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Everything posted by Dudester22

  1. Can someone tell me why so many of the building are submerged into the ground up to their windows? Just wondering if these buildings were some how generated onto the map when it was made or if these buildings were actually placed there. Seems strange if they were placed there by someone.
  2. @jetliner - I am also a newbie, but I have come to realize you have to read a lot of the manual and watch lots of youtube videos to get anywhere near good at this. I was doing the same thing as you thinking I had the knowledge to just run and gun, but if you were an infantry man would you just run out into an open field shooting at the enemy? It's all about checking out the area and knowing what your weapons are capable of before attempting this. You could try wasting your time trying to figure it out yourself like I did, but I learnt it's much quicker searching you tube for the answer and copying that.
  3. Re-install the game if you say you haven't altered anything on your computer. That's the only other thing it could be.
  4. I was just wondering if we are going to see bigger explosions in the game? The ones that are in the game don't look very impressive at the moment. I mean, it's a small fire a bit of smoke and then it all disappears like nothing ever happened.
  5. I am pleased to say I have learnt this part from memory now. I Think I will try landing and weapons next, I got a few of the weapons sorted already..
  6. Thanks for the info so far. Skipping the CDU is music to my ears because I was dumb struck when I saw how many pages it covered. Can you tell me if there is any other major parts of the manual I can skip for now and look at later? I do want to learn the game, but I don't want to get the same feeling I got when I saw the CDU pages.
  7. I am reading the manual and have just come to page 174 which is about the Control Display Unit. I did a quick scroll forward on the ipad just to see how many pages were written about this and nearly died at the thought of taken all this in. I am not sure if I will ever get my head around all that anytime soon, so I'm asking what are the most vital things to learn first and then maybe learn afterwards? Cheers!!
  8. I am going to go read the manual instead of the quick start and tutorials, but that worked so thanks for your time.
  9. I have updated 2 pictures to show you what is happening because no where in the manual can I see what I am doing wrong. Hopefully, someone will see a simple mistake I am making when looking at these 2 pics I uploaded. One pic shows me in TGP mode on the right MFCD with the camera on, but when I switch this mode to Mav the camera switches off. I guess what I am asking is how you switch on the camera when using Mavs?
  10. I am trying to pickle trucks or anything else apart from planes using mavs. I know I could destroy trucks with cannon fire, but like I said I am just trying to work out what is what here. I have read the manual and as far as I know I was doing everything right. What I was doing worked in instant action, but it doesn't work in create fast mission. Maybe it would be helpful if someone told me how to get into point mode, I must only be a button press away from getting into this mode because everything else is setup like in instant action?
  11. Not sure what the problem is here, I just created a fast mission as opposed to instant action and I am not able to lock on to any targets. In fast mission when I slew over the targets it automatically snaps to the target and I am able to fire, but now when I try to do this it doesn't snap to the target and I am not able to fire weapons. I have enabled Master arm, Gun pac, laser arm and TGP on. The other question I have is how do you switch night vision on?
  12. I cannot tell you all things I have tried and common sense prevails. I mean, it was so obvious :doh:
  13. I find this really frustrating when trying to practice engine startup because Alt + Home to push throttle forward slightly is hit and miss. Sometimes it works and other times it doesn't, it's like 50% of the time it does work and 50% it doesn't. whats the problem here? I have made sure keyboard is working and pressed it in controls option to make sure it goes to the control in options and all that looks ok?
  14. I just completed learning the ramp start and even after this I must say this sim oozes class. The satisfaction you get from just learning this and preparing to contact ATC, is way better then just blasting things up in FC3. I guess it's each to their own though, but I prefer this because you actually feel like it's a real aircraft you are flying with such attention to detail. I just wish I had purchased this earlier, but I probably would have if I had known there was a tutorial to slowly guide you through it. I am just hoping that taken 5 hours to learn the ramp start from memory isn't to bad. I eventually want to make this as easy as getting into my car, but with bombs attached to it, kind of like Mad Max.
  15. Use the module manager ingame. I never had it installed and this method worked for me.
  16. I am just going through engine startup training and I have got quite far. That is is until I have found I can go no further because of what appears to be a bugged button. The trainer says to me: "Select the egi as the primary navigation system on the navigation mode select panel." However, when I try to press the highlighted button nothing happens. I hope I am doing something wrong here, but other then press highlighted button I don't know what else I'm suppose to do. can someone tell me if this part of the training is bugged or if I am suppose to do something else?
  17. Do you think it would pee people off though if I went on line just to hop from one base to another? I think I would enjoy that if it didn't bother anyone else.
  18. I would try to adjust the dead zone but I read that it is only limited to one place (the center) and that most people are getting this swaying due to this.
  19. I am not sure what I am doing wrong here, but I just cannot set the trackir to look left, right and down without a consent swaying of movement making it very hard for me to press the switches in the cockpit. I watched that video above but it does tell me how to stop this annoying swaying movement from occurring. Feels like I am in a plane after a night out in the pub at the moment. Does anyone have a profile, or can someone please explain in more detail how you stop this annoying swaying even when trying to keep your head still? Thankyou!!
  20. I don't see it there. Take a look at the pic I uploaded I scrolled right and see nothing.
  21. Can someone tell me if there is a way to get the track ir showing in my axis? I just don't see it in the list for A10C or FC3.
  22. I went ahead and bought this last night, I also have track Ir and the Saitek x52 to get me started. I think once I learn how to do the start up this will push me to learn other things about this aircraft. I have always been interested in military aircraft and now is the chance to see how they work. I hope once I learn this it will help me to understand the other modules due out later a bit better. I just cannot get to grips with FC3 and the horrid amount of keyboard commands. At least with this game it's learning what the switches do and not just trying to work out numerous keyboard commands. One thing I am having trouble with is getting my track IR sorted out, it's a right pain to get right. I want to be able to look around the cockpit at all the switches and things, but it seems to go all over the place when I look down or zoom in. Does anyone have a profile for track Ir I could use and also one for the Saitek x52? Does anyone even use TrackIr to zoom in?
  23. I have just Adaptive set in Nvidia control panel and not Adaptive half refresh. No it doesn't happen when I swich TV or IR on, it's just my FPS are up and down and so erratic as soon I switch the Visib range to high. Will it make a big difference if I switch my cockpit to 512 every frame?
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