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Everything posted by badaboom

  1. WOW!!! L@@K'IN GREAT!!!
  2. :D This might not be a bad thing,by the time they get around to us we should know what works best for DCS!:D
  3. Very interesting story of a Hornet Driver and his Wingman Struck by Lightning.
  4. I'm going to stick with my original 8K Pledge,I think it will have lasting power as software/GPU catch up.But I'm backer 4261:cry: So I have lots of time to decide:D
  5. It's FRIDAY!!! Maybe some Chopper News Today?
  6. :thumbup: Thx....The reviews from the Beta testers has been very positive:thumbup: I'll be sure to let you know when I receive mine this fall:thumbup:Thx for your Great input!!!:thumbup: Are you referring to my comment? If so, The OP is asking if he should buy a "Used" DK"Developmental Kit" or "Prototype" of The Rift,This is a very Primitive version of VR,The CV1 Has better resolution and much better head tracking.....when I responded to OP with "Keep an eye on ebay or other such sites for a good used one." I of course didn't mean "NEW"I'm not sure how you can misunderstand that Statement?
  7. I'm Sold!!!:thumbup:
  8. Actually Pimax 8K 2nd gen headsets start shipping the end of this month for kickstarter backers,I'm sure more than a few of these will hit the ebay open market as well. From the Pimax news letter..... "0 days countdown - M2 in-depth reviews are coming up from mid-Sep The crew is back to the office! After the meetup with over 100 enthusiastic backers in Berlin, the team looks calm but still thrilled inside. The participants of the meetup, including our lovely volunteers, are all Pimax backers. Glad to find our backers are real VR enthusiasts who are not only passionate but also knowledgeable about VR. During the meetup, people were chatting with each other like old friends about all the VR topics. The meetup cannot have been so successful without the passion and support from you! Moreover, the M2 devices we showcased in the meetup are exactly the result of the collective power of the community, especially the M1 closed beta group. For the past three months, the testers dedicated their valuable hours every single day in testing in addition to their own very busy schedule. The efforts of the testers are all about to deliver the best possible headsets to Berlin, and to your doorstep in the near future. For the rest of the days on September, the team will focus on production and delivery, also manage to speed up the software iterations. The Kickstarter shipping will start by the end of September. We already have several top voted cities from the community. The time and location of the next meetup will be disclosed when confirmed. The testers you met in Berlin, Thomas, Sebastian, and Martin, are now working on M2 review videos for all the backers.
  9. On October 7th....When you click on Heatblur's TomCat link...You will be instantly teleported to a '70's era TRON game where you'll need to duel your way against various forms of TRON AI....If You defeat these Evil Forms of Circuit Board Wizardry then...."And Only Then"...Will you get a peak into Heatblurs Apocalyptic post October 7th World.....Good Luck!! ...MUWHAHAHAHA!!!!!:evil::evil::evil:
  10. I have the same system you're thinking of getting and it runs DCS Brilliantly in VR with Rift. **edit** Just read you decided on going for a new rig.....Great Choice!
  11. I wouldn't buy The DK2.The Consumer version of the rift will be considerably cheaper in a month or so when 2nd gen of VR headsets hit the market.Keep an eye on ebay or other such sites for a good used one.
  12. Open Beta Hotfix #3 is Up Fixed crash at start mission in the Persian Gulf and Normandy. Fixed issue of Oculus Rift with Asynchronous Spacewarp mode. Added Helicopters Ops mission dedicated to start of sales the Helicopters bundle (Ka-50, Mi-8MTV2, UH-1H, SA342)
  13. :thumbup: Thank You:thumbup:
  14. Franky.Were You testing the second/newest prototype of Pimax 8k? Thx.
  15. Happy Friday Friends!!! What News do you think/Hope DCS will provide today??
  16. If you have The Ka-50 you can move the Instant Action "Shooting Range" mission to your own missions folder and edit it in ME as needed.
  17. :thumbup:Thank You.....BIG Difference :thumbup:
  18. I find 1.5.7 "Caucasus" runs much better in VR after last update,2.1 was supposed to get an update today but some last minute bugs prevented this,they're hoping for a Friday update.
  19. Thank You,These were posted by Wags about a year ago........
  20. Has there been any pics of urban areas in the caucasus region? I don't remember seeing any.
  21. Sweet Su-33 pic on ED's FB Page
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