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Everything posted by rob10

  1. I have no idea what the truth is on this, but it was one Razbam dev (can't recall if that was before or after he had posted that he had quit) that said ED didn't have the files, not anyone official in Razbam, so take it with at least some grains of salt. The dev might or might not know the reality of the situation. Either way, I agree that even if ED takes over development it's not something that can happen quickly so there is definitely going to be a significant delay before anything new happens.
  2. That might have been before the fairly recent flight model update made the landing gear more sensitive to breakage, but the 750 ft/min isn't really a hard limit. I've landed harder and not broken gear with the new model. I haven't really properly tested this theory yet, but my feeling is if you land with wings perfectly level (spreading the load evenly between right and left gear) you're less likely to break things than if you're slightly banked.
  3. That one really isn't a bug, more a lacking feature. You can't refuel from basket tanker (i.e. KC-135MPRS) so it ignores you. In a perfect world it would tell you that it wasn't able to refuel you so bugger off, but they're rude and just ignore you instead
  4. Yes, that's a limitation of track files because they were never designed to replicate exactly what happened: they were designed to record inputs for debugging purposes and became a fill in option for doing "replays". ED improved their replayability in the last year, but since they are recreating (rather than replaying) what happened any slight randomness can change the result. That's why you can get multiple different results from the same track and if something goes even slightly different in the early part (even if it's not noticeable) that can amplify and cause big changes later. Since it records exactly what the inputs were is what lets the devs use it to debug.
  5. I feel your pain. Running 1-1.3 MB/sec for me. 24 hour download. Glad I managed to be home to get it going this morning so I can play this weekend.
  6. You're likely using the "\" key ("communications menu" binding) to pull up radio menus? It works for EASY comms and on the ground for REALISTIC comms, but in the air you need to use whatever you have bound for "COMM Switch - COMM 1" for COMM 1 and bound for "COMM Switch - COMM 2" for COMM 2. Typically these will be RALT-\ and RCTRL-\. Working on the ground by not after takeoff (and the fact that you are coming from Easy Comms) almost always point to this as the issue.
  7. Realize that the devs have different tools that they can use on track files than average users which I assume gives them more useful information than a user might see. And I get that people get annoyed with the request for a track file, but I've seen too many threads that have gone on for multiple pages with no track file provided where it turns out it was some simple thing that the OP was doing (so user error) that either the user never thought twice about the fact they were doing, or didn't report because they thought it should have no effect but was causing the issue. Stuff that would have been obvious if they had just posted a track file. Without a track file devs get to try a thousand things to repro something that might or might not be a bug. Are track files perfect: no. Are they helpful, yes. A video might not show every button a user presses, a track file captures it.
  8. That's worth looking at. I know years ago that calibrating TM through Windows could cause issues so might be worth clearing that and using the TM tool.
  9. In this case probably posting the mission may be as valuable as posting the track file
  10. From the first post in this thread: "For all existing FC3 owners, FC2024 will be offered as an upgrade for only $9.99! Check out the details below."
  11. Which AP mode? BALT/RALT ONLY control altitude, you can roll as desired without affecting it (as long as you don't give pitch input) and that's as designed. Attitude hold should hold whatever pitch and roll you are at when it's engaged. Are you saying it continues to roll further if you're not trimmed with ATT hold? I get that you have problems with getting AP to engage, but I'm going to guess that the reason there aren't a lot more complaints is that most people don't have an issue. I have a Virpil WarBRD base with no deadzone and I basically never have issues getting it engaged, so it's not blanket "impossible" without a deadzone. Note that I'm not opposed to a tweak to not require quite as tight tolerance, just explaining why it might not be an ED priority.
  12. Haven't had a chance to try your track, but I haven't had any issue doing this. Are you HOLDING the BIT SWITCH while you press the button on the DDI?
  13. I run a mixed system of Virpil WarBRD base with Thrustmaster F-18 stick and WW throttle, MIP/MFD's. No issues. I do run SimAppPro when flying, but the only time I've run Virpil software is to set up the base.
  14. That appears to be trying to set up WW MFD displays. If you don't have them I'd ignore it.
  15. I'd say it's pretty clear that if you own FC3 then the upgrade is $9.99 and that's the only discounted option available.
  16. Because IRL (unless you haven't adjusted the distant between your eyepieces) if you look through binoculars your view looks like a circle, not 2 converging circles. As SMH said, the converging circles is a movie thing.
  17. I'll admit that I have played with fire and done it without disconnecting. Definitely a possibility that it could corrupt something if you don't, but if you accidentally do it you'll likely be OK.
  18. I believe that SPACE is the default trigger binding, which is why pressing it first works (you're sending "trigger" (space) rather than "weapons release" (right alt space)).
  19. Huh. I didn't realize there was a TIR beta version. Didn't think it had changed at all in many years. If you end up having to uninstall again anyway its worth trying the stable version.
  20. Don't feel bad -- it took me a long time to realize that one.
  21. If you click on the UNIT LIST option on the left side (triangle, diamond, box symbols) you can check and uncheck the "show hidden units" box to show or hide the hidden units in the ME. You can double click on units in that list to toggle hidden or exposed status of the unit.
  22. RALT is limited to below 5K IIRC, BALT is not limited but may not work well at extreme heights (ie 40K). Please see my original post for possible causes and please attach a track if you want better answers or more likely a direct solution
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