power drive and precise torque over the whole revolution. The hardware project is hosted here: https://github.com/walmis/BLDC-Servo At the current state there's very little documentation, but I will start working on it as things progress. Today I've ordered revision 2 of this board from jlcpcb to get rid of some nasty issues of my prototype board. 5 boards cost me 30 euros with SMT assembly and shipping excluding MCU, mosfets, current amplifiers, gate drivers, current shunts and a few small components. That should add around 5-15 euros per board, depending on supplier. And two of these motors will go into the final FFB joystick assembly
  2. I have a working prototype of bldc drivers for nema23 sized brushless motors. With an absolute encoder on the shaft I can absolutely zero out any cogging torque which during first tests worked like magic, zero cogging, smooth as butter rotation. IMHO skewed rotor motors are too rare and expensive. Best thing is to use most common bldc's such as skateboard motors or nema style motors and do the anticogging in software. ODrive, which is used by @Propeler also does anticogging with absolute encoders. I used this video for inspiration
  3. Hey, congrats on the project. It seems we're working on something similar in parallel :) My idea is to build a FFB stick from easily obtainable materials - mainly 3d printed parts and laser cut plywood box parts and standard bearings, pulleys, belts. It's also based on stm32 and I have good progress on the FFB firmware. All the USB PID supported effects are implemented. Here's my FFB stick mk1 Based on brushed motors. But due to magnetic cogging, I've decided to move to bldc motors with software anticogging compensation. Got VIRPIL stick fully working with analog brake axis also. Sadly currently stuck with this project for the time being due to home renovation eating my free time. But hopefully I will continue soon. I will need to organize the project and will probably release it as open source. Few videos of it in action https://photos.app.goo.gl/2fGB5Ef6h8aierKJ8 https://photos.app.goo.gl/u41nxrkYLfdfYnGS9
  4. I think this is related to directinput blocking on ffb send calls. Maybe the update rate is too high and some kind of OS queueing is going on. I'm developing an FFB stick based on stm32 and also experiencing similar problems, first thought maybe this is a usb related firmware problem, then realized probably not. For example I experience input lags on su-25t when landing gear is retracting or when autopilot is engaged on mig-29 and is constantly updating stick center position.
  5. Hello forum :) I've patched the mission editor and added an ability to dynamically store custom loadouts to the ingame maintenance menu. There will be a new "Store" button in the loadout screen, which will allow you to choose a slot (F1-F10) to save a currently selected loadout. It will work only on stock aircraft, that means it won't work on added flyables without modifications. Once the modman package is uninstalled, the original files will be restored. I don't know if it will work with russian version of fc2. Here's a few screenshots of it in action Modman package attached below. loadout_exporter_v1.0.rar
  6. forget those textures, geometry and texture mapping (aka UV mapping) only matters
  7. rattler, it's texture mapping, not geometry mapping :-)
  8. I have an idea, we could make this project open source and use subversioning system (used by open source projects) (Info) that way many peaple can develop it incrementally. If zmodeler can extract geometry and texture mapping then it's ok, if it doesnt extract texture mapping, then it's a waste of time, cause texture mapping can be more difficult than modelling itself.
  9. installation it's simple as double clicking the installer. I actually have no idea why my apps fail to update the graphics.cfg or meinit.xml. I might make a tutorial on how to fix these problems.
  10. The installer checks IIRC for config/graphics.cfg, meinit/meinit.xml and lockon.exe Is that vista i see there? If so, i dont know the compatibility of the installer with it, try setting compatbility mode to xp.
  11. hey guys, thank you for your kind words, maybe sometime in the future i will be able to get it back, but for now I'm gonna leave it. I updated my sig, and inculed an update download link.
  12. yeah i know, but it's payware
  13. thank you people for your support, but it's too late to save it...
  14. the updater will not function temporarily, my domain has expired, and i will reregister it asap. Also i have sad news, there will be no more updates to the model :( I have lost it when my ntfs partition master file table got corrupted. Tried to recover it but no luck :( and i made a fatal mistake not making a backup :disgust:
  15. try adding this to your graphics.cfg TextureCollections { <...> common = ".\\Bazar\\World\\f15_newtextures.cdds"; common = ".\\Bazar\\World\\f15_maintextures.cdds"; <...> }
  16. the biggest update is the avionics bay
  17. Heads up people, update is out :)
  18. bump So any new skins floating around using this template? :joystick:
  19. The file is smaller only because indentation is stripped, structure is the same. It's really weird why you have such behaviour.
  20. that's lockon engine's renderer problem, not the model. Nothing i can do.
  21. false positives are probably because of upx compression or code encoding (it's written in php)
  22. i tried making the canopy more transparent, but without any success. Changing the texture doesnt make any noticeable difference.
  23. run f15_uninstall.exe in LO dir if you installed f15 with the installer.
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