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About Doum76

  • Birthday 06/22/1976

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  • Flight Simulators
    FSX / Acceleration
    DCS A-10c
  • Location
    Qc, Canada
  • Occupation
    Graphic designer

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  1. would make sens then.
  2. @JetJake76 do you know how to update a stored Target, unable to figure it out, or maybe still not implemented even though we have the bindings for it? (i don't mean to edit using the keyboard, but update as per the Store/Update switch in down position.
  3. @BIGNEWYthanks for checking into this!
  4. @BIGNEWY i wasn't sure at first if a bug, if it's AH-64 related or DCS general FLIR, so i created a post in DCS bug section alkso, link below, if you wanna remove the one that has nothing to do in the specific section so we don't have a dupe.
  5. Here you go @BIGNEWY, my test mission, ground hot and targets are ROE Hold fire, so you can directly jump on CP/G and check target in front. Left column active, right column Late Active+Visible BeforeActiv. I tried all possible options, Group AI off/ON, AI Off/ON, starting mission Off with a triger to activate after still does the thing, i even have my main train missions with SAM units activating by a radio menu, so while i was looking at targets they were hot, the second i activate them through my radio menu, they went IR signature off. As mentionned, i haven't tried on any other module t help you guys if it's AH-64 or DCS, just reinstalled all on new computer and started with minimum i play with for now. I've tried with many units and does the same, infantry, some armored, mainly SAMs on this one, so far only the Luv Tigre has the same signature on and off, though less hot than other units, not sure if in DCS difference of temperature shows in IR or still also a bug or something. test.miz
  6. @BIGNEWY greetings sir, possible to check onto this please?
  7. Not sure where to post this, if it's a DCS thing or module thing as i didn't re-installed anything besides the Apache on my new system to try out on otehr modules, so here it is in this section as well. I've also read some bug report about infantry hard to find, i haven'T tried, but wondering if the same with infantry. Hey guys, maybe this was posted, maybe not, or already been told, but basicly i was out of DCS for over a year, updated a few weeks ago to try the AH-64, and last week i changed my computer, all fresh new installed, no copying around, so bascily no preferences etc, using latest open beta version. I've read a few things that the new FLIR mgiht had Whot and Bhot inverted etc.. but what i am wondering now, as i played a mission i created a while ago and head interogation as differences, as on a friend mission or generated mission, vehicules from mission were not being white or black hot, but as the scene, while on my mission, they were being white hot, same colors as the explosions and really contrasted. And i think i found out the differences and wanna if something i miss or something i need to set. Basicly in short my mission has SAM+AAA that can be turned on, or AI activated from radio menu, when ever i wanna deal with SAM or not, so found out when they are off/deactivated, they are white hot, same as fire when i shoot them and also like the scene moving vehicles/traffic, but when turned on, they end up like the scene, no white hot or anything on FLIR, so i did the test, looked at them on the AH-64 tads being off, they are white hot, the second i activate them, they stop glowing and turn as the scene. So i did a test if you wanna reproduce, created new units, when i make the unit late activate checked box and show before activate checked box on the mission editor, they are indeed white hot, when i remove the two checkboxes for these options, they end up again not white hot and as if, not on.... Image with Luv Tigr and Tunguska side by side, left side both units active, while on right side, both units deactivated/activate late https://imgur.com/cnDxlyg Mission editor showing both sides unit settings, https://imgur.com/hbd7gR4 Colums with on the front the Tigr, and behind, Shilka, Tunguska, Strelam Osa, AAA etc... on White hot and Black hot, and left side are always different, so not just polarity inversed. https://imgur.com/6cBq69G https://imgur.com/j1ZAO8e https://imgur.com/JetEegz
  8. so far with my new machine and my old CV1 i have pretty steady FPS, depending on the maps, Syria drains a bit more so it's osciliating between 40-45 fps while Caucassus is a steady 45, , depends what is on the ground, where close i am etc.. mostly in Syria. I haven't really tried at night though. I'm using Oculus Tray Tool though. Haven't really tried 2D except for controls configs or some setups, but not realy flying.
  9. Yeah and i don't think is a matter of inverted polarity, as i tried on this screenshot, all AAA/SAM units (Sa-8, SA-9, SA-16, Shilka, AAA on Ural, does this except the Tigr, and you have white hot and black hot and even on black hot, you can see they are different grayscale, so if it was just inverted polarity, both the left column on screenshot 1, should be the same grayscale as right columnDEfault White hot with left colum as non Flir showingBlack is hot on the other screenshot. (Screenshot with heading tape at 352 is the one with white hot on right and left default as spoken above, while the screenshot with heading tape at 354 is polarity inverted with black hot) and anyways both black columns are different. Feels liek they are seing like on , forget he mode, but like CATV on some pods in the sim, instead of showing as FLIR. https://imgur.com/j1ZAO8e https://imgur.com/6cBq69G
  10. Just realized i initialy created this in wrong Forum section. Here it is. Hey guys, maybe this was posted, maybe not, or already been told, but basicly i was out of DCS for over a year, updated a few weeks ago to try the AH-64, and last week i changed my computer, all fresh new installed, no copying around, so bascily no preferences etc, using latest open beta version. I've read a few things that the new FLIR mgiht had Whot and Bhot inverted etc.. but what i am wondering now, as i played a mission i created a while ago and head interogation as differences, as on a friend mission or generated mission, vehicules from mission were not being white or black hot, but as the scene, while on my mission, they were being white hot, same colors as the explosions and really contrasted. And i think i found out the differences and wanna if something i miss or something i need to set. Basicly in short my mission has SAM+AAA that can be turned on, or AI activated from radio menu, when ever i wanna deal with SAM or not, so found out when they are off/deactivated, they are white hot, same as fire when i shoot them and also like the scene moving vehicles/traffic, but when turned on, they end up like the scene, no white hot or anything on FLIR, so i did the test, looked at them on the AH-64 tads being off, they are white hot, the second i activate them, they stop glowing and turn as the scene. So i did a test if you wanna reproduce, created new units, when i make the unit late activate checked box and show before activate checked box on the mission editor, they are indeed white hot, when i remove the two checkboxes for these options, they end up again not white hot and as if, not on.... ---- EDit: To help view what i mean is, screenshot, i added 2x Tunguska and 2x Luv Tigr, the two on the left are normal actives, while the two on the right as seen in ME, are Late activation and Visible before activation. The Tigsr are the same with both options seen in the FLIR,but the Tungunska deactivated on the right is hot/glow on FLIR, while the activated one on the left is normal as if not detected by Flir or not glowing. Both Tiungunska should be eitehr the same or both Tigrs should be different, in otehr words, the two vehicles are treated differently, sl i'm a bti confused between these difference, i haven'T tried all vehicles, but a few, and the AAA Ural on pickup does the same as the Tugunska, so does the Shilka, so each time i do a mission with normal active SAMS/AAA is a bit of a pain as they don't show on FLIR, so not sure if it was a bug or something i do not understand in the FLIR system. SA-8, SA-9, SA-16, Shilka and AAA on Ural does the same things.
  11. I know this thread is old, but got out of DCS for a bit. The simplest way i'Ve found when i wanna used an existing mission and get rid of all the chitchat etc, is simply open the mission in the Mission Editor, take off all the unwanted Triggers with the text etc and what i don't want and save it in my Mission Folder and use this to practicwe what so ever.
  12. Seriously, people need to freaking chill up with the bitching and whining. I joined DCS or should i say, back then, A-10C Warthog in 2009, at an era there was Blackshark servers and A-10C servers, that's it, then they started by merging both Games together, we could Fly A-10c and come across some KA-50's, then, DCS World seen birth, then others Aircraft seen birth, then we discovered DCS World 1.5, wow that was a change, not to mentionned 2.5, then, ED gave permssions to third party developpers, and then tons of new modules seen the day. So many changes, so many new adition to bring us Simers notch up to realism (Wing Tip Vortices, Turbulence, Vapors etc..etc) list is long, Tendem Aircrafts, though yeah sorta buggy some times. So, unless of crying and bitching, just freaking be thankful and greatful to ED to bring this all along these passed years, if so, us, Military aircraft lovers, would stil be flying in crappy FSX with ugly looking and boring aircraft with stupid not modeled collision and doing mid air refluling on a tanker but imaginating an invisible floating bubble around the drogue basket. Or shooting down targets with some packs that sorta explodes etc.... Back then yes games weren't as buggy, but, game weren't launched on Early Access, Open Beta weren't much offered to public, you wanted something, you had to wait until it reaches the shelves in stores. You want no buggy games, simple, don't grab Early Acess Stuff, don't play games that have constant evolution in or changes or addition modules etc.. Grab a Console, and wait til games reaches the Shelve, then, yes, you might have less and less bugs issues. So let's keep bitching and whining, and maybe, ED will get fed up, stop supporting their product or release stuff years after it's done it's developpement so we don't get any bugs, or simply start treating DCS as a stactic not eveolving Sim World. So next time you bitch, or any others, sit down, lok back, think about what all that had happened and evolved in DCS / ED World, in less than 11 years, and maybe, using your head, you might try to understand al the hard work done to get there. That's my own opinion, BTW you want almost no nug stuff, grab A-10c Warthog or Blackshark or any crap non-clickable cockpit from FC3 and enjoy them, they are really old and pretty much finiched and almost bug free, though make sure not to use any new implemented stuff. ;) And next time you wish for something in your own order, your own little update, remember, there is maybe thousands of people in this community, with each having their own favorites modules, their own little whish list, their own little stuff they want fix, so take for exemple 200 people, having at least 2-3 item each different as priority, makes the math at how ED can please everyone at the same time, we just gotta stop being selfish and all wish our own little things. Gaming community got so much whiners and bitching since we can get games by a simple Download button, we sit in our confortable computer chair, after a hard day of work, or some of you guys after a day at school, and all we gotta do is press a freaking button that says PLAY or DOWNLOAD, while on the otehr side of the fence, those, are the ones who works their ass off on the day, and we dare whining at them like frustrated bitches and some even dare insulting them that they cannot work properly etc,, and have freaking no clue what developping a game involves. Always easy to bitch and criticise when not in the others shoes. Sorry had to say something about this, cuz each time i waste my time looking at update news on FB all i get to read is people bitching, asking their own little world bug fixes, thinking about their own little belly button.
  13. I Presume the guys in the Tower, holding their coffees and looking at each others says to one another « For **** sake, he's alone on the entire freaking carrier, why does he bugs us for instructions, can'T we just enjoy our cofee and do his things by himself, he has the entire deck for himself! » :P
  14. In other words, your Antenna Elevation is lacking power? Check your Keybindings :)
  15. Are you actualy thinking before asking things?Really? Have you ever browse through the forums, and actuay stoped and read about the bugs people ask ED to fix, some for long years, some new, some that comes and go, have you read all the people bashing and whining on ED either on the forums or Facebook, have you reaf the roadmap to what they plan to do, to either finalise some modules or even get them out of the EA states? Now you would ask ED to create a new behavior, yes it doesn't compute as easy, it's not just a click on my MMORPG firend's cartoon and select « Follow ». You are asking ED to create a system that would follow the tanker anywhere (im not a dev, but i am sure it involves way more thna only use the AI's behavior to refuel and apply it to players flyable aicrafts), follow the BOOM or Drogue Basket systems, cuz of course, gotta please both world, to connect to it, to follow the new behavior they are trying to implement because, let's face it, the majority of this Sim community want realism, so the wing wakes etc is what people are please of, so you want your new system to counter this, like an autopliot, but requires a fully proggrames AI to do it. You know many people, able to AAR is like an accomplishment, you think ED will waste all this time, skip all the core stuff needed to be done in the game/modules, for maybe not even 10% of the DCS community? As previous post said, you are not FORCE to do it, you can avoid it, there is so many airfields around, carrier you can drop anywhere you want, airfield, that YOU can decide which is firend or foe, versus real life, you can't even land where ever you want. The possibility to avoid AAR is so huge. Yes it's a pain to learn and as post up said, if you have the hardware (to be honest if you play with your keyboard and mouse, sorry, but asking ED to do something for that is a bit dumb) or if you are not disabled, anyway i am sure quite a few people on here with some disabilities ever does AAR. Again is a matter of try. If i can do it, anyone can. And if your arguement is, « i don't have the time to learn it », well, just don't do it. We already have autostart, which is, a huge huge step toward making the game not so hardcore as you say, we got options to set game as Sim or Game in controls etc... That's already a lot, but asking to create a sorta AI behavior to auto refuel, what's the point? One of the most impressive cool feature of the game for me in early 2010 when i discovered the game, was to fly online with other people to do formation flying, if at this state you want AI to fix this, might as well wish for ED to model a « Northrop Grumman X-47B » you'll be please. Sorry if it sounds rude, but sometimes, i find ourselves the community so freaking hard to satisfy, we are sorta all selfish, we are all want our own little wishlish, not carring for others and bitching at Developpers not to please our own all little tiny persons. But keep faith, maybe ED will hear ya and one day, they'll start to work on this and will break otehr core elements in order to implement this weird behavior that will for sure cause issue in Multi-Player with dumb people flying all over you. EDIT: Btw, if fuel is so much an issue for you and realism doesn't matter that much, in the Mission Editor, you can check Unlimted Fuel or i think even in your own Game Settings, fixes all the issues. ;)
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